11,109 research outputs found

    A stochastic theory for temporal fluctuations in self-organized critical systems

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    A stochastic theory for the toppling activity in sandpile models is developed, based on a simple mean-field assumption about the toppling process. The theory describes the process as an anti-persistent Gaussian walk, where the diffusion coefficient is proportional to the activity. It is formulated as a generalization of the It\^{o} stochastic differential equation with an anti-persistent fractional Gaussian noise source. An essential element of the theory is re-scaling to obtain a proper thermodynamic limit, and it captures all temporal features of the toppling process obtained by numerical simulation of the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld sandpile in this limit.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Effect of forward motion on engine noise

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    Methods used to determine a procedure for correcting static engine data for the effects of forward motion are described. Data were analyzed from airplane flyover and static-engine tests with a JT8D-109 low-bypass-ratio turbofan engine installed on a DC-9-30, with a CF6-6D high-bypass-ratio turbofan engine installed on a DC-10-10, and with a JT9D-59A high-bypass-ratio turbofan engine installed on a DC-10-40. The observed differences between the static and the flyover data bases are discussed in terms of noise generation, convective amplification, atmospheric propagation, and engine installation. The results indicate that each noise source must be adjusted separately for forward-motion and installation effects and then projected to flight conditions as a function of source-path angle, directivity angle, and acoustic range relative to the microphones on the ground

    Content & Watkins's account of natural axiomatizations

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    This paper briefly recounts the importance of the notion of natural axiomatizations for explicating hypothetico-deductivism, empirical significance, theoretical reduction, and organic fertility. Problems for the account of natural axiomatizations developed by John Watkins in Science and Scepticism and the revised account developed by Elie Zahar are demonstrated. It is then shown that Watkins's account can be salvaged from various counter-examples in a principled way by adding the demand that every axiom of a natural axiomatization should be part of the content of the theory being axiomatized. The crucial point here is that content cannot simply be identified with the set of logical consequences of a theory, but must be restricted to a proper subset of the consequence set. It is concluded that the revised Watkins account has certain advantages over the account of natural axiomatizations offered in Gemes (1993)

    Flows on scales of 150 Mpc?

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    We investigate the reality of large-scale streaming on scales of up to 150 Mpc using the peculiar motions of galaxies in three directions. New R-band CCD photometry and spectroscopy for elliptical galaxies is used. The Fundamental Plane distance indicator is calibrated using the Coma cluster and an inhomogeneous Malmquist bias correction is applied. A linear bulk-flow model is fitted to the peculiar velocities in the sample regions and the results do not reflect the bulk flow observed by Lauer and Postman (LP). Accounting for the difference in geometry between the galaxy distribution in the three regions and the LP clustersconfirms the disagreement; assuming a low-density CDM power spectrum, we find that the observed bulk flow of the galaxies in our sample excludes the LP bulk flow at the 99.8% confidence level.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    Studies on optimizing potential energy functions for maximal intrinsic hyperpolarizability

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    We use numerical optimization to study the properties of (1) the class of one-dimensional potential energy functions and (2) systems of point charges in two-dimensions that yield the largest hyperpolarizabilities, which we find to be within 30% of the fundamental limit. We investigate the character of the potential energy functions and resulting wavefunctions and find that a broad range of potentials yield the same intrinsic hyperpolarizability ceiling of 0.709.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Delivering Urban Wellbeing through Transformative Community Enterprise

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    (c) The Author/sChristchurch, New Zealan

    Feasibility of ultrafast picosecond laser cleaning of soiling on historical leather buckles

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    The aim of the research is to present a system recently developed and used for automated cleaning of artworks and to examine the suitability of using this ultrafast and precise computed-scanning picosecond laser (1064 nm) with a repetition rate of 10 kHz and a temporal pulse length of 10 ps for the removal of soiling from leather buckles without damaging the leather substrate. Preliminary tests will be performed with the model artificially aged vegetable tanned samples to determine the leather damage threshold fluence and the soiling ablation threshold fluence before using a laser for the removal of the soiling from a historical leather buckle. As laser cleaning requires a physical parameterization for optimization of cleaning accompanied with an assessment of the morphological and chemical changes of leather, an investigations were performed to determine the leather damage and ablation threshold fluences of artificially aged and historical vegetable tanned leather using a number of analytical techniques including differential scanning calorimetry, optical microscopy, scanning electronic microscope with energy dispersive X-ray analysis, colorimetry and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy have been used. Following optimization trials of the picosecond laser cleaning parameters on model leather samples, satisfactory removal of the soiling over the historical leather surface is achieved

    Chemical Resolution at Ionic Crystal Surfaces Using Dynamic Atomic Force Microscopy with Metallic Tips

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    We demonstrate that well prepared and characterized Cr tips can provide atomic resolution on the bulk NaCl(001) surface with dynamic atomic force microscopy in the noncontact regime at relatively large tip-sample separations. At these conditions, the surface chemical structure can be resolved yet tip-surface instabilities are absent. Our calculations demonstrate that chemical identification is unambiguous, because the interaction is always largest above the anions. This conclusion is generally valid for other polar surfaces, and can thus provide a new practical route for straightforward interpretation of atomically resolved images
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