35 research outputs found

    Multiple imputation for estimation of an occurrence rate in cohorts with attrition and discrete follow-up time points: a simulation study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In longitudinal cohort studies, subjects may be lost to follow-up at any time during the study. This leads to attrition and thus to a risk of inaccurate and biased estimations. The purpose of this paper is to show how multiple imputation can take advantage of all the information collected during follow-up in order to estimate the cumulative probability <it>P(E) </it>of an event <it>E</it>, when the first occurrence of this event is observed at <it>t </it>successive time points of a longitudinal study with attrition.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We compared the performance of multiple imputation with that of Kaplan-Meier estimation in several simulated attrition scenarios.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In missing-completely-at-random scenarios, the multiple imputation and Kaplan-Meier methods performed well in terms of bias (less than 1%) and coverage rate (range = [94.4%; 95.8%]). In missing-at-random scenarios, the Kaplan-Meier method was associated with a bias ranging from -5.1% to 7.0% and with a very poor coverage rate (as low as 0.2%). Multiple imputation performed much better in this situation (bias <2%, coverage rate >83.4%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Multiple imputation shows promise for estimation of an occurrence rate in cohorts with attrition. This study is a first step towards defining appropriate use of multiple imputation in longitudinal studies.</p

    Early life factors and being overweight at 4 years of age among children in Malmö, Sweden

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Rising rates of obesity and overweight is an increasing public health problem all over the world. Recent research has shown the importance of early life factors in the development of child overweight. However, to the best of our knowledge there are no studies investigating the potential synergistic effect of early life factors and presence of parental overweight on the development of child overweight.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was population-based and cross-sectional. The study population consisted of children who visited the Child Health Care (CHC) centers in Malmö for their 4-year health check during 2003-2008 and whose parents answered a self-administered questionnaire (n = 9009 children).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results showed that having overweight/obese parents was strongly associated with the child being overweight or obese. Furthermore, there was an association between unfavorable early life factors (i.e., mother smoking during pregnancy, presence of secondhand tobacco smoke early in life, high birth weight) and the development of child overweight/obesity at four years of age, while breastfeeding seemed to have a protective role. For example, maternal smoking during pregnancy was associated with an odds ratio (OR) of 1.47 (95% CI: 1.22, 1.76) for overweight and 2.31 (95% CI: 1.68, 3.17) for obesity. The results further showed synergistic effects between parental overweight and exposure to unfavourable early life factors in the development of child overweight.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The present study shows the importance of early life factors in the development of child overweight and obesity, and thus puts focus on the importance of early targeted interventions.</p

    Australian women's use of complementary and alternative medicines to enhance fertility: exploring the experiences of women and practitioners

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Studies exploring the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) to enhance fertility are limited. While Australian trends indicate that women are using CAM during pregnancy, little is known about women's use of CAM for fertility enhancement. With the rising age of women at first birth, couples are increasingly seeking assisted reproductive technologies (ART) to achieve parenthood. It is likely that CAM use for fertility enhancement will also increase, however this is not known. This paper reports on an exploratory study of women's use of CAM for fertility enhancement.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Three focus groups were conducted in Melbourne, Australia in 2007; two with women who used CAM to enhance their fertility and one with CAM practitioners. Participants were recruited from five metropolitan Melbourne CAM practices that specialise in women's health. Women were asked to discuss their views and experiences of both CAM and ART, and practitioners were asked about their perceptions of why women consult them for fertility enhancement. Groups were digitally recorded (audio) and transcribed verbatim. The data were analysed thematically.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Focus groups included eight CAM practitioners and seven women. Practitioners reported increasing numbers of women consulting them for fertility enhancement whilst also using ART. Women combined CAM with ART to maintain wellbeing and assist with fertility enhancement. Global themes emerging from the women's focus groups were: women being willing to 'try anything' to achieve a pregnancy; women's negative experiences of ART and a reluctance to inform their medical specialist of their CAM use; and conversely, women's experiences with CAM being affirming and empowering.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The women in our study used CAM to optimise their chances of achieving a pregnancy. Emerging themes suggest the positive relationships achieved with CAM practitioners are not always attained with orthodox medical providers. Women's views and experiences need to be considered in the provision of fertility services, and strategies developed to enhance communication between women, medical practitioners and CAM practitioners. Further research is needed to investigate the extent of CAM use for fertility enhancement in Australia, and to explore the efficacy and safety of CAM use to enhance fertility, in isolation or with ART.</p

    Viscoelastic and histologic properties in scarred rabbit vocal folds after mesenchymal stem cell injection

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    Objective/Hypothesis: The aim of this study was to analyze the short-term viscoelastic and histologic properties of scarred rabbit vocal folds after injection of human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) as well as the degree of MSC survival. Because MSCs are anti-inflammatory and regenerate mesenchymal tissues, can MSC injection reduce vocal fold scarring after injury? Study Design: Twelve vocal folds from 10 New Zealand rabbits were scarred by a localized resection and injected with human MSC or saline. Eight vocal folds were left as controls. Material and Methods. After 4 weeks, 10 larynges were stained for histology and evaluation of the lamina propria thickness. Collagen type I content was analyzed from six rabbits. MSC survival was analyzed by fluorescent in situ hybridization staining from three rabbits. Viscoelasticity for 10 vocal folds was analyzed in a parallel-plate rheometer. Results: The rheometry on fresh-frozen samples showed decreased dynamic viscosity and lower elastic modulus (P < .01) in the scarred samples injected with MSC as compared with the untreated scarred group. Normal controls had lower dynamic viscosity and elastic modulus as compared with the scarred untreated and treated vocal folds (P < .01). Histologic analysis showed a higher content of collagen type 1 in the scarred samples as compared with the normal vocal folds and with the scarred folds treated with MSC. MSCs remained in all samples analyzed. Conclusions. The treated scarred vocal folds showed persistent MSC. Injection of scarred rabbit vocal folds with MSC rendered improved viscoelastic parameters and less signs of scarring expressed as collagen content in comparison to the untreated scarred vocal folds