133 research outputs found

    Asymptomatic Achilles tendon pathology is associated with a central fat distribution in men and a peripheral fat distribution in women: a cross sectional study of 298 individuals

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Adiposity is a modifiable factor that has been implicated in tendinopathy. As tendon pain reduces physical activity levels and can lead to weight gain, associations between tendon pathology and adiposity must be studied in individuals without tendon pain. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine whether fat distribution was associated with asymptomatic Achilles tendon pathology.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The Achilles tendons of 298 individuals were categorised as normal or pathological using diagnostic ultrasound. Fat distribution was determined using anthropometry (waist circumference, waist hip ratio [WHR]) and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Asymptomatic Achilles tendon pathology was more evident in men (13%) than women (5%) (p = 0.007). Men with tendon pathology were older (50.9 ± 10.4, 36.3 ± 11.3, p < 0.001), had greater WHR (0.926 ± 0.091, 0.875 ± 0.065, p = 0.039), higher android/gynoid fat mass ratio (0.616 ± 0.186, 0.519 ± 0.142, p = 0.014) and higher upper-body/lower body fat mass ratio (2.346 ± 0.630, 2.022 ± 0.467, p = 0.013). Men older than 40 years with a waist circumference >83 cm had the greatest prevalence of tendon pathology (33%). Women with tendon pathology were older (47.4 ± 10.0, 36.0 ± 10.3, p = 0.008), had less total fat (17196 ± 3173 g, 21626 ± 7882 g, p = 0.009), trunk fat (7367 ± 1662 g, 10087 ± 4152 g, p = 0.003) and android fat (1117 ± 324 g, 1616 ± 811 g, p = 0.005). They had lower central/peripheral fat mass ratios (0.711 ± 0.321 g, 0.922 ± 0.194 g, p = 0.004) than women with normal tendons. Women with tendon pathology were more often menopausal (63%, 13%, p = 0.002).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Men with Achilles tendon pathology were older and had a central fat distribution. Women with tendon pathology were older and had a peripheral fat distribution. An interaction between age and waist circumference was observed among men.</p

    Third post-Newtonian constrained canonical dynamics for binary point masses in harmonic coordinates

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    The conservative dynamics of two point masses given in harmonic coordinates up to the third post-Newtonian (3pN) order is treated within the framework of constrained canonical dynamics. A representation of the approximate Poincar\'e algebra is constructed with the aid of Dirac brackets. Uniqueness of the generators of the Poincar\'e group resp. the integrals of motion is achieved by imposing their action on the point mass coordinates to be identical with that of the usual infinitesimal Poincar\'e transformations. The second post-Coulombian approximation to the dynamics of two point charges as predicted by Feynman-Wheeler electrodynamics in Lorentz gauge is treated similarly.Comment: 42 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Dirac's Observables for the Rest-Frame Instant Form of Tetrad Gravity in a Completely Fixed 3-Orthogonal Gauge

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    We define the {\it rest-frame instant form} of tetrad gravity restricted to Christodoulou-Klainermann spacetimes. After a study of the Hamiltonian group of gauge transformations generated by the 14 first class constraints of the theory, we define and solve the multitemporal equations associated with the rotation and space diffeomorphism constraints, finding how the cotriads and their momenta depend on the corresponding gauge variables. This allows to find quasi-Shanmugadhasan canonical transformation to the class of 3-orthogonal gauges and to find the Dirac observables for superspace in these gauges. The construction of the explicit form of the transformation and of the solution of the rotation and supermomentum constraints is reduced to solve a system of elliptic linear and quasi-linear partial differential equations. We then show that the superhamiltonian constraint becomes the Lichnerowicz equation for the conformal factor of the 3-metric and that the last gauge variable is the momentum conjugated to the conformal factor. The gauge transformations generated by the superhamiltonian constraint perform the transitions among the allowed foliations of spacetime, so that the theory is independent from its 3+1 splittings. In the special 3-orthogonal gauge defined by the vanishing of the conformal factor momentum we determine the final Dirac observables for the gravitational field even if we are not able to solve the Lichnerowicz equation. The final Hamiltonian is the weak ADM energy restricted to this completely fixed gauge.Comment: RevTeX file, 141 page

