389 research outputs found

    UHF RFID Antenna: Printed Dipole Antenna with a CPS Matching Circuit and Inductively Coupled Feed

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    This paper presents simulated (WIPL‐D pro) and measured results of a UHF RFID antenna realized with a dipole matched to a CPS (Coplanar Stripline) and inductively coupled with a small rectangular loop. Such a design enables achieving and controlling high values of the inductive reactance that is necessary for obtaining good match of the antenna to an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) chip. The antenna is characterized by a simple and robust design, which results in low‐cost realization

    Warm Gas in the Inner Disks around Young Intermediate Mass Stars

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    The characterization of gas in the inner disks around young stars is of particular interest because of its connection to planet formation. In order to study the gas in inner disks, we have obtained high-resolution K-band and M-band spectroscopy of 14 intermediate mass young stars. In sources that have optically thick inner disks, i.e. E(K-L)>1, our detection rate of the ro-vibrational CO transitions is 100% and the gas is thermally excited. Of the five sources that do not have optically thick inner disks, we only detect the ro-vibrational CO transitions from HD 141569. In this case, we show that the gas is excited by UV fluorescence and that the inner disk is devoid of gas and dust. We discuss the plausibility of the various scenarios for forming this inner hole. Our modeling of the UV fluoresced gas suggests an additional method by which to search for and/or place stringent limits on gas in dust depleted regions in disks around Herbig Ae/Be stars

    Secure Improved Cloud-Based RFID Authentication Protocol

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    Sequential and Spontaneous Star Formation Around the Mid-Infrared Halo HII Region KR 140

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    We use 2MASS and MSX infrared observations, along with new molecular line (CO) observations, to examine the distribution of young stellar objects (YSOs) in the molecular cloud surrounding the halo HII region KR 140 in order to determine if the ongoing star-formation activity in this region is dominated by sequential star formation within the photodissociation region (PDR) surrounding the HII region. We find that KR 140 has an extensive population of YSOs that have spontaneously formed due to processes not related to the expansion of the HII region. Much of the YSO population in the molecular cloud is concentrated along a dense filamentary molecular structure, traced by C18O, that has not been erased by the formation of the exciting O star. Some of the previously observed submillimetre clumps surrounding the HII region are shown to be sites of recent intermediate and low-mass star formation while other massive starless clumps clearly associated with the PDR may be the next sites of sequential star formation.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 8 pages, 10 figure

    The Molecular Gas Environment around Two Herbig Ae/Be Stars: Resolving the Outflows of LkHa 198 and LkHa 225S

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    Observations of outflows associated with pre-main-sequence stars reveal details about morphology, binarity and evolutionary states of young stellar objects. We present molecular line data from the Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Association array and Five Colleges Radio Astronomical Observatory toward the regions containing the Herbig Ae/Be stars LkHa 198 and LkHa 225S. Single dish observations of 12CO 1-0, 13CO 1-0, N2H+ 1-0 and CS 2-1 were made over a field of 4.3' x 4.3' for each species. 12CO data from FCRAO were combined with high resolution BIMA array data to achieve a naturally-weighted synthesized beam of 6.75'' x 5.5'' toward LkHa 198 and 5.7'' x 3.95'' toward LkHa 225S, representing resolution improvements of factors of approximately 10 and 5 over existing data. By using uniform weighting, we achieved another factor of two improvement. The outflow around LkHa 198 resolves into at least four outflows, none of which are centered on LkHa 198-IR, but even at our resolution, we cannot exclude the possibility of an outflow associated with this source. In the LkHa 225S region, we find evidence for two outflows associated with LkHa 225S itself and a third outflow is likely driven by this source. Identification of the driving sources is still resolution-limited and is also complicated by the presence of three clouds along the line of sight toward the Cygnus molecular cloud. 13CO is present in the environments of both stars along with cold, dense gas as traced by CS and (in LkHa 225S) N2H+. No 2.6 mm continuum is detected in either region in relatively shallow maps compared to existing continuum observations.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures (5 color), accepted for publication in Ap

