620 research outputs found

    Drivers of sustainable intensification in Kenyan rural and peri-urban vegetable production

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    Sustainable intensification promotes environmentally sound and productive agriculture. However, use of sustainable intensification practices (SIPs) is low in many sub-Sharan African countries. This study examined the adoption of SIPs in Kenyan rural and peri-urban vegetable production to understand the scale of and underlying factors in the use of SIPs. A multistage sampling technique was employed to randomly select 685 rural and peri-urban vegetable farm households. Household data was then collected and anaylsed for four practices namely improved irrigation, integrated soil fertility, organic manure and crop diversification using a pre-tested structured questionnaire. A multivariate probit model was run to model simultaneous interdependent adoption decisions. Adoption of organic manure and African indigenous vegetables (AIV) diversification was high in both rural and peri-urban areas. However, adoption of improved irrigation systems and integrated soil fertility management was low, and even significantly lower in rural areas than in peri-urban areas (p < 0.041). Similarly, adoption intensity of SIPs was lower in rural areas than in peri-urban areas. Furthermore, the findings also show complementarities and substitutabilities between SIPs. Market integration, the farm location and household income were the major factors heavily influencing the adoption of most SIPs. Policies and programmes that seek to build household financial capital base and integrate farm households into effective and efficient vegetable markets need to be formulated and implemented in order to enhance adoption of SIPs in AIV production

    High-throughput synchrotron X-ray diffraction for combinatorial phase mapping

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    Discovery of new materials drives the deployment of new technologies. Complex technological requirements demand precisely tailored material functionalities, and materials scientists are driven to search for these new materials in compositionally complex and often non-equilibrium spaces containing three, four or more elements. The phase behavior of these high-order composition spaces is mostly unknown and unexplored. High-throughput methods can offer strategies for efficiently searching complex and multi-dimensional material genomes for these much needed new materials and can also suggest a processing pathway for synthesizing them. However, high-throughput structural characterization is still relatively under-developed for rapid material discovery. Here, a synchrotron X-ray diffraction and fluorescence experiment for rapid measurement of both X-ray powder patterns and compositions for an array of samples in a material library is presented. The experiment is capable of measuring more than 5000 samples per day, as demonstrated by the acquisition of high-quality powder patterns in a bismuth-vanadium-iron oxide composition library. A detailed discussion of the scattering geometry and its ability to be tailored for different material systems is provided, with specific attention given to the characterization of fiber textured thin films. The described prototype facility is capable of meeting the structural characterization needs for the first generation of high-throughput material genomic searches

    Developmental Gene Discovery in a Hemimetabolous Insect: De Novo Assembly and Annotation of a Transcriptome for the Cricket Gryllus Bimaculatus

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    Most genomic resources available for insects represent the Holometabola, which are insects that undergo complete metamorphosis like beetles and flies. In contrast, the Hemimetabola (direct developing insects), representing the basal branches of the insect tree, have very few genomic resources. We have therefore created a large and publicly available transcriptome for the hemimetabolous insect Gryllus bimaculatus (cricket), a well-developed laboratory model organism whose potential for functional genetic experiments is currently limited by the absence of genomic resources. cDNA was prepared using mRNA obtained from adult ovaries containing all stages of oogenesis, and from embryos samples on each day of embryogenesis. Using 454 Titanium pyrosequencing, we sequenced over four million raw reads, and assembled them into 21,512 isotigs (predicted transcripts) and 120,805 singletons with an average coverage per base pair of 51.3. We annotated the transcriptome manually for over 400 conserved genes involved in embryonic patterning, gametogenesis, and signaling pathways. BLAST comparison of the transcriptome against the NCBI non-redundant protein database (nr) identified significant similarity to nr sequences for 55.5% of transcriptome sequences, and suggested that the transcriptome may contain 19,874 unique transcripts. For predicted transcripts without significant similarity to known sequences, we assessed their similarity to other orthopteran sequences, and determined that these transcripts contain recognizable protein domains, largely of unknown function. We created a searchable, web-based database to allow public access to all raw, assembled and annotated data. This database is to our knowledge the largest de novo assembled and annotated transcriptome resource available for any hemimetabolous insect. We therefore anticipate that these data will contribute significantly to more effective and higher-throughput deployment of molecular analysis tools in Gryllus.Organismic and Evolutionary Biolog