    Lower limb biomechanics during running in individuals with Achilles tendinopathy: a systematic review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Abnormal lower limb biomechanics is speculated to be a risk factor for Achilles tendinopathy. This study systematically reviewed the existing literature to identify, critique and summarise lower limb biomechanical factors associated with Achilles tendinopathy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We searched electronic bibliographic databases (Medline, EMBASE, Current contents, CINAHL and SPORTDiscus) in November 2010. All prospective cohort and case-control studies that evaluated biomechanical factors (temporospatial parameters, lower limb kinematics, dynamic plantar pressures, kinetics [ground reaction forces and joint moments] and muscle activity) associated with mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy were included. Quality of included studies was evaluated using the Quality Index. The magnitude of differences (effect sizes) between cases and controls was calculated using Cohen's d (with 95% CIs).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Nine studies were identified; two were prospective and the remaining seven case-control study designs. The quality of 9 identified studies was varied, with Quality Index scores ranging from 4 to 15 out of 17. All studies analysed running biomechanics. Cases displayed increased eversion range of motion of the rearfoot (d = 0.92 and 0.67 in two studies), reduced maximum lower leg abduction (d = -1.16), reduced ankle joint dorsiflexion velocity (d = -0.62) and reduced knee flexion during gait (d = -0.90). Cases also demonstrated a number of differences in dynamic plantar pressures (primarily the distribution of the centre of force), ground reaction forces (large effects for timing variables) and also showed reduced peak tibial external rotation moment (d = -1.29). Cases also displayed differences in the timing and amplitude of a number of lower limb muscles but many differences were equivocal.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>There are differences in lower limb biomechanics between those with and without Achilles tendinopathy that may have implications for the prevention and management of the condition. However, the findings need to be interpreted with caution due to the limited quality of a number of the included studies. Future well-designed prospective studies are required to confirm these findings.</p

    Lifestyle and metabolic factors in relation to shoulder pain and rotator cuff tendinitis: A population-based study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Shoulder pain is a common health problem. The purpose of this study was to assess the associations of lifestyle factors, metabolic factors and carotid intima-media thickness with shoulder pain and chronic (> 3 months) rotator cuff tendinitis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this cross-sectional study, the target population consisted of subjects aged 30 years or older participating in a national Finnish Health Survey during 2000-2001. Of the 7,977 eligible subjects, 6,237 (78.2%) participated in a structured interview and clinical examination. Chronic rotator cuff tendinitis was diagnosed clinically. Weight-related factors, C-reactive protein and carotid intima-media thickness were measured.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The prevalence of shoulder joint pain during the preceding 30 days was 16% and that of chronic rotator cuff tendinitis 2.8%. Smoking, waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio were related to an increased prevalence of shoulder pain in both genders. Metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus and carotid intima-media thickness were associated with shoulder pain in men, whereas high level of C-reactive protein was associated with shoulder pain in women. Increased waist circumference and type 1 diabetes mellitus were associated with chronic rotator cuff tendinitis in men.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our findings showed associations of abdominal obesity, some other metabolic factors and carotid intima-media thickness with shoulder pain. Disturbed glucose metabolism and atherosclerosis may be underlying mechanisms, although not fully supported by the findings of this study. Prospective studies are needed to further investigate the role of lifestyle and metabolic factors in shoulder disorders.</p

    Disaccharide topology induces slow down in local water dynamics

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    Molecular level insight into water structure and structural dynamics near proteins, lipids and nucleic acids is critical to the quantitative understanding of many biophysical processes. Un- fortunately, understanding hydration and hydration dynamics around such large molecules is challenging because of the necessity of deconvoluting the effects of topography and chemical heterogeneity. Here we study, via classical all atom simulation, water structure and structural dynamics around two biologically relevant solutes large enough to have significant chemical and topological heterogeneity but small enough to be computationally tractable: the disaccharides Kojibiose and Trehalose. We find both molecules to be strongly amphiphilic (as quantified from normalized local density fluctuations) and to induce nonuniform local slowdown in water translational and rotational motion. Detailed analysis of the rotational slowdown shows that while the rotational mechanism is similar to that previously identified in other aqueous systems by Laage, Hynes and coworkers, two novel characteristics are observed: broadening of the transition state during hydrogen bond exchange (water rotation) and a subpopulation of water for which rotation is slowed because of hindered access of the new accepting water molecule to the transition state. Both of these characteristics are expected to be generic features of water rotation around larger biomolecules and, taken together, emphasize the difficulty in transferring insight into water rotation around small molecules to much larger amphiphilic solutes.This work is part of the research program of the “Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie (FOM)” which is financially supported by the “Nederlandse organisatie voor Wetenschap- pelijk Onderzoek (NWO)”. Further financial support was provided by a Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowship (RKC). We gratefully acknowledge SARA, the Dutch center for high- performance computing, for computational time and Huib Bakker and Daan Frenkel for useful critical reviews on an earlier version of this work. We thank two anonymous reviewers for their excellent work, especially for bringing to our attention calculations done on the transition state geometry of dimers and the overstructuring of the O-O radial distribution function of SPC/E water