    A GLIMPSE into the Nature of Galactic Mid-IR Excesses

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    We investigate the nature of the mid-IR excess for 31 intermediate-mass stars that exhibit an 8 micron excess in either the Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire or the Mid-Course Space Experiment using high resolution optical spectra to identify stars surrounded by warm circumstellar dust. From these data we determine projected stellar rotational velocities and estimate stellar effective temperatures for the sample. We estimate stellar ages from these temperatures, parallactic distances, and evolutionary models. Using MIPS [24] measurements and stellar parameters we determine the nature of the infrared excess for 19 GLIMPSE stars. We find that 15 stars exhibit Halpha emission and four exhibit Halpha absorption. Assuming that the mid-IR excesses arise in circumstellar disks, we use the Halpha fluxes to model and estimate the relative contributions of dust and free-free emission. Six stars exhibit Halpha fluxes that imply free-free emission can plausibly explain the infrared excess at [24]. These stars are candidate classical Be stars. Nine stars exhibit Halpha emission, but their Halpha fluxes are insufficient to explain the infrared excesses at [24], suggesting the presence of a circumstellar dust component. After the removal of the free-free component in these sources, we determine probable disk dust temperatures of Tdisk~300-800 K and fractional infrared luminosities of L(IR)/L(*)~10^-3. These nine stars may be pre-main-sequence stars with transitional disks undergoing disk clearing. Three of the four sources showing Halpha absorption exhibit circumstellar disk temperatures ~300-400 K, L(IR)/L(*)~10^-3, IR colors K-[24]< 3.3, and are warm debris disk candidates. One of the four Halpha absorption sources has K-[24]> 3.3 implying an optically thick outer disk and is a transition disk candidate.Comment: 17 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Evolution of emission line activity in intermediate mass young stars

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    We present optical spectra of 45 intermediate mass Herbig Ae/Be stars. Together with the multi-epoch spectroscopic and photometric data compiled for a large sample of these stars and ages estimated for individual stars by using pre-main sequence evolutionary tracks, we have studied the evolution of emission line activity in them. We find that, on average, the H_alpha emission line strength decreases with increasing stellar age in HAeBe stars, indicating that the accretion activity gradually declines during the PMS phase. This would hint at a relatively long-lived (a few Myr) process being responsible for the cessation of accretion in Herbig Ae/Be stars. We also find that the accretion activity in these stars drops substantially by ~ 3 Myr. This is comparable to the timescale in which most intermediate mass stars are thought to lose their inner disks, suggesting that inner disks in intermediate mass stars are dissipated rapidly after the accretion activity has fallen below a certain level. We, further find a relatively tight correlation between strength of the emission line and near-infrared excess due to inner disks in HAeBe stars, indicating that the disks around Herbig Ae/Be stars cannot be entirely passive. We suggest that this correlation can be understood within the frame work of the puffed-up inner rim disk models if the radiation from the accretion shock is also responsible for the disk heating.Comment: 39 pages, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Stellar Composition of the Star Formation Region CMa R1 -- III. A new outburst of the Be star component in Z CMa

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    We report on a recent event in which, after more than a decade of slowly fading, the visual brightness of the massive young binary Z CMa suddenly started to rise by about 1 magnitude in December 1999, followed by a rapid decline to its previous brightness over the next six months. This behaviour is similar to that exhibited by this system around its eruption in February 1987. A comparison of the intrinsic luminosities of the system with recent evolutionary calculations shows that Z CMa may consist of a 16 M_sun B0 IIIe primary star and a ~ 3 M_sun FUOr secondary with a common age of ~ 3 x 10^5 yr. We also compare new high-resolution spectra obtained in Jan. and Feb. 2000, during the recent rise in brightness, with archive data from 1991 and 1996. The spectra are rich in emission lines, which originate from the envelope of the early B-type primary star. The strength of these emission lines increased strongly with the brightness of Z CMa. We interpret the collected spectral data in terms of an accretion disc with atmosphere around the Herbig B0e component of Z CMa, which has expanded during the outbursts of 1987 and 2000. A high resolution profile of the 6300 A [O I] emission line, obtained by us in March 2002 shows an increase in flux and a prominent blue shoulder to the feature extending to ~ -700 km/s, which was much fainter in the pre-outburst spectra. We propose that this change in profile is a result of a strong change in the collimation of a jet, as a result of the outburst at the start of this century.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA