2,552 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Minat Membaca dan Penguasaan Kosakata dengan Keterampilan Berbicara oleh Siswa Kelas XI Smk Al Washliyah 4 Medan Tahun Pembelajaran 2015-2016

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan minat membaca dan penguasaan kosakata dengan keterampilan berbicara yang harus dikuasai oleh siswa yang menggunakan metode berpidato, angket kuesioner dan tes objektif. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini mengambil subjek penelitian 30 orang/siswa SMK Al Washliyah 4 Medan tahun pembelajaran 2015-2016. Instrument hasil data penelitian ini adalah tes hasil belajar siswa pada materi keterampilan berbicara, penguasaan kosakata dan keterampilan minat membaca. Teknik pengumpul data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adlah tes angket kuesioner, tes objektif dan praktik berpidato untu melatih keterampilan berbicara siswa. Hasil pengumpul data telah menunjukkan bahwa siswa memahami materi yang disampaikan oleh peneliti sebagai guru dengan menerapkan metode berpidato, angket kuesioner dan tes objektif. Untuk itu dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpul data tersebut dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa

    Analisa Kekuatan Impak Helmet Sepeda Motor Metode Impak Jatuh Bebas

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    The non-standard helmet testing is required for measure the helmet strength as effect of the load is given. In generally, traffic accident doesn\u27t involved by the velocity but also gravitational. Therefore, the research activity is done by researcher obtains the effect of free-fall impact loading on the non-standard helmet. The information which is obtained from this research will explain the effect of free-fall impact loading that is subjected on the non-standard helmet to user, industry, and also government. The objective of this research involves the testing apparatus construction of free-fall impact loading on the non-standard helmet, measuring the maximum impact loading, and the energy absorbing by helmet as effect of impact loading. The researcher collaborates with the Impact and Fracture Reaseach Center (IRFC) has bulit the testing apparatus which is equipped with good aquisition data system. The non-standar helmet is put on the adjustable testing rig. The impact time can be measured by eight inductive proximity sensors. The helmet will slide down and collides the anvil. The force will be measured with the load cell which is put down the anvil. There are four anvil forms which is adapted to the real condition, that is: flat plat, aligned plat, bullet, and a half-spherical anvil. The data will be transfered from the load cell into the DAQ system which has function to change the analog into digital signal. Finally, the data will be saved into PC as the force (N) and the impact time (ms). The free-fall impact testing equipment has shown the best performance on the force and impact time signal reading as long as the research activity. The maximum force on the flat anvil is 24.33 N; the aligned flat anvil is 37.88 N; the bullet anvil is 16.22 N; and a half-spherical anvil is 41.43 N at the elevation of 0.75 m. The minimum energy which causes the fracture on the helmet is 3.24 J at the elevation of 0.3 m

    Visual art education teacher’s beliefs and attitudes toward incorporating ICT into art classrooms / Mohd Khairezan Rahmat and Wing K. Au.

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    Visual art is a subject that emphasizes on creativity, innovation and critical thinking, therefore, Visual Art Education (VAE) teachers have been urged to utilize the full potential of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Despite numerous literatures have highlighted the benefits of ICT, VAE teachers were found not serious toward integrating ICT in teaching. Hence, this study was carried out to determined Malaysian VAE teachers’ attitudes and beliefs and their level of confidence toward incorporating ICT into art classrooms. This study explored teachers’ specific approach of ICT and factors that influence their integration of ICT into art classrooms. The participants of this study were eighteen VAE teachers from three-selected secondary school in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. Data for the study was gathered by face-to-face interviews. The findings of the study indicated that Malaysian VAE teachers were still at moderate levels of ICT integration. The support from school administrator and continues professional development were identified as two main factors that contribute towards successful ICT integration. In light of the published research on the integration of ICT in the VAE subject area, hopefully, the findings of this study will assist school organization, teachers training institutions and the Ministry of Education toward establishing a standard for successful ICT integration, especially in the context of the VAE

    Derivative estimation of triangular patch by using cubic least square method

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    Smooth surface reconstruction of scattered data built from Delaunay triangulation need the partial derivatives to be defined at the vertices of the triangles for all the data points. Partial derivatives at the vertices of triangular elements and at the midpoint of each side usually are unavailable therefore it is a needed to approximate the derivatives information at the vertices and at the midpoint of each side. The common method use to estimate partial derivatives was the quadratic approximation of least square method. This research focused to estimate partial derivatives by using cubic approximation of least square method and compare the surface obtained between quadratic and cubic approximation. The research also implement the use of interpolating surface of cubic Bezier triangular patch. The result of the study shows comparison of interpolating surface produced by different type of functions for quadratic and cubic least square. The maximum and minimum error was also calculated and maximum error between quadratic and cubic least square was generated when using saddle function while the minimum error is on the exponential function

    Effect of cacao liquor extract on tumor marker enzymes during chemical hepatocarcinogenesis in rats.

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    This study investigated the effect of cacao liquor extract (CLE) on tumor marker enzymes-alkaline phosphatase (ALP), γ-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), and glutathione reductase (GR) activities-in plasma and/or liver of hepatocarcinogenic rats, which were induced with diethylnitrosamine and 2-acetylaminofluorene. Twenty-nine male Sprague-Dawley rats (weighing 150-330 g) were divided into four groups (n = 6-8): normal control group (N), normal group + CLE (NE), cancer group (C), and cancer group + CLE (CE). Analysis of variance showed significant differences (P < .05) in the specific activities of ALP, GGT, and GST between the C and N groups. However, GR activity for the C group was not significantly different compared with the N group. In the CE group, the specific activities of ALP, GGT, GST, and GR were significantly lower (P < .05) compared with the C group. The findings showed that CLE could lower the activity of tumor marker enzymes of rats during hepatocarcinogenesis. Based on the results obtained, polyphenol compounds present in the cacao liquor, extracted by using ethanol, have the potential in decreasing the severity of hepatocarcinogenesis

    Pengaruh Fashion Involvement Dan Shopping Lifestyle Terhadap Impulsive Buying Mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Batam

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    This research aims to find out how the influence of Fashion Involvement and Shopping Lifestyle in Impulsive Buying of student of Batam State Polytechnic, to find out how far these both of variable affect consumer behavior in Impulsive Buying. This research uses descriptive method that involves 85 business management students as respondents. The data collection is done by questionnaires distribution. Data were analyzed by multiple linier analysis method using SPSS program version 23. The result of partial test showed that Fashion Involvement had a negative but significant effect&nbsp; in Impulsive Buying and Shopping Lifestyle had a positive and significant effect in Impulsive Buying. While the result of the simultaneous test showed that both of variable had a positive and significant effect in Impulsive Buying

    Maximizing the Value of Information Technology Investment Based on Strategic Alignment, Risk Control and Real OptionsA Case Study of Enterprise System Implementation at PT. Pegadaian (Persero)

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    The world of IT market has experienced fast growth by9.7% worth US527.9billion(Rp5.015,1trillion)in1995,butstillITvaluerealizationisquestionedwiththeadventofITProductivityParadoxphenomenon.In2002,Gartnersurveystatedthat20to70 527.9 billion (Rp 5.015,1 trillion) in 1995, but still IT value realization is questioned with the advent of IT Productivity Paradox phenomenon. In 2002, Gartner survey stated that 20 to 70% IT investment worth US 600 billion (Rp6,315.8 trillion) was wasted. However, the phenomenon was fading with the rise of IT governance and management field, including IT investment management best-practice. Latest research from PwC and ITGI in 2011 has shown that the practice brought 27.1% increased value and 28.1% improved business competitiveness. Recently, PT. Pegadaian (Persero) has planned to invest on a new centralized real-time online Enterprise System. Considering this is a large scale IT investment which estimated TCO is around Rp 1.1 trillion (16% of Total Gross Revenue and 1100% of Total Investment in 2011), while the world historical data has shown many of its failures, in fact Pegadaian itself has experienced ES implementation failure in 2009-2011 which has wasted significant resources, therefore the management is very concerned about how to prevent project failures while maximizing the value from it. The author has proposed the combination use of strategic alignment, risk control and real options valuation methods which enhanced the conventional investment analysis methods such as IRR, NPV, ROI and Payback Period to solve Pegadaian\u27s problem. This paper result showed that the combination of those methods has maximized the value of IT investment by making sure that the investment is aligned with business objectives, able to control its risks and offered managerial flexibility through viable investment option configurations which maximizing the value

    Implementation of Risk Management and the Effect on Performance Improvement in PT Krakatau Steel

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    Changes in the business environment is increasingly rapidly with increasing competition levels cause the appearance of a variety of business risks that could affect the company\u27s performance. Efforts to secure the achievement of the goals and targets of the business, these risks need to be managed in a systematic, continuous and integrated. Application of the concept of risk management should be integrated with the company\u27s strategy and performance management for all strategic plans, tactical plans and operational plans contain inherent risks that need to be managed properly. Through the Ministerial Regulation No. SOE. PER-01/MBU/2011, Minister of state mandates that all state-owned building and implementing risk management programs in an integrated corporation which is an integral part of the practice of good corporate governance. The final project is a review of the application of the concept of risk management in PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk., Evaluating its impact on corporate performance, analyze the causes of the problems and propose improvements necessary for the application of the concept of risk management had a positive impact on the effectiveness of the achievement of corporate goals. Based on the review and evaluation, it is known that the application of risk management in PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk. has not been implemented uniformly by all organizational units. In most of the organizational unit, found the lack of continuity between the risk management cycle. Process repeated measurements of risk level has not been run periodically, so the effectiveness of the risk mitigation measures that do not scalable. Risk identification process is not yet aligned with efforts to secure the achievement of predetermined performance targets. Therefore, the application of risk management to be integrated with the company\u27s performance management system

    Mediating Cognitive Transformation with VR 3D Sketching during Conceptual Architectural Design Process

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    Communications for information synchronization during the conceptual design phase require designers to employ more intuitive digital design tools. This paper presents findings of a feasibility study for using VR 3D sketching interface in order to replace current non-intuitive CAD tools. We used a sequential mixed method research methodology including a qualitative case study and a cognitive-based quantitative protocol analysis experiment. Foremost, the case study research was conducted in order to understand how novice designers make intuitive decisions. The case study documented the failure of conventional sketching methods in articulating complicated design ideas and shortcomings of current CAD tools in intuitive ideation. The case study’s findings then became the theoretical foundations for testing the feasibility of using VR 3D sketching interface during design. The latter phase of study evaluated the designers’ spatial cognition and collaboration at six different levels: “physical-actions”, “perceptualac ons”, “functional-actions”, “conceptual-actions”, “cognitive synchronizations”, and “gestures”. The results and confirmed hypotheses showed that the utilized tangible 3D sketching interface improved novice designers’ cognitive and collaborative design activities. In summary this paper presents the influences of current external representation tools on designers’ cognition and collaboration as well as providing the necessary theoretical foundations for implementing VR 3D sketching interface. It contributes towards transforming conceptual architectural design phase from analogue to digital by proposing a new VR design interface. The paper proposes this transformation to fill in the existing gap between analogue conceptual architectural design process and remaining digital engineering parts of building design process hence expediting digital design process