324 research outputs found

    Financiële toestand van de ziekenhuizen eind 1994.

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    Het regelmatig opvolgen van de financiële toestand van de ziekenhuizen door directie en overheid is cruciaal voor de kwaliteit en zelfs de continuïteit van de zorgenverstrekking. Vandaar dat in dit rapport de financiële gezondheid van 164Belgische ziekenhuizen (waaronder 114 Vlaamse) -eind 1994, werd onderzocht en vergeleken met de toestand- eind 1991.Financiële gezondheid wordt daarbij gemeten als een combinatie van de liquiditeitssituatie, de rentabiliteit, de solvabiliteit en het investeringsniveau. De analyse gebeurt per deelsector (algemeen - psychiatrisch; prive - openbaar) en ook volgens grootte - klasse. Er worden daarenboven aanduidingen gegeven van de financiële situatie van de Brusselse en Waalse ziekenhuizen op hetzelfde tijdstip. Elk individueel ziekenhuis kan zich aan de hand van de resultaten van deze studie positioneren tegenover de sector of deelsector, zodat de studie als dank mag beschouwd worden voor het vertrouwelijk ter beschikking stellen van jaarrekeningen.De resultaten uit dit onderzoek zijn zorgwekkend: alhoewel de financiële performantie in Vlaanderen lijkt beter te zijn dan in de ziekenhuizen van de andere regio's voldoen slechts 4 op 10 (vooral psychiatrische) Vlaamse ziekenhuizen aan de minimale eisen van financiële gezondheid.

    Hepatitis A vaccination and its immunological and epidemiological long-term effects - a review of the evidence

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    Hepatitis A virus (HAV) infections continue to represent a significant disease burden causing approximately 200 million infections, 30 million symptomatic illnesses and 30,000 deaths each year. Effective and safe hepatitis A vaccinfes have been available since the early 1990s. Initially developed for individual prophylaxis, HAV vaccines are now increasingly used to control hepatitis A in endemic areas. The human enteral HAV is eradicable in principle, however, HAV eradication is currently not being pursued. Inactivated HAV vaccines are safe and, after two doses, elicit seroprotection in healthy children, adolescents, and young adults for an estimated 30-40 years, if not lifelong, with no need for a later second booster. The long-term effects of the single-dose live-attenuated HAV vaccines are less well documented but available data suggest they are safe and provide long-lasting immunity and protection. A universal mass vaccination strategy (UMV) based on two doses of inactivated vaccine is commonly implemented in endemic countries and eliminates clinical hepatitis A disease in toddlers within a few years. Consequently, older age groups also benefit due to the herd protection effects. Single-dose UMV programs have shown promising outcomes but need to be monitored for many more years in order to document an effective immune memory persistence. In non-endemic countries, prevention efforts need to focus on 'new' risk groups, such as men having sex with men, prisoners, the homeless, and families visiting friends and relatives in endemic countries. This narrative review presents the current evidence regarding the immunological and epidemiological long-term effects of the hepatitis A vaccination and finally discusses emerging issues and areas for research

    PD-0462: Towards dosimetric tracking with adaptive VMAT?

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    Coverage determinants of breast cancer screening in Flanders:an evaluation of the past decade

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    Background Breast cancer (BC) is the most common cancer in women in the developed world. In order to find developing cancers in an early stage, BC screening is commonly used. In Flanders, screening is performed in and outside an organized breast cancer screening program (BCSP). However, the determinants of BC screening coverage for both screening strategies are yet unknown. Objective To assess the determinants of BC screening coverage in Flanders. Methods Reimbursement data were used to attribute a screening status to each woman in the target population for the years 2008-2016. Yearly coverage data were categorized as screening inside or outside BCSP or no screening. Data were clustered by municipality level. A generalized linear equation model was used to assess the determinants of screening type. Results Over all years and municipalities, the median screening coverage rate inside and outside BCSP was 48.40% (IQR: 41.50-54.40%) and 14.10% (IQR: 9.80-19.80%) respectively. A higher coverage rate outside BSCP was statistically significantly (P < 0.001) associated with more crowded households (OR: 3.797, 95% CI: 3.199-4.508), younger age, higher population densities (OR: 2.528, 95% CI: 2.455-2.606), a lower proportion of unemployed job seekers (OR: 0.641, 95% CI: 0.624-0.658) and lower use of dental care (OR: 0.969, 95% CI: 0.967-0.972). Conclusion Coverage rate of BC screening is not optimal in Flanders. Women with low SES that are characterized by younger age, living in a high population density area, living in crowded households, or having low dental care are less likely to be screened for BC in Flanders. If screened, they are more likely to be screened outside the BCSP

