31 research outputs found

    Клиническое наблюдение пациента с синхронными опухолями левой почки и правого мочеточника. Описание клинического случая

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    The paper describes a rare case of synchronous bilateral tumor involvement of the urinary tract.Приводится описание редкого наблюдения больного с синхронным двусторонним опухолевым поражением мочевыделительной системы


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    The results of treatment were analyzed in 308 in patients with non-muscle-invasive (NMI) bladder cancer (BC). The incidence of recurrences was studied in patients with NMI BC who had undergone primary and second look (SL) transurethral resection (TUR). SL TUR is used to identify residual Т1G2−G3 tumors and to specify the stage of the disease, owing to which treatment policy for BC is changed. The authors revealed significant differences between the groups in the rate of early and recurrent NMI BC and its occurrence time during 5 years. The findings show the benefit of relapse-free survival after SL TUR in the T1G2-G3 BC group (p = 0.018). The authors also discuss whether it is reasonable to use SL TUR that allows this procedure to be recommended for patients with G2-G3 NMI BC in routine clinical practice.Проанализированы результаты лечения 308 пациентов с немышечно-инвазивным (НМИ) раком мочевого пузыря (РМП). Изучена частота встречаемости рецидивов у пациентов с НМИ РМП с однократной и повторной (second look – SL) трансуретральной резекцией (ТУР). Посредством SL ТУР выявляются резидуальные опухоли Т1G2−G3, уточняется стадия заболевания, благодаря чему изменяется тактика лечения РМП. Нами выявлены достоверные различия между группами в частоте и сроках возникновения ранних и рецидивов в течение 5 лет. Полученные результаты отражают преимущество безрецидивной выживаемости после выполнения SL ТУР в группах больных РМП T1G2–3 (р = 0,018). Также обсуждается целесообразность применения SL ТУР, позволяющая рекомендовать эту методику пациентам с НМИ РМП G2−3 для рутинной клинической практики


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    Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the prostate belongs to the so-called small-cell neuroendocrine carcinomas and amounts to 1–2 % of all prostate malignancies. With allowance made for the low incidence of this pathology, the paper describes a case of high-grade neuroendocrine (small-cell) prostate cancer with an aggressive course.Нейроэндокринный рак предстательной железы (РПЖ) относится к так называемым мелкоклеточным нейроэндокринным формам рака и составляет 1–2 % всех злокачественных опухолей предстательной железы. С учетом низкой встречаемости этой патологии приводится описание низкодифференцированного нейроэндокринного (мелкоклеточного) РПЖ с крайне агрессивным течением

    A candidate ion-retaining state in the inward-facing conformation of sodium/galactose symporter: Clues from atomistic simulations

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    The recent Vibrio parahaemolyticus sodium/galactose (vSGLT) symporter crystal structure captures the protein in an inward-facing substrate-bound conformation, with the sodium ion placed, by structural alignment, in a site equivalent to the Na2 site of the leucine transporter (LeuT). A recent study, based on molecular dynamics simulations, showed that the sodium ion spontaneously leaves its initial position diffusing outside vSGLT, toward the intracellular space. This suggested that the crystal structure corresponds to an ion-releasing state of the transporter. Here, using metadynamics, we identified a more stable Na+ binding site corresponding to a putative ion-retaining state of the transporter. In addition, our simulations, consistently with mutagenesis studies, highlight the importance of D189 that, without being one of the NA(+)-coordinating residues, regulates its binding/release

    Russian consensus statement on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with carotid stenosis

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    Carotid stenosis is a multidisciplinary problem that requires the involvement of a specialists’ team, including cardiovascular surgeons, neurosurgeons, endovascular surgeons, cardiologists, neurologists, and internists. In this consensus statement, a group of experts considered the main stages of diagnosing carotid stenosis, as well as discussed, the necessary prevention methods and features of choosing the optimal treatment approach. The aim was to provide concise and structured information on the management of patients with carotid stenosis. This document was developed based on the updated clinical guidelines of the European Society for Vascular Surgery and the American Association for Vascular Surgery, taking into account the consensus opinion of Russian experts

    A horizontal alignment tool for numerical trend discovery in sequence data: application to protein hydropathy.

