858 research outputs found

    How best to Design Fuzzy Sets and Systems:In memory of Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh

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    The fundamental shift in dealing with uncertainties [12] and computerised reasoning was made by the late Professor Lotfi Aliasker Zadeh (1921–2017) in 1965 in his seminal paper [1]. For the last over five decades the Fuzzy Sets theory has matured and was applied to a long list of applications spanning from engineering, social sciences, biology to transport, mathematics and many mor

    A CNL for Contract-Oriented Diagrams

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    We present a first step towards a framework for defining and manipulating normative documents or contracts described as Contract-Oriented (C-O) Diagrams. These diagrams provide a visual representation for such texts, giving the possibility to express a signatory's obligations, permissions and prohibitions, with or without timing constraints, as well as the penalties resulting from the non-fulfilment of a contract. This work presents a CNL for verbalising C-O Diagrams, a web-based tool allowing editing in this CNL, and another for visualising and manipulating the diagrams interactively. We then show how these proof-of-concept tools can be used by applying them to a small example

    Immunomorphological characteristics of pleomorphic adenoma of salivary glands

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    The immunohistochemical profile of 23 pleomorphic adenomas and 7 normal salivary glands was studied. We used antisera to vimentin (V), desmin (D), epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), prostate specific antigen (PSA), pancytokeratin, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and S-100 protein. In the ducts and myoepithelial cells of normal salivary glands immunopositivity to most of the cytoskeletal proteins, EMA and CEA was observed. GFAP was localized only in cells of striated ducts. Major differences in the expression of various antigens among tubular structures, solid sheets, the myxoid and chondroid in the pleomorphic adenoma were encountered. Appearance of GFAP as a sign of stromal transformation into myxoid and chondroid was detected.Judging from these comparative immunohistochemical characteristics between normal salivary glands and pleomorphic adenomas, we assume that tumour cells originate from the reserve cells of intercalated and striated ducts.Nous avons étudié les caractéristiques immunohistochimiques de 23 adénomes pléomorphes et de 7 glandes salivaires non tumorales. Nous avons utilisé des anticorps pour la vimentine (V), la desmine (D), l’antigène de membrane épithéliale (EMA), antigène prostatique spécifique (PSA), la pancytokératine, l’antigène carcinoembryonnaire (CEA), la protéine gliale fibrillaire acide (GFAP) et la protéine S-100. Dans les canaux et dans les cellules myoépithéliales des glandes salivaires normales c’est l’immunopositivité pour la plupart des protéines du cytosquelette, EMA et CEA qui est observée. GFAP est localisée uniquement dans les cellules des canaux striés. Des différences majeures dans l’expression des divers antigènes ont été rencontrées dans les structures tubulaires, dans les nappes cellulaires et dans les portions myxoïdes et chondroïdes des adénomes pleomorphes. L’apparition de GFAP a été observée comme signe de transformation myxoïde ou chondroïde du stroma.En nous basant sur la comparaison des caractéristiques immunohistochimiques entre les glandes salivaires normales et les adénomes pléomorphes, nous supposons que les cellules tumorales trouvent leur origine dans les cellules de réserve des canaux intercalaires et des canaux striés.

    Single-access transumbilical laparoscopic appendectomy using curved reusable instruments: an initial report of three cases.

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    Introduction: The continuous evolution of laparoscopic surgery and the ambition of better cosmetic results raise the need for less invasive procedures. The umbilicus represents a natural scar and constitutes a wellhealing site of access to the peritoneal cavity. Single-access Transumbilical Laparoscopy (SATL) is gaining popularity and can be an alternative surgical treatment for acute appendicitis. We report three cases of SATL appendectomy using curved reusable instruments.Patients and methods: Three female patients, wanting minimal scarring (mean age - 30 years) were admitted to our hospital in April 2015 with acute abdominal pain in the right iliac area. A SATL appendectomy was performed using a standard 11-mm reusable trocar for a 10-mm, 30°- angled, rigid scope and curved reusable instruments according to DAPRI (Karl Storz-Endoskope, Tuttlingen, Germany) placed transumbilically.Results: Neither a conversion to open surgery nor an insertion of extraumbilical trocars was necessary. The mean operative time was 101.6 +/- 24.66 minutes and the mean blood loss 6.66 +/- 11.54 mL. The mean scar length was 16.66 +/- 0.57 mm. No intraoperative complications were registered and the use of minimal pain killers allowed the discharge after 2 or maximum 4 days. After three months of follow-up no late complications occurred and the umbilical scar was not visible.Conclusion: In young and scarless-demanding females with acute appendicitis SATL appendectomy can be performed safely and offers the possibility of surgical treatment without a visible scar

