143 research outputs found

    Electron-Ion Interaction Effects in Attosecond Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectra

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    Photoionization by attosecond (as) extreme ultraviolet (xuv) pulses into the laser-dressed continuum of the ionized atom is commonly described in strong-field approximation (SFA), neglecting the Coulomb interaction between the emitted photoelectron (PE) and residual ion. By solving the time-dependent Sch\"{o}dinger equation (TDSE), we identify a temporal shift δτ\delta \tau in streaked PE spectra, which becomes significant at small PE energies. Within an eikonal approximation, we trace this shift to the combined action of Coulomb and laser forces on the released PE, suggesting the experimental and theoretical scrutiny of their coupling in streaked PE spectra. The initial state polarization effect by the laser pulse on the xuv streaked spectrum is also examined.Comment: 9 pages, Accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Generalized P Colony Automata and Their Relation to P Automata

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    We investigate genPCol automata with input mappings that can be realized through the application of finite transducers to the string representations of multisets. We show that using unrestricted programs, these automata characterize the class of recursively enumerable languages. The same holds for systems with all-tape programs, having capacity at least two. In the case of systems with com-tape programs, we show that they characterize language classes which are closely related to those characterized by variants of P automata

    Serializing the Parallelism in Parallel Communicating Pushdown Automata Systems

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    We consider parallel communicating pushdown automata systems (PCPA) and define a property called known communication for it. We use this property to prove that the power of a variant of PCPA, called returning centralized parallel communicating pushdown automata (RCPCPA), is equivalent to that of multi-head pushdown automata. The above result presents a new sub-class of returning parallel communicating pushdown automata systems (RPCPA) called simple-RPCPA and we show that it can be written as a finite intersection of multi-head pushdown automata systems

    Quasi-phase-matching high-harmonic radiation using chirped THz pulses

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    High-order harmonic generation in the presence of a chirped THz pulse is investigated numerically with a complete 3D nonadiabatic model. The assisting THz pulse illuminates the high-order harmonic generation gas cell laterally inducing quasi-phase-matching. We demonstrate that it is possible to compensate the phase mismatch during propagation and extend the macroscopic cutoff of a propagated strong IR pulse to the single-dipole cutoff. We obtain 2 orders of magnitude increase in the harmonic efficiency of cutoff harmonics (170 eV) using a THz pulse of constant wavelength, and a further factor of 3 enhancement when a chirped THz pulse is use

    Macroscopic effects in attosecond pulse generation

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    We examine how the generation and propagation of high-order harmonics in a partly ionized gas medium affect their strength and synchronization. The temporal properties of the resulting attosecond pulses generated in long gas targets can be significantly influenced by macroscopic effects, in particular by the intensity in the medium and the degree of ionization. Under some conditions, the use of gas targets longer than the absorption length can lead to the generation of self-compressed attosecond pulses. We show this effect experimentally, using long argon-filled gas cells as generating medium.Comment: 5 pages 4 figure

    Compact intense extreme-ultraviolet source

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    High-intensity laser pulses covering the ultraviolet to terahertz spectral regions are nowadays routinely generated in a large number of laboratories. In contrast, intense extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) pulses have only been demonstrated using a small number of sources including free-electron laser facilities and long high-harmonic generation (HHG) beamlines. Here, we demonstrate a concept for a compact intense XUV source based on HHG that is focused to an intensity of 2×1014W/cm2, with a potential increase up to 1017W/cm2 in the future. Our approach uses tight focusing of the near-infrared (NIR) driving laser and minimizes the XUV virtual source size by generating harmonics several Rayleigh lengths away from the NIR focus. Accordingly, the XUV pulses can be refocused to a small beam waist radius of 600 nm, enabling the absorption of up to four XUV photons by a single Ar atom in a setup that fits on a modest (2 m) laser table. Our concept represents a straightforward approach for the generation of intense XUV pulses in many laboratories, providing exciting opportunities for XUV strong-field and nonlinear optics experiments, for XUV-pump XUV-probe spectroscopy and for the coherent diffractive imaging of nanoscale structures

    Occupational Therapy Treatment to Improve Upper Extremity Function in Individuals with Early Systemic Sclerosis: A Pilot Study

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146446/1/acr23522.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146446/2/acr23522_am.pd

    Gravitomagnetic Moments and Dynamics of Dirac's (spin 1/2) fermions in flat space-time Maxwellian Gravity

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    The gravitational effects in the relativistic quantum mechanics are investigated in a relativistically derived version of Heaviside's speculative Gravity (in flat space-time) named here as Maxwellian Gravity. The standard Dirac's approach to the intrinsic spin in the fields of Maxwellian Gravity yields the gravitomagnetic moment of a Dirac (spin 1/2) particle exactly equals to its intrinsic spin. Violation of The Equivalence Principle (both at classical and quantum mechanical level) in the relativistic domain has also been reported in this work.Comment: 27 page

    The Need for Effective Early Behavioral Family Interventions for Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

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    There is a pressing need for the development of effective early family intervention programs for children showing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) behaviours with Conduct Disorder (CD) or Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) behaviours. Previous research has indicated that children with ADHD are at risk of developing comorbid CD or ODD behaviours. In addition, it has been shown that ODD or CD behaviours in childhood tend to persist and to have adverse effects on later social adjustment. However, ODD or CD behaviours are not necessary concomitants of ADHD, and it has been demonstrated that behavioural intervention can have both short- and long term beneficial effects for children showing early signs of ODD or CD behaviours. In short term, behavioural family interventions may be able to reduce oppositional behaviour, particularly in the preschool years. In the long term, early intervention has shown to reduce the incidence of later antisocial behaviour in children at risk for this developmental trajectory. In this paper, it will be argued that behavioural family interventions have not been effectively utilised or promulgated in the community for children with ADHD despite the demonstrated efficacy of these types of interventions. A model of a multilevel system of intervention that can be tailored to the individual family’s needs is presented