13 research outputs found

    Group support systems features and their contribution to technology strategy decision-making: A review and analysis

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    Collective decision-making processes require careful design considerations in organizations. On one hand, the inclusion of a greater number of actors contribute to a wider knowledge base, on the other, it can become a diffuse process and be distorted from the principles initially established. This paper observes a specific collective decision making process in organizations—technology strategy formulation—and, through a critical review of the literature, analyzes how the advances in features of group support systems support improvements in different stages of this process. This paper also discusses the implications of GSS appropriation in group dynamics.This research was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (SFRH/ BD/ 33727/ 2009), within the framework of the MIT Portugal Program.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Incidence of Respiratory Virus-Associated Pneumonia in Urban Poor Young Children of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2009–2011

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    Pneumonia is the leading cause of childhood death in Bangladesh. We conducted a longitudinal study to estimate the incidence of virus-associated pneumonia in children aged <2 years in a low-income urban community in Dhaka, Bangladesh.We followed a cohort of children for two years. We collected nasal washes when children presented with respiratory symptoms. Study physicians diagnosed children with cough and age-specific tachypnea and positive lung findings as pneumonia case-patients. We tested respiratory samples for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), rhinoviruses, human metapneumovirus (HMPV), influenza viruses, human parainfluenza viruses (HPIV 1, 2, 3), and adenoviruses using real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assays.Between April 2009-March 2011, we followed 515 children for 730 child-years. We identified a total of 378 pneumonia episodes, 77% of the episodes were associated with a respiratory viral pathogen. The overall incidence of pneumonia associated with a respiratory virus infection was 40/100 child-years. The annual incidence of pneumonia/100 child-years associated with a specific respiratory virus in children aged < 2 years was 12.5 for RSV, 6 for rhinoviruses, 6 for HMPV, 4 for influenza viruses, 3 for HPIV and 2 for adenoviruses.Young children in Dhaka are at high risk of childhood pneumonia and the majority of these episodes are associated with viral pathogens. Developing effective low-cost strategies for prevention are a high priority

    Risk factors for acute respiratory tract infections in general practitioner patients in The Netherlands: a case-control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Acute respiratory tract infections (ARTI) are an important public health problem. Improved identification of risk factors might enable targeted intervention. Therefore we carried out a case-control study with the aim of identifying environmental risk factors for ARTI consultations in the Dutch general population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A subset of patients visiting their GP in the period of 2000–2003 with an ARTI (cases) and age-matched controls (visiting for other complaints) were included in a case-control study. They were asked to complete a questionnaire about potential risk factors. Conditional logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratio's (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) to estimate the independent effect of potential risk factors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 493 matched pairs of case and control subjects were enrolled. Exposure to persons with respiratory complaints, both inside and outside the household, was found to be an independent risk factor for visiting a GP with an ARTI (respectively OR<sub>adj </sub>= 1.9 and OR<sub>adj </sub>= 3.7). Participants exposed to dampness or mould at home (OR<sub>adj</sub>=0.5) were significantly less likely to visit their GP. In accordance with the general risk of consultations for ARTI, participants with a laboratory-confirmed ARTI who were exposed to persons with respiratory complaints outside the household were also significantly more likely to visit their GP (OR<sub>adj</sub>=2.5).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study confirmed that heterogeneity in the general population as well as in pathogens causing ARTI makes it complicated to detect associations between potential risk factors and respiratory infections. Whereas it may be difficult to intervene on the risk posed by exposure to persons with respiratory complaints, transmission of ARTI in the general population might be reduced by improved hygienic conditions.</p

    The Recognition of and Care Seeking Behaviour for Childhood Illness in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Pneumonia, diarrhoea, and malaria are among the leading causes of death in children. These deaths are largely preventable if appropriate care is sought early. This review aimed to determine the percentage of caregivers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) with a child less than 5 years who were able to recognise illness in their child and subsequently sought care from different types of healthcare providers. Methods and Findings: We conducted a systematic literature review of studies that reported recognition of, and/or care seeking for episodes of diarrhoea, pneumonia or malaria in LMICs. The review is registered with PROSPERO (registration number: CRD42011001654). Ninety-one studies met the inclusion criteria. Eighteen studies reported data on caregiver recognition of disease and seventy-seven studies on care seeking. The median sensitivity of recognition of diarrhoea, malaria and pneumonia was low (36.0%, 37.4%, and 45.8%, respectively). A median of 73.0% of caregivers sought care outside the home. Care seeking from community health workers (median: 5.4% for diarrhoea, 4.2% for pneumonia, and 1.3% for malaria) and the use of oral rehydration therapy (median: 34%) was low. Conclusions: Given the importance of this topic to child survival programmes there are few published studies. Recognition of diarrhoea, malaria and pneumonia by caregivers is generally poor and represents a key factor to address in attempts to improve health care utilisation. In addition, considering that oral rehydration therapy has been widely recommended for over forty years, its use remains disappointingly low. Similarly, the reported levels of care seeking from community health workers in the included studies are low even though global action plans to address these illnesses promote community case management. Giving greater priority to research on care seeking could provide crucial evidence to inform child mortality programmes

    Fatores ambientais associados à diarréia infantil em áreas de assentamento subnormal em Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais Childhood diarrhea-related to environmental factors in subnormal settlements in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais

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    OBJETIVOS: caracterizar a prevalência de diarréia e identificar os fatores associados à essa doença em crianças residentes em áreas de assentamento subnormal. MÉTODOS: utilizou-se um delineamento transversal de base populacional. A amostra estudada totalizou 655 crianças. A coleta de dados foi feita mediante entrevistas domiciliares com a mãe ou com o responsável pela criança. Foram usados modelos de regressão logística para identificar fatores associados à diarréia. RESULTADOS: a prevalência da diarréia foi 17,5%. Os fatores associados à doença incluíram internação da criança no primeiro mês de vida; ser cuidado por terceiros, que não a mãe; maior nível de escolaridade do responsável; e maior tempo de residência, como fatores de proteção. Como fatores de risco individuais, a existência de outra doença; e baixa idade. Como fatores de risco coletivos, o consumo de água de mina; a disposição dos esgotos na rua ou no terreno; o acondicionamento inadequado do lixo; e presença de moscas. CONCLUSÕES: para o combate à diarréia sugere-se atenção especial à saúde e à alimentação de crianças com idade abaixo de cinco anos, incluindo adequadas cobertura e qualidade nos serviços de saneamento ambiental.<br>OBJECTIVES: to determine diarrhea prevalence and to identify factors associated to the condition in children living in subnormal settlement areas. METHODS: a cross-sectional population-based study was used. The sample studied totaled 655 children. Data collection was performed through home interviews with the mother or caretaker. Logistic regression models were used to identify diarrhea associated factors. RESULTS: diarrhea prevalence was of 17.5%. Condition associated factors included child hospitalization during the first month of life; children looked after by others and not the mother; higher education level of the caretaker and longer residency period, as protection factors and as individual risk factors associated diseases and young age and as factors for collective risk, mine water consumption; sewage disposal on the streets or in the yard; inadequate garbage disposal and flies. CONCLUSIONS: to fight diarrhea special care should be given to health and nutrition of children under five years old, including adequate and quality environmental sanitation services