18,393 research outputs found

    Geochemistry of volcanic rocks from the Wawa greenstone belt

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    The Wawa greenstone belt is located in the District of Algoma and extends east-northeast from Lake Superior to the western part of the Sudbury District in Ontario, Canada. Recent mapping by Attoh has shown that an unconformity at the base of the Dore' Formation and equivalent sedimentary rocks marks a significant stratigraphic break which can be traced throughout the volcanic belt. This break has been used to subdivide the volcanic-sedimentary into pre- and post-Dore' sequences. The pre-Dore' sequence includes at least two cycles of mafic-to-felsic volcanism, each capped by an iron-formation unit. The post-Dore' sequence includes an older mafic-to-felsic unit, which directly overlies sedimentary rocks correlated with the Dore' Formation, and a younger felsic breccia unit interpreted to have formed as debris flows from a felsic volcanic center. In the present study, samples of both the pre-and post-Dore' volcanic sequences were analyzed for major and trace elements, incuding rare earths (REE). This preliminary study is part of an ongoing program to assess the petrogenesis of the volcanic rocks of the Wawa greenstone belt

    Rhyolitic components of the Michipicoten greenstone belt, Ontario: Evidence for late Archaen intracontinental rifts or convergent plate margins in the Canadian Shield?

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    Rhyolitic rocks often are the dominant felsic end member of the biomodal volcanic suites that characterize many late Archean greenstone belts of the Canadian Shield. The rhyolites primarily are pyroclastic flows (ash flow tuffs) emplaced following plinian eruptions, although deposits formed by laval flows and phreatomagmatic eruptions also are presented. Based both on measured tectono-stratigraphic sections and provenance studies of greenstone belt sedimentary sequences, the rhyolites are believed to have been equal in abundance to associated basaltic rocks. In many recent discussions of the tectonic setting of late Archean Canadian greenstone belts, rhyolites have been interpreted as products of intracontinental rifting . A study of the tectono-stratigraphic relationships, rock associations and chemical characteristics of the particularly ell-exposed late Archean rhyolites of the Michipicoten greenstone belt, suggests that convergent plate margin models are more appropriate

    Approaches and tools to manipulate the carbonate chemistry

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    Although the chemistry of ocean acidifi cation is very well understood (see chapter 1), its impact on marine organisms and ecosystems remains poorly known. The biological response to ocean acidifi cation is a recent field of research, the fi rst purposeful experiments have only been carried out as late as the 1980s (Agegian, 1985) and most were not performed until the late 1990s. The potentially dire consequences of ocean acidifi cation have attracted the interest of scientists and students with a limited knowledge of the carbonate chemistry and its experimental manipulation. Perturbation experiments are one of the key approaches used to investigate the biological response to elevated p(CO2). Such experiments are based on measurements of physiological or metabolic processes in organisms and communities exposed to seawater with normal and altered carbonate chemistry. The basics of the carbonate chemistry must be understood to perform meaningful CO2 perturbation experiments (see chapter 1). Briefl y, the marine carbonate system considers € CO2 ∗(aq) [the sum of CO2 and H2CO3], € HCO3 −, € CO3 2−, H+, € OH− , and several weak acid-base systems of which borate-boric acid (€ B(OH)4 − , B(OH)3) is the most important. As discussed by Dickson (chapter 1), if two components of the carbonate chemistry are known, all the other components can be calculated for seawater with typical nutrient concentrations at given temperature, salinity, and pressure. One of the possible pairs is of particular interest because both components can be measured with precision, accuracy, and are conservative in the sense that their concentrations do not change with temperature or pressure. Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) is the sum of all dissolved inorganic carbon species while total alkalinity (AT) equals € [HCO3 − ] + 2 € [CO3 2− ] + € [B(OH)4 − ] + € [OH− ] - [H+] + minor components, and refl ects the excess of proton acceptors over proton donors with respect to a zero level of protons (see chapter 1 for a detailed defi nition). AT is determined by the titration of seawater with a strong acid and thus can also be regarded as a measure of the buffering capacity. Any changes in any single component of the carbonate system will lead to changes in several, if not all, other components. In other words, it is not possible to vary a single component of the carbonate system while keeping all other components constant. This interdependency in the carbonate system is important to consider when performing CO2 perturbation experiments. To adjust seawater to different p(CO2) levels, the carbonate system can be manipulated in various ways that usually involve changes in AT or DIC. The goal of this chapter is (1) to examine the benefi ts and drawbacks of various manipulation methods used to date and (2) to provide a simple software package to assist the design of perturbation experiments

    Human complement factor H

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    We isolated cDNA clones coding for the functionally important tryptic N-terminal38- kDa fragment of human complement control protein factor H using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to screen a human liver cDNA library cloned in a bacterial expression vector, PEX-1. By testing the reactivity of antibodies specific for the recombinant proteins produced by individual clones with proteolytic fragments of serum H the exact position of these cDNA clones within H was mapped. One clone, H-19, coding for the 38-kDa fragment of H was sequenced and found to code for 289 amino acids derived from the 38-kDa N-terminal fragment as well as for the first 108 amino acids belonging to the complementary 142-kDa tryptic fragment. The derived protein sequence could be arranged in 6 highly homologous repeats of about 60 amino acids each, the homology between the repeats being determined by the characteristic position of cysteine, proline, glycine, tyrosine and tryptophane residues. The region coding for the epitope recognized by one of our monoclonal antibodies was localized by subcloning restriction fragments of H-19 into the expression plasmid and testing for the expression of this epitope

    Third edge for a graphene nanoribbon: A tight-binding model calculation

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    The electronic and transport properties of an extended linear defect embedded in a zigzag nanoribbon of realistic width are studied, within a tight binding model approach. Our results suggest that such defect profoundly modify the properties of the nanoribbon, introducing new conductance quantization values and modifying the conductance quantization thresholds. The linear defect along the nanoribbon behaves as an effective third edge of the system, which shows a metallic behavior, giving rise to new conduction pathways that could be used in nanoscale circuitry as a quantum wire.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Two new figures and a few references adde

    Word Alignment without NULL words

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    Word Alignment without NULL words

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