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    PMC3794901An algorithm is presented that returns the optimal pairwise gapped alignment of two sets of signed numerical sequence values. One distinguishing feature of this algorithm is a flexible comparison engine (based on both relative shape and absolute similarity measures) that does not rely on explicit gap penalties. Additionally, an empirical probability model is developed to estimate the significance of the returned alignment with respect to randomized data. The algorithm's utility for biological hypothesis formulation is demonstrated with test cases including database search and pairwise alignment of protein hydropathy. However, the algorithm and probability model could possibly be extended to accommodate other diverse types of protein or nucleic acid data, including positional thermodynamic stability and mRNA translation efficiency. The algorithm requires only numerical values as input and will readily compare data other than protein hydropathy. The tool is therefore expected to complement, rather than replace, existing sequence and structure based tools and may inform medical discovery, as exemplified by proposed similarity between a chlamydial ORFan protein and bacterial colicin pore-forming domain. The source code, documentation, and a basic web-server application are available.JH Libraries Open Access Fun

    Clinical observation of a patient with synchronous tumors of the left kidney and right ureter: A case report

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    The paper describes a rare case of synchronous bilateral tumor involvement of the urinary tract


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    <p><em>The results of treatment were analyzed in 308 in patients with non-muscle-invasive (NMI) bladder cancer (BC). The incidence of recurrences was studied in patients with NMI BC who had undergone primary and second look (SL) transurethral resection (TUR). SL TUR is used to identify residual </em><em>Т</em><em>1G2</em>−<em>G3 tumors and to specify the stage of the disease, owing to which treatment policy for BC is changed. The authors revealed significant differences between the groups in the rate of early and recurrent NMI BC and its occurrence time during 5 years. The findings show the benefit of relapse-free survival after SL TUR in the T1G2-G3 BC group (p = 0.018). The authors also discuss whether it is reasonable to use SL TUR that allows this procedure to be recommended for patients with G2-G3 NMI BC in routine clinical practice.</em></p

    Evaluation of safety and advisability of salvage lymph node dissection in patients with lymphogenic metastases of prostate cancer after radical treatment

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    Background. The rate of prostate cancer progression after radical treatment is about 40 %. Currently, some data suggest that patients with oligometastases have a more favorable prognosis than patients with extensive tumor lesions. In 78 % of cases, oligometastases are localized  in the pelvic and retroperitoneal lymph nodes. Surgical removal of all detectable metastases can cure prostate cancer recurrence, however  the possibility of using salvage lymph node dissection (sLND) in clinical practice remains limited due to the lack of data on surgical and oncological outcomes of this treatment method.The study objective is to evaluate surgical and early oncological outcomes of sLND in patients with progressive prostate cancer after radical treatment.Materials and methods. The study was conducted at the N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology. The analysis included 17 patients with biochemical prostate cancer recurrence and symptoms of lymphogenic disease progression based on positron emission tomography/computed tomography with radiopharmaceuticals 18F-choline (n = 14; 82.35 %) and 68Ga-prostate-specific membrane antigen (n = 1; 5.88 %) and magnetic resonance lymphography with Combidex (ultra-small superparamagnetic iron oxides, USPIO) (n = 2; 12.0 %). All patients underwent sLND in the period from October of 2014 to December of 2016.Results. Postoperative complications were observed in 58.8 % (n = 10) of cases. No grade III and IV complications per the Clavien–Dindo classification were registered. For median follow up duration of 17.5 (5–31) months, full biochemical response in the form of decreased prostate-specific antigen &lt; 0.2 ng/ml was observed in 5 (29.4 %) patients. Mean time to prescription of hormone therapy was 6.6 (1–12) months. Considering this follow up duration, 53 % of patients hadn’t received hormone therapy.Conclusion. Therefore, sLND is a safe surgical intervention with low number of severe complications. sLND can be successfully used in wellselected patients as a diagnostic tool and provide accurate information on the state of lymph nodes. Removal of oligometastases allows  to achieve long-term relapse-free period in individual patients and postpone prescription of hormone therapy