808 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana asas, tujuan, hak-hak dan kewajiban pengelolaan lingkungan hidup dan bagaimana mekanisme ganti rugi akibat pencemaran lingkungan menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009.  Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif disimpulkan: 1. Asas Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 di dasarkan pada  asas tanggung jawab negara, kelestarian dan keberlanjutan, keserasian dan keseimbangan, keterpaduan, manfaat, kehati-hatian, keadilan, ekoregion, keanekaragaman hayati, pencemar membayar, partisipatif, kearifan lokal, tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik, otonomi daerah.  2. Mekanisme ganti rugi atau penyelesaian sengketa akibat pencemaran lingkungan hidup adalah suatu proses acara biasa seperti proses beracara dalam perkara perdata yang lain. Korban pencemaran lingkungan dapat secara sendiri-sendiri atau diwakili oleh orang lain menggugat pencemar untuk meminta ganti rugi atau meminta pencemar untuk melakukan tindakan tertentu. Ada 2 (dua) macam cara yang dapat ditempuh untuk menyelesaikan sengketa atau menuntut ganti rugi akibat pencemaran lingkungan hidup. Kata kunci: Mekanisme ganti rugi, pencemaran, lingkungan hidu

    Functions and regulations of cellular proteinases during growth and differentiation of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum

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    Pengaruh Karakteristik Wirausahawan terhadap Kesuksesan UMKM di Kota Surabaya

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh Need for Achievement, Self Confidence, Initiativeness/ Proactiveness, Independency, Responsibility, Risk-taking Propensity terhadap kesuksesan UMKM di Kota Surabaya dan me­ngukur pengaruh secara parsial maupun bersama-samanya. Hasil penelitian atas 100 orang pelanggan menunjukan bahwa Need for Achievement, Self Confidence, Ini­tiative­ness/Proactiveness, Independency, Res­ponsibility, Risk-taking Propensity berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap Kesuksesan UMKM di Kota Surabaya, serta variabel dalam penelitian ini berpengaruh secara bersama-sama maupun parsial

    ജി.ഐ.എഫ്.റ്റി (G.I.F.T) തിലാപ്പിയ കൂടുമത്സ്യക്കൃഷി: പരമ്പരാഗത ചെമ്മീൻ കുളങ്ങളിൽ മഴക്കാല കൃഷിക്ക് ഒരു നൂതന മാർഗ്ഗം Cage Culture of GIFT Tilapia: A Farming Option during Monsoon Season in Traditional Shrimp Ponds

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    CMFRI supports the farmers and small entrepreneurs with technical inputs for farming of gift in cages. (G.I.F.T) തിലാപ്പിയ കൂടുമത്സ്യക്കൃഷി: പരമ്പരാഗത ചെമ്മീൻ കുളങ്ങളിൽ മഴക്കാല കൃഷിക്ക് ഒരു നൂതന മാർഗ്ഗ

    Marine Ornamental Fish Culture – Package of Practices

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    In recent years, the trade of marine ornamentals has been expanding and it is estimated that 1.5 – 2.0 million people worldwide keep marine aquaria and the value of annual marine ornamental trade is estimated to range between US$ 200 – 330 million. Almost the entire trade is contributed by collections from coral reef habitats which raises doubts regarding its sustainability. The damaging techniques such as use of sodium cyanide are non selective methods used to capture fish and they adversely affect the health of the fish and kill the non target organisms. The over harvesting of target organisms is another aspect of concern. In addition there are high levels of mortality associated with insensitive shipping and poor husbandry practice

    Monitoring jaringan di Kampus II ITN Malang berbasis Mikrotik Dude

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    Memaparkan bagaimana memonitoring jaringan secara singkat dilakukan dengan menggunkan aplikasi yang sudah akrab di dengar di kalangan masyarakat, yaitu Mikrotik Dude. kata kunci: Mikrotik Dud


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     This study highlighted the pattern, and examined the factors of rural-urban migration in Southeastern Nigeria. The primary data for this study was generated through questionnaire surveys and key informant interviews. A total of 225 rural-urban migrants were administered with the questionnaire across the five states, five urban areas and fifteen rural Local Government Areas covered by this study. The data generated from the fieldwork were analyzed with descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, and principal component analysis. Results of the study show that over 70percent of the migrants are males while over 80percent of them are also single or married. The analysis of variance shows that while some factors vary significantly across the study area in determining rural-urban migration, others do not. The principal component analysis reduced the factors to thirteen underlying components that together account for 68.95percent of the cumulative variance in the determinants of migration. These underlying components include migrating to look for job, to join spouse, and to further education. Based on the results of the study, recommendations such as the establishment of skills acquisition centers and provision of social infrastructures in the rural areas are made. KEYWORDS: Appraisal; Factors; Migration; Rural-urban; Southeastern Nigeria

    Analysis of unsymmetrical faults based on artificial neural network using 11 kV distribution network of University of Lagos as case study

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    The occurrence of faults in any operational power system network is inevitable, and many of the causative factors such as lightning, thunderstorm among others is usually beyond human control. Consequently, there is the need to set up models capable of prompt identification and classification of these faults for immediate action. This paper, explored the use of artificial neural network (ANN) technique to identify and classify various faults on the 11 kV distribution network of University of Lagos. The ANN is applied because it offers high speed, higher efficiency and requires less human intervention. Datasets of the case study obtained were sectioned proportionately for training, testing, and validation. The mathematical formulations for the method are presented with python used as the programming tools for the analysis. The results obtained from this study, for both the voltage and current under different scenarios of faults, are displayed in graphical forms and discussed. The results showed the effectiveness of the ANN in fault identification and classification in a distribution network as the model yielded satisfactory results for the available limited datasets used. The information obtained from this study could be helpful to the system operators in faults identification and classification for making informed decisions regarding power system design and reliability

    Baryon number segregation at the end of the cosmological quark-hadron transition

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    One of the most interesting questions regarding a possible first order cosmological quark--hadron phase transition concerns the final fate of the baryon number contained within the disconnected quark regions at the end of the transition. We here present a detailed investigation of the hydrodynamical evolution of an evaporating quark drop, using a multi-component fluid description to follow the mechanisms of baryon number segregation. With this approach, we are able to take account of the simultaneous effects of baryon number flux suppression at the phase interface, entropy extraction by means of particles having long mean-free-paths, and baryon number diffusion. A range of computations has been performed to investigate the permitted parameter-space and this has shown that significant baryon number concentrations, perhaps even up to densities above that of nuclear matter, represent an inevitable outcome within this scenario.Comment: 33 pages, Latex file, 6 postscript figures included in the text (psfig.tex). To appear in Phys. Rev. D1