921 research outputs found

    Discovery of a wandering radio jet base after a large X-ray flare in the blazar Markarian 421

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    We investigate the location of the radio jet bases ("radio cores") of blazars in radio images, and their stationarity by means of dense very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations. In order to measure the position of a radio core, we conducted 12 epoch astrometric observation of the blazar Markarian 421 with the VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry at 22 GHz immediately after a large X-ray flare, which occurred in the middle of 2011 September. For the first time, we find that the radio core is not stationary but rather changes its location toward 0.5 mas downstream. This angular scale corresponds to the de-projected length of a scale of 10510^5 Schwarzschild radii (Rs) at the distance of Markarian~421. This radio-core wandering may be a new type of manifestation associated with the phenomena of large X-ray flares.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, has been published in ApJ Letter

    M87 black hole mass and spin estimate through the position of the jet boundary shape break

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    We propose a new method of estimating a mass of a super massive black hole residing in the center of an active galaxy. The active galaxy M87 offers a convenient test case for the method due to the existence of a large amount of observational data on the jet and ambient environment properties in the central area of the object. We suggest that the observed transition of a jet boundary shape from a parabolic to a conical form is associated with the flow transiting from the magnetically dominated regime to the energy equipartition between plasma bulk motion and magnetic field. By coupling the unique set of observations available for the jet kinematics, environment and boundary profile with our MHD modelling under assumption on the presence of a dynamically important magnetic field in the M87 jet, we estimate the central black hole mass and spin. The method leads us to believe that the M87 super massive black hole has a mass somewhat larger than typically accepted so far.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables, accepted for publication by MNRA

    ALMA Science Verification Data: Millimeter Continuum Polarimetry of the Bright Radio Quasar 3C 286

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    We present full-polarization observations of the compact, steep-spectrum radio quasar 3C~286 made with the ALMA at 1.3~mm. These are the first full-polarization ALMA observations, which were obtained in the framework of Science Verification. A bright core and a south-west component are detected in the total intensity image, similar to previous centimeter images. Polarized emission is also detected toward both components. The fractional polarization of the core is about 17\%, this is higher than the fractional polarization at centimeter wavelengths, suggesting that the magnetic field is even more ordered in the millimeter radio core than it is further downstream in the jet. The observed polarization position angle (or EVPA) in the core is ∼\sim\,39∘39^{\circ}, which confirms the trend that the EVPA slowly increases from centimeter to millimeter wavelengths. With the aid of multi-frequency VLBI observations, we argue that this EVPA change is associated with the frequency-dependent core position. We also report a serendipitous detection of a sub-mJy source in the field of view, which is likely to be a submillimeter galaxy.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in the Ap

    Limb-Brightened Jet of 3C 84 Revealed by the 43-GHz Very-Long-Baseline-Array Observation

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    We present a study of sub-pc scale radio structure of the radio galaxy 3C 84/NGC 1275 based on the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) data at 43 GHz. We discover a limb-brightening in the "restarted" jet associated with the 2005 radio outburst. In the 1990s, the jet structure was ridge-brightening rather than limb-brightening, despite the observations being done with similar angular resolution. This indicates that the transverse jet structure has changed recently. This change in the morphology shows an interesting agreement with the γ\gamma-ray flux increase, i.e., the γ\gamma-ray flux in 1990s was at least seven times lower than the current one. One plausible explanation for the limb-brightening is the velocity structure of the jet in the context of the stratified jet, which is a successful scenario to explain the γ\gamma-ray emission in some active galactic nuclei (AGNs). If this is the case, the change in apparent transverse structure might be caused by the change in the transverse velocity structure. We argue the possibility that the transition from ridge-brightening to limb-brightening is related to the γ\gamma-ray time variability on the timescale of decades. We also discuss the collimation profile of the jet.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for Publication in Ap

    The Biological Effectiveness of Accelerated Particles for the Induction of Chromosome Damage: Track Structure Effects and Cytogenetic Signatures of High-LET Exposure

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    Track structure models predict that at a fixed value of LET, particles with lower charge number, Z will have a higher biological effectiveness compared to particles with a higher Z. In this report we investigated how track structure effects induction of chromosomal aberration in human cells. Human lymphocytes were irradiated in vitro with various energies of accelerated iron, silicon, neon, or titanium ions and chromosome damage was assessed in using three color FISH chromosome painting in chemically induced PCC samples collected a first cell division post irradiation. The LET values for these ions ranged from 30 to 195 keV/micrometers. Of the particles studied, Neon ions have the highest biological effectiveness for induction of total chromosome damage, which is consistent with track structure model predictions. For complex-type exchanges 64 MeV/ u Neon and 450 MeV/u Iron were equally effective and induced the most complex damage. In addition we present data on chromosomes exchanges induced by six different energies of protons (5 MeV/u to 2.5 GeV/u). The linear dose response term was similar for all energies of protons suggesting that the effect of the higher LET at low proton energies is balanced by the production of nuclear secondaries from the high energy protons. All energies of protons have a much higher percentage of complex-type chromosome exchanges than gamma rays, signifying a cytogenetic signature for proton exposures

    A New Solution to the Plasma Starved Event Horizon Magnetosphere: Application to the Forked Jet in M87

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    © 2018 ESO. Reproduced with permission from Astronomy & Astrophysics. Content in the UH Research Archive is made available for personal research, educational, and non-commercial purposes only. Unless otherwise stated, all content is protected by copyright, and in the absence of an open license, permissions for further re-use should be sought from the publisher, the author, or other copyright holder.Very Long Baseline Interferometry observations at 86 GHz reveal an almost hollow jet in M87 with a forked morphology. The detailed analysis presented here indicates that the spectral luminosity of the central spine of the jet in M87 is a few percent of that of the surrounding hollow jet 200-400 μ as from the central black hole. Furthermore, recent jet models indicate that a hollow "tubular" jet can explain a wide range of plausible broadband spectra originating from jetted plasma located within ~30 μ as of the central black hole, including the 230 GHz correlated flux detected by the Event Horizon Telescope. Most importantly, these hollow jets from the inner accretion flow have an intrinsic power capable of energizing the global jet out to kiloparsec scales. Thus motivated, this paper considers new models of the event horizon magnetosphere (EHM) in low luminosity accretion systems. Contrary to some models, the spine is not an invisible powerful jet. It is an intrinsically weak jet. In the new EHM solution, the accreted poloidal magnetic flux is weak and the background photon field is weak. It is shown how this accretion scenario naturally results in the dissipation of the accreted poloidal magnetic flux in the EHM not the accumulation of poloidal flux required for a powerful jet. The new solution indicates less large scale poloidal magnetic flux (and jet power) in the EHM than in the surrounding accretion flow and cannot support significant EHM driven jets.Peer reviewe
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