176 research outputs found

    Direct observation of nuclear reorganization driven by ultrafast spin transitions

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    One of the most basic molecular photophysical processes is that of spin transitions and intersystem crossing between excited states surfaces. The change in spin states affects the spatial distribution of electron density through the spin orbit coupling interaction. The subsequent nuclear reorganization reports on the full extent of the spin induced change in electron distribution, which can be treated similarly to intramolecular charge transfer with effective reaction coordinates depicting the spin transition. Here, single-crystal [FeII(bpy)3] (PF6)2, a prototypical system for spin crossover (SCO) dynamics, is studied using ultrafast electron diffraction in the single-photon excitation regime. The photoinduced SCO dynamics are resolved, revealing two distinct processes with a (450 ± 20)-fs fast component and a (2.4 ± 0.4)-ps slow component. Using principal component analysis, we uncover the key structural modes, ultrafast Fe–N bond elongations coupled with ligand motions, that define the effective reaction coordinate to fully capture the relevant molecular reorganization

    Transforming growth factor-[beta]1 regulates steady-state PTH/PTHrP receptor mRNA levels and PTHrP binding in ROS 17/2.8 osteosarcoma cells

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    The effect of transforming growth factor [beta]1 (TGF-[beta]1) on the expression of mRNA for the parathyroid hormone receptor and binding of iodinated parathyroid hormone-related protein in ROS 17/2.8 osteosarcoma cells was evaluated. TGF-[beta]1 stimulated a 2-7-fold increase in steady state mRNA levels for the parathyroid hormone receptor at a maximal dose of 5 ng/ml, with increased levels of expression at 6 h of TGF-[beta]1-incubation, and peak levels at 8-24 h. Receptor binding studies revealed a significant increase in PTHrP-specific binding with TGF-[beta]1 doses as low as 0.5 ng/ml and a 55% increase in numbers of receptors with no alteration in binding affinity with 5.0 ng/ml TGF-[beta]1. Time course studies indicated that receptor binding was increased at 24 h with peak levels reached at 48 h of treatment. PTH-stimulated cAMP levels were significantly increased in ROS 17/2.8 cells treated with TGF-[beta]1 (0.5 ng/ml) for 48 h. These data indicate that TGF-[beta]1 upregulates steady-state mRNA, ligand binding and PTH/PTHrP receptor signaling in rat osteosarcoma cells. The effects of TGF-[beta]1 on bone may be attributed in part to regulation of the PTH/PTHrP receptor at the molecular level.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/31617/1/0000549.pd

    HIF1-alpha overexpression indicates a good prognosis in early stage squamous cell carcinomas of the oral floor

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    BACKGROUND: Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) is a transcription factor, which plays a central role in biologic processes under hypoxic conditions, especially concerning tumour angiogenesis. HIF-1α is the relevant, oxygen-dependent subunit and its overexpression has been associated with a poor prognosis in a variety of malignant tumours. Therefore, HIF-1α expression in early stage oral carcinomas was evaluated in relation to established clinico-pathological features in order to determine its value as a prognostic marker. METHODS: 85 patients with histologically proven surgically treated T1/2 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the oral floor were eligible for the study. Tumor specimens were investigated by means of tissue micro arrays (TMAs) and immunohistochemistry for the expression of HIF-1. Correlations between clinical features and the expression of HIF-1 were evaluated by Kaplan-Meier curves, log-rank tests and multivariate Cox regression analysis. RESULTS: HIF-1α was frequently overexpressed in a probably non-hypoxia related fashion. The expression of HIF-1α was related with a significantly improved 5-year survival rate (p < 0.01) and a significantly increased disease free period (p = 0.01) independent from nodal status and tumour size. In primary node negative T1/T2 SCC of the oral floor, absence of HIF-1α expression specified a subgroup of high-risk patients (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: HIF-1α overexpression is an indicator of favourable prognosis in T1 and T2 SCC of the oral floor. Node negative patients lacking HIF-1α expression may therefore be considered for adjuvant radiotherapy

    Microstructural and Compositional Features of the Fibrous and Hyaline Cartilage on the Medial Tibial Plateau Imply a Unique Role for the Hopping Locomotion of Kangaroo

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    Hopping provides efficient and energy saving locomotion for kangaroos, but it results in great forces in the knee joints. A previous study has suggested that a unique fibrous cartilage in the central region of the tibial cartilage could serve to decrease the peak stresses generated within kangaroo tibiofemoral joints. However, the influences of the microstructure, composition and mechanical properties of the central fibrous and peripheral hyaline cartilage on the function of the knee joints are still to be defined. The present study showed that the fibrous cartilage was thicker and had a lower chondrocyte density than the hyaline cartilage. Despite having a higher PG content in the middle and deep zones, the fibrous cartilage had an inferior compressive strength compared to the peripheral hyaline cartilage. The fibrous cartilage had a complex three dimensional collagen meshwork with collagen bundles parallel to the surface in the superficial zone, and with collagen bundles both parallel and perpendicular to the surface in the middle and deep zones. The collagen in the hyaline cartilage displayed a typical Benninghoff structure, with collagen fibres parallel to the surface in the superficial zone and collagen fibres perpendicular to the surface in the deep zone. Elastin fibres were found throughout the entire tissue depth of the fibrous cartilage and displayed a similar alignment to the adjacent collagen bundles. In comparison, the elastin fibres in the hyaline cartilage were confined within the superficial zone.This study examined for the first time the fibrillary structure, PG content and compressive properties of the central fibrous cartilage pad and peripheral hyaline cartilage within the kangaroo medial tibial plateau. It provided insights into the microstructure and composition of the fibrous and peripheral hyaline cartilage in relation to the unique mechanical properties of the tissues to provide for the normal activities of kangaroos

