123 research outputs found

    Asiallinen, selkeä ja ymmärrettävä sote-uudistus?:sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön diaesitysten virkakieli

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    Tiivistelmä. Tarkastelen pro gradu -tutkielmassani sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön sote-uudistukseen liittyvien diaesitysten kieltä. Yhdistelen tutkielmassani systeemis-funktionaalisen kieliteorian sekä virkakielen tutkimuksen metodeja. Analyysini aineisto koostuu sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön toimittajille suunnattujen sote-uudistusta käsittelevien tiedotus- ja taustatilaisuuksien diaesityksistä tammikuun 2015 ja kesäkuun 2018 väliseltä ajalta. Tutkin aineistoa virkakielen rekisteripiirteiden näkökulmasta tarkastellen samalla tekstien välittämää maailmaa ja vuorovaikutussuhteita. Analyysissani tarkastelen aineiston leksikaalis-kieliopillisten piirteiden kautta tiivistämistä ja aineiston selkeyttä. Tavoitteenani oli lisäksi selvittää, täyttääkö aineisto hallintolain hyvän kielenkäytön vaatimukset. Tutkin aineistoni verbejä, substantiiveja, postpositioita, moniosaisia yhdyssanoja ja rinnastuksia. Lisäksi tarkastelen nominaalistuksia ja erilaisia passiivirakenteita, jotka abstrahoivat tekstiä. Näitä kieliopillisia piirteitä sekä aineistossa esiintyviä semanttisia rooleja ja kieliopillisia funktioita analysoimalla tarkastelen, millaisina sote-uudistuksen maailmaa ja sen vuorovaikutussuhteita kuvataan. Tutkielmani antaa tietoa ministeriön diaesitysten kielestä, mikä on aiemmin vain vähän tutkittu virkakielen esiintymismuoto. Tutkimukseni voi auttaa hahmottamaan hallintolain hyvän kielenkäytön vaatimusten toteutumista ministeriön virkamiesten tuottamissa teksteissä. Analyysini perusteella ministeriön diaesitysten kieli vastaa virkakielen rekisterin määritelmää. Aineiston leksikaalinen tiheys on suuri eli teksteissä on paljon informaatiota. Tekstiä tiivistetään erityisesti partisiipeilla ja verbittömällä otsikkorakenteella. Substantiiveja on aineistosta yli puolet, 52,7 %, kun taas verbejä on koko aineistosta 18,4 %. Finiitti- ja infiniittiverbien määrä jakautuu todella tasaisesti finiittiverbien määrän ollessa 51,8 % aineiston verbeistä. Aineistossani on yleiskieleen verrattuna keskimääräistä enemmän substantiiveja ja vähemmän verbejä sekä adjektiiveja. Kaikista verbeistä noin 25 % on passiivimuotoisia. Hallintolain hyvän kielenkäytön vaatimukset täyttyvät aineistossa joiltain osin. Aineiston tekstien kieli on asiallista mutta nominaalistusten runsas määrä ja verbittömyys tekevät tekstistä abstraktia, vaikuttaen täten tekstin ymmärrettävyyteen ja selkeyteen. Sote-uudistuksen maailmaa kuvataan tutkimusaineistossa abstrakteina päätöksinä ja vastuina. Asiakas on aineiston ainut ihmistoimija muiden toimijoiden ollessa organisaatioita kuten maakuntia tai kuntayhtymiä. Teksteissä aktiivimuotoiset finiittiverbit saavat toimijakseen pääosin maakunnan, kuntayhtymän ja asiakkaan kun taas passiivisten verbien takaa on luettavissa toimijaksi kirjoittajan edustama organisaatio eli sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö

    Effect of oral calcium loading on intact PTH and calcitriol in idiopathic renal calcium stone formers and healthy controls

