871 research outputs found

    Hope, Ethnic Pride, and Academic Achievement: Positive Psychology and Latino Youth

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    Previous studies have found that hope has beneficial effects in athletics, academics, physical health, and mental well being in majority populations. Given the challenges Latino youth face in the United States, ethnic identity and hope may be a powerful buffer from these negative stressors. The current study aimed to identify whether chronic levels of hope related to academic performance, whether an ethnic pride manipulation altered state hope levels, and whether there was a link between ethnic identity and chronic hope among a sample of Latino youth. Results indicated that GPA and chronic hope levels were not related, a manipulation to boost ethic pride increased state hope, and that ethnic identity was related to chronic levels of hope. The findings suggest that ethnic identity is an important contributor to hope levels

    Statistical analysis of thermospheric gravity waves from Fabry-Perot Interferometer measurements of atomic oxygen

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    Data from the Fabry-Perot Interferometers at KEOPS (Sweden), Sodankylä (Finland), and Svalbard (Norway), have been analysed for gravity wave activity on all the clear nights from 2000 to 2006. A total of 249 nights were available from KEOPS, 133 from Sodankylä and 185 from the Svalbard FPI. A Lomb-Scargle analysis was performed on each of these nights to identify the periods of any wave activity during the night. Comparisons between many nights of data allow the general characteristics of the waves that are present in the high latitude upper thermosphere to be determined. Comparisons were made between the different parameters: the atomic oxygen intensities, the thermospheric winds and temperatures, and for each parameter the distribution of frequencies of the waves was determined. No dependence on the number of waves on geomagnetic activity levels, or position in the solar cycle, was found. All the FPIs have had different detectors at various times, producing different time resolutions of the data, so comparisons between the different years, and between data from different sites, showed how the time resolution determines which waves are observed. In addition to the cutoff due to the Nyquist frequency, poor resolution observations significantly reduce the number of short-period waves (5 h) detected. Comparisons between the number of gravity waves detected at KEOPS and Sodankylä over all the seasons showed a similar proportion of waves to the number of nights used for both sites, as expected since the two sites are at similar latitudes and therefore locations with respect to the auroral oval, confirming this as a likely source region. Svalbard showed fewer waves with short periods than KEOPS data for a season when both had the same time resolution data. This gives a clear indication of the direction of flow of the gravity waves, and corroborates that the source is the auroral oval. This is because the energy is dissipated through heating in each cycle of a wave, therefore, over a given distance, short period waves lose more energy than long and dissipate before they reach their target

    High time resolution measurements of the thermosphere from Fabry-Perot Interferometer measurements of atomic oxygen

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    Recent advances in the performance of CCD detectors have enabled a high time resolution study of the high latitude upper thermosphere with Fabry-Perot Interferometers(FPIs) to be performed. 10-s integration times were used during a campaign in April 2004 on an FPI located in northern Sweden in the auroral oval. The FPI is used to study the thermosphere by measuring the oxygen red line emission at 630.0 nm, which emits at an altitude of approximately 240 km. Previous time resolutions have been 4 min at best, due to the cycle of look directions normally observed. By using 10 s rather than 40 s integration times, and by limiting the number of full cycles in a night, high resolution measurements down to 15 s were achievable. This has allowed the maximum variability of the thermospheric winds and temperatures, and 630.0 nm emission intensities, at approximately 240 km, to be determined as a few minutes. This is a significantly greater variability than the often assumed value of 1 h or more. A Lomb-Scargle analysis of this data has shown evidence of gravity wave activity with waves with short periods. Gravity waves are an important feature of mesospherelower thermosphere (MLT) dynamics, observed using many techniques and providing an important mechanism for energy transfer between atmospheric regions. At high latitudes gravity waves may be generated in-situ by localised auroral activity. Short period waves were detected in all four clear nights when this experiment was performed, in 630.0 nm intensities and thermospheric winds and temperatures. Waves with many periodicities were observed, from periods of several hours, down to 14 min. These waves were seen in all parameters over several nights, implying that this variability is a typical property of the thermosphere