    Cost-effectiveness analysis of malaria chemoprophylaxis for travellers to West-Africa

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    BACKGROUND: The importation of malaria to non-endemic countries remains a major cause of travel-related morbidity and a leading cause of travel-related hospitalizations. Currently they are three priority medications for malaria prophylaxis to West Africa: mefloquine, atovaquone/proguanil and doxycycline. We investigate the cost effectiveness of a partial reimbursement of the cheapest effective malaria chemoprophylaxis (mefloquine) for travellers to high risk areas of malaria transmission compared with the current situation of no reimbursement. METHODS: This study is a cost-effectiveness analysis based on malaria cases imported from West Africa to Switzerland from the perspective of the Swiss health system. We used a decision tree model and made a literature research on the components of travel related malaria. The main outcome measure was the cost effectiveness of malaria chemoprophylaxis reimbursement based on malaria and deaths averted. RESULTS: Using a program where travellers would be reimbursed for 80% of the cost of the cheapest malaria chemoprophylaxis is dominant (i.e. cost saving and more effective than the current situation) using the assumption that currently 68.7% of travellers to West Africa use malaria chemoprophylaxis. If the current usage of malaria chemoprophylaxis would be higher, 82.4%, the incremental cost per malaria case averted is € 2'302. The incremental cost of malaria death averted is € 191'833.The most important factors influencing the model were: the proportion of travellers using malaria chemoprophylaxis, the probability of contracting malaria without malaria chemoprophylaxis, the cost of the mefloquine regimen, the decrease in the number of travellers without malaria chemoprophylaxis in the reimbursement strategy. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that a reimbursement of 80% of the cost of the cheapest effective malaria chemoprophylaxis (mefloquine) for travellers from Switzerland to West Africa is highly effective in terms of malaria cases averted and is cost effective to the Swiss health system. These data are relevant to discussions about the cost effectiveness of malaria chemoprophylaxis reimbursement for vulnerable groups such as those visiting friends and relatives who have the highest risk of malaria, who are least likely to use chemoprophylaxis

    Unintended Consequences of Incentive Provision for Behaviour Change and Maintenance around Childbirth

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    Financial (positive or negative) and non-financial incentives or rewards are increasingly used in attempts to influence health behaviours. While unintended consequences of incentive provision are discussed in the literature, evidence syntheses did not identify any primary research with the aim of investigating unintended consequences of incentive interventions for lifestyle behaviour change. Our objective was to investigate perceived positive and negative unintended consequences of incentive provision for a shortlist of seven promising incentive strategies for smoking cessation in pregnancy and breastfeeding. A multi-disciplinary, mixed-methods approach included involving two service-user mother and baby groups from disadvantaged areas with experience of the target behaviours as study co-investigators. Systematic reviews informed the shortlist of incentive strategies. Qualitative semi-structured interviews and a web-based survey of health professionals asked open questions on positive and negative consequences of incentives. The participants from three UK regions were a diverse sample with and without direct experience of incentive interventions: 88 pregnant women/recent mothers/partners/family members; 53 service providers; 24 experts/decision makers and interactive discussions with 63 conference attendees. Maternity and early years health professionals (n = 497) including doctors, midwives, health visitors, public health and related staff participated in the survey. Qualitative analysis identified ethical, political, cultural, social and psychological implications of incentive delivery at population and individual levels. Four key themes emerged: how incentives can address or create inequalities; enhance or diminish intrinsic motivation and wellbeing; have a positive or negative effect on relationships with others within personal networks or health providers; and can impact on health systems and resources by raising awareness and directing service delivery, but may be detrimental to other health care areas. Financial incentives are controversial and generated emotive and oppositional responses. The planning, design and delivery of future incentive interventions should evaluate unexpected consequences to inform the evidence for effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and future implementation

    A cross-sectional survey to evaluate knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) regarding seasonal influenza vaccination among European travellers to resource-limited destinations