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    The calciuric response after an oral calcium load (l000 mg elemental calcium together with a standard breakfast) was studied in 13 healthy male controls and 21 recurrent idiopathic renal calcium stone formers, 12 with hypercalciuria (UCa×V>7.50 mmol/24 h) and nine with normocalciuria. In controls, serum 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 (calcitriol) remained unchanged 6 h after oral calcium load (50.6±5.1 versus 50.9±5.0 pg/ml), whereas it tended to increase in hypercalciuric (from 53.6±3.2 to 60.6±5.4 pg/ml, P=0.182) and fell in normocalciuric stone formers (from 45.9±2.6 to 38.1±3.3 pg/ml, P=0.011). The total amount of urinary calcium excreted after OCL was 2.50±0.20 mmol in controls, 2.27±0.27 mmol in normocalciuric and 3.62±0.32 mmol in hypercalciuric stone formers (P=0.005 versus controls and normocalciuric stone formers respectively); it positively correlated with serum calcitriol 6 h after calcium load (r=0.392, P=0.024). Maximum increase in urinary calcium excretion rate, δCa-Emax, was inversely related to intact PTH levels in the first 4 h after calcium load, i.e. more pronounced PTH suppression predicted a steeper increase in urinary calcium excretion rate. Twenty-four-hour urine calcium excretion rate was inversely related to the ratio of δ calcitriol/δPTHmax after calcium load (r=−0.653, P=0.0001), indicating that an abnormally up-regulated synthesis of calcitriol and consecutive relative PTH suppression induce hypercalciuria. Finally, late absorption of calcium as suggested by maximum urinary calcium excretion beyond 4 h after oral calcium load was as rare in hypercalciuric stone formers (2 of 12) as in controls (1 of 13) and did not occur in normocalciuric stone former

    Effect of calcium-channel blockers on calcium—phosphate metabolism in patients with end-stage renal disease

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    Background After EDTA-induced hypocalcaemia, healthy volunteers treated with diltiazem display more severe hyperparathyroidism than subjects on felodipine studied under identical conditions. Therefore patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and severe secondary hyperparathyroidism might be particularly sensitive to this side-effect. Methods To test this hypothesis, seven patients with ESRD on chronic haemodialysis (3 women and 4 men) with serum levels of intact PTH ranging from 204 to 675 pg/ml were studied both before and during the first 180 min of haemodialysis against a dialysate with low calcium concentration (0.75 mmol/1, n=6 and 1 mmol/1, n=1) under the following three experimental conditions: control, felodipine (10 mg/day) and diltiazem (120 mg b.i.d.). Results At onset of dialysis, plasma phosphorus level was higher on diltiazem (2.03±0.08 mM) than on felodipine (1.64±0.10, P<0.02), and on the latter it was lower than in control condition (1.88±0.16, P<0.02). As a probable consequence, blood ionized calcium concentration was lower on diltiazem (1.14 mM±0.02, mean±SEM) than on felodipine (1.2±0.03, P<0.05) or in control condition (1.17±0.01, NS). There was a trend for intact PTH to be higher on diltiazem (324±47 pg/ml) than on felodipine (246±55) or in control condition (305±49) and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D was higher indeed on diltiazem (6.70±0.92 pg/ml) than on felodipine (4.75±0.91, P<0.02) or control (3.87±0.62, P<0.05). Area under the curve PTH over the first 60 min of dialysis was higher by 16±7% on diltiazem than on felodipine (P<0.05). Conclusions While on diltiazem rather than on felodipine, patients with ESRD display higher plasma phosphorus levels, and slightly aggravate the degree of severity of hyperparathyroidism recorded during haemodialysis against low-calcium dialysate. The longterm effect of this new observation remains to be evaluate

    An outbreak of Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus associated with consumption of fresh goat cheese

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    BACKGROUND: Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus is a rare infection in humans associated with contact with horses or consumption of unpasteurized milk products. On October 23, 2003, the National Public Health Institute was alerted that within one week three persons had been admitted to Tampere University Central Hospital (TaYS) because of S. equi subsp. zooepidemicus septicaemia. All had consumed fresh goat cheese produced in a small-scale dairy located on a farm. We conducted an investigation to determine the source and the extent of the outbreak. METHODS: Cases were identified from the National Infectious Disease Register. Cases were persons with S. equi subsp. zooepidemicus isolated from a normally sterile site who had illness onset 15.9-31.10.2003. All cases were telephone interviewed by using a standard questionnaire and clinical information was extracted from patient charts. Environmental and food specimens included throat swabs from two persons working in the dairy, milk from goats and raw milk tank, cheeses made of unpasteurized milk, vaginal samples of goats, and borehole well water. The isolates were characterized by ribotyping and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). RESULTS: Seven persons met the case definition; six had septicaemia and one had purulent arthritis. Five were women; the median age was 70 years (range 54–93). None of the cases were immunocompromized and none died. Six cases were identified in TaYS, and one in another university hospital in southern Finland. All had eaten goat cheese produced on the implicated farm. S. equi subsp. zooepidemicus was isolated from throat swabs, fresh goat cheese, milk tank, and vaginal samples of one goat. All human and environmental strains were indistinguishable by ribotyping and PFGE. CONCLUSION: The outbreak was caused by goat cheese produced from unpasteurized milk. Outbreaks caused by S. equi subsp. zooepidemicus may not be detected if streptococcal strains are only typed to the group level. S. equi subsp. zooepidemicus may be a re-emerging disease if unpasteurized milk is increasingly used for food production. Facilities using unpasteurized milk should be carefully monitored to prevent this type of outbreaks

    Older People, Sense of Coherence and Community

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    Population ageing is a global trend and even though years added to life often are lived in good health; it will have an impact on healthcare, housing and facilities, and social security costs. Healthy ageing in place, especially in one’s own home and community, increasingly receives attention from health professionals, researchers, and policymakers. In this chapter, we first discuss the meaning of the concept of healthy ageing, and how Sense of Coherence contributes to this process. Next, we discuss the characteristics of the community in which older people live their lives and how the community can provide resources (GRR and SRR) to strengthen Sense of Coherence and hence perceived well-being and quality of life

    Key Role of Mfd in the Development of Fluoroquinolone Resistance in Campylobacter jejuni

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    Campylobacter jejuni is a major food-borne pathogen and a common causative agent of human enterocolitis. Fluoroquinolones are a key class of antibiotics prescribed for clinical treatment of enteric infections including campylobacteriosis, but fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter readily emerges under the antibiotic selection pressure. To understand the mechanisms involved in the development of fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter, we compared the gene expression profiles of C. jejuni in the presence and absence of ciprofloxacin using DNA microarray. Our analysis revealed that multiple genes showed significant changes in expression in the presence of a suprainhibitory concentration of ciprofloxacin. Most importantly, ciprofloxacin induced the expression of mfd, which encodes a transcription-repair coupling factor involved in strand-specific DNA repair. Mutation of the mfd gene resulted in an approximately 100-fold reduction in the rate of spontaneous mutation to ciprofloxacin resistance, while overexpression of mfd elevated the mutation frequency. In addition, loss of mfd in C. jejuni significantly reduced the development of fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter in culture media or chickens treated with fluoroquinolones. These findings indicate that Mfd is important for the development of fluoroquinolone resistance in Campylobacter, reveal a previously unrecognized function of Mfd in promoting mutation frequencies, and identify a potential molecular target for reducing the emergence of fluoroquinolone-resistant Campylobacter

    Large and prolonged food-borne multistate hepatitis A outbreak in Europe associated with consumption of frozen berries, 2013 to 2014

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    In May 2013, Italy declared a national outbreak of hepatitis A, which also affected several foreign tourists who had recently visited the country. Molecular investigations identified some cases as infected with an identical strain of hepatitis A virus subgenotype IA. After additional European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA) countries reported locally acquired and travel-related cases associated with the same outbreak, an international outbreak investigation team was convened, a European outbreak case definition was issued and harmonisation of the national epidemiological and microbiological investigations was encouraged. From January 2013 to August 2014, 1,589 hepatitis A cases were reported associated with the multistate outbreak; 1,102 (70%) of the cases were hospitalised for a median time of six days; two related deaths were reported. Epidemiological and microbiological investigations implicated mixed frozen berries as the vehicle of infection of the outbreak. In order to control the spread of the outbreak, suspected or contaminated food batches were recalled, the public was recommended to heat-treat berries, and post-exposure prophylaxis of contacts was performed. The outbreak highlighted how large food-borne hepatitis A outbreaks may affect the increasingly susceptible EU/EEA general population and how, with the growing international food trade, frozen berries are a potential high-risk food
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