    Female sterility associated with increased clonal propagation suggests a unique combination of androdioecy and asexual reproduction in populations of Cardamine amara (Brassicaceae)

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    Background and Aims The coexistence of hermaphrodites and female-sterile individuals, or androdioecy, has been documented in only a handful of plants and animals. This study reports its existence in the plant species Cardamine amara (Brassicaceae), in which female-sterile individuals have shorter pistils than seed-producing hermaphrodites. Methods Morphological analysis, in situ manual pollination, microsatellite genotyping and differential gene expression analysis using Arabidopsis microarrays were used to delimit variation between female-sterile individuals and hermaphrodites. Key Results Female sterility in C. amara appears to be caused by disrupted ovule development. It was associated with a 2.4- to 2.9-fold increase in clonal propagation. This made the pollen number of female-sterile genets more than double that of hermaphrodite genets, which fulfils a condition of co-existence predicted by simple androdioecy theories. When female-sterile individuals were observed in wild androdioecious populations, their ramet frequencies ranged from 5 to 54%; however, their genet frequencies ranged from 11 to 29%, which is consistent with the theoretically predicted upper limit of 50%. Conclusions The results suggest that a combination of sexual reproduction and increased asexual proliferation by female-sterile individuals probably explains the invasion and maintenance of female sterility in otherwise hermaphroditic populations. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the coexistence of female sterility and hermaphrodites in the Brassicacea

    Electrochemical regeneration of a graphite adsorbent loaded with Acid Violet 17 in a spouted bed reactor

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    A novel spouted bed reactor is evaluated for water treatment by an adsorption and electrochemical regeneration process. The adsorbent is a bisulphate graphite intercalation compound with low specific surface area but high electrical conductivity, suitable for adsorption of contaminants and simultaneous electrochemical regeneration within a single unit. The effects of current density and liquid flow rate on Acid Violet 17 removal were investigated. The hydrodynamic behavior of the liquid spouted bed reactor was characterized by a flow regime map. A four-parameter model has been developed to describe the adsorption and electrochemical regeneration process in the liquid spouted bed reactor. It was found that the experimental data of dye removal agrees well with the modelled simulations

    Engine-Operating Load Influences Diesel Exhaust Composition and Cardiopulmonary and Immune Responses

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    Background: The composition of diesel engine exhaust (DEE) varies by engine type and condition, fuel, engine operation, and exhaust after treatment such as particle traps. DEE has been shown to increase inflammation, susceptibility to infection, and cardiovascular responses in experimentally exposed rodents and humans. Engines used in these studies have been operated at idle, at different steady-state loads, or on variable-load cycles, but exposures are often reported only as the mass concentration of particulate matter (PM), and the effects of different engine loads and the resulting differences in DEE composition are unknown

    Trajectories of long-term exposure to anticholinergic and sedative drugs: A latent class growth analysis

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    Introduction: A variety of drugs, which are frequently prescribed to older people, have anticholinergic and sedative effects whereby they may impair cognitive and physical function. Although substantial inter-individual variation in anticholinergic and sedative exposure has been documented, little is known about subpopulations with distinct trajectories of exposure. Methods: Data from the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA), an ongoing Dutch population-based cohort study, collected over 20 years (1992-2012) at seven occasions, were analyzed. On each occasion, cumulative anticholinergic and sedative exposure was quantified with the Drug Burden Index, a linear additive pharmacological dose-response model. The most likely number of trajectories were empirically derived with Latent Class Growth Analysis using "Goodness of fit" statistics. Trajectories were then compared on physical and cognitive function. Results: A total of 763 participants completed all follow-ups (61% women; mean age 83, ±6). "Goodness of fit" statistics (Bayesian In-formation Criterion = 22916, Bootstrapped Likelihood Ratio Test of 3 vs. 2 classes = 514.12

