485 research outputs found

    Hearing Sensitivity and the Effect of Sound Exposure on the Axolotl (Ambystoma Mexicanum)

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    The axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) has been used as a model organism for studying development, genetics, and regeneration. Although the sensory hair cells of the lateral line of this species have been shown to be able to regenerate, it is not known whether this also occurs in the inner ear. In fact, little is known about the hearing capabilities of the axolotl or other salamander species. I recorded auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) of six axolotls at eleven frequencies (0.1, 0.25, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, and 6 kHz) in order to produce baseline audiograms of underwater pressure sensitivity. Individuals were then subjected to a 48-hour, 150 Hz sound exposure at approximately 170 dB (re 1 ÎŒPa). AEPs were then performed to measure hearing thresholds immediately after sound exposure and at 2, 4, and 8 days post-sound exposure (DPSE). In the baseline audiogram, axolotls were most sensitive at 600 Hz, with an additional peak of sensitivity at 3 kHz. Following sound exposure, axolotls experienced a 6 to 12 dB temporary threshold shift (TTS) after sound exposure, with TTS being greatest at low frequencies near the 150 Hz stimulus frequency (i.e., 100 and 250 Hz). Hearing sensitivity returned to control levels within 8 DPSE. This indicates that axolotls do possess the ability to recover hearing sensitivity after damage following acoustical trauma. This study is the first to document hearing loss in the axolotl. Future studies are needed to correlate this hearing loss and recovery to sensory hair cell loss and regeneration in the axolotl inner ear

    The Planetary Nebulae Spectrograph: the green light for Galaxy Kinematics

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    Planetary nebulae are now well established as probes of galaxy dynamics and as standard candles in distance determinations. Motivated by the need to improve the efficiency of planetary nebulae searches and the speed with which their radial velocities are determined, a dedicated instrument - the Planetary Nebulae Spectrograph or PN.S - has been designed and commissioned at the 4.2m William Herschel Telescope. The high optical efficiency of the spectrograph results in the detection of typically ~ 150 PN in galaxies at the distance of the Virgo cluster in one night of observations. In the same observation the radial velocities are obtained with an accuracy of ~ 20 km/sComment: Accepted by PASP, to appear November 2002; the figures have been degraded for archival purpose

    The Extinction and Distance of Maffei 1

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    We have obtained low- and high-resolution spectra of the core of the highly-reddened elliptical galaxy Maffei 1. From these data, we have obtained the first measurement of the Mg2 index, and have measured the velocity dispersion and radial velocity with improved accuracy. To evaluate the extinction, a correlation between the Mg2 index and effective V-I colour has been established for elliptical galaxies. Using a new method for correcting for effective wavelength shifts, we find A_V = 4.67 +/- 0.19 mag, which is lower by 0.4 mag than previously thought. To establish the distance, the Fundamental Plane for elliptical galaxies has been constructed in I. The velocity dispersion of Maffei 1, measured to be 186.8 +/- 7.4 km/s, in combination with modern wide-field photometry in I, leads to a distance of 2.92 +/- 0.37 Mpc. The Dn-sigma relation, which is independently calibrated, gives 3.08 +/- 0.85 Mpc and 3.23 +/- 0.67 Mpc from photometry in B and K`, respectively. The weighted mean of the three estimates is 3.01 +/- 0.30 Mpc. The distance and luminosity make Maffei 1 the nearest giant elliptical galaxy. The radial velocity of Maffei 1 is +66.4 +/- 5.0 km/s, significantly higher than the accepted value of -10 km/s. The Hubble distance corresponding to the mean velocity of Maffei 1, Maffei 2 and IC342 is 3.5 Mpc. Thus, it is unlikely that Maffei 1 has had any influence on Local Group dynamics

    The circumstellar environment of T Tau S at high spatial and spectral resolution

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    We have obtained the first high spatial (0.05'') and spectral (R~35000) resolution 2 micron spectrum of the T Tau S tight binary system using adaptive optics on the Keck II telescope. We have also obtained the first 3.8 and 4.7 micron images that resolve the three components of the T Tau multiple system, as well as new 1.6 and 2.2 micron images. Together with its very red near-infrared colors, the spectrum of T Tau Sb shows that this T Tauri star is extincted by a roughly constant extinction of Av~15 mag, which is probably the 0.7''x0.5'' circumbinary structure recently observed in absorption in the ultraviolet. T Tau Sa, which is also observed through this screen and is actively accreting, further possesses a small edge-on disk that is evidenced by warm (390 K), narrow overtone CO rovibrational absorption features in our spectrum. We find that T Tau Sa is most likely an intermediate-mass star surrounded by a semi-transparent 2-3 AU-radius disk whose asymmetries and short Keplerian rotation explain the large photometric variability of the source on relatively short timescales. We also show that molecular hydrogen emission exclusively arises from the gas that surrounds T Tau S and that its spatial and kinematic structure, while providing suggestive evidence for a jet-like structure, is highly complex.Comment: accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal; 41 pages, 10 figure

    A Medium-Resolution Near-Infrared Spectral Library of Late Type Stars: I

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    We present an empirical infrared spectral library of medium resolution (R~2000-3000) H (1.6 micron) and K (2.2 micron) band spectra of 218 red stars, spanning a range of [Fe/H] from ~-2.2 to ~+0.3. The sample includes Galactic disk stars, bulge stars from Baade's window, and red giants from Galactic globular clusters. We report the values of 19 indices covering 12 spectral features measured from the spectra in the library. Finally, we derive calibrations to estimate the effective temperature, and diagnostic relationships to determine the luminosity classes of individual stars from near-infrared spectra. This paper is part of a larger effort aimed at building a near-IR spectral library to be incorporated in population synthesis models, as well as, at testing synthetic stellar spectra.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures; accepted for publication at ApJS; the spectra are available from the authors upon reques

