541 research outputs found

    ”Det var en vild kĂ€nsla att inte höra hemma nĂ„gonstans”:synvinklar pĂ„ vuxna Ă„tervandrarbarns Ă„tervandring frĂ„n Sverige till Finland

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    Abstrakt. Denna pro gradu-avhandling handlar om vuxna Ă„tervandrarbarn som har flyttat frĂ„n Sverige till Finland pĂ„ 1980-talet och varit dĂ„ i grundskoleĂ„ldern. Jag intervjuade dem nu nĂ€r de Ă€r vuxna, och tog reda pĂ„ hurdan erfarenhet Ă„tervandringen har varit för dem och vilken betydelse Ă„tervandringen till Finland och tiden i Sverige har för dem. I studien deltog fem informanter. Jag anvĂ€nde temaintervju som datainsamlingsmetod och IPA-metoden som analyssĂ€tt. Förkortningen IPA kommer frĂ„n orden interpretative phenomenological analysis och betyder ett tolkande fenomenologiskt analyssĂ€tt. Forskningsgrenen Ă€r hermeneutisk-fenomenologisk. Eftersom jag har ett tillbakablickande sĂ€tt att se pĂ„ informanternas Ă„tervandring Ă€r studien minnesforskning. Jag strĂ€var inte efter att generalisera resultat utan att fĂ„ fram Ă„tervandrarbarnens röst, och min studie Ă€r kvalitativ. I teoridelen behandlar jag den stora flyttvĂ„gen frĂ„n Sverige till Finland som skedde pĂ„ 1960- och 1970-talen. Jag berĂ€ttar ocksĂ„ om dagens sverigefinlĂ€ndare med tyngdpunkt pĂ„ den s.k. andra generationens finlĂ€ndare, alltsĂ„ avkomlingarna till dem som flyttade frĂ„n Finland till Sverige med den stora flyttvĂ„gen. Jag skriver ocksĂ„ om Ă„tervandringen till Finland och dess skĂ€l. Ett centralt begrepp i min studie Ă€r tredje kulturens barn som betyder personer som har bott en betydande del av sin barndom utanför förĂ€ldrarnas ursprungliga kultur. Jag presenterar ocksĂ„ nĂ„gra centrala forskningar som gjorts om Ă„tervandrarbarn. Som resultat fick jag att alla informanterna hade saknat Sverige efter att de hade flyttat till Finland. FörvĂ€ntningarna av Finland hade varit högre Ă€n verkligheten. TvĂ„ informanter upplevde Ă„tervandringen svĂ„r, och hade Ă€ven blivit mobbade för sin ”svenskhet”. Hobbyer hade varit till hjĂ€lp i att fĂ„ vĂ€nner i det nya hemlandet. Tre av informanterna upplevde undervisningen i svenska som frustrerande. MĂ„nga informanter tyckte att livet i Sverige kunde ha varit lika bra som det i Finland om de aldrig hade Ă„tervandrat till Finland. Som positiva följder av att Ă„tervandra har informanterna upplevt bland annat att de har fĂ„tt mer sjĂ€lvförstĂ„else som följd av en svĂ„r erfarenhet. De ser att pĂ„ grund av Ă„tervandringen har de fĂ„tt högre utbildning; i Sverige skulle de enligt sin Ă„sikt kanske hamnat i fabriksarbete. De uppskattar sprĂ„kförmĂ„gan som de har fĂ„tt och anser sig vara mer vidsynta tack vare Ă„ren i Sverige. De har haft nytta av dessa egenskaper i arbetslivet. En del av dem kĂ€nner dock rotlöshet och en kĂ€nsla av utanförskap. Återvandring till Finland som barn kan vara en skakande erfarenhet men ocksĂ„ en rikedom. Återvandrare Ă€r en osynlig grupp invandrare i samhĂ€llet. Ofta tĂ€nker man att Ă„tervandring sker lĂ€tt speciellt mellan tvĂ„ nordiska lĂ€nder eftersom kulturerna Ă€r likadana och man Ă„tervandrar till ett bekant land. Man bör dock komma ihĂ„g att Ă„tervandrarbarn kanske inte har bott i Finland förut. Ännu idag Ă„tervandrar familjer och enstaka personer frĂ„n olika lĂ€nder till Finland. Det finns tiotusentals personer med Ă„tervandrarbakgrund i Finland, och deras röst borde fĂ„ höras i skolan och i samhĂ€llet. Deras erfarenheter Ă€r ett stort kapital i vĂ„rt land eftersom de kan flera sprĂ„k och har erfarenhet av flera