8,854 research outputs found

    Electrical characterization of the soft breakdown failure mode in MgO layers

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    The soft breakdown (SBD) failure mode in 20 nm thick MgO dielectric layers grown on Si substrates was investigated. We show that during a constant voltage stress, charge trapping and progressive breakdown coexist, and that the degradation dynamics is captured by a power-law time dependence. We also show that the SBD current-voltage (I-V) characteristics follow the power-law model I = aVb typical of this conduction mechanism but in a wider voltage window than the one reported in the past for SiO2. The relationship between the magnitude of the current and the normalized differential conductance was analyzed

    Spin-Echo Measurements for an Anomalous Quantum Phase of 2D Helium-3

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    Previous heat-capacity measurements of our group had shown the possible existence of an anomalous quantum phase containing the zero-point vacancies (ZPVs) in 2D 3^{3}He. The system is monolayer 3^{3}He adsorbed on graphite preplated with monolayer 4^{4}He at densities (ρ\rho) just below the 4/7 commensurate phase (0.8ρ/ρ4/710.8\leq \rho /\rho_{4/7}\leq 1). We carried out pulsed-NMR measurements in order to examine the microscopic and dynamical nature of this phase. The measured decay of spin echo signals shows the non-exponential behaviour. The decay curve can be fitted with the double exponential function, but the relative intensity of the component with a longer time constant is small (5%) and does not depend on density and temperature, which contradicts the macroscopic fluid and 4/7 phase coexistence model. This slowdown is likely due to the mosaic angle spread of Grafoil substrate and the anisotropic spin-spin relaxation time T2T_{2} in 2D systems with respect to the magnetic field direction. The inverse T2T_2 value deduced from the major echo signal with a shorter time constant, which obeys the single exponential function, decreases linearly with decreasing density from n=1n=1, supporting the ZPV model.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    A massive, distant proto-cluster at z=2.47 caught in a phase of rapid formation?

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    Numerical simulations of cosmological structure formation show that the Universe's most massive clusters, and the galaxies living in those clusters, assemble rapidly at early times (2.5 < z < 4). While more than twenty proto-clusters have been observed at z > 2 based on associations of 5-40 galaxies around rare sources, the observational evidence for rapid cluster formation is weak. Here we report observations of an asymmetric, filamentary structure at z = 2.47 containing seven starbursting, submillimeter-luminous galaxies and five additional AGN within a comoving volume of 15000 Mpc3^{3}. As the expected lifetime of both the luminous AGN and starburst phase of a galaxy is ~100 Myr, we conclude that these sources were likely triggered in rapid succession by environmental factors, or, alternatively, the duration of these cosmologically rare phenomena is much longer than prior direct measurements suggest. The stellar mass already built up in the structure is 1012M\sim10^{12}M_{\odot} and we estimate that the cluster mass will exceed that of the Coma supercluster at z0z \sim 0. The filamentary structure is in line with hierarchical growth simulations which predict that the peak of cluster activity occurs rapidly at z > 2.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted in ApJL (small revisions from previous version

    Re-thinking uk transport emissions – Getting to the 2050 targets

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    Transport is a complex system, integral to national and international structure and without which society cannot function. At the same time, transport is a significant contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions. In the UK a step change is required in the transport sector to achieve the legally binding reduction targets of the Climate Change Act 2008. Following the UK government’s 2013 review of carbon dioxide emissions from infrastructure, this paper looks at the country’s present and projected transport emissions in the context of the transport status quo and plans for growth. It argues there is an urgent need to rebalance the transport modal mix, with all modes integrated into a seamless transport system with smart interfacing between them. Drivers for behavioural change are also essential.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research CouncilThis is the final version of the article. It first appeared from ICE Publishing via https://doi.org/10.1680/jcien.15.0007

    Correlating the Energetics and Atomic Motions of the Metal-Insulator Transition of M1 Vanadium Dioxide

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    Materials that undergo reversible metal-insulator transitions are obvious candidates for new generations of devices. For such potential to be realised, the underlying microscopic mechanisms of such transitions must be fully determined. In this work we probe the correlation between the energy landscape and electronic structure of the metal-insulator transition of vanadium dioxide and the atomic motions occurring using first principles calculations and high resolution X-ray diffraction. Calculations find an energy barrier between the high and low temperature phases corresponding to contraction followed by expansion of the distances between vanadium atoms on neighbouring sub-lattices. X-ray diffraction reveals anisotropic strain broadening in the low temperature structure's crystal planes, however only for those with spacings affected by this compression/expansion. GW calculations reveal that traversing this barrier destabilises the bonding/anti-bonding splitting of the low temperature phase. This precise atomic description of the origin of the energy barrier separating the two structures will facilitate more precise control over the transition characteristics for new applications and devices.Comment: 11 Pages, 8 Figure

    Greenhouse gas considerations in rail infrastructure in the UK

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    Transportation-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions account for an increasing proportion of total emissions in the UK and globally. The provision of rail transit is popularly proposed to reduce transport GHG emissions, but the provision of new infrastructure is itself GHG intensive. Understanding of the GHG emissions impact of rail projects is limited and very few longitudinal studies have been carried out. Existing assessments are often limited both in their scope and the factors considered. A holistic understanding of GHG impacts must include an assessment of capital GHG emissions, operational energy and maintenance as well as an assessment of ridership mode shift and mode share impacts and the relationship between transit infrastructure and land use. This paper explores rail infrastructure projects and their associated GHG emissions. Guidance is given on the aspects of rail planning, design and construction that must be considered to more fully understand the associated GHG impacts.The authors would like to thank The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK for the scholarship funding that facilitated this work

    Gluon polarization in the proton

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    We combine heavy-quark renormalization group arguments with our understanding of the nucleon's wavefunction to deduce a bound on the gluon polarization Delta g in the proton. The bound is consistent with the values extracted from spin experiments at COMPASS and RHIC.Comment: 4 page

    Shock tunnel studies of scramjet phenomena, supplement 5

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    A series of reports are presented on SCRAMjet studies, shock tunnel studies, and expansion tube studies. The SCRAMjet studies include: (1) Investigation of a Supersonic Combustion Layer; (2) Wall Injected SCRAMjet Experiments; (3) Supersonic Combustion with Transvers, Circular, Wall Jets; (4) Dissociated Test Gas Effects on SCRAMjet Combustors; (5) Use of Silane as a Fuel Additive for Hypersonic Thrust Production, (6) Pressure-length Correlations in Supersonic Combustion; (7) Hot Hydrogen Injection Technique for Shock Tunnels; (8) Heat Release - Wave Interaction Phenomena in Hypersonic Flows; (9) A Study of the Wave Drag in Hypersonic SCRAMjets; (10) Parametric Study of Thrust Production in the Two Dimensional SCRAMjet; (11) The Design of a Mass Spectrometer for use in Hypersonic Impulse Facilities; and (12) Development of a Skin Friction Gauge for use in an Impulse Facility. The shock tunnel studies include: (1) Hypervelocity flow in Axisymmetric Nozzles; (2) Shock Tunnel Development; and (3) Real Gas Efects in Hypervelocity Flows over an Inclined Cone. The expansion tube studies include: (1) Investigation of Flow Characteristics in TQ Expansion Tube; and (2) Disturbances in the Driver Gas of a Shock Tube