    Cytokeratin 8/18 expression indicates a poor prognosis in squamous cell carcinomas of the oral cavity

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    BACKGROUND: Intermediary filaments are involved in cell motility and cancer progression. In a variety of organs, the expression of distinct intermediary filaments are associated with patient prognosis. In this study, we seeked to define the prognostic potential of cytokeratin and vimentin expression patterns in squamous cell carcinomas (SCC's) of the oral cavity. METHODS: 308 patients with histologically proven and surgically treated squamous cell carcinomas of the oral cavity were investigated for the immunohistochemical expression of a variety of intermediary filaments including high- and low-molecular weight cytokeratins (Ck's), such as Ck 5/6, Ck 8/18, Ck 1, CK 10, Ck 14, Ck 19 and vimentin, using the tissue microarray technique. Correlations between clinical features and the expression of Cytokeratins and vimentin were evaluated statistically by Kaplan-Meier curves and multivariate Cox regression analysis. RESULTS: The expression of Ck 8/18 and Ck 19 were overall significantly correlated with a poor clinical prognosis (Ck 8/18 p = 0.04; Ck19 p < 0.01). These findings could also be reproduced for Ck 8/18 in primary nodal-negative SCC's and held true in multivariate-analysis. No significant correlation with patient prognosis could be found for the expression of the other cytokeratins and for vimentin. CONCLUSION: The expression of Ck 8/18 in SCC's of the oral cavity is an independent prognostic marker and indicates a decreased overall and progression free survival. These results provide an extended knowledge about the role of intermediary filament expression patterns in SCC's

    Effect of Material Stiffness Variation on Shakedown Solutions of Soils Under Moving Loads

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    Shakedown limits of pavements and railway foundations can be calculated based on shakedown theorems. These values can be used to guide the thickness designs of pavement and railway constructions considering material plastic properties. However, most existing shakedown analyses were carried out by assuming a unique stiffness value for each material. This paper mainly concentrates on the influence of stiffness variation on the shakedown limits of pavements and railway foundations under moving loads. Finite element models as well as a user-defined material subroutine UMAT are first developed to obtain the elastic responses of soils considering a linearly increasing stiffness modulus with depth. Then, based on the lower-bound shakedown theorem, shakedown solutions are obtained by searching for the most critical self-equilibrated residual stress field. It is found that for a single-layered structure, the rise of a stiffness changing ratio will give a larger shakedown limit; and the increase is more pronounced when the friction angle is relatively high. For multi-layered pavement and railway systems, neglecting the stiffness variation may overestimate the capacity of the structures

    Involvement of the Cytokine MIF in the Snail Host Immune Response to the Parasite Schistosoma mansoni

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    We have identified and characterized a Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) family member in the Lophotrochozoan invertebrate, Biomphalaria glabrata, the snail intermediate host of the human blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni. In mammals, MIF is a widely expressed pleiotropic cytokine with potent pro-inflammatory properties that controls cell functions such as gene expression, proliferation or apoptosis. Here we show that the MIF protein from B. glabrata (BgMIF) is expressed in circulating immune defense cells (hemocytes) of the snail as well as in the B. glabrata embryonic (Bge) cell line that has hemocyte-like features. Recombinant BgMIF (rBgMIF) induced cell proliferation and inhibited NO-dependent p53-mediated apoptosis in Bge cells. Moreover, knock-down of BgMIF expression in Bge cells interfered with the in vitro encapsulation of S. mansoni sporocysts. Furthermore, the in vivo knock-down of BgMIF prevented the changes in circulating hemocyte populations that occur in response to an infection by S. mansoni miracidia and led to a significant increase in the parasite burden of the snails. These results provide the first functional evidence that a MIF ortholog is involved in an invertebrate immune response towards a parasitic infection and highlight the importance of cytokines in invertebrate-parasite interactions

    Secretion of parathyroid hormone-related protein by bovine mammary cells in vitro

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    Mammary cells were isolated from lactating cows at 1 to 6 weeks after calving and evaluated for their ability to secrete PTHrP in vitro. The tissue was enzymatically digested to release glandular acini. The digested acini were cultured on thin (1.0 mm) or thick (2.5 mm) layers of collagen. The cultures containing thick collagen were detached and allowed to contract on day 6. The culture medium consisted of M199 with prolation (8 µg/ml), insulin (5 µg/ml), cortisol (5 µg/ml), and fetal bovine serum (15%). PTHrP production was measured by N-terminal RIA and bioassay (stimulation of adenylate cyclase in the ROS 17/2.8 cell line). Medium was collected at 2-day intervals for 14 days. The cells reached confluence at 4–6 days. PTHrP production was low at day 2 (<0.5 ng/ml), but increased to peak production (2–4 ng/ml) at approximately day 6–8 of culture and remained constant until day 14. Immunoreactive and bioactive PTHrP levels in the culture medium correlated well. The cultures produced high levels of lactoferrin (500 to 3000 ng/ml) and low levels of α s1 -casein (14 to 77 ng/ml).Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41592/1/774_2006_Article_BF02375695.pd
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