    Leukocyte Attraction by CCL20 and Its Receptor CCR6 in Humans and Mice with Pneumococcal Meningitis

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    We previously identified CCL20 as an early chemokine in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with pneumococcal meningitis but its functional relevance was unknown. Here we studied the role of CCL20 and its receptor CCR6 in pneumococcal meningitis. In a prospective nationwide study, CCL20 levels were significantly elevated in the CSF of patients with pneumococcal meningitis and correlated with CSF leukocyte counts. CCR6 deficient mice with pneumococcal meningitis and WT mice with pneumococcal meningitis treated with anti-CCL20 antibodies both had reduced CSF white blood cell counts. The reduction in CSF pleocytosis was also accompanied by an increase in brain bacterial titers. Additional in vitro experiments showed direct chemoattractant activity of CCL20 for granulocytes. In summary, our results identify the CCL20-CCR6 axis as an essential component of the innate immune defense against pneumococcal meningitis, controlling granulocyte recruitment

    Deciphering the pathogenesis of tendinopathy: a three-stages process

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    Our understanding of the pathogenesis of "tendinopathy" is based on fragmented evidences like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. We propose a "failed healing theory" to knit these fragments together, which can explain previous observations. We also propose that albeit "overuse injury" and other insidious "micro trauma" may well be primary triggers of the process, "tendinopathy" is not an "overuse injury" per se. The typical clinical, histological and biochemical presentation relates to a localized chronic pain condition which may lead to tendon rupture, the latter attributed to mechanical weakness. Characterization of pathological "tendinotic" tissues revealed coexistence of collagenolytic injuries and an active healing process, focal hypervascularity and tissue metaplasia. These observations suggest a failed healing process as response to a triggering injury. The pathogenesis of tendinopathy can be described as a three stage process: injury, failed healing and clinical presentation. It is likely that some of these "initial injuries" heal well and we speculate that predisposing intrinsic or extrinsic factors may be involved. The injury stage involves a progressive collagenolytic tendon injury. The failed healing stage mainly refers to prolonged activation and failed resolution of the normal healing process. Finally, the matrix disturbances, increased focal vascularity and abnormal cytokine profiles contribute to the clinical presentations of chronic tendon pain or rupture. With this integrative pathogenesis theory, we can relate the known manifestations of tendinopathy and point to the "missing links". This model may guide future research on tendinopathy, until we could ultimately decipher the complete pathogenesis process and provide better treatments

    VIP in construction: systematic development and evaluation of a multifaceted health programme aiming to improve physical activity levels and dietary patterns among construction workers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The prevalence of both overweight and musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) in the construction industry is high. Many interventions in the occupational setting aim at the prevention and reduction of these health problems, but it is still unclear how these programmes should be designed. To determine the effectiveness of interventions on these health outcomes randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are needed. The aim of this study is to systematically develop a tailored intervention for prevention and reduction of overweight and MSD among construction workers and to describe the evaluation study regarding its (cost-)effectiveness.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>The Intervention Mapping (IM) protocol was applied to develop and implement a tailored programme aimed at the prevention and reduction of overweight and MSD. The (cost-) effectiveness of the intervention programme will be evaluated using an RCT. Furthermore, a process evaluation will be conducted. The research population will consist of blue collar workers of a large construction company in the Netherlands.</p> <p>Intervention</p> <p>The intervention programme will be aimed at improving (vigorous) physical activity levels and healthy dietary behaviour and will consist of tailored information, face-to-face and telephone counselling, training instruction (a fitness "card" to be used for exercises), and materials designed for the intervention (overview of the company health promoting facilities, waist circumference measuring tape, pedometer, BMI card, calorie guide, recipes, and knowledge test).</p> <p>Main study parameters/endpoints</p> <p>The intervention effect on body weight and waist circumference (primary outcome measures), as well as on lifestyle behaviour, MSD, fitness, CVD risk indicators, and work-related outcomes (i.e. productivity, sick leave) (secondary outcome measures) will be assessed.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The development of the VIP in construction intervention led to a health programme tailored to the needs of construction workers. This programme, if proven effective, can be directly implemented.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Netherlands Trial Register (NTR): <a href="http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctview.asp?TC=2095">NTR2095</a></p