12,525 research outputs found

    Quantum statistics of overlapping modes in open resonators

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    We study the quantum dynamics of optical fields in weakly confining resonators with overlapping modes. Employing a recently developed quantization scheme involving a discrete set of resonator modes and continua of external modes we derive Langevin equations and a master equation for the resonator modes. Langevin dynamics and the master equation are proved to be equivalent in the Markovian limit. Our open-resonator dynamics may be used as a starting point for a quantum theory of random lasers.Comment: 6 pages, corrected typo

    Wigner-Seitz cells in neutron star crust with finite range interactions

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    The structure of Wigner-Seitz cells in the inner crust of neutron stars is investigated using a microcospic Hartree-Fock-BCS approach with finite range D1S and M3Y-P4 interactions. Large effects on the densities are found compared to previous predictions using Skyrme interactions. Pairing effects are found to be small, and they are attenuated by the use of finite range interactions in the mean field.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    What is the Accretion Rate in NGC 4258?

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    We consider the implications of recent infrared and radio observations of the nucleus of NGC 4258. There is no direct evidence that the nucleus has been steadily accreting on the viscous timescale of the outer masing disk, which is >~ 10^9 \yr. Thus the mass accretion rate in the outer disk need not be the same as in the inner accretion flow where most of the gravitational binding energy is released. We show that an advection-dominated flow model with a transition radius of \sim (10-100) M (where M is the mass of the hole) and \mdot \approx 10^{-2}\msun \yr^{-1} is consistent with the observed spectrum from radio to X-rays. We also show that a thin (flat or warped) disk can fit the observed fluxes outside the X-ray band. The X-rays can be explained by means of a corona in such a model, but the absence of radio emission from the location of the putative central black hole provides a serious constraint on the properties of the corona. A wide range of accretion rates, 10^{-4} <~ \mdot <~ 10^{-2} \msun\yr^{-1}, can be made to fit the data, but the most ``natural'' models have 10^{-3} <~ \mdot <~ 10^{-2} \msun\yr^{-1}. Physical conditions in the observed VLBI jet features can also be related to conditions in the inner accretion flow. We conclude with a list of future observations that might help to constrain the accretion rate.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, latex, emulateapj.sty, submitted to Ap

    Coherent Backscattering of Light by Cold Atoms

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    Light propagating in an optically thick sample experiences multiple scattering. It is now known that interferences alter this propagation, leading to an enhanced backscattering, a manifestation of weak localization of light in such diffuse samples. This phenomenon has been extensively studied with classical scatterers. In this letter we report the first experimental evidence for coherent backscattering of light in a laser-cooled gas of Rubidium atoms.Comment: 4 pages REVTEX, 1 page color image GIF, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Quasi-Variational Inequality Problems over Product Sets with Quasi-monotone Operators

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    Quasi-variational inequalities are variational inequalities in which the constraint map depends on the current point. Due to this characteristic, specific proofs have been built to prove adapted existence results. Semicontinuity and generalized monotonicity are assumed and many efforts have been made in the last decades to use the weakest concepts. In the case of quasi-variational inequalities defined on a product of spaces, the existence statements in the literature require pseudomonotonicity of the operator, a hypothesis that is too strong for many applications, in particular in economics. On the other hand, the current minimal hypotheses for existence results for general quasi-variational inequalities are quasi-monotonicity and local upper sign-continuity. But since the product of quasi-monotone (respectively, locally upper sign-continuous) operators is not in general quasi-monotone (respectively, locally upper sign-continuous), it is thus quite difficult to use these general-type existence result in the quasi-variational inequalities defined on a product of spaces. In this work we prove, in an infinite-dimensional setting, several existence results for product-type quasi-variational inequalities by only assuming the quasi-monotonicity and local upper sign-continuity of the component operators. Our technique of proof is strongly based on an innovative stability result and on the new concept of net-lower sign-continuity

    Half-metallic antiferromagnets in double perovskites: LaAVRuO6_6 (A=Ca, Sr, and Ba)

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    Based on the theoretical exploration of electronic structures, we propose that the ordered double perovskites LaAVRuO6_6 and LaVO3_3/ARuO3_3 (001) superlattice (A = Ca, Sr and Ba) are strong candidates for half-metallic (HM) antiferromagnets (AFMs). %LaAVRuO6_6 and LaVO3_3/ARuO3_3 have the %100% spin polarizations at the Fermi level but with zero %total magnetic moments. We have shown that the HM-AFM nature in LaAVRuO6_6 is very robust regardless of (i) divalent ion replacement at A-sites, (ii) oxygen site relaxation, (iii) the inclusion of the Coulomb correlation, and (iv) cation disorder. A type of the double exchange interaction is expected to be responsible for the half-metallicity and the antiferromagnetism in these systems.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Definition of the σW regulon of Bacillus subtilis in the absence of stress