    Reduced search space multiple shift maximum element sequential matrix diagonalisation algorithm

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    The Multiple Shift Maximum Element Sequential Matrix Diagonalisation (MSME-SMD) algorithm is a powerful but costly method for performing approximate polynomial eigenvalue decomposition (PEVD) for space-time covariance-type matrices encountered in e.g. broadband array processing. This paper discusses a newly developed search method that restricts the order growth within the MSME-SMD algorithm. In addition to enhanced control of the polynomial degree of the paraunitary and parahermitian factors in this decomposition, the new search method is also computationally less demanding as fewer elements are searched compared to the original while the excellent diagonalisation of MSME-SMD is maintained

    Impact of source model matrix conditioning on iterative PEVD algorithms

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    Polynomial parahermitian matrices can accurately and elegantly capture the space-time covariance in broadband array problems. To factorise such matrices, a number of polynomial EVD (PEVD) algorithms have been suggested. At every step, these algorithms move various amounts of off-diagonal energy onto the diagonal, to eventually reach an approximate diagonalisation. In practical experiments, we have found that the relative performance of these algorithms depends quite significantly on the type of parahermitian matrix that is to be factorised. This paper aims to explore this performance space, and to provide some insight into the characteristics of PEVD algorithms

    Frequency invariant beamforming for two-dimensional and three-dimensional arrays

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    A novel method for the design of two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D)arrays with frequency invariant beam patterns is proposed. By suitable substitu- tions, the beam pattern of a 2-D or 3-D arrays can be regarded as the 3-D or 4-D Fourier transform of its spatial and temporal parameters. Since frequency invariance can be easily imposed in the Fourier domain, a simple design method is derived. Design examples for the 2-D case are provided

    Row-shift corrected truncation of paraunitary matrices for PEVD algorithms

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    In this paper, we show that the paraunitary (PU) matrices that arise from the polynomial eigenvalue decomposition (PEVD) of a parahermitian matrix are not unique. In particular, arbitrary shifts (delays) of polynomials in one row of a PU matrix yield another PU matrix that admits the same PEVD. To keep the order of such a PU matrix as low as possible, we pro- pose a row-shift correction. Using the example of an iterative PEVD algorithm with previously proposed truncation of the PU matrix, we demonstrate that a considerable shortening of the PU order can be accomplished when using row-corrected truncation

    Memory and complexity reduction in parahermitian matrix manipulations of PEVD algorithms

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    A number of algorithms for the iterative calculation of a polynomial matrix eigenvalue decomposition (PEVD) have been introduced. The PEVD is a generalisation of the ordinary EVD and will diagonalise a parahermitian matrix via paraunitary operations. This paper addresses savings — both computationally and in terms of memory use — that exploit the parahermitian structure of the matrix being decomposed, and also suggests an implicit trimming approach to efficiently curb the polynomial order growth usually observed during iterations of the PEVD algorithms. We demonstrate that with the proposed techniques, both storage and computations can be significantly reduced, impacting on a number of broadband multichannel problems

    Performance trade-offs in sequential matrix diagonalisation search strategies

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    Recently a selection of sequential matrix diagonalisation (SMD) algorithms have been introduced which approximate polynomial eigenvalue decomposition of parahermitian matrices. These variants differ only in the search methods that are used to bring energy onto the zero-lag. Here we analyse the search methods in terms of their computational complexities for different sizes of parahermitian matrices which are verified through simulated execution times. Another important factor for these search methods is their ability to transfer energy. Simulations show that the more computationally complex search methods transfer a greater proportion of the off-diagonal energy onto the zero-lag over a selected range of parahermitian matrix sizes. Despite their higher cost per iteration experiments indicate that the more complex search algorithms still converge faster in real time
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