1,658 research outputs found

    Music and anxiety in hospitalized children

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    Purpose: Music is a method of stress reduction and could be used as a non-invasive therapeutic tool to relieve the pain and anxiety of patient. This study is designed to evaluate the role of music therapy on the level of anxiety in children aged 912 yearsold, in an academic hospital in Gorgan, northeast of Iran. Methods: Sixty hospitalized children were categorized into the intervention (case=30) and the control groups (N=30) by using a simple randomized method. The data gathering instruments were questionnaires which included demographic information and a trait anxiety inventory for children, the Spielberger test (STAIC). For the intervention group, for 2 days, 20 minutes (3 am-6 pm), the soothing rhythmic music of Johann Sebastian Bach was released through a tape recorder which was equipped with a headphone and then, the Spielberger questionnaires were refilled by each patient. The control group did not receive any intervention. Results: The results showed that the anxiety scores between the control and the intervention groups had no significant difference before the application of the music. The mean anxiety after the application of music in the control group was 49.4±7.2 and in the intervention group, it was 30.7±7.5. The results showed a significant difference between the mean anxiety in the control and the intervention groups (p<0.05). Conclusions: Our results showed that in hospitalized children, music therapy reduced the anxiety level

    Immunoreactivity analysis of Toxoplasma gondii recombinant antigen rSAG3 in sera from immunized BALB/c mice and tox-oplasmosis patients

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    Background: The coccidian protozoa Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite of humans and other warm-blooded animals. Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is of considerable medical importance for human, especially pregnant women and immunocompromised individuals. The apply of an Escherichia coli recombinant antigen(s) would be signifi-cantly useful in developing standardization of the diagnostic tests and reducing their costs. In this study, immunoreac-tivity of recombinant SAG3 against sera from immunized mice and human anti-T. gondii IgG positive patients was evaluated by western-blotting and enzyme immunoassay (EIA) in Department of Parasitology and Mycology, School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences in 2013. Methods: Three inbreed BALB/c female mice were obtained. Two mice were injected with rSAG3 and one was re-mained untreated, as control. Sera from immunized mice and also pooled sera from IgG positive toxoplasmosis cases were evaluated with western-blotting. IgG antibody responses to recombinant SAG3 was measured by indirect ELISA against the negative control group. Results: The rSAG3 protein reacted with sera of immunized mice and sera from patients with anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibodies in western-blot analysis. The result of ELISA showed that, there was marked differences in the absorbance values between the recombinant SAG3 immunized mice and control group. Conclusion: The rSAG3 showed IgG reactivity with sera from immunized mice and anti-Toxoplasma IgG patients. © 2016, Iranian Journal of Public Health. All rights reserved

    Comparison of marital conflict dimensions between substance dependence patients: Shishe, Crack, Opioids.

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    زمینه و هدف: رضایت از رابطه زناشویی عامل مهمی در استحکام و حفظ بهداشت روانی خانواده است. یکی از عوامل موثر در تجربه رضایت مندی از رابطه زناشویی و افزایش کیفیت زندگی و بهداشت روان در خانواده وجود یا عدم تعارضات شدید زناشویی بوده و تعارضات زناشویی یکی از مشکلات شایع در بیماران وابسته به مواد می باشد. مطالعه حاضر با هدف بررسی مقایسه ای تعارضات زناشویی در سه گروه سوء مصرف کننده شیشه، کراک و تریاک انجام شده است. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه توصیفی- تحلیلی 70 نفر از بیماران مبتلا به وابستگی به مواد (16 نفر تریاک، 18 نفر کراک و 17 نفر شیشه) مراجعه کننده به کلینیک اعصاب و روان اصفهان (کلینیک پارسه) و بخش ترک اعتیاد بیمارستان حضرت علی اصغر(ع) اصفهان به روش نمونه گیری در دسترس انتخاب شدند. تعارضات زناشویی در بیماران با استفاده از مقیاس شیوه های تعارض در اختلافات زناشویی اشتراوس ( CTS-II ) بررسی و با 19 نفر در گروه کنترل مورد مقایسه قرار گرفت. داده ها به کمک آزمون های آماری آنالیز واریانس چند متغیره و آزمون تعقیبی شفه تجزیه و تحلیل شد. یافته ها: بین نمرات گروه ها در نمره کل و نیز در تمامی خرده مقیاس های خشونت روانی، خشونت جسمانی، آزار کلامی، آزار جنسی و آسیب اختلاف معنی داری وجود داشت (05/0 P< ). وابستگان به شیشه در تمامی خرده مقیاس ها، میانگین نمرات بالاتری نسبت به گروه کنترل و نیز گروه وابسته به تریاک نشان می دادند (05/0 P< ). تفاوت بین نمرات افراد وابسته به کراک و شیشه فقط در خرده مقیاس خشونت جسمانی معنی دار بود (05/0 P< ). نتیجه گیری: به نظر می رسد درمان مشکلات زناشویی در این بیماران و آموزش شیوه های موثر کنترل خشم، آموزش ارتباط جنسی سالم، آموزش حل تعارض و حل مساله نقش مهمی در افزایش رضایتمندی و به دنبال آن افزایش حمایت های خانوادگی و کاهش تعارضات و نارضایتی از روابط زناشویی ایفا خواهد کرد

