3,732 research outputs found

    Unit gradient in internal drainage experiments for the determination of soil hydraulic conductivity

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    É mostrado teoricamente que gradientes unitários de potencial hidráulico da água não podem ocorrer em perfis homogêneos de solo sob drenagem interna, apesar desta aproximação ter sido utilizada com sucesso em vários métodos de determinação de condutividade hidráulica do solo.It is theoretically shown that unit hydraulic potential gradients cannot occur in homogeneous soils undegoing internal drainage process even though this assumption has been used successfully by several authors of soil hydraulic conductivity methods

    General procedure to initialize the cyclic soil water balance by the Thornthwaite and Mather method

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    The original Thornthwaite and Mather method, proposed in 1955 to calculate a climatic monthly cyclic soil water balance, is frequently used as an iterative procedure due to its low input requirements and coherent estimates of water balance components. Using long term data sets to establish a characteristic water balance of a location, the initial soil water storage is generally assumed to be at field capacity at the end of the last month of the wet season, unless the climate is (semi-) arid when the soil water storage is lower than the soil water holding capacity. To close the water balance, several iterations might be necessary, which can be troublesome in many situations. For (semi-) arid climates with one dry season, Mendon a derived in 1958 an equation to quantify the soil water storage monthly at the end of the last month of the wet season, which avoids iteration procedures and closes the balance in one calculation. The cyclic daily water balance application is needed to obtain more accurate water balance output estimates. In this note, an equation to express the water storage for the case of the occurrence of more than one dry season per year is presented as a generalization of Mendon a's equation, also avoiding iteration procedures

    Quantum error correction of systematic errors using a quantum search framework

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    Composite pulses are a quantum control technique for canceling out systematic control errors. We present a new composite pulse sequence inspired by quantum search. Our technique can correct a wider variety of systematic errors -- including, for example, nonlinear over-rotational errors -- than previous techniques. Concatenation of the pulse sequence can reduce a systematic error to an arbitrarily small level.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Comparação de sondas de neutrons com métodos não nucleares na estimativa da água no solo em condições de campo

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    The neutron moisture gauge is compared with the gravimetric-core soil sampling technique, tensiometers and resistance blocks in relation to stability, Held variability, spatial dependence and number of samples needed at a given level of significance. The variance of field water content measurements with neutron moisture gauges is lower than that of the gravimetric sampling, which therefore requires 2 to 6 times as many samples as the number of measuring sites of the gauges to attain the same level of significance. The space dependence of the measurements made with the subsurface gauge varied depending on the average field soil water content. No space dependence was evident when the water content was lower than 0.2 cm³.cm-3 (50% saturation). Measurements with the tensiometers and resistance blocks manifested no spatial dependence and therefore randomly selected measuring sites can be adapted to Held research work where these methods are to be utilized. Soil water content measurements estimated with neutron moisture gauges showed well defined temporal stability (i.e., the lowest, average and the highest soil water content measurements occur at the same field site) which implies that soil water status of an entire field can be assessed with measurements limited to few locations. Measurements with both tensiometers and the resistance blocks are time variant (i.e., the site giving field average water content changes spatially in time) owing to their relatively smaller measuring domains (i.e., scale of the area which can be represented by a single measurement) as compared to neutron gauges. Therefore it is not possible to define the measuring sites of the tensiometers and resistance blocks as to assess soil water status of the entire field, as it could be done with the neutron gauge.A sonda de neutrons é comparada com a amostragem gravimétrica, com a tensiometria e com o uso de blocos de resistência, em relação à estabilidade, variabilidade do campo, dependência espacial e múmero de amostras necessárias levando em conta determinado nível de significância. A variância das medidas de umidade do solo obtidas por sonda de neutrons é menor do que para a amostragem gravimétrica, que requer um número de amostras 2 a 6 vezes maior em relação à sonda de neutrons dentro de um mesmo nível de significância. A dependência espacial das medidas feitas com sondas de profundidade variou de acordo com os níveis de umidade do solo. Nenhuma dependência espacial ficou evidente para umidades menores que 0,2 cm³.cm³ (50% da saturação). Medidas com tensiômetros e blocos de resistência não manifestaram dependência espacial e, por isso, a escolha das parcelas para medida facilmente se adaptam a esquemas experimentais nos quais estes métodos podem ser utilizados. Medidas de umidade de solo obtidas por sondas de neutrons mostraram uma estabilidade temporal bem definida (isto é, os valores menor, médio e mais alto de umidade do solo ocorrem na mesma posição no campo experimental) o que significa que o estado da umidade do solo de um campo relativamente grande pode ser determinado através de um número limitado de medidas. Medidas com tensiômetros e blocos de resistência são variáveis no tempo (isto é, a parcela que indica a umidade média do campo varia espacialmente no tempo) devido a seus domínios de medida relativamente menores (isto é, tamanho da área que pode ser representada por uma única medida) em comparação com sondas de neutrons. Por isso não é possível definir posições de medidas para tensiômetros e blocos de resistência para caracterização da umidade do solo do campo todo, da forma como foi possível para sondas de neutrons

    A Simple, Quick, and Precise Procedure for the Determination of Water in Organic Solvents

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    A procedure for the UV/VIS-spectroscopic determination of water by the use of a solvatochromic pyridiniumphenolate betaine is given. The water content of organic solvents is calculated by a two parameter equation from λmax of the dye. A typical, detection limit is of the order of 1 mg in 1 ml solvent for routine spectrometers. The parameters for the determination of water are given for a number of commonly used solvents

    Raman spectroscopy on mechanically exfoliated pristine graphene ribbons

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    We present Raman spectroscopy measurements of non-etched graphene nanoribbons, with widths ranging from 15 to 160 nm, where the D-line intensity is strongly dependent on the polarization direction of the incident light. The extracted edge disorder correlation length is approximately one order of magnitude larger than on previously reported graphene ribbons fabricated by reactive ion etching techniques. This suggests a more regular crystallographic orientation of the non-etched graphene ribbons here presented. We further report on the ribbons width dependence of the line-width and frequency of the long-wavelength optical phonon mode (G-line) and the 2D-line of the studied graphene ribbons

    On simple methods for unsaturated soil hydraulic conductivity determination

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    Os métodos simplicados de LIBARDI et al (1980) e de SISSON et al (1980), para determinação da função K(teta), apesar de serem desenvolvidos sobre bases teóricas completamente diferentes, são rigorosamente iguais para o modelo exponencial de condutividade hidráulica. A hipótese do gradiente unitário utilizada nestes métodos parece ser válida apenas para efeito prático, mas não o sendo teoricamente.The simple methods of LIBARDI et al. (1980) and SISSON et al. (1980) for K(theta) estimation, although developed on completely different theoretical basis, are rigorously identical for the exponential hydraulic conductivity model. The unit gradient approximation used in these methods seems valid for practical purposes but is theoretically in valid

    Cosmological perturbations in a family of deformations of general relativity

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    We study linear cosmological perturbations in a previously introduced family of deformations of general relativity characterized by the absence of new degrees of freedom. The homogeneous and isotropic background in this class of theories is unmodified and is described by the usual Friedmann equations. The theory of cosmological perturbations is modified and the relevant deformation parameter has the dimension of length. Gravitational perturbations of the scalar type can be described by a certain relativistic potential related to the matter perturbations just as in general relativity. A system of differential equations describing the evolution of this potential and of the stress-energy density perturbations is obtained. We find that the evolution of scalar perturbations proceeds with a modified effective time-dependent speed of sound, which, contrary to the case of general relativity, does not vanish even at the matter-dominated stage. In a broad range of values of the length parameter controlling the deformation, a specific transition from the regime of modified gravity to the regime of general relativity in the evolution of scalar perturbations takes place during the radiation domination. In this case, the resulting power spectrum of perturbations in radiation and dark matter is suppressed on the comoving spatial scales that enter the Hubble radius before this transition. We estimate the bounds on the deformation parameter for which this suppression does not lead to observable consequences. Evolution of scalar perturbations at the inflationary stage is modified but very slightly and the primordial spectrum generated during inflation is not noticeably different from the one obtained in general relativity.Comment: 45 pages, version published in JCAP; minor changes, one section moved to the appendi
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