3,826 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of the ASOS, MMTS, Gill, and CRS Air Temperature Radiation Shields*

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    Periodic upgrades of air temperature measurement systems in surface weather station networks cause data discontinuities. From a climatological viewpoint, it is necessary to evaluate the air temperature data discontinuities when air temperature radiation shields are upgraded. This study was undertaken to investigate the effectiveness of four common air temperature radiation shields including the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS), the Maximum–Minimum Temperature System (MMTS), the Gill, and the Cotton Region Shelter (CRS) shields. The solar radiation shielding effectiveness for each shield under typical grass ground surface and different artificial surfaces (black, white, and aluminum) were investigated. The shield effectiveness was evaluated by measuring the interior solar irradiance and the inner surface temperatures of radiation shields. Parabolic curves describe the fraction of solar radiation entering shields, which increased as the solar reflectivity of the underlying surface increased. The rank of solar radiation shield effectiveness was ASOS CRS MMTS Gill (i.e., total interior solar irradiance loading in relative terms was ASOS:CRS:MMTS:Gill 1:1.3:1.7:2.5), under typical grass surface conditions. The increase in interior solar irradiance from the typical grass surface to the white surface went up by a factor of 1.2, 2.3, 1.6, and 1.9, respectively, for the ASOS, MMTS, Gill, and CRS shields. The ASOS shield had an obvious drawback for the infrared radiation effectiveness due to using the chilled mirror heating/cooling system as the dewpoint temperature measuring system located in the middle portion of the shield. The rank of the infrared radiation shielding effectiveness was CRS MMTS Gill ASOS during daytime and Gill MMTS CRS ASOS during nighttime

    Cosmic ray tables - Asymptotic directions, variational coefficients and cut-off rigidities IQSY instruction manual no. 10

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    Cosmic ray deflections in geomagnetic field, variational coefficients, and diurnal intensity variations - table

    Future challenges in cephalopod research

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    We thank Anto´nio M. de Frias Martins, past President of the Unitas Malacologica and Peter Marko, President of the American Malacological Society for organizing the 2013 World Congress of Malacology, and the Cephalopod International Advisory Committee for endorsing a symposium held in honour of Malcolm R. Clarke. In particular, we would like to thank the many professional staff from the University of the Azores for their hospitality, organization, troubleshooting and warm welcome to the Azores. We also thank Malcolm Clarke’s widow, Dorothy, his daughter Zoe¨, Jose´ N. Gomes-Pereira and numerous colleagues and friends of Malcolm’s from around the world for joining us at Ponta Delgada. We are grateful to Lyndsey Claro (Princeton University Press) for granting copyright permissions.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Fostering online learning at the workplace : a scheme to identify and analyse collaboration processes in asynchronous discussions

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    Research has shown that providing participants with high‐quality learning material is not sufficient to help them profit most from online education. The level of interaction among participants is another key determinant for learning outcomes. However, merely proposing interaction does not automatically lead to fruitful discussion and collaboration. Specifically, social presence and facilitation activities add value to online discussions. In Murphy's collaboration framework, social presence represents the basis of successful online collaboration from which more reflective discussions and co‐construction can evolve. In this paper, an adjusted version of this framework was applied in a workplace learning context. The content analysis of 1170 comments in an online course for careers practitioners of a public employment service showed that the extended framework generated deeper insights into the dynamics of online discussions. The results show that involvement in collaborative learning at the workplace was supported by a high social presence and influenced by course topic and tasks. Facilitation played an important role in creating a sympathetic sense of community and stimulating co‐creation processes

    Social presence in the 21st Century: an adjustment to the Community of Inquiry framework

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    The Community of Inquiry framework, originally proposed by Garrison, Anderson and Archer (2000) identifies teaching, social and cognitive presences as central to a successful online educational experience. This article presents the findings of a study conducted in Uruguay between 2007 and 2010. The research aimed to establish the role of cognitive, social and teaching presences in the professional development of 40 English language teachers on Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programmes delivered in blended learning settings. The findings suggest that teaching presence and cognitive presence have themselves 'become social'. The research points to social presence as a major lever for engagement, sense-making and peer support. Based on the patterns identified in the study, this article puts forward an adjustment to the Community of Inquiry framework, which shows social presence as more prominent within the teaching and cognitive constructs than the original version of the framework suggests

    Space Launch System Booster Separation Supersonic Powered Testing with Surface and Off-Body Measurements