    The effects of different levels of sodium caseinate on rumen fermentation pattern, digestibility and microbial protein synthesis of Holstein dairy cows

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    This study was conducted to investigate the effects of different levels of peptide supplementation on rumen fermentation pattern, digestibility and microbial protein synthesis. Three rumen-cannulated Holstein dairy cows were used in a 3 &#215; 3 Latin square experiment within 21 days period. The ruminal infusion of sodium caseinate (CN) was 0 (control), 50 and 100 g/d. Dry matter intake, milk yield and composition , total tract apparent digestibility of nutrient, rumen parameters and purine derivatives inurine of cows were measured. Results showed that dairy cows received sodium caseinate, had significantly increased microbial protein synthesis, milk fat yield, acetate and branched chain fatty acids concentrations in rumen fluid and fiber digestibility compared with the control treatment (P &lt;0.05). CN significantly affected the concentrations of rumen ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), rumen peptide nitrogen (Pep-N) and the ratio of rumen ammonia nitrogen/ rumen peptide nitrogen (P &lt; 0.05) and consequently blood urea nitrogen, milk urea nitrogen and urinary urea nitrogen concentrations. However digestibility of dry matter and crude protein did not differ among treatments. In conclusion, if the optimum level of NH3-N/Pep-N was the best compromise among the need for rumen fermentation, microbial protein synthesis and nitrogen excretion through urine in animal, the recommended level from this study would be 0.86 in rumen fluid

    A gene expression study on strains of Nostoc (Cyanobacteria) revealing antimicrobial activity under mixotrophic conditions

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    Cyanobacteria are well known for their production of a multitude of highly allelopathic compounds. These products have features such as incorporation of non-proteinogenic amino acids which are characteristics of peptides biosynthesized by non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs). Some of these peptides have acetate-derived moieties, suggesting that their biosynthesis also involves polyketide synthases (PKSs). Among the photosynthetic microorganisms, cyanobacteria belonging to the genus Nostoc are regarded as good candidates for producing biologically active secondary metabolites. Aiming at the maximization in the production of natural product, we compared autotrophic, and mixotrophic growth at high light intensity of two Nostoc species in relation to the production of bioactive compounds with the antimicrobial activity at different source of sugar. Glucose was shown to be the best substrate for the production of high natural product when compared with sucrose. Also, the rate of biomass production and antimicrobial activity was reaching ~2.0 to 2.5 and ~1.5 times greater than that of the autotrophic and sucrose grown cultures, respectively. Also, we conduct a combined NRPSs and PKSs polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The sequences presented in this study was deposited in GenBank and had accession numbers JF795278 and JF795279 (NRPS A domains) and JF795280 and JF795281 (PKS KS domains). Computer modeling and phylogenetic analysis was conducted to predict the putative amino acid recognized by the unknown adenylation domain in the NRPS sequences. This study highlights the importance of environmental and nutrimental factors in maximization of antibiotic production of two Nostoc species.Keywords: Peptide synthetase gene, polyketide synthase gene, Nostoc, secondary metabolites, mixotrophic condition

    The importance of CDC27 in cancer: molecular pathology and clinical aspects

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    Background: CDC27 is one of the core components of Anaphase Promoting complex/cyclosome. The main role of this protein is defined at cellular division to control cell cycle transitions. Here we review the molecular aspects that may affect CDC27 regulation from cell cycle and mitosis to cancer pathogenesis and prognosis. Main text: It has been suggested that CDC27 may play either like a tumor suppressor gene or oncogene in different neoplasms. Divergent variations in CDC27 DNA sequence and alterations in transcription of CDC27 have been detected in different solid tumors and hematological malignancies. Elevated CDC27 expression level may increase cell proliferation, invasiveness and metastasis in some malignancies. It has been proposed that CDC27 upregulation may increase stemness in cancer stem cells. On the other hand, downregulation of CDC27 may increase the cancer cell survival, decrease radiosensitivity and increase chemoresistancy. In addition, CDC27 downregulation may stimulate efferocytosis and improve tumor microenvironment. Conclusion: CDC27 dysregulation, either increased or decreased activity, may aggravate neoplasms. CDC27 may be suggested as a prognostic biomarker in different malignancies. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Transparent computational intelligence models for pharmaceutical tableting process

