436 research outputs found

    Activated Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes Rapidly Synthesize Retinoic Acid Receptor-α: A Mechanism for Translational Control of Transcriptional Events

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    In addition to releasing preformed granular proteins, polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) synthesize chemokines and other factors under transcriptional control. Here we demonstrate that PMNs express an inducible transcriptional modulator by signal-dependent activation of specialized mechanisms that regulate messenger RNA (mRNA) translation. HL-60 myelocytic cells differentiated to surrogate PMNs respond to activation by platelet activating factor by initiating translation and with appearance of specific mRNA transcripts in polyribosomes. cDNA array analysis of the polyribosome fraction demonstrated that retinoic acid receptor (RAR)-α, a transcription factor that controls the expression of multiple genes, is one of the polyribosome-associated transcripts. Quiescent surrogate HL60 PMNs and primary human PMNs contain constitutive message for RAR-α but little or no protein. RAR-α protein is rapidly synthesized in response to platelet activating factor under the control of a specialized translational regulator, mammalian target of rapamycin, and is blocked by the therapeutic macrolide rapamycin, events consistent with features of the 5′ untranslated region of the transcript. Newly synthesized RAR-α modulates production of interleukin-8. Rapid expression of a transcription factor under translational control is a previously unrecognized mechanism in human PMNs that indicates unexpected diversity in gene regulation in this critical innate immune effector cell

    QuickSel: Quick Selectivity Learning with Mixture Models

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    Estimating the selectivity of a query is a key step in almost any cost-based query optimizer. Most of today's databases rely on histograms or samples that are periodically refreshed by re-scanning the data as the underlying data changes. Since frequent scans are costly, these statistics are often stale and lead to poor selectivity estimates. As an alternative to scans, query-driven histograms have been proposed, which refine the histograms based on the actual selectivities of the observed queries. Unfortunately, these approaches are either too costly to use in practice---i.e., require an exponential number of buckets---or quickly lose their advantage as they observe more queries. In this paper, we propose a selectivity learning framework, called QuickSel, which falls into the query-driven paradigm but does not use histograms. Instead, it builds an internal model of the underlying data, which can be refined significantly faster (e.g., only 1.9 milliseconds for 300 queries). This fast refinement allows QuickSel to continuously learn from each query and yield increasingly more accurate selectivity estimates over time. Unlike query-driven histograms, QuickSel relies on a mixture model and a new optimization algorithm for training its model. Our extensive experiments on two real-world datasets confirm that, given the same target accuracy, QuickSel is 34.0x-179.4x faster than state-of-the-art query-driven histograms, including ISOMER and STHoles. Further, given the same space budget, QuickSel is 26.8%-91.8% more accurate than periodically-updated histograms and samples, respectively

    Long-term coding of personal and universal associations underlying the memory web in the human brain

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    Neurons in the medial temporal lobe (MTL), a critical area for declarative memory, have been shown to change their tuning in associative learning tasks. Yet, it is unclear how durable these neuronal representations are and if they outlast the execution of the task. To address this issue, we studied the responses of MTL neurons in neurosurgical patients to known concepts (people and places). Using association scores provided by the patients and a web-based metric, here we show that whenever MTL neurons respond to more than one concept, these concepts are typically related. Furthermore, the degree of association between concepts could be successfully predicted based on the neurons’ response patterns. These results provide evidence for a long-term involvement of MTL neurons in the representation of durable associations, a hallmark of human declarative memory

    Probabilistic change detection and visualization methods for the assessment of temporal stability in biomedical data quality

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/DOI 10.1007/s10618-014-0378-6. Published online.Knowledge discovery on biomedical data can be based on on-line, data-stream analyses, or using retrospective, timestamped, off-line datasets. In both cases, changes in the processes that generate data or in their quality features through time may hinder either the knowledge discovery process or the generalization of past knowledge. These problems can be seen as a lack of data temporal stability. This work establishes the temporal stability as a data quality dimension and proposes new methods for its assessment based on a probabilistic framework. Concretely, methods are proposed for (1) monitoring changes, and (2) characterizing changes, trends and detecting temporal subgroups. First, a probabilistic change detection algorithm is proposed based on the Statistical Process Control of the posterior Beta distribution of the Jensen–Shannon distance, with a memoryless forgetting mechanism. This algorithm (PDF-SPC) classifies the degree of current change in three states: In-Control, Warning, and Out-of-Control. Second, a novel method is proposed to visualize and characterize the temporal changes of data based on the projection of a non-parametric information-geometric statistical manifold of time windows. This projection facilitates the exploration of temporal trends using the proposed IGT-plot and, by means of unsupervised learning methods, discovering conceptually-related temporal subgroups. Methods are evaluated using real and simulated data based on the National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS) dataset.The work by C Saez has been supported by an Erasmus Lifelong Learning Programme 2013 Grant. This work has been supported by own IBIME funds. The authors thank Dr. Gregor Stiglic, from the Univeristy of Maribor, Slovenia, for his support on the NHDS data.Sáez Silvestre, C.; Pereira Rodrigues, P.; Gama, J.; Robles Viejo, M.; García Gómez, JM. (2014). Probabilistic change detection and visualization methods for the assessment of temporal stability in biomedical data quality. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 28:1-1. doi:10.1007/s10618-014-0378-6S1128Aggarwal C (2003) A framework for diagnosing changes in evolving data streams. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Management of Data ACM SIGMOD, pp 575–586Amari SI, Nagaoka H (2007) Methods of information geometry. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RIArias E (2014) United states life tables, 2009. Natl Vital Statist Rep 62(7): 1–63Aspden P, Corrigan JM, Wolcott J, Erickson SM (2004) Patient safety: achieving a new standard for care. Committee on data standards for patient safety. 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    Impact of different food label formats on healthiness evaluation and food choice of consumers: a randomized-controlled study

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    Abstract Background Front of pack food labels or signpost labels are currently widely discussed as means to help consumers to make informed food choices. It is hoped that more informed food choices will result in an overall healthier diet. There is only limited evidence, as to which format of a food label is best understood by consumers, helps them best to differentiate between more or less healthy food and whether these changes in perceived healthiness result in changes of food choice. Methods In a randomised experimental study in Hamburg/Germany 420 adult subjects were exposed to one of five experimental conditions: (1) a simple "healthy choice" tick, (2) a multiple traffic light label, (3) a monochrome Guideline Daily Amount (GDA) label, (4) a coloured GDA label and (5) a "no label" condition. In the first task they had to identify the healthier food items in 28 pair-wise comparisons of foods from different food groups. In the second task they were asked to select food portions from a range of foods to compose a one-day's consumption. Differences between means were analysed using ANOVAs. Results Task I: Experimental conditions differed significantly in the number of correct decisions (p Conclusion Different food label formats differ in the understanding of consumers. The current study shows, that German adults profit most from the multiple traffic light labels. Perceived healthiness of foods is influenced by this label format most often. Nevertheless, such changes in perceived healthiness are unlikely to influence food choice and consumption. Attempts to establish the informed consumer with the hope that informed choices will be healthier choices are unlikely to change consumer behaviour and will not result in the desired contribution to the prevention of obesity and diet related diseases.</p

    On the thermodynamic origin of metabolic scaling

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    This work has been funded by projects AYA2013-48623-C2-2, FIS2013-41057-P, CGL2013-46862-C2-1-P and SAF2015-65878-R from the Spanish Ministerio de Economa y Competitividad and PrometeoII/2014/086, PrometeoII/2014/060 and PrometeoII/2014/065 from the Generalitat Valenciana (Spain). BL acknowledges funding from a Salvador de Madariaga fellowship, and L.L. acknowledges funding from EPSRC Early Career fellowship EP/P01660X/1
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