1,903 research outputs found

    Intrinsic electric field effects on few-particle interactions in coupled GaN quantum dots

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    We study the multi-exciton optical spectrum of vertically coupled GaN/AlN quantum dots with a realistic three-dimensional direct-diagonalization approach for the description of few-particle Coulomb-correlated states. We present a detailed analysis of the fundamental properties of few-particle/exciton interactions peculiar of nitride materials. The giant intrinsic electric fields and the high electron/hole effective masses give rise to different effects compared to GaAs-based quantum dots: intrinsic exciton-exciton coupling, non-molecular character of coupled dot exciton wavefunction, strong dependence of the oscillator strength on the dot height, large ground state energy shift for dots separated by different barriers. Some of these effects make GaN/AlN quantum dots interesting candidates in quantum information processing.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Electronic stress tensor analysis of hydrogenated palladium clusters

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    We study the chemical bonds of small palladium clusters Pd_n (n=2-9) saturated by hydrogen atoms using electronic stress tensor. Our calculation includes bond orders which are recently proposed based on the stress tensor. It is shown that our bond orders can classify the different types of chemical bonds in those clusters. In particular, we discuss Pd-H bonds associated with the H atoms with high coordination numbers and the difference of H-H bonds in the different Pd clusters from viewpoint of the electronic stress tensor. The notion of "pseudo-spindle structure" is proposed as the region between two atoms where the largest eigenvalue of the electronic stress tensor is negative and corresponding eigenvectors forming a pattern which connects them.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, published online, Theoretical Chemistry Account

    Conformal Yano-Killing tensor for the Kerr metric and conserved quantities

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    Properties of (skew-symmetric) conformal Yano--Killing tensors are reviewed. Explicit forms of three symmetric conformal Killing tensors in Kerr spacetime are obtained from the Yano--Killing tensor. The relation between spin-2 fields and solutions to the Maxwell equations is used in the construction of a new conserved quantity which is quadratic in terms of the Weyl tensor. The formula obtained is similar to the functional obtained from the Bel--Robinson tensor and is examined in Kerr spacetime. A new interpretation of the conserved quantity obtained is proposed.Comment: 29 page

    Quantum Mechanics of Dynamical Zero Mode in QCD1+1QCD_{1+1} on the Light-Cone

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    Motivated by the work of Kalloniatis, Pauli and Pinsky, we consider the theory of light-cone quantized QCD1+1QCD_{1+1} on a spatial circle with periodic and anti-periodic boundary conditions on the gluon and quark fields respectively. This approach is based on Discretized Light-Cone Quantization (DLCQ). We investigate the canonical structures of the theory. We show that the traditional light-cone gauge A=0A_- = 0 is not available and the zero mode (ZM) is a dynamical field, which might contribute to the vacuum structure nontrivially. We construct the full ground state of the system and obtain the Schr\"{o}dinger equation for ZM in a certain approximation. The results obtained here are compared to those of Kalloniatis et al. in a specific coupling region.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX file, no figure

    Time-Resolved Measurement of Interatomic Coulombic Decay in Ne_2

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    The lifetime of interatomic Coulombic decay (ICD) [L. S. Cederbaum et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 4778 (1997)] in Ne_2 is determined via an extreme ultraviolet pump-probe experiment at the Free-Electron Laser in Hamburg. The pump pulse creates a 2s inner-shell vacancy in one of the two Ne atoms, whereupon the ionized dimer undergoes ICD resulting in a repulsive Ne^{+}(2p^{-1}) - Ne^{+}(2p^{-1}) state, which is probed with a second pulse, removing a further electron. The yield of coincident Ne^{+} - Ne^{2+} pairs is recorded as a function of the pump-probe delay, allowing us to deduce the ICD lifetime of the Ne_{2}^{+}(2s^{-1}) state to be (150 +/- 50) fs in agreement with quantum calculations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted by PRL on July 11th, 201

    Quantum Mechanics of Yano tensors: Dirac equation in curved spacetime

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    In spacetimes admitting Yano tensors the classical theory of the spinning particle possesses enhanced worldline supersymmetry. Quantum mechanically generators of extra supersymmetries correspond to operators that in the classical limit commute with the Dirac operator and generate conserved quantities. We show that the result is preserved in the full quantum theory, that is, Yano symmetries are not anomalous. This was known for Yano tensors of rank two, but our main result is to show that it extends to Yano tensors of arbitrary rank. We also describe the conformal Yano equation and show that is invariant under Hodge duality. There is a natural relationship between Yano tensors and supergravity theories. As the simplest possible example, we show that when the spacetime admits a Killing spinor then this generates Yano and conformal Yano tensors. As an application, we construct Yano tensors on maximally symmetric spaces: they are spanned by tensor products of Killing vectors.Comment: 1+32 pages, no figures. Accepted for publication on Classical and Quantum Gravity. New title and abstract. Some material has been moved to the Appendix. Concrete formulas for Yano tensors on some special holonomy manifolds have been provided. Some corrections included, bibliography enlarge

    Octonionic representations of Clifford algebras and triality

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    The theory of representations of Clifford algebras is extended to employ the division algebra of the octonions or Cayley numbers. In particular, questions that arise from the non-associativity and non-commutativity of this division algebra are answered. Octonionic representations for Clifford algebras lead to a notion of octonionic spinors and are used to give octonionic representations of the respective orthogonal groups. Finally, the triality automorphisms are shown to exhibit a manifest \perm_3 \times SO(8) structure in this framework.Comment: 33 page

    Model for SU(3) vacuum degeneracy using light-cone coordinates

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    Working in light-cone coordinates, we study the zero-modes and the vacuum in a 2+1 dimensional SU(3) gauge model. Considering the fields as independent of the tranverse variables, we dimensionally reduce this model to 1+1 dimensions. After introducing an appropriate su(3) basis and gauge conditions, we extract an adjoint field from the model. Quantization of this adjoint field and field equations lead to two constrained and two dynamical zero-modes. We link the dynamical zero-modes to the vacuum by writing down a Schrodinger equation and prove the non-degeneracy of the SU(3) vacuum provided that we neglect the contribution of constrained zero-modes.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Effect of molecular and electronic structure on the light harvesting properties of dye sensitizers

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    The systematic trends in structural and electronic properties of perylene diimide (PDI) derived dye molecules have been investigated by DFT calculations based on projector augmented wave (PAW) method including gradient corrected exchange-correlation effects. TDDFT calculations have been performed to study the visible absorbance activity of these complexes. The effect of different ligands and halogen atoms attached to PDI were studied to characterize the light harvesting properties. The atomic size and electronegativity of the halogen were observed to alter the relaxed molecular geometries which in turn influenced the electronic behavior of the dye molecules. Ground state molecular structure of isolated dye molecules studied in this work depends on both the halogen atom and the carboxylic acid groups. DFT calculations revealed that the carboxylic acid ligands did not play an important role in changing the HOMO-LUMO gap of the sensitizer. However, they serve as anchor between the PDI and substrate titania surface of the solar cell or photocatalyst. A commercially available dye-sensitizer, ruthenium bipyridine (RuBpy), was also studied for electronic and structural properties in order to make a comparison with PDI derivatives for light harvesting properties. Results of this work suggest that fluorinated, chlorinated, brominated, and iyodinated PDI compounds can be useful as sensitizers in solar cells and in artificial photosynthesis.Comment: Single pdf file, 14 pages with 7 figures and 4 table