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    Purpose Pharmaceutical industry is tightly regulated owing to health concerns. Over the years, the use of computational intelligence (CI) tools has increased in pharmaceutical research and development, manufacturing, and quality control. Quality characteristics of tablets like tensile strength are important indicators of expected tablet performance. Predictive, yet transparent, CI models which can be analysed for insights into the formulation and development process. Methods This work uses data from a galenical tableting study and computational intelligence methods like decision trees, random forests, fuzzy systems, artificial neural networks, and symbolic regression to establish models for the outcome of tensile strength. Data was divided in training and test fold according to ten fold cross validation scheme and RMSE was used as an evaluation metric. Tree based ensembles and symbolic regression methods are presented as transparent models with extracted rules and mathematical formula, respectively, explaining the CI models in greater detail. Results CI models for tensile strength of tablets based on the formulation design and process parameters have been established. Best models exhibit normalized RMSE of 7 %. Rules from fuzzy systems and random forests are shown to increase transparency of CI models. A mathematical formula generated by symbolic regression is presented as a transparent model. Conclusions CI models explain the variation of tensile strength according to formulation and manufacturing process characteristics. CI models can be further analyzed to extract actionable knowledge making the artificial learning process more transparent and acceptable for use in pharmaceutical quality and safety domains

    Accuracy of rapid ultrasound in shock (RUSH) exam for diagnosis of shock in critically Ill patients

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    Background: Rapid ultrasound in shock (RUSH) is the most recent emergency ultrasound protocol, designed to help clinicians better recognize distinctive shock etiologies in a shorter time frame. Objectives: In this study, we evaluated the accuracy of the RUSH protocol, performed by an emergency physician or radiologist, in predicting the type of shock in critical patients. Patients and Methods: An emergency physician or radiologist performed the RUSH protocol for all patients with shock status at the emergency department. All patients were closely followed to determine their final clinical diagnosis. The agreement between the initial impression provided by RUSH and the final diagnosis was investigated by calculating the Kappa index. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of RUSH for diagnosis of each case. Results: We performed RUSH on 77 patients. Kappa index was 0.71 (P Value = 0.000), reflecting acceptable general agreement between initial impression and final diagnosis. For hypovolemic, cardiogenic and obstructive shock, the protocol had an NPV above 97 yet it had a lower PPV. For shock with distributive or mixed etiology, RUSH showed a PPV of 100 but it had low sensitivity. Subgroup analysis showed a similar Kappa index for the emergency physician and radiologist (0.70 and 0.73, respectively) in performing rush. Conclusions: This study highlights the role of the RUSH exam performed by an emergency physician, to make a rapid and reliable diagnosis of shock etiology, especially in order to rule out obstructive, cardiogenic and hypovolemic shock types in initial exam of shock patients. Copyright © 2015, Trauma Monthly

    Municipal solid waste management during COVID-19 pandemic: a comparison between the current activities and guidelines

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone�s lifestyle and this has resulted in a change in the quantity and composition of municipal solid wastes. Moreover, the post-pandemic waste management is very important as a bad management may lead to the more spread of the disease. The objective of this study was to evaluate the application of guidelines presented for the era of the COVID-19 pandemic in proper solid waste management. To this end, the data were collected by using interviews and field researches and then the obtained data were compared with the international guidelines presented by international organizations. By investigating the municipal waste management during this pandemic and its changes compared to pre-COVID-19, coordination of the plans with the guidelines was investigated. The activities of storage, collection, transportation, recycling, final landfill, as well as the observation of the health instructions by staff and informal sections were assessed in the current research. Although the results showed that the situation was satisfactory in the sections like health and safety of waste management operators due to the existence of protocols and general educations, the waste management plans have not been changed much from before the epidemic of the Coronavirus. The absence of a national policy and plan for waste management in the era of a pandemic and ignoring the guidelines developed by other countries and organizations were observable. Therefore, the codification of new policies for municipal waste management during an epidemic is necessary. © 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG