240 research outputs found

    Palm oil expansion in tropical peatland : Distrust between advocacy and service environmental NGOs

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    Tropical peatland suffers from rapid degradation due to expansion of palm oil plantations. In Indonesia, Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations (ENGOs) have an important role in peatland protection. This paper discusses the implications of responsibilization in the relation between advocacy and service ENGOs in the context of tropical peatland protection and the expansion of palm oil in Sumatra, Indonesia. Drawing on the scholarly discussion on responsibilization in environmental management we show that responsibilization in peatland protection increases distrust among the ENGOs by generating a diversity of actors with different material support, burdens and principles of work, and even polarized opposition between the networks. Such distrust has a bearing on the effect of the actions, networks, and material support of advocacy and service ENGOs. Advocacy ENGOs share similar interests with their donors, which allow them to perform their expected actions autonomously, while service ENGOs are more dependent on donors' programmes and aims. The research utilized methods such as face-to-face semi-structured interviews with advocacy and service ENGOs, state and non-state actors, palm oil farmers, palm oil associations and three leaders of local communities, combined with participant observation. We argue that responsibilization should be explored case by case because different responsibilization processes lead to differing burdens among different types of ENGOs. Contrary to expectations, responsibilization in peatland protection may thus decrease the possibilities for peatland protection in the area.Peer reviewe

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Mata Kuliah Matematika Diskrit melalui Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Make A Match pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika FKIP Unismuh Makassar

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Enelitian yang ilakukan secara kolaboratif antara osen model (pengajar)dan dosen pengamat (observer). Tujuan  yang ingin dicapai pada penelitian ini adalah untuk Meningkatkan hasil Belajar Mata Kuliah Matematika Diskrit Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika FKIP Unismuh Makassar melalui Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Make A Match. Penelitian ini dilakukan bersiklus, yaitu melalui tahapan perencanaan (planning), tindakan (action), pengamatan (observation), dan refleksi (reflection). Pada tahap perencanaan (planning) ini dikembangkan perangkat perkuliahan. Proses pengembangan perangkat melalui fase penyusunan draft, validasi, dan revisi. Selain itu, pada tahap tindakan (action) perangkat perkulihan yang suddah dikembangkan digunakan dalam proses perkuliahan. Pada tahap pengamatan (observation) selama proses perkulihan dilakukan observasi terhadap mahasiswa dan dosen beserta interaksi yang terjadi. Pada tahap refleksi (reflection) Hasil observasi terhadap mahasiswa dan dosen dibawah ke pertemuan tim peneliti untuk dianalisis. Hasil analisis dijadikan sebagai bahan perbaikan pembelajaran pada pertemuan selanjutnya. Instrumen yang diunakan dalam penelitian meliputi jurnal harian, lembar observasi aktivitas mahasiswa, lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, tes hasil belajar dan angket respon mahasiswa. Hasil observasi menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa semakin aktif. Hasi tes menunjukkan sebelum perlakuan dari 33 mahasiswa, tidak ada mahasiswa yang mencapai kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM) 75, sedangkan setelah perlakuan sebanyak 28 atau 84,84% mencappai KKM, meskipun belum ada yang memperoleh nilai ideal 100. Mahasiswa juga memberikan respon positif terhadap model pembalajaran yang diterapkan

    Reconstructing initial data using observers: error analysis of the semi-discrete and fully discrete approximations

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    A new iterative algorithm for solving initial data inverse problems from partial observations has been recently proposed in Ramdani et al. (Automatica 46(10), 1616-1625, 2010 ). Based on the concept of observers (also called Luenberger observers), this algorithm covers a large class of abstract evolution PDE's. In this paper, we are concerned with the convergence analysis of this algorithm. More precisely, we provide a complete numerical analysis for semi-discrete (in space) and fully discrete approximations derived using finite elements in space and an implicit Euler method in time. The analysis is carried out for abstract Schrödinger and wave conservative systems with bounded observation (locally distributed)

    Persepsi Kelompok Tani Terhadap Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat “Budidaya Lebah Madu Apismellifera” Di Tahura Ir. H. Djuanda Bandung

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    One work program of the Central Management Forest ParkIr. H.Juandain 2013 is the empowerment of communities through activities Apismellifera bee keeping and mushroom cultivation tim berintended forrural communities around Forest ParkIr. H.Juandathe Village Langensari and Ciburial. The purpose of this researchis to find out the perceptions and attitudes offarmers\u27 groups towards community empowerment programs around Forest Park. The results of the study explained that the perception of farmers\u27 group is to agree with the holding of beekeeping program, where they already understand the importance of beekeeping for environmental conservation and increase their income. However, for the attitude of farmers\u27 groups in the running in the category of low because farmers are not motivated to do beekeeping. due to limited feed, difficulties in the herd of bees, funding, technical assistance and efforts to address the threat


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji mendalam tentang musik Tanjidor di Kecamatan Pemangkat. Metode penelitian ini adalah historis. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut. Tanjidor di Pemangkat telah ada sekitar tahun 50-an kemudian hilang pada tahun 60-an, dan muncul kembali tahun 80-an. Tanjidor  yang masih eksis di Pemangkat sekarang yaitu Sinar Pemangkat dan Perapakan, di Pemangkat dulu (wilayah sebelum 2003) yaitu Semparuk dan Sepinggan. Pada era 50-an s/d 70-an pemain Tanjidor telah mengenal not balok, mereka cenderung membawakan mars. Kemunculan musik Band mengakibatkan penurunan eksistensi Tanjidor. Di Kecamatan Pemangkat terdapat tokoh penting bernama Akis yang dianggap sebagai guru Tanjidor pertama. Fungsi utama musik Tanjidor untuk  digunakan pada pesta perkawinan. Bentuk penyajian Tanjidor didominasi  alat tiup. Idealnya pemain berjumlah 12 dengan kostum seragam. Genre yang dibawakan bervariasi. Teknik pembawaan terdapat staccato, aksen, variasi irama genre, meniru kaset, dan pembagian fungsi alat musik. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat diimplementasikan dalam pembelajaran seni budaya kelas X semester II.   Kata Kunci: Perkembangan Musik Tanjidor, Kecamatan Pemangkat   Abstract: This research puposes review in depth about Tanjidor musik in Pemangkat District. Method of this research using historical methodology. Conclusion are as follows. Tanjidor musik in Pemangkat now has  been around in 50s, disappeared in 60s, and reappear around 80s. Tanjidor that stil exist today in Pemangkat now are Sinar Pemangkat and Perapakan, at Pemangkat in past (region before 2003) are Semparuk and Sepinggan. In 50s to 70s players have known musikal scores,  and tendency to bring mars. The exsistence of Tanjidor decrease with development of the band’s musik. There are important figure named Akis regarded as first Teacher of Tanjidor. The main function of Tanjidor is wedding celebration. Form of presentation Tanjidor is playing with dominant wind intruments. The ideal amount for one grup is 12 people and  wear the same outfit. Songs are sung varied. Carriage technique in Tanjidor are staccato, accents, variation changing genre, imitating cassette, and divison of instruments function. This research result is expected can be implementation to the learning art and culture subject in grade  X semester II.   Keywords: Development of Tanjidor Musik, Pemangkat District