4,623 research outputs found

    Communication and interpretation of emotional distress within the friendships of young Irish men prior to suicide: A qualitative study

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the article, which has been published in final form at DOI: 10.1111/hsc.12124. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.The potential for young men in crisis to be supported by their lay networks is an important issue for suicide prevention, due to the under-utilisation of healthcare services by this population. Central to the provision of lay support is the capability of social networks to recognise and respond effectively to young men's psychological distress and suicide risk. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore young men's narratives of peer suicide, in order to identify how they interpreted and responded to behavioural changes and indications of distress from their friend before suicide. In-depth qualitative interviews were conducted during 2009/10 with 15 Irish males (aged 19-30 years) who had experienced the death by suicide of a male friend in the preceding 5 years. The data were analysed using a thematic approach. Through the analysis of the participants' stories and experiences, we identified several features of young male friendships and social interactions that could be addressed to strengthen the support available to young men in crisis. These included the reluctance of young men to discuss emotional or personal issues within male friendships; the tendency to reveal worries and emotion only within the context of alcohol consumption; the tendency of friends to respond in a dismissive or disapproving way to communication of suicidal thoughts; the difficulty of knowing how to interpret a friend's inconsistent or ambiguous behaviour prior to suicide; and beliefs about the sort of person who takes their own life. Community-based suicide prevention initiatives must enhance the potential of young male social networks to support young men in crisis, through specific provisions for developing openness in communication and responsiveness, and improved education about suicide risk

    Reciprocal Disarmament: A Game Proposal

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    The events of the late 1980s brought high hopes that arms control could play a major role in reducing both the danger of war and the considerable economic burden which the maintenance of large military forces represents. At the same time, many critics have pointed out that arms control, at least as traditionally conceived, has inherent limitations. For no treaty, however well-drafted, can ever encompass and quantify every significant aspect of the military strength that potential adversaries may have

    Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Fertilization for Newly Established Tall Fescue

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    Tall fescue production was studied during a third year at two locations. In 2015, Site 1 was affected by an interaction between nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilization rates; while in 2016, Site 2 mainly received production differences by N fertilization rates. Potassium (K) fertilization caused little effect at both sites. Third-year production of tall fescue was affected by an interaction between nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilization rates at Site 1 in 2015, but mainly by N fertilization rates at Site 2 in 2016, with little effect from potassium (K) fertilization at either site

    Not a “Mom Thing”: Predictors of Gatekeeping in SameSex and Heterosexual Parent Families

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    The current study is the first to examine parental gatekeeping in both same-sex (57 female, 51 male) and heterosexual (n 82) couples, all of whom became parents via adoption. Aspects of the individual, the couple, and the work context, measured preadoption, were examined as predictors of gatekeeping. Gatekeeping refers to attitudes and behaviors aimed at regulating and limiting the involvement of the other parent in housework and child care and was measured 2 years postadoption. Findings revealed that women in heterosexual relationships reported higher gatekeeping compared with all other groups, and men in same-sex relationships reported higher gatekeeping compared with women in same-sex relationships and men in heterosexual relationships. Across the full sample, lower job autonomy predicted higher gatekeeping in both housework and child care, whereas greater relationship ambivalence, greater perceived parenting skill, and lower perceived partner parenting skill predicted higher gatekeeping in child care. Findings provide insight into how gatekeeping behaviors and beliefs are enacted in diverse types of couples and suggest that work factors should be taken into account when conducting research on, and seeking to improve, coparenting relationships

    Nitrogen Fertilizer Timing and Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilization Rates for Established Endophyte-Free Tall Fescue

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    Tall fescue production was measured during the second year of a study with locations started in fall of 2016 and fall of 2017. In the second year at both sites, phosphorus (P) fertilization rate did not affect harvest yields. Applying nitrogen (N) in late fall or late winter resulted in greater spring yields than applying N in spring or not applying N. However, fall harvest yields at Site 1 in 2018 were greater without N, but were greater with spring N application at Site 2 in 2019. In both site-years, the second-year tall fescue total yield rank as affected by N fertilizer timing was late fall=late winter\u3espring\u3eno N, even though overall yields were greater in 2019 at Site 2

    Solvent Extraction of Soybean Oil by Mixtures of Trichloroethylene and Ethyl Alcohol

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    Various solvents have been used for extracting vegetable oils such as soybean oil. Certain petroleum fractions are widely used commercially. They have the advantage of low cost, but the disadvantage of being highly flammable and their vapors being explosive in a wide range of mixture with air. Certain of the chlorinated hydrocarbons are excellent solvents but have had only limited use because of high cost and lack of suitable processing methods and equipment. Process and equipment for the use of trichloroethylene, one of these chlorinated hydrocarbons, have been developed in Engineering Experiment Station Laboratory, Iowa State College. Trichloroethylene is a colorless liquid boiling at 86.7°C. with a specific gravity of 1.46 at 25°C. It is an excellent solvent for soybean oil, is non-flammable, and of a toxicity of the order of the usual petroleum fractions. Various alcohols such as ethanol and methanol have had limited application

    N, P, and K Fertilization for Newly Established Tall Fescue

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    Second-year production of tall fescue was affected by nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilization rates at Site 1 in 2014 and only by N fertilization rates at Site 2 in 2015, with little effect from potassium (K) fertilization at either site

    The Production of Chloropicrin as Needed from Dry Mixtures of Picric Acid and Bleaching Powder

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    Chloropicrin or trichloromethane is a colorless liquid boiling at l 12°C and having a specific gravity of 1.69. It was first prepared by Stenhouse from picric acid and bleaching powder. Its first use was in chemical warfare by the Allied troops in 1918. It was prepared in large quantities at Edgewood Arsenal during the World War, by the method developed and patented by the senior author. Picric acid, hydrated lime, and water were mixed to form a calcium picrate suspension. This suspension together with a suspension of bleaching powder and water was run into a still. The chloropicrin was steam-distilled off

    Application of activated barrier hopping theory to viscoplastic modeling of glassy polymers

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    YesAn established statistical mechanical theory of amorphous polymer deformation has been incorporated as a plastic mechanism into a constitutive model and applied to a range of polymer mechanical deformations. The temperature and rate dependence of the tensile yield of PVC, as reported in early studies, has been modeled to high levels of accuracy. Tensile experiments on PET reported here are analyzed similarly and good accuracy is also achieved. The frequently observed increase in the gradient of the plot of yield stress against logarithm of strain rate is an inherent feature of the constitutive model. The form of temperature dependence of the yield that is predicted by the model is found to give an accurate representation. The constitutive model is developed in two-dimensional form and implemented as a user-defined subroutine in the finite element package ABAQUS. This analysis is applied to the tensile experiments on PET, in some of which strain is localized in the form of shear bands and necks. These deformations are modeled with partial success, though adiabatic heating of the instability causes inaccuracies for this isothermal implementation of the model. The plastic mechanism has advantages over the Eyring process, is equally tractable,and presents no particular difficulties in implementation with finite elements.F. Boutenel acknowledges an Erasmus Programme Scholarshi
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