503 research outputs found

    A critical review of fundamental principles of Ayurveda

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    The fundamental principle holds a strong ground in Ayurveda. Every medical stream has its own science in which its matter is developed, evolved and explained. From creation of living to issues of health, disease and its treatment these fundamental principles are the root. These can be enumerated as Tridosha, Panchamahabhuta, Prakriti, Ojas, Dhatu, Mala, Agni, Manas, Atma etc. They are most unique and original approach to the material creation and it has all scope to incorporate the modern development in the elemental physics. The aim of Ayurveda is to maintain the proper equilibrium of dosa, dhatus, and mala constituent in order to preserve health in a healthy person and cure a disease in a diseased person.The presence of cognition as well as the absence of cognition is an indication of the mind. In the presence of senses with senses object and soul the man does not perceive a thing in the absence of mind that is to say that senses are unable to grasp the object in the absence of Manas. The term Ojas has been used in Ayurveda for the factor which prevents decay and degeneratioif the body and provides strength and support against a disease. Concept of Agni which incorporates all activities and factors responsible for digestion and metabolism in the living organism as known today, knowledge to these fundamental principles is a key to health and diseases .Maintenances of health depend on good and sound knowledge of these. Detail will be given in full paper. Keywords: Ayurveda, health, dosa, Agni, min


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    Ayurveda classics mentioned various types of Swasa and Tamaka Swasa is one among them. Tamakaswasa is manifested by aggravated Pranavayu by the obstruction of Kapha. In this case treatment should be to clear out Pranavaha srotas, pacify Vata and remove the blockage due to Kapha. In modern science Tamaka Swasa is correlated with Bronchial Asthma. It’s a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways in which the chronic inflammation causes an associated increase in airway hyper responsiveness that leads to recurrent episodes of asthmatic exacerbation. Modern science has no permanent cure of Tamaka Swasa, that’s why it is necessity to search herbal and herbo-mineral preparations for the treatment of disease. Present Study was conducted to reduce the symptoms of Tamakaswasa. Bharangyadi Choorna and Vyaghri Choorna have the properties of Kapha Vata hara, Agni Deepana, Pachana, Anulomana, Srotoshodhana, anti-asthamatic and anti-inflammatory property. Materials and Method: Patients who have symptoms of Tamakaswasa fulfill the inclusion criteria were given with Bharangyadi Choorna 4gm thrice a day along with Ardraka Swarasa as Anupana in the trail group i.e., group A and Vyaghri Choorna 4gm thrice a day along with honey as Anupana in the control group i.e. group B. It is a comparative clinical study with 30 patients in each group for 30 days. Analyzing the signs and symptoms, PEFR after each 10 days, Wilcoxon test was done for comparing the effectiveness of treatment between two groups. Comparative analysis of the overall effect of the treatments in both the groups was done by statistically done by Mann-Whitney test. Results: There was statistically significant change in all the signs and symptoms and PEFR after treatment and follow up. All the signs and symptoms have P ≤ 0.05. Conclusion: Bharangyadi Choorna has shown highly significant reduction in the symptoms like Swasakrichratha, Peenasa, Kasa, Ghurghuraka, Krichrabhashana, Shushkasya and PEFR. On comparison between the two groups, Bharangyadi choorna showed a better result in improvement of symptoms- Swasakrichratha, Peenasa, Kasa, Ghurghuraka, Krichrabhashana, Shushkasya and objective parameter- PEFR. Hence H2 hold good


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    Padartha is a concept which has been clinically and academically described in Ayurveda. Health and disease are prime focus of Ayurveda and the principle causes behind both of these are Padatha. Ayurveda and Vaisheshika darshan considers similar padartha but with different views. How this view is different has been explained? Disease is a state of disequilibrium of physiological functions causing vriddhi or kshaya of structural entity (Dhatus). Vriddhi or Kshaya is based on samanya and vishesha and its treatment is also based on same. An attempt to explain Doshavada, Dhatuposhan (nourishment of structural entity), Loka Purusha samyata (Universe human unified theory) etc. on basis of Samanyavada has been explained. How is Dravya, Guna, karma basis for therapeutics involving principles of samanya and vishesha with Samavaya acting as a cause for determined action due to its inherent relationship has been explained. From all findings, it can be said that sadapadartha are basic plinth of this Ayurveda

    Critical appraisal of karana (causes) in Ayurveda

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    Health and disease are prime focus in the field of Indian medicine and exploration of cause as primary thirst in human being. Cause and effect in Ayurveda is discussed throughout Ayurvedic texts. A critical appraisal of karana(cause) from different point of view was done and it has been concluded that effect conceived in form of sign/symptoms in healthy or diseased must have certain cause. No individual cause can bring an effect until there is an interrelationship, inter-contact and interaction among causes. Causes in Ayurveda has been explored in different contexts in form of causative factors for disease, dhatusamyata (health), cause for origin of shrishti (universe), purusha (human), garbha(foetus), karyadravya(existing matter), one cause for many effect, use of different synonyms like hetu, nidana, ayatana, nimitta, role of cause in therapeutics, cause as one important examination tool of dasha parikshya vishaya, cause as primary focus for research etc. were intervened. What is this cause? In which form has cause been described in Ayurveda? What are different names for these causes in Ayurveda? What are the different effects produced by causes? Analysis of karana from different point of view has been objective of this paper.