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    BACKGROUND: Influenza is one of the most common vaccine-preventable diseases in travellers. By performing two cross-sectional questionnaire surveys during winter 2009 and winter 2010 among European travellers to resource-limited destinations, we aimed to investigate knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) regarding seasonal influenza vaccination. METHODS: Questionnaires were distributed in the waiting room to the visitors of the University of Zurich Centre for Travel' Health (CTH) in January and February 2009 and January 2010 prior to travel health counselling (CTH09 and CTH10). Questions included demographic data, travel-related characteristics and KAP regarding influenza vaccination. Data were analysed by using SPSS version 14.0 for Windows. Differences in proportions were compared using the Chi-square test and the significance level was set at p 64 yrs (25, 21%) and recommendations of the family physician (27, 22.7%) were the most often reported reasons for being vaccinated. In the multiple logistic regression analyses of the pooled data increasing age (OR = 1.03, 95% CI 1.01 - 1.04), a business trip (OR = 0.39, 95% CI 0.17 - 0.92) and seasonal influenza vaccination in the previous winter seasons (OR = 12.91, 95% CI 8.09 - 20.58) were independent predictors for seasonal influenza vaccination in 2009 or 2010.Influenza vaccination recommended by the family doctor (327, 37.7%), travel to regions with known high risk of influenza (305, 35.1%), and influenza vaccination required for job purposes (233, 26.8%) were most frequently mentioned to consider influenza vaccination. CONCLUSIONS: Risk perception and vaccination coverage concerning seasonal and pandemic influenza was very poor among travellers to resource-limited destinations when compared to traditional at-risk groups. Previous access to influenza vaccination substantially facilitated vaccinations in the subsequent year. Information strategies about influenza should be intensified and include health professionals, e.g. family physicians, travel medicine practitioners and business enterprises

    Occupational and leisure time physical activity in contrasting relation to ambulatory blood pressure

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    Background: While moderate and vigorous leisure time physical activities are well documented to decrease the risk for cardiovascular disease, several studies have demonstrated an increased risk for cardiovascular disease in workers with high occupational activity. Research on the underlying causes to the contrasting effects of occupational and leisure time physical activity on cardiovascular health is lacking. The aim of this study was to examine the relation of objective and self-report measures of occupational and leisure time physical activity with 24-h ambulatory systolic blood pressure (BP). Methods: Results for self-reported physical activity are based on observations in 182 workers (60% male, mean age 51 years), while valid objective physical activity data were available in 151 participants. The usual level of physical activity was assessed by 5 items from the Job Content Questionnaire (high physical effort, lifting heavy loads, rapid physical activity, awkward body positions and awkward positions of head or arms at work) and one item asking about the general level of physical activity during non-working time. On a regular working day, participants wore an ambulatory BP monitor and an accelerometer physical activity monitor during 24 h. Associations were examined by means of Analysis of Covariance. Results: Workers with an overall high level of self-reported occupational physical activity as well as those who reported to often lift heavy loads at work had a higher mean systolic BP at work, at home and during sleep. However, no associations were observed between objectively measured occupational physical activity and BP. In contrast, those with objectively measured high proportion of moderate and vigorous leisure time physical activity had a significantly lower mean systolic BP during daytime, while no differences were observed according to self-reported level of leisure time physical activity. Conclusions: These findings suggest that workers reporting static occupational physical activities, unlike general physically demanding tasks characterized by dynamic movements of large muscle groups, are related to a higher daily systolic BP, while high objective levels of moderate and vigorous leisure time physical activity are related to lower daytime systolic BP. Ambulatory systolic BP may be a physiological explanatory factor for the contrasting effects of occupational and leisure time physical activity

    Evidence for Duality of Conifold from Fundamental String

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    We study the spectrum of BPS D5-D3-F1 states in type IIB theory, which are proposed to be dual to D4-D2-D0 states on the resolved conifold in type IIA theory. We evaluate the BPS partition functions for all values of the moduli parameter in the type IIB side, and find them completely agree with the results in the type IIA side which was obtained by using Kontsevich-Soibelman's wall-crossing formula. Our result is a quite strong evidence for string dualities on the conifold.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures, v2: typos corrected, v3: explanations about wall-crossing improved and figures adde