263 research outputs found

    What properties characterize the hub proteins of the protein-protein interaction network of Saccharomyces cerevisiae?

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    BACKGROUND: Most proteins interact with only a few other proteins while a small number of proteins (hubs) have many interaction partners. Hub proteins and non-hub proteins differ in several respects; however, understanding is not complete about what properties characterize the hubs and set them apart from proteins of low connectivity. Therefore, we have investigated what differentiates hubs from non-hubs and static hubs (party hubs) from dynamic hubs (date hubs) in the protein-protein interaction network of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. RESULTS: The many interactions of hub proteins can only partly be explained by bindings to similar proteins or domains. It is evident that domain repeats, which are associated with binding, are enriched in hubs. Moreover, there is an over representation of multi-domain proteins and long proteins among the hubs. In addition, there are clear differences between party hubs and date hubs. Fewer of the party hubs contain long disordered regions compared to date hubs, indicating that these regions are important for flexible binding but less so for static interactions. Furthermore, party hubs interact to a large extent with each other, supporting the idea of party hubs as the cores of highly clustered functional modules. In addition, hub proteins, and in particular party hubs, are more often ancient. Finally, the more recent paralogs of party hubs are underrepresented. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that multiple and repeated domains are enriched in hub proteins and, further, that long disordered regions, which are common in date hubs, are particularly important for flexible binding

    Expansion of Protein Domain Repeats

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    Many proteins, especially in eukaryotes, contain tandem repeats of several domains from the same family. These repeats have a variety of binding properties and are involved in protein–protein interactions as well as binding to other ligands such as DNA and RNA. The rapid expansion of protein domain repeats is assumed to have evolved through internal tandem duplications. However, the exact mechanisms behind these tandem duplications are not well-understood. Here, we have studied the evolution, function, protein structure, gene structure, and phylogenetic distribution of domain repeats. For this purpose we have assigned Pfam-A domain families to 24 proteomes with more sensitive domain assignments in the repeat regions. These assignments confirmed previous findings that eukaryotes, and in particular vertebrates, contain a much higher fraction of proteins with repeats compared with prokaryotes. The internal sequence similarity in each protein revealed that the domain repeats are often expanded through duplications of several domains at a time, while the duplication of one domain is less common. Many of the repeats appear to have been duplicated in the middle of the repeat region. This is in strong contrast to the evolution of other proteins that mainly works through additions of single domains at either terminus. Further, we found that some domain families show distinct duplication patterns, e.g., nebulin domains have mainly been expanded with a unit of seven domains at a time, while duplications of other domain families involve varying numbers of domains. Finally, no common mechanism for the expansion of all repeats could be detected. We found that the duplication patterns show no dependence on the size of the domains. Further, repeat expansion in some families can possibly be explained by shuffling of exons. However, exon shuffling could not have created all repeats

    CRANKITE: a fast polypeptide backbone conformation sampler

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    Background: CRANKITE is a suite of programs for simulating backbone conformations of polypeptides and proteins. The core of the suite is an efficient Metropolis Monte Carlo sampler of backbone conformations in continuous three-dimensional space in atomic details. Methods: In contrast to other programs relying on local Metropolis moves in the space of dihedral angles, our sampler utilizes local crankshaft rotations of rigid peptide bonds in Cartesian space. Results: The sampler allows fast simulation and analysis of secondary structure formation and conformational changes for proteins of average length

    TOPCONS: consensus prediction of membrane protein topology

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    TOPCONS (http://topcons.net/) is a web server for consensus prediction of membrane protein topology. The underlying algorithm combines an arbitrary number of topology predictions into one consensus prediction and quantifies the reliability of the prediction based on the level of agreement between the underlying methods, both on the protein level and on the level of individual TM regions. Benchmarking the method shows that overall performance levels match the best available topology prediction methods, and for sequences with high reliability scores, performance is increased by ∼10 percentage points. The web interface allows for constraining parts of the sequence to a known inside/outside location, and detailed results are displayed both graphically and in text format

    Лабораторна установка для дослідження ступеня очищення і пошкодження коренебульбоплодів

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    Патент України на корисну модель № 79083, МПК B65G 33/00, 2012.Лабораторна установка для дослідження ступеня очищення і пошкодження коренебульбоплодів, що містить раму, на якій з можливістю кутового та вертикального зміщення на підрамах встановлені секція пруткового транспортера-очисника та секція бітерних очисних валів, завантажувальний бункер, причому під секцією пруткового транспортера-очисника та секцією бітерних очисних валів на рамі розташовані поперечні лотки для відбору від сепарованих домішок, яка відрізняється тим, що кутовий зазор між центральною віссю барабана пруткового транспортера-очисника в зоні вивантаження коренебульбоплодів та центральною віссю першого бітерного очисного вала може змінюватись за рахунок використання різних отворів, які виконані на стійці та підрамі, а осьовий зазор – за рахунок кронштейна з отворами, причому над прутковим транспортером-очисником та секцією бітерних очисних валів встановлені вертикальні та похилі еластичні екрани, а для відбору очищених коренебульбоплодів в зоні вивантаження бітерних очисних валів розташована еластична ємність з можливістю вертикального переміщення та фіксації її задньої частини на вертикальному кронштейні