186 research outputs found

    Governance, scale and the environment: the importance of recognizing knowledge claims in transdisciplinary arenas

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    Any present day approach of the world’s most pressing environmental problems involves both scale and governance issues. After all, current local events might have long-term global consequences (the scale issue) and solving complex environmental problems requires policy makers to think and govern beyond generally used time-space scales (the governance issue). To an increasing extent, the various scientists in these fields have used concepts like social-ecological systems, hierarchies, scales and levels to understand and explain the “complex cross-scale dynamics” of issues like climate change. A large part of this work manifests a realist paradigm: the scales and levels, either in ecological processes or in governance systems, are considered as “real”. However, various scholars question this position and claim that scales and levels are continuously (re)constructed in the interfaces of science, society, politics and nature. Some of these critics even prefer to adopt a non-scalar approach, doing away with notions such as hierarchy, scale and level. Here we take another route, however. We try to overcome the realist-constructionist dualism by advocating a dialogue between them on the basis of exchanging and reflecting on different knowledge claims in transdisciplinary arenas. We describe two important developments, one in the ecological scaling literature and the other in the governance literature, which we consider to provide a basis for such a dialogue. We will argue that scale issues, governance practices as well as their mutual interdependencies should be considered as human constructs, although dialectically related to nature’s materiality, and therefore as contested processes, requiring intensive and continuous dialogue and cooperation among natural scientists, social scientists, policy makers and citizens alike. They also require critical reflection on scientists’ roles and on academic practices in general. Acknowledging knowledge claims provides a common ground and point of departure for such cooperation, something we think is not yet sufficiently happening, but which is essential in addressing today’s environmental problems

    Masers and the Massive Star Formation Process: New Insights Through Infrared Observations

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    Our mid-infrared and near-infrared surveys over the last five years have helped to strengthen and clarify the relationships between water, methanol, and OH masers and the star formation process. Our surveys show that maser emission seems to be more closely associated with mid-infrared emission than cm radio continuum emission from UC HII regions. We find that masers of all molecular species surveyed trace a wide variety of phenomena and show a proclivity for linear distributions. The vast majority of these linear distributions can be explained by outflows or shocks, and in general do not appear to trace circumstellar disks as was previously thought. Some water and methanol masers that are not associated with radio continuum emission appear to trace infrared-bright hot cores, the earliest observable stage of massive stellar life before the onset of a UC HII region.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 227: "Massive Star Birth: A Crossroads of Astrophysics", version with full-resolution images available at http://www.ctio.noao.edu/~debuize

    Trigonometric Parallaxes of Massive Star Forming Regions: IV. G35.20-0.74 and G35.20-1.74

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    We report trigonometric parallaxes for the high-mass star forming regions G35.20-0.74 and G35.20-1.74, corresponding to distances of 2.19 (+0.24 -0.20) kpc and 3.27 (+0.56 -0.42) kpc, respectively. The distances to both sources are close to their near kinematic distances and place them in the Carina-Sagittarius spiral arm. Combining the distances and proper motions with observed radial velocities gives the locations and full space motions of the star forming regions. Assuming a standard model of the Galaxy, G35.20-0.74 and G35.20-1.74 have peculiar motions of ~13 km/s and ~16 km/s counter to Galactic rotation and ~9 km/s toward the North Galactic Pole.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    A sub-arcsecond study of the hot molecular core in G023.01-00.41