    Farmers’ perspectives: Impact of climate change on African indigenous vegetable production in Kenya

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    Purpose - Understanding farmers’ perceptions of how the climate is changing is vital to anticipating its impacts. Farmers are known to take appropriate steps to adapt only when they perceive change to be taking place. This study aims to analyse how African indigenous vegetable (AIV) farmers perceive climate change in three different agro-climatic zones (ACZs) in Kenya, identify the main differences in historical seasonal and annual rainfall and temperature trends between the zones, discuss differences in farmers’ perceptions and historical trends and analyse the impact of these perceived changes and trends on yields, weeds, pests and disease infestation of AIVs. Design/methodology/approach - Data collection was undertaken in focus group discussions (FGD) (N = 211) and during interviews with individual farmers (N = 269). The Mann–Kendall test and regression were applied for trend analysis of time series data (1980-2014). Analysis of variance and least significant difference were used to test for differences in mean rainfall data, while a chi-square test examined the association between farmer perceptions and ACZs. Coefficient of variation expressed as a percentage was used to show variability in mean annual and seasonal rainfall between the zones. Findings - Farmers perceived that higher temperatures, decreased rainfall, late onset and early retreat of rain, erratic rainfall patterns and frequent dry spells were increasing the incidences of droughts and floods. The chi-square results showed a significant relationship between some of these perceptions and ACZs. Meteorological data provided some evidence to support farmers’ perceptions of changing rainfall. No trend was detected in mean annual rainfall, but a significant increase was recorded in the semi-humid zone. A decreasing maximum temperature was noted in the semi-humid zone, but otherwise, an overall increase was detected. There were highly significant differences in mean annual rainfall between the zones. Farmers perceived reduced yields and changes in pest infestation and diseases in some AIVs to be prevalent in the dry season. This study’s findings provide a basis for local and timely institutional changes, which could certainly help in reducing the adverse effects of climate change. Originality/value - This is an original research paper and the historical trends, farmers’ perceptions and effects of climate change on AIV production documented in this paper may also be representative of other ACZs in Kenya

    Meerlagenteelt in de praktijk : energie-efficiënter tulpen broeien 2011

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    In 2009/2010 is het project “Meerlagenteelt (MLT) in de praktijk” met 4 broeiers van start gegaan met als doelstelling het ondersteunen van de ontwikkeling van MLT-systemen waardoor op middellange termijn het energieverbruik voor de broeierij drastisch afneemt. De werkwijze hierbij is enerzijds het demonstreren van op praktijkbedrijven reeds ontwikkelde MLT-systemen, en van de hierbij gerealiseerde energiebesparingen, en anderzijds het met deze bedrijven testen van recente resultaten van onderzoek naar verbeteringen van o.a. belichting en kasklimaat. Conclusies waren o.a. dat het energieverbruik bij meerlagenbroei minstens 40% lager is en dat om de RV beter te controleren mechanisch ontvochtigen een goede oplossing is. Dit 2de jaar zijn 7 broeiers bij het project te betrokken. De belangrijkste activiteiten waren het volgen van het kasklimaat (RV- en temperatuurverdeling), het doorrekenen van de benodigde ventilatiecapaciteit voor mechanische ontvochtiging, lichtmetingen, het testen van o.a. LED-verlichting en het doorrekenen van het gerealiseerde energieverbruik

    Meerlagenteelt in de praktijk

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    Het op meer lagen broeien van tulpen staat sterk in de belangstelling. Nog niet alles is goed uitgezocht. Reden voor PPO om na te gaan welk belichting het beste rendement geeft, en wat er is te doen aan een te hoge RV tussen de lagen. Een impressie van onderzoek dat in nauwe samenwerking met de praktijk is gedaan
