9,733 research outputs found

    Picturing Argentina: Myths, Movies, and the Peronist Vision

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    No individual has had greater impact on Argentine history than Juan Domingo Perón. The years 1943–1945, when he was an influential member in his nation’s governing junta, and 1946–1955, when he was its president, were tumultuous ones that transformed Argentina. Perón was a highly controversial figure, and his memory continues to provoke intense and often acrimonious debate. Moreover, the nature of his legacy resists neat classification. Many of his achievements were positive. He oversaw the passage of progressive social legislation, including women’s suffrage and prison reform, and he implemented programs that aided the nation’s poor and working classes. On the other hand, he tolerated no opposition and, as president, incarcerated even former supporters who questioned his actions, and he ordered the closure of newspapers that he judged inappropriately critical. His regime’s impact on the nation’s cinema is similarly difficult to classify. When Perón came to prominence, Argentina had developed one of the two major film industries in Latin America. His government intervened in this sphere to an unprecedented degree and in contradictory ways. It encouraged production by providing financial credits for filmmakers, and in 1948 Perón and his wife, Evita, a former actress, presided over the inauguration of the nation’s international film festival in Mar del Plata. Conversely, his administration blacklisted a remarkable number of directors and performers, censored and prohibited movies, and required all films made in Argentina to portray his regime’s accomplishments in a favorable manner. Although Perón’s central role in Argentine history and the need for an unbiased assessment of his impact on his nation’s cinema are beyond dispute, the existing scholarship on the subject is limited. In recent decades Argentina has witnessed a revival of serious film study, some of which has focused on the nation’s classical movies and, in one case, on Peronism. None of this work has been translated into English, however. The only recent book in English to study this topic divides its attention between Argentine cinema and radio and dedicates only one chapter to film during the Perón years. Picturing Argentina: Myths, Movies, and the Peronist Vision is the first English-language book that offers an extensive assessment of Argentine cinema during first Peronism. It is also the first study in any language that concentrates systematically on the evolution of social attitudes reflected in Argentine movies throughout those years and that assesses the period’s impact on subsequent filmmaking activity. By analyzing popular Argentine movies from this time through the prism of myth—second-order communication systems that present historically developed customs and attitudes as natural—the book traces the filmic construction of gender, criminality, race, the family, sports, and the military. It identifies in movies the development and evolution of mindsets and attitudes that may be construed as “Peronist.” By framing its consideration of films from the Perón years in the context of earlier and later ones, it demonstrates that this period accelerates—and sometimes registers backward-looking responses to—earlier progressive mythic shifts, and it traces the development in the 1950s of a critical mindset that comes to fruition in the “new cinema” of the 1960s. [From the Publisher]https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/books/1053/thumbnail.jp

    The magnitude of viscous dissipation in strongly stratified two-dimensional convection

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    Convection in astrophysical systems must be maintained against dissipation. Although the effects of dissipation are often assumed to be negligible, theory suggests that in strongly stratified convecting fluids, the dissipative heating rate can exceed the luminosity carried by convection. Here we explore this possibility using a series of numerical simulations. We consider two-dimensional numerical models of hydrodynamic convection in a Cartesian layer under the anelastic approximation and demonstrate that the dissipative heating rate can indeed exceed the imposed luminosity. We establish a theoretical expression for the ratio of the dissipative heating rate to the luminosity emerging at the upper boundary, in terms only of the depth of the layer and the thermal scale height. In particular, we show that this ratio is independent of the diffusivities and confirm this with a series of numerical simulations. Our results suggest that dissipative heating may significantly alter the internal dynamics of stars and planets.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Contingent plan structures for spacecraft

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    Most current AI planners build partially ordered plan structures which delay decisions on action ordering. Such structures cannot easily represent contingent actions. A representation which can is presented. The representation has some other useful features: it provides a good account of the causal structure of a plan, can be used to describe disjunctive actions, and it offers a planner the opportunity of even less commitment than the classical partial order on actions. The use of this representation is demonstrated in an on-board spacecraft activity sequencing problem. Contingent plan execution in a spacecraft context highlights the requirements for a fully disjunctive representation, since communication delays often prohibit extensive ground-based accounting for remotely sensed information and replanning on execution failure

    Research into practice : collaboration for leadership in applied health research and care (CLAHRC) for Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Lincolnshire (NDL)

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    To address the problem of translation from research-based evidence to routine healthcare practice, the Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care for Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, and Lincolnshire (CLAHRC-NDL) was funded by the National Institute for Health Research as one of nine CLAHRCs across England. This paper outlines the underlying theory and its application that CLAHRC-NDL has adopted, as a case example that might be generalised to practice outside the CLAHRC, in comparison to alternative models of implementation

    Controlling the onset of turbulence by streamwise traveling waves. Part 2. Direct numerical simulations

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    This work builds on and confirms the theoretical findings of Part 1 of this paper, Moarref & Jovanovi\'c (2010). We use direct numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations to assess the efficacy of blowing and suction in the form of streamwise traveling waves for controlling the onset of turbulence in a channel flow. We highlight the effects of the modified base flow on the dynamics of velocity fluctuations and net power balance. Our simulations verify the theoretical predictions of Part 1 that the upstream traveling waves promote turbulence even when the uncontrolled flow stays laminar. On the other hand, the downstream traveling waves with parameters selected in Part 1 are capable of reducing the fluctuations' kinetic energy, thereby maintaining the laminar flow. In flows driven by a fixed pressure gradient, a positive net efficiency as large as 25 % relative to the uncontrolled turbulent flow can be achieved with downstream waves. Furthermore, we show that these waves can also relaminarize fully developed turbulent flows at low Reynolds numbers. We conclude that the theory developed in Part 1 for the linearized flow equations with uncertainty has considerable ability to predict full-scale phenomena.Comment: To appear in J. Fluid Mec

    Bringing genetics into primary care: findings from a national evaluation of pilots in England

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    Objectives: Developments in genetic knowledge and clinical applications are seen as rendering traditional modes of organizing genetics provision increasingly inappropriate. In common with a number of developed world countries the UK has sought to increase the role of primary care in delivering such services. However, efforts to reconfigure service delivery face multiple challenges associated with divergent policy objectives, organizational boundaries and professional cultures. This paper presents findings from an evaluation of an English initiative to integrate genetics into 'mainstream' clinical provision in the National Health Service. Methods: Qualitative research in 11 case-study sites focusing on attempts by pilots funded by the initiative to embed knowledge and provision within primary care illustrating barriers faced and the ways in which these were surmounted. Results: Lack of intrinsic interest in clinical genetics among primary care staff was compounded by national targets that focused their attention elsewhere and by service structures that rendered genetics a peripheral concern demanding minimal engagement. Established divisions between the commissioning of mainstream and specialist services, along with the pressures of shorter-term targets, impeded ongoing funding. Conclusions: More wide-ranging policy and organizational support is required if the aim of entrenching genetics knowledge and practice across the Health Service is to be realized

    The western end of the Avalon Zone in southern New Brunswick

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    The western end of the Avalon zone of southern New Brunswick displays a history extending from middle Proterozoic to Triassic lime. About 620 Ma magmatism above a Late Precambrian subduction zone emplaced volcanic rocks and plutons into an orthogneiss-platformal sequence basement which had been modified by mafic intrusion and thermal metamorphism about 780 Ma. About 565 Ma a bimodal sheeted dyke complex accompanied by bimodal volcanism and high-level granite was emplaced into a major mylonile zone during minor spreading or transtension. Shallow water clastic marine sediments accumulated during Cambro-Ordovician lime. From Silurian to mid-Devonian, die northwestern part of the zone subsided along steep faults which served as conduits for bimodal igneous activity. Strong Carboniferous deformation along the Bay of Fundy affected the interior of the terrane only slightly, if at all. Acadian and Taconic orogenies had little effect on this region, which acted as a relatively stable crystalline block during the Paleozoic. The exposed rocks may form a "welt" on continuous basement of similar character, which disappears north-westward beneath younger formations by down-stepping on faults, and south-eastward beneath overriding allochihons. RÉSUMÉ La terminaison occidental de la zone d' Avalon au sud du Nouveau-Brunswick montre une histoire s'étalant du Protérozoique moyen au Trias. Vers 620 Male magmalisme au-dessus d'une zone de subduction emplaça des roches volcaniques et des plutons dans un socle à orthognesis et séquence de plate-forme qui avail été modifié vers 780 Ma par une intrusion mafique et un métamorphismc thermal. Vers 565 Ma un complexe bimdal de "sheeted dikes", accompagné d'un volcanisme bimodal et d'un granite de niveau élevé, s'emplaça au sein d'une zone importante de mylonite au cours d'une faible expansion ou transtension. L'Ordovicien vit l’accumulaiion de sédiments clastiques d'eau peu profonde. Du Silurien au Dévonien moyen. la portion nord-ouest de la zone s'abaissa le long de failles à forts pendages qui agirent comme conduits pour une activité ignée bimodale. Une forte déformation carbonifère le long de la Baie de Fundy n'eut guère d'effet sur l’intérieur de la lanière. Les orogénèses acadienne et taconique n'eurent qu'un effel quelconque sur cette région qui forma un bloc crislallin relativement stable au couts du Paléozoique. Les affleuremenls peuvent conslituer un "renflemeni" sur un socle continu de même facture qui disparait vers le nord-ouesl sous les formations plus jeunes par abaissemenl sur des failles et vers le sud-est sous les allochtones chevauchanls. [Traduit par le journal

    Are you serious? From fist bumping to hand hygiene: considering culture, context and complexity in infection prevention intervention research

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    Infection prevention is an under-resourced research and development topic, with limited evidence for practice in the most basic of measures. A survey of IPS R&D members indicated that what might appear to be simple interactions and interventions in healthcare, such as hand shaking and hand hygiene, should be considered complex interventions taking account of behaviour at the individual and social level as well as contextual factors. Future studies need to be designed utilising comprehensive approaches, for example, the Medical Research Council complex interventions framework, tailored to the country and more local cultural context, if we are to be serious about evidence for infection prevention and control practice

    The Stratigraphy And Structure Of The Avalonian Terrane Around Saint John, New Brunswick

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    The Avalonian terrane around Saint John exhibits basement of tonalitic gneiss veneered by a shelf type metasedimentary seOuence. These units are intruded and overlain by volcanic-plutonic complexes of Late Proterozoic age emplaced in three stages. Mafic magmatlsm accompanied by submarine slumping heated and remobilized older rocks about 770-830 Ha. Calc-alkaline magnetism, mainly subaerial with minor submarine sedimentation occurred about 600 Ma, and subseOuently Eocambrlan basaltic volcanlsm and volcanlclastic sedimentation passed into Camhro-Ordovlclan sedimentation. Silurian rocks occur only as a fault-bounded slice and Devonian rocks are absent. Coarse clastic rocks of Carboniferous and Trlasslc age accumulated during deformation. Major deformation and metsmorphlsm occurred In Late Proterozoic time, but most mappable structures appear to be of Carboniferous age. Carboniferous deformation resulted mainly from transcurrent motion on curved or stepped faults which locally produced spectacular thrust allochthons. Comparison of the Saint John terrane with other Avalonian terrenes suggests that some of the Avalon tectonostratigraphic zone Is floored by basement of Grenvillian aspect. The western side of this zone was strongly affected by Late Ordoviclan-Early Silurian magmatism which reflects the amalgamation of this zone with more westerly zones. These observations suggest that Avalon terranes may be of relatively local, rather than exotic, origin, and suggest a history involving repeated breakup and rewelding of a continental edge. RÉSUMÉ Autour de Saint John, la lanière avalonienne englobe un socle de gneiss tonalitique qu'est venu recouvrir un tégument métasédimentaire à cachet neritique. Ces unités sont recoupées et recouvertes par des complexes volcano-plutoniques d'âge tardi-protérozoique emplacés en trois étapes. On magmatisme mafique et des glissements synsédimentaires sous-marins ont réchauffé et rémobilisé les rocbes préexlstantes il y a environ 770-830 Ma. Des venues magmatiques calco-alcalines, en grande partie subaériennes et associées à une faible sédementation sous-marine, ont pris place autour de 600 Ma. Le volcanisme basaltique et la sédimentation volcaniclastique éocambriens ont debouche sur une sédimentation cambro-ordovicienne. Les rochea siluriennes se limitent à une écaille bordée par des failles alors que les roches dévoniennes font défaut. On apport détritique grossler a eu lieu pendant la déformation au Carbonifère et au Triasique. Une déformation et un métamorphisme importants furent présents au tardi-Protérozoique blen que la plupart des structures cartographiques semblent être d'âge carbonifère. La déformation carbonifère est liée surtout faux coulissages affectant des failles courbes ou en gradins ce qui, par chevauchement, à produit localement des allochtones spectaculaires. La comparaison entre la lanière de Saint John et d'autres lanières avaloniennes suggère que la zone tectonostratigraphique d'Avalon répose en partie sur un socle d'aspect grenvillien. L’amalgamation de celle-ci avec d'autres zones plus à l'ouest y a imprimé son cachet sur le flanc ouest comme en fait foi un magmatisme prononce tardi-ordovicien ou éo-silurien. De ces observations, on conclut que les lanières d'Aval on seraient d'une origine relativement locale et non paa exotique et que leur histoire seralt inféodée au jeu répété du morcellement et de la restauration de la marge continentale. [Traduit par le journal
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