2,160 research outputs found

    Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay with NEMO 3 and SuperNEMO

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    Since 2003 the NEMO~3 experiment has been searching for neutrinoless double beta decay using about 10 kg of enriched isotopes. A limit of T_(1/2)(0nu) > 5.8 10**23 years at 90 % CL has been obtained for 100-Mo from the first two years of data. Several measurements of two-neutrino double beta decays have also been performed. A first NEMO 3 measurement of the half-life of 130-Te is presented, giving a value of T_(1/2)(2nu) = (7.6 +- 1.5 (stat) +- 0.8 (syst)) 10**20 years. In parallel, there is an active R&D programme for the SuperNEMO experiment which is expected to commence data taking in 2012-2013 with 100-200 kg of enriched isotopes.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of the 2007 Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, in Manchester, England, 19-25 July 200

    Classifying LEP Data with Support Vector Algorithms

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    We have studied the application of different classification algorithms in the analysis of simulated high energy physics data. Whereas Neural Network algorithms have become a standard tool for data analysis, the performance of other classifiers such as Support Vector Machines has not yet been tested in this environment. We chose two different problems to compare the performance of a Support Vector Machine and a Neural Net trained with back-propagation: tagging events of the type e+e- -> ccbar and the identification of muons produced in multihadronic e+e- annihilation events.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to proceedings of AIHENP99, Crete, April 199

    PACCE: Perl Algorithm to Compute Continuum and Equivalent Widths

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    We present Perl Algorithm to Compute continuum and Equivalent Widths (pacce). We describe the methods used in the computations and the requirements for its usage. We compare the measurements made with pacce and "manual" ones made using iraf splot task. These tests show that for SSP models the equivalent widths strengths are very similar (differences <0.2A) for both measurements. In real stellar spectra, the correlation between both values is still very good, but with differences of up to 0.5A. pacce is also able to determine mean continuum and continuum at line center values, which are helpful in stellar population studies. In addition, it is also able to compute the uncertainties in the equivalent widths using photon statistics. The code is made available for the community through the web at http://www.if.ufrgs.br/~riffel/software.html.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Strong Coupling Constant from the Photon Structure Function

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    We extract the value of the strong coupling constant alpha_s from a single-parameter pointlike fit to the photon structure function F_2^gamma at large x and Q^2 and from a first five-parameter full (pointlike and hadronic) fit to the complete F_2^gamma data set taken at PETRA, TRISTAN, and LEP. In next-to-leading order and the MSbar renormalization and factorization schemes, we obtain alpha_s(m_Z)=0.1183 +/- 0.0050(exp.)^+0.0029_-0.0028(theor.) [pointlike] and alpha_s(m_Z)=0.1198 +/- 0.0028(exp.)^+0.0034_-0.0046(theor.) [pointlike and hadronic]. We demonstrate that the data taken at LEP have reduced the experimental error by about a factor of two, so that a competitive determination of alpha_s from F_2^gamma is now possible.Comment: 11 pages, 2 tables, 2 figures. Version accepted for publication by Phys. Rev. Let

    AC-coupled GaAs microstrip detectors with a new type of integrated bias resistors

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    Full size single-sided GaAs microstrip detectors with integrated coupling capacitors and bias resistors have been fabricated on 3'' substrate wafers. PECVD deposited SiO_2 and SiO_2/Si_3N_4 layers were used to provide coupling capacitaces of 32.5 pF/cm and 61.6 pF/cm, respectively. The resistors are made of sputtered CERMET using simple lift of technique. The sheet resistivity of 78 kOhm/sq. and the thermal coefficient of resistance of less than 4x10^-3 / degree C satisfy the demands of small area biasing resistors, working on a wide temperature range.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, to be published in NIM

    Studies for a Photon Collider at the ILC

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    One option at the International Linear Collider is to convert the electron beams into high energy photon beams by Compton scattering a few millimetres in front of the interaction region. Selected physics channels for this option have been analysed and technical issues have been studied. So far no showstoppers for this option have been found.Comment: V2: Minor changes, accepted by NI

    SSDSS IV MaNGA - Properties of AGN host galaxies

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    We present here the characterization of the main properties of a sample of 98 AGN host galaxies, both type-II and type-I, in comparison with those of about 2700 non-active galaxies observed by the MaNGA survey. We found that AGN hosts are morphologically early-type or early-spirals. For a given morphology AGN hosts are, in average, more massive, more compact, more central peaked and rather pressurethan rotational-supported systems. We confirm previous results indicating that AGN hosts are located in the intermediate/transition region between star-forming and non-star-forming galaxies (i.e., the so-called green valley), both in the ColorMagnitude and the star formation main sequence diagrams. Taking into account their relative distribution in terms of the stellar metallicity and oxygen gas abundance and a rough estimation of their molecular gas content, we consider that these galaxies are in the process of halting/quenching the star formation, in an actual transition between both groups. The analysis of the radial distributions of the starformation rate, specific star-formation rate, and molecular gas density shows that the quenching happens from inside-out involving both a decrease of the efficiency of the star formation and a deficit of molecular gas. All the intermediate data-products used to derive the results of our analysis are distributed in a database including the spatial distribution and average properties of the stellar populations and ionized gas, published as a Sloan Digital Sky Survey Value Added Catalog being part of the 14th Data Release: http://www.sdss.org/dr14/manga/manga-data/manga-pipe3d-value-added-catalog/Comment: 48 pages, 14 figures, in press in RMxA

    Gamma(*)Gamma(*) reaction at high energies

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    The energy available for gamma(*)gamma(*) physics at LEP2 is opening a new window on the study of diffractive phenomena, both non-perturbative and perturbative. We discuss some of the uncertainties and problems connected with the experimental measurements and their interpretation.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, submitted to proceedings of the Durham Collider Workshop, 22-26 September 199

    CP--violating Chargino Contributions to the Higgs Coupling to Photon Pairs in the Decoupling Regime of Higgs Sector

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    In most supersymmetric theories, charginos χ~1,2±\tilde{\chi}^\pm_{1,2} belong to the class of the lightest supersymmetric particles and the couplings of Higgs bosons to charginos are in general complex so that the CP--violating chargino contributions to the loop--induced coupling of the lightest Higgs boson to photon pairs can be sizable even in the decoupling limit of large pseudoscalar mass mAm_A with only the lightest Higgs boson kinematically accessible at future high energy colliders. We introduce a specific benchmark scenario of CP violation consistent with the electric dipole moment constraints and with a commonly accepted baryogenesis mechanism in the minimal supersymmetric Standard Model. Based on the benchmark scenario of CP violation, we demonstrate that the fusion of the lightest Higgs boson in linearly polarized photon--photon collisions can allow us to confirm the existence of the CP--violating chargino contributions {\it even in the decoupling regime of the Higgs sector} for nearly degenerate SU(2) gaugino and higgsino mass parameters of about the electroweak scale.Comment: 1+13 pages, 3 eps figure
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