kulturer, och detta kapital bör inte förloras.TiivistelmĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€ pro gradu -tutkielma kĂ€sittelee aikuisia paluumuuttajalapsia, jotka ovat muuttaneet Ruotsista Suomeen 1980-luvulla ja olleet silloin peruskouluikĂ€isiĂ€. Haastattelin heitĂ€ nyt, kun he ovat aikuisia ja selvitin, millainen kokemus paluumuutto on heille ollut. Selvitin myös millaisen merkityksen he antavat paluumuutolle ja ajalle, jonka he ovat Ruotsissa asuneet. Tutkielmaani osallistui viisi haastateltavaa. KĂ€ytin tiedonkeruumenetelmĂ€nĂ€ teemahaastattelua ja analysoimiseen IPA-metodia. Lyhenne IPA tulee sanoista interpretative phenmenological analysis ja tarkoittaa tulkitsevaa fenomenologista analyysitapaa. Tutkimussuunta on hermeneuttis-fenomenologinen. Tutkielmani on osa muistitietotutkimusta, koska tutkielmassani katsotaan haastateltavien kokemusta paluumuutosta taaksepĂ€in. En pyri yleistĂ€mÀÀn tutkimustuloksiani, vaan saamaan paluumuuttajalasten ÀÀnen kuuluville. Tutkielmani on kvalitatiivinen. Teoriaosassa kerron 1960- ja 1970-lukujen suuresta muuttoaallosta Suomesta Ruotsiin. Kerron myös tĂ€mĂ€n pĂ€ivĂ€n ruotsinsuomalaisista painopisteenĂ€ nk. toisen sukupolven siirtolaisiin, eli suuren muuttoaallon mukana muuttaneiden jĂ€lkelĂ€isiin. Kirjoitan myös paluumuutosta Suomeen ja sen syistĂ€. Keskeinen kĂ€site tutkielmassani on kolmannen kulttuurin kasvatit, jolla tarkoitetaan henkilöitĂ€, jotka ovat asuneet merkittĂ€vĂ€n osan lapsuudestaan vanhempiensa alkuperĂ€isen kulttuurin ulkopuolella. Esittelen myös muutaman paluumuuttajalapsista tehdyn keskeisen tutkimuksen. Tutkimustulokseksi sain, ettĂ€ kaikki haastateltavani ovat kaivanneet takaisin Ruotsiin muutettuaan Suomeen. Odotukset Suomesta eivĂ€t olleet vastanneet todellisuutta. Kaksi haastateltavista koki paluumuuton vaikeana, ja olivat jopa tullet kiusatuiksi ”ruotsalaisuutensa” vuoksi. Harrastuksista oli ollut apua ystĂ€vien löytĂ€misessĂ€ uudessa kotimaassa. Kolmen haastateltavan mielestĂ€ ruotsin opiskelu Suomessa oli turhauttavaa. Monen haastateltavan mielestĂ€ elĂ€mĂ€ Ruotsissa olisi voinut olla yhtĂ€ hyvÀÀ kuin elĂ€mĂ€ Suomessa, jos he eivĂ€t koskaan olisi muuttaneet takaisin Suomeen. Positiivisina seurauksina paluumuutosta ovat haastateltavat kokeneet muun muassa sen, ettĂ€ he ymmĂ€rtĂ€vĂ€t itseÀÀn paremmin seurauksena vaikeasta kokemuksesta. HeidĂ€n mielestÀÀn he ovat saaneet korkeamman koulutuksen Suomeen muuton vuoksi; Ruotsissa he olisivat oman nĂ€kemyksensĂ€ mukaan ehkĂ€ pÀÀtyneen tehdastyölĂ€isiksi. He arvostavat saamaansa kielitaitoa, ja arvioivat olevansa avarakatseisempia Ruotsissa asuttujen vuosien ansiosta. NĂ€istĂ€ ominaisuuksista heillĂ€ on ollut hyötyĂ€ työelĂ€mĂ€ssĂ€. Osa heistĂ€ tuntee kuitenkin juurettomuuden ja ulkopuolisuuden tunteita. Paluumuutto Suomeen lapsena voi olla mullistava kokemus, mutta myös rikkaus. Paluumuuttajat ovat nĂ€kymĂ€tön siirtolaisten ryhmĂ€ yhteiskunnassa. Usein ajatellaan, ettĂ€ paluumuutto sujuu helposti kahden Pohjoismaan vĂ€lillĂ€, koska kulttuurit ovat samankaltaisia ja paluumuutto tapahtuu tuttuun maahan. TĂ€ytyy kuitenkin muistaa, ettĂ€ paluumuuttajalapsi ei kenties koskaan aiemmin ole asunut Suomessa. TĂ€nĂ€kin pĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€ Suomeen saapuu perheitĂ€ ja yksittĂ€isiĂ€ henkilöitĂ€ paluumuuttajina. HeidĂ€n ÀÀnensĂ€ tulisi saada kuulua koulussa ja yhteiskunnassa. HeidĂ€n kokemuksensa on valtava pÀÀoma maassamme, koska he osaavat useita kieliĂ€ ja heillĂ€ on kokemusta monista kulttuureista, ja tĂ€tĂ€ pÀÀomaa ei tule kadottaa

