370 research outputs found

    The gas–liquid phase-transition singularities in the framework of the liquid-state integral equation formalism

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    6 pages, 4 figures.-- PACS: 64.70.Fx; 65.20.+w; 02.30.Rz; 62.10.+sThe singularities of various liquid-state integral equations derived from the Ornstein–Zernike relation and its temperature derivatives, have been investigated in the liquid–vapor transition region. As a general feature, it has been found that the existence of a nonsolution curve on the vapor side of the phase diagram, on which both the direct and the total correlation functions become complex—with a finite isothermal compressibility—also corresponds to the locus of points where the constant-volume heat capacity diverges, in consonance with a divergence of the temperature derivative of the correlation functions. In contrast, on the liquid side of the phase diagram one finds that a true spinodal (a curve of diverging isothermal compressibilities) is reproduced by the Percus–Yevick and Martynov–Sarkisov integral equations, but now this curve corresponds to states with finite heat capacity. On the other hand, the hypernetted chain approximation exhibits a nonsolution curve with finite compressibilities and heat capacities in which, as temperature is lowered, the former tends to diverge.E.L. acknowledges financial support of the Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica under Grant No. FIS2004-02954-C03-01. This work has been carried out under the auspices of the exchange agreement between the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and the Russian Academy of Sciencies, which supported the exchange visits of E.L. and G.S. in the past two years.Peer reviewe

    Gender agreement on adverbs in Spanish

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    In this article we explore the exceptional gender agreement of the Spanish adverb mucho (‘much’), when it modifies comparative adjectives inside DPs that contain a particular type of noun (as in muchafem mejor intenciónfem, ‘much better intention’). This phenomenon, which we describe in detail, raises crucial questions both about the mechanisms of agreement and about the nature of gender in a language such as Spanish. We will argue on the basis of our analysis that agreement is not semantically motivated, but blindly triggered by certain formal configurations. We will also argue that –at least in languages such as Spanish– gender information is scattered in two different positions inside the DP.Peer reviewe

    Of the {1}H and {13}C NMR spectra of tetraacethylglycoluril in different deutered solvents

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    In this study, the chemical shifts in the NMR spectra of tetraacetylglycoluryl in various deutered solvents (DMSO-[d]6, D[2]O, CDCl[3], CCl[4], DCOND[2], C[2]D[5]OD) were studied

    A Unit-Decade Compatibility Effect in German Number Words

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    Photograph taken by Salt Lake Tribune staf

    A Unit-Decade Compatibility Effect in German Number Words

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    Computing procedures for a learning machine

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    Системы автоматизации как инновация в управлении закупками компании (на примере АО «Газсервис»)

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    Правильно организованная закупочная деятельность позволяет предприятию не только получать товары необходимого качества, в нужном количестве и в подходящее время, но и развивать долгосрочные и доверительные отношения с поставщиками, вовлекая их в основные процессы деятельности компании. Данная работа посвящена анализу эффективности и повышения конкурентоспособности закупок с помощью автоматизированной платформы для управления взаимоотношениями с поставщиками (SRM - Supplier Relationship Management System). Цель исследования заключается в оптимизации закупочной деятельности предприятия АО "Газсервис" путем внедрения SRM системы. В итоге, доказана экономическая целесообразность внедрения данной системы в компанию.Properly organized procurement allows the company not only to receive goods of the required quality, in the right quantity and at the right time, but also to develop long-term and trusting relationships with suppliers, involving them in the main processes of the company. This final qualifying work is devoted to analyzing the efficiency and competitiveness of procurement using an automated Supplier Relationship Management System (SRM). The purpose of the work is to optimize the procurement activities of the enterprise "Gazservice" through the introduction of the SRM system. As a result, proved the economic feasibility of introducing this system into the company

    Разработка технологического процесса изготовления венца КС4871.328.100.018

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    Цель данной выпускной квалификационной работы – подведение итогов о полученных инженерных навыках на протяжении всего срока обучения, разработка оптимального технологического процесса механической обработки корпуса в условиях мелкосерийного производства, с учетом важнейших направлений развития технологии механической обработки в машиностроении.The purpose of this final qualification work is summarizing the received engineering skills throughout the training period, developing the optimal technological process for machining the hull in small-scale production, taking into account the most important directions in the development of machining technology in engineering