1,375 research outputs found

    Carbon emissions embodied in Russia's trade

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    According to current international climate change regime countries are responsible for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which result from economic activities within national borders, including emissions from producing goods for exports. At the same time imports of carbon intensive goods are not regulated by international agreements. In this paper emissions embodied in exports and imports of Russia were calculated with the use of inter-country input-output tables. It was revealed that Russia is the second largest exporter of emissions embodied in trade and the large portion of these emissions is directed to developed countries. The reasons for high carbon intensity of Russia's exports are obsolete technologies (in comparison to developed economies) and the structure of commodity exports. Because of large amount of net exports of carbon intensive goods the current approach to emissions accounting does not suit interests of Russia. On the one hand, Russia, as well as other large net emissions exporters, is interested in the revision of allocation of responsibility between producers and consumers of carbon intensive products. On the other hand, current technological backwardness makes Russia vulnerable to the policy of carbon protectionism, which can be implemented by its trade partners

    Near-infrared spectroscopy: bilateral brain monitoring in termed newborns with hypoxic-ischemic lesions.

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    Assessment of cerebral oxygenation using near-infrared spectroscopy (near-infrared spectroscopy, near-infrared spectroscopy, NIRS) has significant strong correlation with the assessment of brain perfusion using MRI in full-term infants with severe hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. However, there are still no recommendations on the use of NIRS monitoring data for making important clinical decisions in newborns with asphyxia and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in routine clinical practice. The role of interhemispheric variations in the values of regional tissue oxygen saturation (rSO2) in severe hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy against the background of therapeutic hypothermia remains unexplored. The aim of the study was to evaluate the results of bilateral brain monitoring using NIRS in full-term newborns with severe hypoxic-ischemic lesions (with and without destructive changes in brain tissue). All examined children were full-term newborns with severe asphyxia at birth, who underwent therapeutic hypothermia. We analyzed the results of NIRS recordings of 33 newborns who did not have signs of destructive hypoxic-ischemic brain damage, and NIRS data of 15 newborns who were diagnosed with signs of destructive hypoxic-ischemic brain damage. The hemisphere difference in cerebral oximetry indices was presented in the form of statistical processing results - average, median, mode, 25th percentile, 75th percentile of pairwise comparisons, namely the difference of values (ΔrSO2) of the measurement “ΔrSO2=rSO2on the right-rSO2on the left” in each moment of recording (12000-22000 measurement moments during the monitoring session), as well as the percentage of recording time when the ΔrSO2 value was recorded below the 25th percentile and above the 75th percentile. Reliable correlations between the fact of the formation of destructive hypoxic-ischemic brain lesions in full-term newborns and the average ΔrSO2 values of the NIRS record (R=-0.410), median values (R=-0.400), modes (R=-0.357), and values 25-the percentile ΔrSO2 (R=-0.326) and the 75th percentile ΔrSO2 (R=-0.429) were registered. In 73.3% of children with destructive hypoxic-ischemic lesions, the average ΔrSO2 values were higher for the right hemisphere (the average ΔrSO2 value of the group was 0.11±2.39%). In 93.9% of children without destructive brain damage, the average rSO2 values were higher for the right hemisphere (the average ΔrSO2 value of the group was 6.92±0.80%). Significant differences in mean ΔrSO2 (p=0.005) were determined. Mean ΔrSO2 median for the group with destructive brain lesions was 0.33±2.38%, for the group without destructive lesions - 6.88±0.82% (p=0.004), the average ΔrSO2 mode for the group with destructive brain lesions was 1,46±1.73%, for the group without destructive lesions - 6.51±0.92% (p=0.014). The average of the 25th percentile of ΔrSO2 values for the group with destructive brain lesions was (-1.93)±2.72%, and for the group without destructive lesions it was 4.42±0.84% (p=0.026). The average of the 75th percentile of ΔrSO2 values for the group with destructive brain lesions was 2.87±2.11%, and for the group without destructive lesions it was 9.33±0.80% (p=0.003). The results of bilateral brain monitoring using NIRS in full-term newborns with severe hypoxic-ischemic lesions on the background of therapeutic hypothermia have significant dif­ferences between groups of children with and without destructive changes in brain tissue. In newborns with destructive brain lesions, a decrease in manifestations of dominance of rSO2 indicators of the right hemisphere was recorded, namely, significantly lower mean ΔrSO2, median, mode, average values of the 25th and 75th percentiles ΔrSO2

    Migration attractiveness of the coastal zone of Russia's North-West: local gradients

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    A well-acknowledged driver of change, population movement intensifies the development of coastal territories. The Russian North-West holds a vast coastal zone. Granting access to the Baltic, the White, and the Barents Seas, it is an area of geostrategic importance where much of the country’s coastal economy - one of the national priorities - is located. Push and pull factors are enormously diverse in the area, as are migration flows forming attraction poles for migrants. There is little research on the issue despite its social and practical significance. Thus, research is required to examine how the coastal factor can benefit the migration attractiveness and human resources of Russian coastal territories of geostrategic importance. This study aims to delineate coastal territories and investigate local migration flows compared to those recorded in inland regions. The research draws on the concept of coastalisation, employing universal, geographical, and statistical research methods. It uses documentary sources and official 2011ö--2020 statistics. The findings show that the coastal position and maritime economic activity are relevant factors for migration attractiveness. Saint Petersburg and the coastal municipalities of the Leningrad and Kaliningrad regions are more attractive to migrants than more northerly territories. However, there are attraction poles farther north too, and the coastal zone of the Arkhangelsk region attracts more migrants than its inland part. The study demonstrates the growing polarisation of migration space in the coastal areas and especially agglomerations. Changes in the age structure of immigration flows have caused social factors in attractiveness to migrants to replace employment-related factors

    Enantioselective Tail-to-Head Terpene Cyclizations by Optically Active Hexameric Resorcin[4]arene Capsule Derivatives

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    Molecular capsules enable the conversion of substrates inside a closed cavity, mimicking to some extent enzymatic catalysis. Chirality transfer from the molecular capsule onto the encapsulated substrate has been only studied in a few cases. Here we demonstrate that chirality transfer is possible inside a rather large molecular container of approximately 1400 Å3. Specifically, we present 1) the first examples of optically active hexameric resorcin[4]arene capsules, 2) their ability to enantioselectively catalyze tail-to-head terpene cyclizations, and 3) the surprisingly high sensitivity of enantioselectivity on the structural modifications

    Regulation of nuclear actin levels and MRTF/SRF target gene expression during PC6.3 cell differentiation

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    Actin has important functions in both cytoplasm and nucleus of the cell, with active nuclear transport mechanisms maintaining the cellular actin balance. Nuclear actin levels are subject to regulation during many cellular processes from cell differentiation to cancer. Here we show that nuclear actin levels increase upon dif-ferentiation of PC6.3 cells towards neuron-like cells. Photobleaching experiments demonstrate that this increase is due to decreased nuclear export of actin during cell differentiation. Increased nuclear actin levels lead to decreased nuclear localization of MRTF-A, a well-established transcription cofactor of SRF. In line with MRTF-A localization, transcriptomics analysis reveals that MRTF/SRF target gene expression is first transiently activated, but then substantially downregulated during PC6.3 cell differentiation. This study therefore describes a novel cellular context, where regulation of nuclear actin is utilized to tune MRTF/SRF target gene expression during cell differentiation.Peer reviewe

    Разделенная близость: новые форматы аутентичного движения в рунете

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    Статья исследует трансформацию форматов практики аутентичного движения, происходящую в связи с развитием интернета и социальных сетей. Возможности интернета бросают вызов базовым принципам практики, таким как очное соприсутствие движущегося и свидетеля, ограничение времени и пространства практики. Возникает исследовательская гипотеза о возможном цифровом разрыве, а также интерес к тому, как происходит цифровая интеграция. На эмпирическом материале рассматривается разнообразие поведенческих стратегий в отношении использования интернета в связи с аутентичным движением в русскоязычной среде. В качестве примеров приводятся форматы онлайн-сессии и соло, движения в одиночестве с последующей рефлексией и поддержкой виртуальной группы. В фокусе внимания исследования находится качественный аспект отношений человека и технологий, который теоретизируется в рамках постфеноменологии Дона Айди. Насколько интернет позволяет расширять или, наоборот, редуцирует телесно-чувственный опыт практиков аутентичного движения? Как развиваются отношения в цифровой среде в рамках такой практики, где безопасность, доверие и близость оказываются критичными

    Working of the mathematical model and structure of system for forecasting of efficiency of investments into innovative projects

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    Розглянуто систему прогнозування ефективності інвестицій в інноваційні проекти. Представлено її структурну схему та основні функціональні елементи. Наведено математичну модель, що ґрунтується на комплексному підході, який базується на експертному оцінюванні та нейронних мережах.The system of forecasting the effectiveness of investment in innovation is considered. Its block diagram and key functional element is represented. A mathematical model that is based on an integrated method that is based on expert evaluation and neural networks is shown