827 research outputs found

    Automation of Image Analysis Software for Real-Time Oxygenation Imaging of Wounds

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    Preliminary work has shown that measuring tissue oxygenation in diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) using Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) using a Near Infrared Optical Scanner (NIROS) has promise in providing clinicians with subclinical physiological information on wound healing. This physiological information includes hemoglobin-based (oxy-hemoglobin, deoxy-hemoglobin, total hemoglobin, and oxygen saturation) concentration maps that undergo contrast analysis, image segmentation, image coregistration, measurements of wound areas, and statistical analysis. Currently, these methods have been implemented separately in MATLAB, requiring a time-consuming image analysis process. Herein, the objective of this project is to consolidate the various steps of image analysis into a single automated, user-friendly, graphical interface for efficient, real-time data analysis in the clinic. Consolidation and automation of the image analysis process can allow real-time assessment of wound healing status, apart from real-time imaging capabilities of the NIROS system. NIROS has the potential to complement the gold-standard clinical visual assessment of DFUs by providing supplementary physiological information on wound healing, and thus guiding treatment, with the possibility of improving patient outcomes

    Fundamentals in selecting input and output variables for composting process automatic controllers

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    El títol del pre-print és Review of fundamentals in selecting input and output variables for composting process automatic controllersThis paper provides a critical analysis of the fundamental principles involved in the selection of input and output variables for automatic controllers of composting processes. Research results and technological advancements make available a number of parameters which may be used by a composting process controller. Parameters based on ventilation have been identified as the most appropriate controller output variables. On-line monitoring of odour generation potential and pathogen destruction has not become feasible, although recent advances indicate potential for electronic noses and biosensors. On-line measurement of reaction rate heavily depends on the suitability of microbial respirometric methods. Water content of the material being composted may be useful in on-line evaluation of reaction rate if relationships between water loss rate and respiration rate are adequately described. Developments in artificial intelligence offer, however, new avenues regarding real-time estimation of reaction rates. In general, the first experiences from application of artificial intelligence on composting process control indicate potential for substantial utility

    Supersymmetric Dissipative Quantum Mechanics from Superstrings

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    Following the approach of Callan and Thorlacius applied to the superstring, we derive a supersymmetric extension of the non-local dissipative action of Caldeira and Leggett. The dissipative term turns out to be invariant under a group of superconformal transformations. When added to the usual kinetic term, it provides an example of supersymmetric dissipative quantum mechanics. As a by-product of our analysis, an intriguing connection to the homeotic/hybrid fermion model, proposed for CPT violation in neutrinos, appears.Comment: Latex, 16 page

    Shooting distance estimation based on gunshot residues analyzed by XRD and multivariate analysis

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    The most used and validated methods for estimating the shooting distance using the gunshot residues (GSR) inforensic labs are based on chemographic colour tests. In these techniques, the cloth-trapped residues are trans-ferred to a surface to be revealed using chemical reagents. However, because they imply a visual inspection, theirinterpretation may vary, thus adding possible errors to the forensic results. Therefore, it is important tofind anobjective analysis technique for deciding during the results interpretation. In this study, X-Ray diffraction (XRD)was used to measure the GSR on cotton-polyester fabrics. The resulting diffractograms were aligned using acorrelation optimized warping (COW) function, and then analysed using partial least squares to latent structures(PLS), and orthogonal PLS (OPLS). Both methods gave good prediction models in the 5&-300 cm distance range,with determination coefficients of 0.99. Using the gun utilized during the shooting rendered good predictionmodels with quite small prediction errors (about 3 and 7%). Combining the two guns for the calculations, resultedin a prediction model with a larger prediction error (about 14%) but still good for predicting the shooting dis-tance. This would indicate that it is possible to use a similar gun to perform a shooting distance prediction withouthaving the actual gun used during the investigated shooting

    Supersymmetric partners of the trigonometric Poschl-Teller potentials

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    The first and second-order supersymmetry transformations are used to generate Hamiltonians with known spectra departing from the trigonometric Poschl-Teller potentials. The several possibilities of manipulating the initial spectrum are fully explored, and it is shown how to modify one or two levels, or even to leave the spectrum unaffected. The behavior of the new potentials at the boundaries of the domain is studied.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Smart meter security: Vulnerabilities, threat impacts, and countermeasures

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    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is the aggregation of smart meters, communications networks, and data management systems that are tailored to meet the efficient integration of renewable energy resources. The more complex features and soundless functionalities the AMI is enhanced with, the more cyber security concerns are raised and must be taken into consideration. It is imperative to assure consumer’s privacy and security to guarantee the proliferation of rolling out smart metering infrastructure. This research paper analyzes AMI from security perspectives; it discusses the possible vulnerabilities associated with different attack surfaces in the smart meter, their security and threat implications, and finally it recommends proper security controls and countermeasures. The research findings draw the foundation upon which robust security by design approach is geared for the deployment of the AMI in the future

    Procedures to study the in vivo phagocytosis and application for the investigation of immunomodulatory activity of antibiotics

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    La depuración de partículas de la sangre es una medida de la capacidad funcional del sistema fagocíticomononuclear, responsable de la eliminación sistémica de microorganismo patógenos, inmunocomplejosy células apoptósicas. Esta capacidad puede ser alterada por agentes modificadores de la respuestabiológica, entre los que figuran numerosos agentes antimicrobianos. En este trabajo se comparó laefectividad de la medida de la capacidad de depuración de ratones BALB/c inoculados con distintosmicroorganismos (una levadura, dos bacterias Gram-positivas, extra- e intracelular, y dos bacteriasGram-negativas, asimismo extra- e intracelular). La levadura Candida albicans fue seleccionada, por suapropiada cinética de depuración y su resistencia natural a agentes antibacterianos, para estudiar lamodificación de la fagocitosis in vivo por el antibiótico macrólido azitromicina. El tratamiento conazitromicina durante 10 y 20 días disminuyó la capacidad de depuración del sistema fagocítico-mononuclear.The blood stream clearance of particles is a measure of the functional capacity of the mononuclearphagocytic system, which is responsible for the systemic elimination of pathogenic microorganisms,immunocomplexes and apoptotic cells. This capacity may be altered by biological reponse modifiersresponse,in which numerous antimicrobial agents are present. In this work, the effectiveness of the measurementof clearance capacity was compared in BALB/c mice that were inoculated with different microorganisms(a yeast, two extra and intracellular gram-positive bacteria, and two extra and intracellular gram-negativebacteria). As a means to studying the in vivo modification of phagocytosis by the macrolid antibiotic,azithromycin, the yeast Candida albicans was chosen for its appropriate clearance kinetics and its naturalresistance to antibacterial agents. Treatment with azithromycin for 10 and 20 days reduced clearancecapacity of the mononuclear phagocytic system

    Epidemiología de la Urgencia Psiquiátrica en el Instituto Psiquiátrico "Dr. José Horwitz": Un nuevo estudio comparativo

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    Indexación: ScieloUna urgencia psiquiátrica es cualquier alteración del afecto, conducta o pensamiento que puede producir daños a terceros o al consultante. La consulta de urgencia ido en aumento en los últimos años. Objetivos: Determinar laprevalencia de las distintas patologías, describir su distribución según sexo, edad, sector de residencia, estado civil, ocupación, previsión y derivación en las consultas de urgencia psiquiátrica en el Hospital Psiquiátrico "Dr. JoséHorwitz" de Santiago y comparar estos resultados con publicaciones previas de estudios en el mismo centro. Material y Método: Muestra representativa de 1999 casos, escogidos aleatoriamente de las consultas realizadas entre el Io de julio de 2005 y el 30 de junio de 2006. Se agruparon los diagnósticos de acuerdo a la nomenclatura CIÉ-10. Resultados: 48,7% de las consultas fueron realizadas por pacientes de sexo masculino. La media de edad fue 39 años. 76,7% de las consultas fueron realizadas en horario diurno. El 48,3% de los pacientes no tiene ocupación. 48% eran solteros. Abuso de sustancias y alcohol, trastornos esquizoides, afectivos y neuróticos congregan el 73,9% de las consultas. La más prevalente fue la de trastornos asociados al abuso de sustancias y alcohol con un 19,7% del total. Conductas autoagresivas (74%) y trastornos afectivos (74%) se asoció más a mujeres, en cambio el abuso de sustancias y alcohol más con hombres (76%). Discusión: Las consultas por trastornos esquizoides han disminuido a lo largo de los años. En cambio las consultas por el abuso de sustancias y alcohol y los trastornos afectivos han aumentado. Se hacen sugerencias para enfrentar el nuevo perfil epidemiológico.A psychiatric emergency is any alteration of affection, thought or behavior that may cause harm to others or to the same consultant. These consultations have increased over the last years. Objectives: Determine the prevalence of the various pathologies, describing their distribution according to sex, age, area of residence, marital status, occupation, health insurance, and referral in psychiatric emergency consultations at "Dr. José Horwitz" Hospital of Santiago, and to compare these results with previously published studies in the same center. Material and Method: We used a representative sample of 1999 cases, chosen randomly from consultations held between July 1,2005 and June 30,2006. Diagnoses were grouped according to the nomenclature of the ICD-10. Results: 48.7% of the consultations were carried out by male patients and. Average age of consultation was 39. 76.7% of consultations were carried out in daytime. The 48.3% of people who consulted didn't have any occupation. 48% were singles. Abuse of substances and alcohol, schizoid, afective and neurotic disorders congregate 73.9% of total consultations. The most prevalent were the disorders associated with abuse of substances and alcohols with a 19.7% overall. Autoagressive behaviors (74%) and affective disorders (74%) were associated with females, while abuse of substances and alcohol was associated with males (76%). Discussion: Schizoid disorders have proportionally declined in importance over the years. In contrast, abuse of substances and alcohol, and affective disorders have increased their frecuency. Suggestions are made to FACE the new epidemiological profile.http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-92272010000400002&nrm=is