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    Objective: The objective of the present study was to develop potent and non toxic Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) by using heterocyclic nuclei and having Nitric Oxide releasing group.Methods: The compounds were designed with the help of docking studies. In the synthetic study, the target compounds were obtained by reacting substituted diphenyl imidazole benzoic acid (2a-2x) with nitro-oxy alkyl bromide in the presence of dimethyl formamide and potassium carbonate to give substituted 2,4-diphenyl nitric oxide releasing imidazole derivatives (3a-3x). The synthesized compounds were characterized with the help of different analytical studies and further evaluated for anti-inflammatory, analgesic and nitric oxide releasing activity.Results: In the docking study compounds 3a, 3b, 3c, 3e, 3r and 3s showed significant G-score. In the anti-inflammatory and analgesic study compounds 3a, 3b, 3c, 3e, 3r and 3s exhibited promising activity. All the synthesized compounds exhibited significant nitric oxide releasing properties both in-vitro and in-vivo. Conclusion: Compounds 3a, 3b, 3c, 3e, 3r and 3s exhibited prominent anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity.Ă‚

    Therapy of pancreatic cancer via an EphA2 receptor-targeted delivery of gemcitabine.

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    First line treatment for pancreatic cancer consists of surgical resection, if possible, and a subsequent course of chemotherapy using the nucleoside analogue gemcitabine. In some patients, an active transport mechanism allows gemcitabine to enter efficiently into the tumor cells, resulting in a significant clinical benefit. However, in most patients, low expression of gemcitabine transporters limits the efficacy of the drug to marginal levels, and patients need frequent administration of the drug at high doses, significantly increasing systemic drug toxicity. In this article we focus on a novel targeted delivery approach for gemcitabine consisting of conjugating the drug with an EphA2 targeting agent. We show that the EphA2 receptor is highly expressed in pancreatic cancers, and accordingly, the drug-conjugate is more effective than gemcitabine alone in targeting pancreatic tumors. Our preliminary observations suggest that this approach may provide a general benefit to pancreatic cancer patients and offers a comprehensive strategy for enhancing delivery of diverse therapeutic agents to a wide range of cancers overexpressing EphA2, thereby potentially reducing toxicity while enhancing therapeutic efficacy

    Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders Associated with Job Contentment in Dental Professionals: Indian Outlook

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    Background: High prevalence rates of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSD) among dentists have been reported. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies can be helpful in managing and preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders. The purpose of this study was to determine if dental professionals are using CAM for work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Who have greater job satisfaction: dentist who uses Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) or conventional therapy (CT) as a treatment modality for WRMSDMethod: Dentists who registered in Uttar Pradesh state, India under Indian Dental Council, Uttar Pradesh branch (n=1134) were surveyed. Data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analyses and logistic regression.Result: A response rate of 53% (n=601) was obtained, revealing that 82% (n=487) of the respondents suffered from work-related musculoskeletal disorders. The use of complementary and alternative medicine or conventional therapy was reported among 80% (n=390) of the dentists with work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Complementary and alternative medicine users reported greater overall health compared to conventional therapy users (P<0.001). Of those with work-related musculoskeletal disorders, 35.5% (n=172) considered a career change for once, and 4.0% (n=19) reported having left dentistry.Conclusion: Complementary and alternative medicine therapies may improve quality of life, reduce work disruptions and enhance job satisfaction for dentists who suffer from work-related musculoskeletal disorders. It is important that dentists incorporate complementary and alternative medicine strategies into practice to facilitate musculoskeletal health that will enable longer and healthier careers, increase productivity, provide safer workplace and prevent musculoskeletal disorders.Keywords: CAM, dentist, musculoskeletal disorder

    An alum [KAl (SO4)2.12H2O] catalyzed microwave assisted multicomponent synthesis of bioactive functionalized benzylpyrazolyl coumarin and quinolinone derivatives in PEG

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    An efficient and environmentally benign method has been developed for the synthesis of benzylpyrazolyl coumarin and quinolinone derivatives, hydroxy coumarin derivatives using Alum [KAl (SO4)2.12H2O] catalyst and Polyethylene glycol as green solvent under microwave condition. Keywords: Knoevenagel, Michael addition reaction, coumarins, quinolinones, alum, polyethylene glycol, multicomponent microwave irradiation method

    Understanding depletion forces beyond entropy

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    The effective interaction energy of a colloidal sphere in a suspension containing small amounts of non-ionic polymers and a flat glass surface has been measured and calculated using total internal reflection microscopy (TIRM) and a novel approach within density functional theory (DFT), respectively. Quantitative agreement between experiment and theory demonstrates that the resulting repulsive part of the depletion forces cannot be interpreted entirely in terms of entropic arguments but that particularly at small distances (≲\lesssim 100 nm) attractive dispersion forces have to be taken into account
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