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    (Abridged) METHODS: We performed SMA observations at 1.3 mm with both the most extended and compact array configurations, providing sub-arcsecond and high sensitivity maps of various molecular lines, including both hot-core and outflow tracers. We also reconstruct the spectral energy distribution of the region from millimeter to near infrared wavelengths, using the Herschel/Hi-GAL maps, as well as archival data. RESULTS: From the spectral energy distribution, we derive a bolometric luminosity of about 4x10^4 Lsun. Our interferometric observations reveal that the distribution of dense gas and dust in the HMC is significantly flattened and extends up to a radius of 8000 AU from the center of radio continuum and maser emission in the region. The equatorial plane of this HMC is strictly perpendicular to the elongation of the collimated bipolar outflow, as imaged on scales of about 0.1-0.5 pc in the main CO isotopomers as well as in the SiO(5-4) line. In the innermost HMC regions (ca. 1000 AU), the velocity field traced by the CH3CN(12_K-11_K) line emission shows that molecular gas is both expanding along the outflow direction following a Hubble-law, and rotating about the outflow axis, in agreement with the (3-D) velocity field traced by methanol masers. The velocity field associated with rotation indicates a dynamical mass of 19 Msun at the center of the core. The latter is likely to be concentrated in a single O9.5 ZAMS star, consistent with the estimated bolometric luminosity of G023.01-00.41. The physical properties of the CO(2-1) outflow emission, such as its momentum rate 6x10^-3 Msun km/s /yr and its outflow rate 2x10^-4 Msun/yr, support our estimates of the luminosity (and mass) of the embedded young stellar object.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures, 6 tables, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Trigonometric Parallaxes of Massive Star Forming Regions: II. Cep A & NGC 7538

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    We report trigonometric parallaxes for the sources NGC 7538 and Cep A, corresponding to distances of 2.65 [+0.12/-0.11] kpc and 0.70 [+0.04/-0.04] kpc, respectively. The distance to NGC 7538 is considerably smaller than its kinematic distance and places it in the Perseus spiral arm. The distance to Cep A is also smaller than its kinematic distance and places it in the Local arm or spur. Combining the distance and proper motions with observed radial velocities gives the location and full space motion of the star forming regions. We find significant deviations from circular Galactic orbits for these sources: both sources show large peculiar motions (> 10 km/s) counter to Galactic rotation and NGC 7538 has a comparable peculiar motion toward the Galactic center.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures; to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Mid-Infrared Imaging of NGC 6334 I

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    We present high-resolution (<0.5") mid-infrared Keck II images of individual sources in the central region of NGC 6334 I. We compare these images to images at a variety of other wavelengths from the near infrared to cm radio continuum and speculate on the nature of the NGC 6334 I sources. We assert that the cometary shape of the UCHII region here, NGC 6334 F, is due to a champagne-like flow from a source on the edge of a molecular clump and not a due to a bow shock caused by the supersonic motion of the UCHII region through the interstellar medium. The mid-infrared emission in concentrated into an arc of dust that define the boundary between the UCHII region and the molecular clump. This dust arc contains a majority of the masers in the region. We discuss the nature of the four near-infrared sources associated with IRS-I 1, and suggest that one of the sources, IRS1E, is responsible for the heating and ionizing of the UCHII region and the mid-infrared dust arc. Infrared source IRS-I 2, which has been thought to be a circumstellar disk associated with a linear distribution of methanol masers, is found not to be directly coincident with the masers and elongated at a much different position angle. IRS-I 3 is found to be a extended source of mid-infrared emission coming from a cluster of young dusty sources seen in the near-infrared.Comment: Accepted for publication by the Astrophysical Journal, 27 pages, 9 figure

    Applying Stretch to Evoke Hyperreflexia in Spasticity Testing: Velocity vs. Acceleration

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    \ua9 Copyright \ua9 2021 Sloot, Weide, van der Krogt, Desloovere, Harlaar, Buizer and Bar-On. In neurological diseases, muscles often become hyper-resistant to stretch due to hyperreflexia, an exaggerated stretch reflex response that is considered to primarily depend on the muscle\u27s stretch velocity. However, there is still limited understanding of how different biomechanical triggers applied during clinical tests evoke these reflex responses. We examined the effect of imposing a rotation with increasing velocity vs. increasing acceleration on triceps surae muscle repsonse in children with spastic paresis (SP) and compared the responses to those measured in typically developing (TD) children. A motor-operated ankle manipulator was used to apply different bell-shaped movement profiles, with three levels of maximum velocity (70, 110, and 150\ub0/s) and three levels of maximum acceleration (500, 750, and 1,000\ub0/s2). For each profile and both groups, we evaluated the amount of evoked triceps surae muscle activation. In SP, we evaluated two additional characteristics: the intensity of the response (peak EMG burst) and the time from movement initiation to onset of the EMG burst. As expected, the amount of evoked muscle activation was larger in SP compared to TD (all muscles: p &lt; 0.001) and only sensitive to biomechanical triggers in SP. Further investigation of the responses in SP showed that peak EMG bursts increased in profiles with higher peak velocity (lateral gastrocnemius: p = 0.04), which was emphasized by fair correlations with increased velocity at EMG burst onset (all muscles: r &gt; 0.33–0.36, p ≤ 0.008), but showed no significant effect for acceleration. However, the EMG burst was evoked faster with higher peak acceleration (all muscles p &lt; 0.001) whereas it was delayed in profiles with higher peak velocity (medial gastrocnemius and soleus: p &lt; 0.006). We conclude that while exaggerated response intensity (peak EMG burst) seems linked to stretch velocity, higher accelerations seem to evoke faster responses (time to EMG burst onset) in triceps surae muscles in SP. Understanding and controlling for the distinct effects of different biological triggers, including velocity, acceleration but also length and force of the applied movement, will contribute to the development of more precise clinical measurement tools. This is especially important when aiming to understand the role of hyperreflexia during functional movements where the biomechanical inputs are multiple and changing

    Digging into NGC 6334I(N): Multiwavelength Imaging of a Massive Protostellar Cluster

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    We present a high-resolution, multi-wavelength study of the massive protostellar cluster NGC 6334I(N) that combines new spectral line data from the Submillimeter Array (SMA) and VLA with a reanalysis of archival VLA continuum data, 2MASS and Spitzer images. As shown previously, the brightest 1.3 mm source SMA1 contains substructure at subarcsecond resolution, and we report the first detection of SMA1b at 3.6 cm along with a new spatial component at 7 mm (SMA1d). We find SMA1 (aggregate of sources a, b, c, and d) and SMA4 to be comprised of free-free and dust components, while SMA6 shows only dust emission. Our 1.5" resolution 1.3 mm molecular line images reveal substantial hot-core line emission toward SMA1 and to a lesser degree SMA2. We find CH3OH rotation temperatures of 165\pm 9 K and 145\pm 12 K for SMA1 and SMA2, respectively. We estimate a diameter of 1400 AU for the SMA1 hot core emission, encompassing both SMA1b and SMA1d, and speculate that these sources comprise a >800 AU separation binary that may explain the previously-suggested precession of the outflow emanating from the SMA1 region. The LSR velocities of SMA1, SMA2, and SMA4 all differ by 1-2 km/s. Outflow activity from SMA1, SMA2, SMA4, and SMA6 is observed in several molecules including SiO(5--4) and IRAC 4.5 micron emission; 24 micron emission from SMA4 is also detected. Eleven water maser groups are detected, eight of which coincide with SMA1, SMA2, SMA4, and SMA6. We also detect a total of 83 Class I CH3OH 44GHz maser spots which likely result from the combined activity of many outflows. Our observations paint the portrait of multiple young hot cores in a protocluster prior to the stage where its members become visible in the near-infrared.Comment: Accepted to ApJ, 24 pages, a full high resolution version is available at http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~cbrogan/ms.long.pd

    Mid-Infrared Photometry and Spectra of Three High Mass Protostellar Candidates at IRAS 18151-1208 and IRAS 20343+4129

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    We present arcsecond-scale mid-ir photometry (in the 10.5 micron N band and at 24.8 microns), and low resolution spectra in the N band (R~100) of a candidate high mass protostellar object (HMPO) in IRAS 18151-1208 and of two HMPO candidates in IRAS 20343+4129, IRS 1 and IRS 3. In addition we present high resolution mid-ir spectra (R~80000) of the two HMPO candidates in IRAS 20343+4129. These data are fitted with simple models to estimate the masses of gas and dust associated with the mid-ir emitting clumps, the column densities of overlying absorbing dust and gas, the luminosities of the HMPO candidates, and the likely spectral type of the HMPO candidate for which [Ne II] 12.8 micron emission was detected (IRAS 20343+4129 IRS 3). We suggest that IRAS 18151-1208 is a pre-ultracompact HII region HMPO, IRAS 20343+4129 IRS 1 is an embedded young stellar object with the luminosity of a B3 star, and IRAS 20343+4129 IRS 3 is a B2 ZAMS star that has formed an ultracompact HII region and disrupted its natal envelope.Comment: 40 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal (Part 1
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