    Polariton propagation in weak confinement quantum wells

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    Exciton-polariton propagation in a quantum well, under centre-of-mass quantization, is computed by a variational self-consistent microscopic theory. The Wannier exciton envelope functions basis set is given by the simple analytical model of ref. [1], based on pure states of the centre-of-mass wave vector, free from fitting parameters and "ad hoc" (the so called additional boundary conditions-ABCs) assumptions. In the present paper, the former analytical model is implemented in order to reproduce the centre-of-mass quantization in a large range of quantum well thicknesses (5a_B < L < inf.). The role of the dynamical transition layer at the well/barrier interfaces is discussed at variance of the classical Pekar's dead-layer and ABCs. The Wannier exciton eigenstates are computed, and compared with various theoretical models with different degrees of accuracy. Exciton-polariton transmission spectra in large quantum wells (L>> a_B) are computed and compared with experimental results of Schneider et al.\cite{Schneider} in high quality GaAs samples. The sound agreement between theory and experiment allows to unambiguously assign the exciton-polariton dips of the transmission spectrum to the pure states of the Wannier exciton center-of-mass quantization.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures; will appear in Phys.Rev.

    Shape optimization for the generalized Graetz problem

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    We apply shape optimization tools to the generalized Graetz problem which is a convection-diffusion equation. The problem boils down to the optimization of generalized eigen values on a two phases domain. Shape sensitivity analysis is performed with respect to the evolution of the interface between the fluid and solid phase. In particular physical settings, counterexamples where there is no optimal domains are exhibited. Numerical examples of optimal domains with different physical parameters and constraints are presented. Two different numerical methods (level-set and mesh-morphing) are show-cased and compared

    Extracellular Hsp72 concentration relates to a minimum endogenous criteria during acute exercise-heat exposure

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    Extracellular heat-shock protein 72 (eHsp72) concentration increases during exercise-heat stress when conditions elicit physiological strain. Differences in severity of environmental and exercise stimuli have elicited varied response to stress. The present study aimed to quantify the extent of increased eHsp72 with increased exogenous heat stress, and determine related endogenous markers of strain in an exercise-heat model. Ten males cycled for 90 min at 50% O2peak in three conditions (TEMP, 20°C/63% RH; HOT, 30.2°C/51%RH; VHOT, 40.0°C/37%RH). Plasma was analysed for eHsp72 pre, immediately post and 24-h post each trial utilising a commercially available ELISA. Increased eHsp72 concentration was observed post VHOT trial (+172.4%) (P<0.05), but not TEMP (-1.9%) or HOT (+25.7%) conditions. eHsp72 returned to baseline values within 24hrs in all conditions. Changes were observed in rectal temperature (Trec), rate of Trec increase, area under the curve for Trec of 38.5°C and 39.0°C, duration Trec ≄ 38.5°C and ≄ 39.0°C, and change in muscle temperature, between VHOT, and TEMP and HOT, but not between TEMP and HOT. Each condition also elicited significantly increasing physiological strain, described by sweat rate, heart rate, physiological strain index, rating of perceived exertion and thermal sensation. Stepwise multiple regression reported rate of Trec increase and change in Trec to be predictors of increased eHsp72 concentration. Data suggests eHsp72 concentration increases once systemic temperature and sympathetic activity exceeds a minimum endogenous criteria elicited during VHOT conditions and is likely to be modulated by large, rapid changes in core temperature

    Chlorine adsorption on the Cu(111) surface

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    We investigate the adsorption of chlorine on the Cu(111) surface with full potential all-electron density functional calculations. Chlorine adsorption at the fcc hollow sites is slightly preferred over that at the hcp hollow. The adsorption geometry is in excellent agreement with electron diffraction and ion scattering data. Adsorption energies and surface diffusion barriers are close to those deduced from experiment.Comment: to appear in Chem. Phys. Let

    The OSACA Database and a Kinematic Analysis of Stars in the Solar Neighborhood

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    We transformed radial velocities compiled from more than 1400 published sources, including the Geneva--Copenhagen survey of the solar neighborhood (CORAVEL-CfA), into a uniform system based on the radial velocities of 854 standard stars in our list. This enabled us to calculate the average weighted radial velocities for more than 25~000 HIPPARCOS stars located in the local Galactic spiral arm (Orion arm) with a median error of +-1 km/s. We use these radial velocities together with the stars' coordinates, parallaxes, and proper motions to determine their Galactic coordinates and space velocities. These quantities, along with other parameters of the stars, are available from the continuously updated Orion Spiral Arm CAtalogue (OSACA) and the associated database. We perform a kinematic analysis of the stars by applying an Ogorodnikov-Milne model to the OSACA data. The kinematics of the nearest single and multiple main-sequence stars differ substantially. We used distant (r\approx 0.2 kpc) stars of mixed spectral composition to estimate the angular velocity of the Galactic rotation -25.7+-1.2 km/s/kpc, and the vertex deviation,l=13+-2 degrees, and detect a negative K effect. This negative K effect is most conspicuous in the motion of A0-A5 giants, and is equal to K=-13.1+-2.0 km/s/kpc.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure