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    Bacteria employ extracytoplasmic function (ECF) sigma factors for their responses to environmental stresses. Despite intensive research, the molecular dissection of ECF sigma factor regulons has remained a major challenge due to overlaps in the ECF sigma factor-regulated genes and the stimuli that activate the different ECF sigma factors. Here we have employed tiling arrays to single out the ECF σW regulon of the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis from the overlapping ECF σX, σY, and σM regulons. For this purpose, we profiled the transcriptome of a B. subtilis sigW mutant under non-stress conditions to select candidate genes that are strictly σW-regulated. Under these conditions, σW exhibits a basal level of activity. Subsequently, we verified the σW-dependency of candidate genes by comparing their transcript profiles to transcriptome data obtained with the parental B. subtilis strain 168 grown under 104 different conditions, including relevant stress conditions, such as salt shock. In addition, we investigated the transcriptomes of rasP or prsW mutant strains that lack the proteases involved in the degradation of the σW anti-sigma factor RsiW and subsequent activation of the σW-regulon. Taken together, our studies identify 89 genes as being strictly σW-regulated, including several genes for non-coding RNAs. The effects of rasP or prsW mutations on the expression of σW-dependent genes were relatively mild, which implies that σW-dependent transcription under non-stress conditions is not strictly related to RasP and PrsW. Lastly, we show that the pleiotropic phenotype of rasP mutant cells, which have defects in competence development, protein secretion and membrane protein production, is not mirrored in the transcript profile of these cells. This implies that RasP is not only important for transcriptional regulation via σW, but that this membrane protease also exerts other important post-transcriptional regulatory functions

    Sifting for Sapphires: Systematic Selection of Tidal Disruption Events in iPTF

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    We present results from a systematic selection of tidal disruption events (TDEs) in a wide-area (4800~deg2^2), g+Rg+R band, Intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF) experiment. Our selection targets typical optically-selected TDEs: bright (>>60\% flux increase) and blue transients residing in the center of red galaxies. Using photometric selection criteria to down-select from a total of 493 nuclear transients to a sample of 26 sources, we then use follow-up UV imaging with the Neil Gehrels Swift Telescope, ground-based optical spectroscopy, and light curve fitting to classify them as 14 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), 9 highly variable active galactic nuclei (AGNs), 2 confirmed TDEs, and 1 potential core-collapse supernova. We find it possible to filter AGNs by employing a more stringent transient color cut (gr<g-r < -0.2 mag); further, UV imaging is the best discriminator for filtering SNe, since SNe Ia can appear as blue, optically, as TDEs in their early phases. However, when UV-optical color is unavailable, higher precision astrometry can also effectively reduce SNe contamination in the optical. Our most stringent optical photometric selection criteria yields a 4.5:1 contamination rate, allowing for a manageable number of TDE candidates for complete spectroscopic follow-up and real-time classification in the ZTF era. We measure a TDE per galaxy rate of 1.71.3+2.9^{+2.9}_{-1.3} ×\times104^{-4} gal1^{-1} yr1^{-1} (90\% CL in Poisson statistics). This does not account for TDEs outside our selection criteria, thus may not reflect the total TDE population, which is yet to be fully mapped.Comment: 24 pages, 21 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    Optical properties of BaFe2x_{2-x}Cox_xAs2_2

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    We present detailed temperature dependent optical data on BaFe2x_{2-x}Cox_{x}As2_{2} (BCFA), with x = 0.14, between 4 meV and 6.5 eV. We analyze our spectra to determine the main optical parameters and show that in this material the interband conductivity already starts around 10 meV. We determine the superfluid density to be 2.2 10^{7}cm2,whichplacesoptimallydopedBFCAclosetotheUemuraline.Ourexperimentaldatashowsclearsignsofasuperconductinggapwith2 cm^{-2}, which places optimally doped BFCA close to the Uemura line. Our experimental data shows clear signs of a superconducting gap with 2\Delta_{1}=6.2 = 6.2 \pm0.8meV.Inadditionweshowthattheopticalspectraareconsistentwiththepresenceofanadditionalbandofstronglyscatteredcarrierswithalargergap,2 0.8 meV. In addition we show that the optical spectra are consistent with the presence of an additional band of strongly scattered carriers with a larger gap, 2\Delta_{2}=14 = 14 \pm$ 2 meV.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure