1,117 research outputs found

    The divine name in Exodus as promise and fulfillment

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    Analisis Laporan Keuangan dengan Menggunakan Metode Camel untuk Menilai Tingkat Kesehatan Perbankan

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    Bank sebagai lembaga intermediary memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam menggerakkan perekonomian suatu negara. Dalam menjalankan perannya bank wajib dikelola dengan hati – hati dan perlunya pengawasan khusus dari pemerintah. Bank Indonesia sebagai otoritas telah mengeluarkan peraturan mengenai penilaian tingkat kesehatan perbankan melalui surat edaran Bank Indonesia 30 April 2004 menggunakan metode CAMEL,dengan menggunakan rasio keuangan. Adapun yang menjadi objek penelitian adalah Bank Umum milik pemerintah yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2010 – 2011. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai tingkat kesehatan Bank Umum Milik Pemerintah yang terdaftar di bursa efek Indonesia periode 2010 – 2011 dengan menggunakan metode CAMEL. Bank Umum Milik pemerintah dipercaya memiliki peran penting dalam menumbuhkan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap Industri Perbankan Negara. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 3 Bank yaitu Bank Mandiri,Bank BNI dan Bank BRI mendapatkan predikat sehat sedangkan 1 Bank yaitu Bank BTN mendapatkan predikat cukup sehat. Kata kunci: bank, CAMEL, kesehatan ban

    Contact Induced Spin Relaxation in Graphene Spin Valves with Al2O3 and MgO Tunnel Barriers

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    We investigate spin relaxation in graphene by systematically comparing the roles of spin absorption, other contact-induced effects (e.g. fringe fields, etc.), and bulk spin relaxation for graphene spin valves with MgO barriers, Al2O3 barriers, and transparent contacts. We obtain effective spin lifetimes by fitting the Hanle spin precession data with two models that include or exclude the effect of spin absorption. Results indicate that additional contact-induced spin relaxation other than spin absorption dominates the contact effect. For tunneling contacts, we find reasonable agreement between the two models with median discrepancy of ~20% for MgO and ~10% for Al2O3.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Towards improved seed system management: Use of affordable net tunnels and decentralized inspection schemes.

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    Increased sweetpotato production in sub-Saharan Africa is hampered by high incidence of virus diseases. Work is going on to test whether healthy seed production can be maintained through a combination of farmer practices and internal and external quality assurance mechanisms; and to ensure that external regulatory processes are appropriate and cost effective. This will generate evidence about the effectiveness of the net tunnel technology in enhancing farmers’ access to quality planting material. This flyer outlines the approaches and lessons learnt so far in research and dissemination of net tunnel technology in Tanzania and Uganda

    Where Are the Baryons? II: Feedback Effects

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    Numerical simulations of the intergalactic medium have shown that at the present epoch a significant fraction (40-50%) of the baryonic component should be found in the (T~10^6K) Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM) - with several recent observational lines of evidence indicating the validity of the prediction. We here recompute the evolution of the WHIM with the following major improvements: (1) galactic superwind feedback processes from galaxy/star formation are explicitly included; (2) major metal species (O V to O IX) are computed explicitly in a non-equilibrium way; (3) mass and spatial dynamic ranges are larger by a factor of 8 and 2, respectively, than in our previous simulations. Here are the major findings: (1) galactic superwinds have dramatic effects, increasing the WHIM mass fraction by about 20%, primarily through heating up warm gas near galaxies with density 10^{1.5}-10^4 times the mean density. (2) the fraction of baryons in WHIM is increased modestly from the earlier work but is ~40-50%. (3) the gas density of the WHIM is broadly peaked at a density 10-20 times the mean density, ranging from underdense regions to regions that are overdense by 10^3-10^4. (4) the median metallicity of the WHIM is 0.18 Zsun for oxygen with 50% and 90% intervals being (0.040,0.38) and (0.0017,0.83).Comment: 44 pages, 17 figures, high res version at http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~cen/baryonII.ps.g


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    This study investigated achievement leadership style practiced by head teachers’ and job satisfaction of teachers’. The study was conducted among a random sample of 348 primary school teachers from Nakuru County, Kenya. A researcher developed questionnaire was administered and interview schedule. Correlation design was used for the study. Spearman’s coefficient correlation analysis was used to predict relationships between variables however; they were subjected to hypotheses test. The objective of the study was to examine the relationship between head teachers’ achievement-oriented leadership style and teachers’ job satisfaction in primary schools. Teacher job satisfaction is influenced by head teacher who demonstrates ultimate goal achievement to teachers’ through giving of challenging tasks and roles as well as creating confidence on followers. A conducive environment in school is vital for teachers who show lack of confidence in ability to complete a task and hence they need motivation in order for them to continue achieving towards the goals set. Moreover, achievement-oriented persons in leadership demonstrate that clear performance of high standards at work is vital and hence they show concern for subordinates’ confidence. Although school tasks need to be set on clear guidelines and standards of performance, routine tasks need to be made more challenging and followers made aware to focus on high standards. An achievement-oriented leader should often seek for continuous improvement from the subordinates. Spearman rho correlation coefficient relationship between head teachers’ achievement leadership style and teachers’ job satisfaction was found to be significant. The study concluded that achievement oriented leadership style practice by head teachers’ had a weak relationship although significant correlation to job satisfaction. In view of this foregoing teachers’ work need to be made more challenging and interesting to eliminate routine activities. The study recommended that schools should continue focusing on leadership practices as part of their professional learning and leadership development. This development enables to maintain a continuous supply of future leaders and sustainable leadership. Institutional heads need to learn more about human behavior as it impacts on teacher performance. Head teachers’ through their actions and attitudes should create an enabling environment which induces motivation on teachers towards achievement of desired goals.  Article visualizations

    Massive galaxies in cosmological simulations: UV-selected sample at redshift z=2

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    We study the properties of galaxies at z=2 in a Lambda CDM universe, using two different types of hydrodynamic simulation methods (Eulerian TVD and SPH) and a spectrophotometric analysis in the Un, G, R filter set. The simulated galaxies at z=2 satisfy the color-selection criteria proposed by Adelberger et al. (2004) when we assume Calzetti extinction with E(B-V)=0.15. We find that the number density of simulated galaxies brighter than R<25.5 at z=2 is about 2e-2 h^3/Mpc^3, roughly one order of magnitude larger than that of Lyman break galaxies at z=3. The most massive galaxies at z=2 have stellar masses >~1e11 Msun, and their observed-frame G-R colors lie in the range 0.0<G-R<1.0. They typically have been continuously forming stars with a rate exceeding 30 Msun/yr over a few Gyrs from z=10 to z=2, although the TVD simulation indicates a more sporadic star formation history than the SPH simulations. Of order half of their stellar mass was already assembled by z~4. The reddest massive galaxies at z=2 with G-R >= 1.0 and Mstar>1e10 Msun/h finished the build-up of their stellar mass by z~3. Interestingly, our study suggests that the majority of the most massive galaxies at z=2 should be detectable at rest-frame UV wavelengths, contrary to some recent claims made on the basis of near-IR studies of galaxies at the same epoch, provided the median extinction is less than E(B-V)<0.3. However, our results also suggest that the fraction of stellar mass contained in galaxies that pass the color-selection criteria could be as low as 50% of the total stellar mass in the Universe at z=2. Our simulations suggest that the missing stellar mass is contained in fainter (R>25.5) and intrinsically redder galaxies. Our results do not suggest that hierarchical galaxy formation fails to account for the massive galaxies at z>=1. (abridged)Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to ApJ. Error in AB magnitude calculation corrected. Higher resolution version available at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~knagamine/redgal.ps.g


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    This study investigated supportive leadership style practiced by head teachers’ and job satisfaction of teachers’. The study was conducted among a random sample of 348 primary school teachers from Nakuru County, Kenya. A researcher developed questionnaire was administered and interview schedule. Correlation design was used for the study. Spearman’s coefficient correlation analysis was used to predict relationships between variables however; they were subjected to hypotheses test. The objective of the study was to examine the relationship between head teachers’ supportive leadership style and teachers’ job satisfaction in primary schools. Teacher job satisfaction is influenced by head teacher in giving support to teachers’ through creating pleasant environment in school for instance when teachers show lack of confidence in ability to complete a task they need motivation to move on, creating friendly climate, and verbally recognizes teachers’ achievement in a rewarding modus. Moreover, supportive persons in leadership demonstrate respect, treat everyone equally, and show concern for subordinates’ well-being. Although school tasks need to be set on clear rules; guidelines and standards of performance, routine tasks need to be strengthened to break the monotony. Supportive leader should utilize the expertise to improve activities and school structures. Spearman rho correlation coefficient relationship between head teachers’ supportive leadership style and teachers’ job satisfaction was found to be significantly positive. The study concludes that supportive leadership style practice by head teachers’ has a high positive significant correlation to job satisfaction due to head teachers’ concern for well-being, friendliness and approach. To this end teachers’ workload need to be made more challenging and interesting to eliminate routine activities. The study recommends that schools should continue focusing on leadership practices as part of their professional learning and leadership development. This development enables to maintain a continuous supply of future leaders and sustainable leadership. Institutional heads need to learn more about human behavior as it impacts on teacher performance. Head teachers’ through their actions and attitudes should create environment which induces motivation on teachers.  Article visualizations
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