    Cell cycle regulators p27 and pRb in lymphomas – correlation with histology and proliferative activity

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    The cell cycle is a complex event in which multiple regulator-proteins participate. The G 1/S checkpoint of the cell cycle is controlled by pRb protein, which functions in its hypophosphorylated form as a negative regulator of growth. p27 (Kip1), a member of CIP/KIP family of cyclin inhibitory proteins, participates in inhibition of forming complexes that allow pRb to phosphorylate and lead the cell into mitosis. The expression of these important cell cycle regulator proteins was studied in a total of 96 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) samples, which were classified according to the REAL classification. The expression of p27, pRb and the cell proliferation marker Ki-67 (MIB-1) was evaluated in lymphomas using immunohistochemistry. This study showed that there were coordinate changes in the expression of p27 and pRb in NHL. When compared to low-grade lymphomas, high-grade lymphomas showed significantly reduced expression of p27 and inversely pRb expression was increased (P < 0.001). Increase in expression of Ki-67 was parallel with pRb expression, and was mainly seen in cells that lacked p27 expression (P < 0.0001). This study suggests that changes in the control of the cell cycle closely relate to the pathobiology of NHL. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Pacemaker implantation in small hospitals: complication rates comparable to larger centres

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    Some countries have a demography that makes it necessary to maintain relatively small pacemaker centres. We wanted to assess the quality of pacemaker surgery in two such hospitals. Through patient records we gathered information on ∌535 consecutive primary pacemaker implantations in two small pacemaker centres with 30 and 80 annual operations, respectively. All patients were followed for 3 years. All complications documented in the patient records were registered. Furthermore, we performed a non-systematic literature search comparing our data with reports from major centres published over the last 10 years.We found 72 complications in 64 (12.0%) of the patients, the most common being bleeding, lead failure, and pneumothorax. If minor bleedings without any consequences for the patients are excluded, the number of complications was 46 in 40 patients (7.5%). We had to reoperate on 5.2% of the patients. There was no statistically significant difference in complication rates between the two hospitals. Education candidates generated statistically significant more complications than experienced doctors (13.7 vs. 7.1%, P < 0.05). There are no generally accepted norms of complication rates in pacemaker surgery. However, we found no indications that our centres have a rate of complications that is unacceptably high

    Association of Heart Rate With Troponin Levels Among Patients With Symptomatic Atrial Fibrillation

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    This cohort study investigates heart rate and cardiac troponin levels in patients admitted to the emergency department with symptomatic atrial fibrillation.Non peer reviewe

    Effects of cognac on coronary flow reserve and plasma antioxidant status in healthy young men

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The cardioprotective effects of certain alcoholic beverages are partly related to their polyphenol content, which may improve the vasodilatory reactivity of arteries. Effect of cognac on coronary circulation, however, remains unknown. The purpose of this randomized controlled cross-over study was to determine whether moderate doses of cognac improve coronary reactivity as assessed with cold pressor testing (CPT) and coronary flow reserve (CFR) measument.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Study group consisted of 23 subjects. Coronary flow velocity and epicardial diameter was assessed using transthoracic echocardiography at rest, during CPT and adenosine infusion-derived CFR measurements before drinking, after a moderate (1.2 ± 0.1 dl) and an escalating high dose (total amount 2.4 ± 0.3 dl) of cognac. To explore the bioavailability of antioxidants, the antioxidant contents of cognac was measured and the absorption from the digestive tract was verified by plasma antioxidant capacity determination.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Serum alcohol levels increased to 1.2 ± 0.2‰ and plasma antioxidant capacity from 301 ± 43.9 ÎŒmol/l to 320 ± 25.0 ÎŒmol/l by 7.6 ± 11.8%, (p = 0.01) after high doses of cognac. There was no significant change in flow velocity during CPT after cognac ingestion compared to control day. CFR was 4.4 ± 0.8, 4.1 ± 0.9 (p = NS), and 4.5 ± 1.2 (p = NS) before drinking and after moderate and high doses on cognac day, and 4.5 ± 1.4, and 4.0 ± 1.2 (p = NS) on control day.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Cognac increased plasma antioxidant capacity, but it had no effect on coronary circulation in healthy young men.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>NCT00330213</p

    Preoperative paroxysmal atrial fibrillation predicts high cardiovascular mortality in patients undergoing surgical aortic valve replacement with a bioprosthesis: CAREAVR study

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    Background Preoperative permanent atrial fibrillation (AF) is associated with impaired outcome after surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR). The impact of preoperative paroxysmal AF, however, has remained elusive. Purpose We assessed the impact of preoperative paroxysmal AF on outcome in patients undergoing SAVR with bioprosthesis. Methods A total of 666 patients undergoing isolated AVR with a bioprosthesis were included. Survival data was obtained from the national registry Statistics Finland. Patients were divided into three groups according to the preoperative rhythm: sinus rhythm (n = 502), paroxysmal AF (n = 90), and permanent AF (n = 74). Results Patients in the sinus rhythm and paroxysmal AF groups did not differ with respect to age (P = .484), gender (P = .402) or CHA(2)DS(2)-VASc score (P = .333). At 12-month follow-up, AF was present in 6.2% of sinus rhythm patients and in 42.4% of paroxysmal AF patients (P <.001). During follow-up, incidence of fatal strokes in the paroxysmal AF group was higher compared to sinus rhythm group (1.9 vs 0.4 per 100 patient-years, HR 4.4 95% Cl 1.8-11.0, P = .001). Cardiovascular mortality was higher in the paroxysmal AF group than in the sinus rhythm group (5.0 vs 3.0 per 100 patient-years, HR 1.70 95% CI 1.05-2.76, P = .03) and equal to patients in the permanent AF (5.0 per 100 patient-years). Conclusion Patients undergoing SAVR with bioprosthesis and history of paroxysmal AF had higher risk of developing permanent AF, cardiovascular mortality and incidence of fatal strokes compared to patients with preoperative sinus rhythm. Life-long anticoagulation should be considered in patients with a history of preoperative paroxysmal AF.Peer reviewe

    Improved Stratification of Autonomic Regulation for risk prediction in post-infarction patients with preserved left ventricular function (ISAR-Risk)

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    Aims To investigate the combination of heart rate turbulence (HRT) and deceleration capacity (DC) as risk predictors in post-infarction patients with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) > 30%. Methods and results We enrolled 2343 consecutive survivors of acute myocardial infarction (MI) (30% (cumulative 5-year mortality rates of 37.9% and 7.8%, respectively). Among patients with LVEF > 30%, SAF identified another high-risk group of 117 patients with 37 deaths (cumulative 5-year mortality rates of 38.6% and 6.1%, respectively). Merging both high-risk groups (i.e. LVEF ≀ 30% and/or SAF) doubled the sensitivity of mortality prediction compared with LVEF ≀ 30% alone (21.1% vs. 42.1%, P 30%, SAF identifies a high-risk group equivalent in size and mortality risk to patients with LVEF ≀ 30%

    Adrenergic and myogenic regulation of viscoelasticity in the vascular bed of the human forearm

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    This study tested the hypothesis that the compliance (C) and viscoelasticity (K) of the forearm vascular bed are controlled by myogenic and/or α-adrenergic receptor (αAR) activation. Heart rate (HR) and waveforms of brachial artery blood pressure (Finometer) and forearm blood flow (Doppler ultrasound) were measured in baseline conditions and during infusion of noradrenaline (NA; αAR agonist), with and without phentolamine (αAR antagonist; n= 10; 6 men and 4 women). These baseline and αAR-agonist-based measures were repeated when the arm was positioned above or below the heart to modify the myogenic stimulus. A lumped Windkessel model was used to quantify the values of forearm C and K in each set of conditions. Baseline forearm C was inversely, and K directly, related to the myogenic load (P \u3c 0.001). Compared with saline infusion, C was increased, but K was unaffected, with phentolanine, but only in the \u27above\u27 position. Compliance was reduced (P \u3c 0.001) and K increased (P= 0.06) with NA infusion (main effects of NA) across arm positions; phentolamine minimized these NA-induced changes in C and K for both arm positions. Examination of conditions with and without NA infusion at similar forearm intravascular pressures indicated that the NA-induced changes in C and K were due largely to the concurrent changes in blood pressure. Therefore, within the range of arm positions used, it was concluded that vascular stiffness and vessel wall viscoelastic properties are acutely affected by myogenic stimuli. Additionally, forearm vascular compliance is sensitive to baseline levels of αAR activation when transmural pressure is low. © 2011 The Physiological Society