    Mini Max Wallpaper

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    Mini Max company formulated a problem for the automatic calculation of the number of wallpaper rolls necessary for decorating a room with wallpaper. The final goal is the development of a web-based calculator open for use to both Mini Max staff and the general public. We propose an approach for reducing the studied problem to the one-dimensional cutting-stock problem. We show this in details for the case of plain wallpapers as well as for the case of patterned wallpapers with straight match. The one-dimensional cutting-stock problem can be formulated as a linear integer programming problem. We develop an approach for calculating the needed number of wallpapers for relatively small problems, create an algorithm in a suitable graphical interface and make different tests. The tests show the efficiency of the proposed approach compared with the existent (available) wallpapers’ calculators

    Limiting the resectability in locally advanced primary or rec urrent carcinoma of the colon

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    Purpose: The terms of ‘unresectable`, ‘inoperable` and ‘incurable` cancer/patient are widely used but not clearly defined and thus subject to significant subjectivity. Where is the limit of ‘resectability` of colorectal cancer - the criteria are variable and not precisely defined yet. Locally advanced lesion may vary from visible intimately adhered to the surrounding tissue, i.e. marginal, ‘border` resectable tumour to one that directly macroscopically engages adjacent critical structures. This paper presents the experience of other foreign authors with their results in the determination of the tumour as resectable or unresectable as well as own clinical experience in this field.Material and methods: The study covered the patients with colorectal cancer who were operated in the Clinic of Surgery during a period of 9 years and retrospectively analyzed.Results: Out of a total of 1051 surgeries on the occasion of colorectal cancer, advanced disease constituted 28,6% or 301 patients. Of them, 52,5% were localized in different parts of the colon. Fifty-eight combined resections were performed as in 7 of them (recurrent tumours) R1 was accomplished, i.e. a non-radical result. A total of 117 cases were assessed intraoperatively as non-radical surgery and palliative procedures were performed such as resections (with or without restoration of the intestinal passage, but in the case of M1), bypass anastomoses, or simple interruption of the passage. .Conclusion: Many of the world`s leading surgical centres adopt the tactics of ‘adequate aggressive behaviour` for locally advanced primary and recurrent colorectal cancer. In determining the reasonable balance between aggressive approach and the so-called meaningless ‘surgical exorbitance` there is strive to adhere to the view that failure to achieve R0-resection planed in such an operation as well as leading performance or a combination of factors such as advanced age, severe co-morbidities, presence of complicated forms of colorectal cancer, urgent intervention and data of generalization of the malignant process undermine the performance of aggressive block removal of tumour formation. However, adequate pre- and intraoperative assessment and surgical experience should avoid ‘exaggerated` intraoperative status of locally advanced tumou


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    Measurements of the group delay and the group delay dispersion with resonance scanning interferometer

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    We developed a method for group delay and group delay dispersion measurements, based on location of interference resonance peaks. Such resonance peaks can be observed in transmittance or in reflectance when two mirrors are placed parallel to each other and separated by a thin air spacer. By using a novel approach, based on simultaneous processing of the data acquired for different spacer distances we obtained reliable results with high resolution. Measurements were performed both in transmittance and reflectance layouts depending on the reflectivity of the mirror to be measured. The developed method allows dispersion measurements of ultraviolet mirrors and ultra-broadband mirrors spanning more than one optical octave to be performed
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