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    A wind tunnel test was run in the NASA Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel simulating the separation of the two solid rocket boosters (SRB) from the core stage of the NASA Space Launch System (SLS). The test was run on a 0.9% scale model of the SLS Block 1B Cargo (27005) configuration and the SLS Block 1B Crew (28005) configuration at a Mach of 4.0. High pressure air was used to simulate plumes from the booster separation motors located at the nose and aft skirt of the two boosters. Force and moment data were taken on both SRBs and on the core stage. Schlieren still photos and video were recorded throughout testing. A set of points were acquired using Cross-correlation Doppler Global Velocimetry (CCDGV) readings to get 3 component velocity measurements between the core and the left-hand SRB. The CCDGV laser was utilized to record flow visualization in the same location, between the core and the left-hand SRB. Pressure Sensitive Paint data were taken on a separate set of runs. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) runs were computed on a subset of the wind tunnel data points for comparison. A combination of the force/moment, CCDGV and Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) data (as well as schlieren images) at the CFD-specified test conditions will be used te the CFD simulations that will be used to build an SLS booster separation database flight conditions

    Relativistic Proton Production During the 14 July 2000 Solar Event: The Case for Multiple Source Mechanisms

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    Protons accelerated to relativistic energies by transient solar and interplanetary phenomena caused a ground-level cosmic ray enhancement on 14 July 2000, Bastille Day. Near-Earth spacecraft measured the proton flux directly and ground-based observatories measured the secondary responses to higher energy protons. We have modelled the arrival of these relativistic protons at Earth using a technique which deduces the spectrum, arrival direction and anisotropy of the high-energy protons that produce increased responses in neutron monitors. To investigate the acceleration processes involved we have employed theoretical shock and stochastic acceleration spectral forms in our fits to spacecraft and neutron monitor data. During the rising phase of the event (10:45 UT and 10:50 UT) we find that the spectrum between 140 MeV and 4 GeV is best fitted by a shock acceleration spectrum. In contrast, the spectrum at the peak (10:55 UT and 11:00 UT) and in the declining phase (11:40 UT) is best fitted with a stochastic acceleration spectrum. We propose that at least two acceleration processes were responsible for the production of relativistic protons during the Bastille Day solar event: (1) protons were accelerated to relativistic energies by a shock, presumably a coronal mass ejection (CME). (2) protons were also accelerated to relativistic energies by stochastic processes initiated by magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, January, 200

    Theory of phase-locking in generalized hybrid Josephson junction arrays

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    A recently proposed scheme for the analytical treatment of the dynamics of two-dimensional hybrid Josephson junction arrays is extended to a class of generalized hybrid arrays with ''horizontal'' shunts involving a capacitive as well as an inductive component. This class of arrays is of special interest, because the internal cell coupling has been shown numerically to favor in-phase synchronization for certain parameter values. As a result, we derive limits on the circuit design parameters for realizing this state. In addition, we obtain formulas for the flux-dependent frequency including flux-induced switching processes between the in-phase and anti-phase oscillation regime. The treatment covers unloaded arrays as well as arrays shunted via an external load.Comment: 24 pages, REVTeX, 5 Postscript figures, Subm. to Phys. Rev.

    The EOS Prototype Validation Exercise (PROVE) at Jornada: Overview and Lessons Learned

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    The Earth Observing System (EOS) instrument teams must validate the operational products they produce from the Terra spacecraft data. As a pilot for future validation activities, four EOS teams (MODIS, MISR, ASTER, and Landsat-7) and community experts conducted an 11-day field campaign in May 1997 near Las Cruces, NM. The goals of the Prototype Validation Exercise (PROVE) included (1) gaining experience in the collection and use of field data for EOS product validation; (2) developing coordination, measurement, and data-archiving protocols; and (3) compiling a synoptic land and atmospheric data set for testing algorithms. PROVE was held at the USDA-Agricultural Research Service’s (ARS) Jornada Experimental Range, an expansive desert plateau hosting a complex mosaic of grasses and shrubs. Most macroscopic variables affecting the radiation environment were measured with ground, air-borne (including AVIRIS and laser altimeter), and space-borne sensors (including AVHRR, Landsat TM, SPOT, POLDER, and GOES). The Oak Ridge Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) then used campaign data sets to prototype Mercury, its Internet-based data harvesting and distribution system. This article provides general information about PROVE and assesses the progress made toward the campaign goals. Primary successes included the rapid campaign formulation and execution, measurement protocol development, and the significant collection, reduction, and sharing of data among participants. However, the PROVE data were used primarily for arid-land research and model validation rather than for validating satellite products, and the data were slow to reach the DAAC and hence public domain. The lessons learned included: (1) validation campaigns can be rapidly organized and implemented if there are focused objectives and on-site facilities and expertise; (2) data needs, organization, storage, and access issues must be addressed at the onset of campaign planning; and (3) the end-to-end data collection, release, and publication environment may need to be readdressed by program managers , funding agencies, and journal editors if rapid and comprehensive validation of operational satellite products is to occur