2,614 research outputs found

    Adiabatic and Isocurvature Perturbations for Multifield Generalized Einstein Models

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    Low energy effective field theories motivated by string theory will likely contain several scalar moduli fields which will be relevant to early Universe cosmology. Some of these fields are expected to couple with non-standard kinetic terms to gravity. In this paper, we study the splitting into adiabatic and isocurvature perturbations for a model with two scalar fields, one of which has a non-standard kinetic term in the Einstein-frame action. Such actions can arise, e.g., in the Pre-Big-Bang and Ekpyrotic scenarios. The presence of a non-standard kinetic term induces a new coupling between adiabatic and isocurvature perturbations which is non-vanishing when the potential for the matter fields is nonzero. This coupling is un-suppressed in the long wavelength limit and thus can lead to an important transfer of power from the entropy to the adiabatic mode on super-Hubble scales. We apply the formalism to the case of a previously found exact solution with an exponential potential and study the resulting mixing of adiabatic and isocurvature fluctuations in this example. We also discuss the possible relevance of the extra coupling in the perturbation equations for the process of generating an adiabatic component of the fluctuations spectrum from isocurvature perturbations without considering a later decay of the isocurvature component.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, one equation corrected, typos fixed, conclusions unchange

    Cosmology with positive and negative exponential potentials

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    We present a phase-plane analysis of cosmologies containing a scalar field ϕ\phi with an exponential potential Vexp(λκϕ)V \propto \exp(-\lambda \kappa \phi) where κ2=8πG\kappa^2 = 8\pi G and VV may be positive or negative. We show that power-law kinetic-potential scaling solutions only exist for sufficiently flat (λ26\lambda^26) negative potentials. The latter correspond to a class of ever-expanding cosmologies with negative potential. However we show that these expanding solutions with a negative potential are to unstable in the presence of ordinary matter, spatial curvature or anisotropic shear, and generic solutions always recollapse to a singularity. Power-law kinetic-potential scaling solutions are the late-time attractor in a collapsing universe for steep negative potentials (the ekpyrotic scenario) and stable against matter, curvature or shear perturbations. Otherwise kinetic-dominated solutions are the attractor during collapse (the pre big bang scenario) and are only marginally stable with respect to anisotropic shear.Comment: 8 pages, latex with revtex, 9 figure

    Large scale magnetogenesis from a non-equilibrium phase transition in the radiation dominated era

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    We study the generation of large scale primordial magnetic fields by a cosmological phase transition during the radiation dominated era. The setting is a theory of N charged scalar fields coupled to an abelian gauge field, that undergoes a phase transition at a critical temperature much larger than the electroweak scale. The dynamics after the transition features two distinct stages: a spinodal regime dominated by linear long-wavelength instabilities, and a scaling stage in which the non-linearities and backreaction of the scalar fields are dominant. This second stage describes the growth of horizon sized domains. We implement a recently introduced formulation to obtain the spectrum of magnetic fields that includes the dissipative effects of the plasma. We find that large scale magnetogenesis is very efficient during the scaling regime. The ratio between the energy density on scales larger than L and that in the background radiation r(L,T) = rho_B(L,T)/rho_{cmb}(T) is r(L,T) \sim 10^{-34} at the Electroweak scale and r(L,T) \sim 10^{-14} at the QCD scale for L \sim 1 Mpc. The resulting spectrum is insensitive to the magnetic diffusion length. We conjecture that a similar mechanism could be operative after the QCD chiral phase transition.Comment: LaTex, 25 pages, no figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Non-Gaussianity from Instant and Tachyonic Preheating

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    We study non-Gaussianity in two distinct models of preheating: instant and tachyonic. In instant preheating non-Gaussianity is sourced by the local terms generated through the coupled perturbations of the two scalar fields. We find that the non-Gaussianity parameter is given by fNLϕ2g<O(1)f_{NL}^{\phi}\sim 2g < O(1), where gg is a coupling constant, so that instant preheating is unlikely to be constrained by WMAP or Planck. In the case of tachyonic preheating non-Gaussianity arises solely from the instability of the tachyon matter and is found to be large. We find that for single field inflation the present WMAP data implies a bound V01/4/MP104V_{0}^{1/4}/M_{P}\leq 10^{-4} on the scale of tachyonic instability. We argue that the tachyonic preheating limits are useful also for string-motivated inflationary models.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, additional discussion, improved constraint on the scale of tachyonic preheatin

    From heaviness to lightness during inflation

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    We study the quantum fluctuations of scalar fields with a variable effective mass during an inflationary phase. We consider the situation where the effective mass depends on a background scalar field, which evolves during inflation from being frozen into a damped oscillatory phase when the Hubble parameter decreases below its mass. We find power spectra with suppressed amplitude on large scales, similar to the standard massless spectrum on small scales, and affected by modulations on intermediate scales. We stress the analogies and differences with the parametric resonance in the preheating scenario. We also discuss some potentially observable consequences when the scalar field behaves like a curvaton.Comment: 23 pages; 8 figures; published versio

    From (p)reheating to nucleosynthesis

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    This article gives a brief qualitative description of the possible evolution of the early Universe between the end of an inflationary epoch and the end of Big Bang nucleosynthesis. After a general introduction, establishing the minimum requirements cosmologists impose on this cosmic evolutionary phase, namely, successful baryogenesis, the production of cosmic dark matter, and successful light-element nucleosynthesis, a more detailed discussion on some recent developments follows. This latter includes the physics of preheating, the putative production of (alternative) dark matter, and the current status of Big Bang nucleosynthesis.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, to be published in "Classical and Quantum Gravity", article based on a talk presented at ``The Early Universe and Cosmological Observations: a Critical Review'', Cape Town, July 200

    Non-Equilibrium Large N Yukawa Dynamics: marching through the Landau pole

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    The non-equilibrium dynamics of a Yukawa theory with N fermions coupled to a scalar field is studied in the large N limit with the goal of comparing the dynamics predicted from the renormalization group improved effective potential to that obtained including the fermionic backreaction. The effective potential is of the Coleman-Weinberg type. Its renormalization group improvement is unbounded from below and features a Landau pole. When viewed self-consistently, the initial time singularity does not arise. The different regimes of the dynamics of the fully renormalized theory are studied both analytically and numerically. Despite the existence of a Landau pole in the model, the dynamics of the mean field is smooth as it passes the location of the pole. This is a consequence of a remarkable cancellation between the effective potential and the dynamical chiral condensate. The asymptotic evolution is effectively described by a quartic upright effective potential. In all regimes, profuse particle production results in the formation of a dense fermionic plasma with occupation numbers nearly saturated up to a scale of the order of the mean field. This can be interpreted as a chemical potential. We discuss the implications of these results for cosmological preheating.Comment: 36 pages, 14 figures, LaTeX, submitted to Physical Review

    One-loop corrections to a scalar field during inflation

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    The leading quantum correction to the power spectrum of a gravitationally-coupled light scalar field is calculated, assuming that it is generated during a phase of single-field, slow-roll inflation.Comment: 33 pages, uses feynmp.sty and ioplatex journal style. v2: matches version published in JCAP. v3: corrects sign error in Eq. (58). Corrects final coefficient of the logarithm in Eq. (105). Small corrections to discussion of divergences in 1-point function. Minor improvements to discussion of UV behaviour in Sec. 4.