1,430 research outputs found

    Fluctuations in Ca, Mg and P levels in the hemolymph, muscle, midgut gland and exoskeleton during the moult cycle of the Indian white prawn, Penaeus indicus (Decapoda: Penaeidae)

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    Fluctuations of Ca, Mg and P in the hemolymph, midgut gland, muscle and exoskeleton of the penaeid prawn Penaeus indicus during different stages of the moulting cycle have been investigated. 2. Haemolymph, midgut gland and muscle showed a high content of Ca during late premoult stages and low content in late postmoult and intermoult stages. In exoskeletal tissue the Ca level was high in intermoult and early premoult stages and the lowest level was recorded in the early postmoult stage. Magnesium showed an almost similar trend to that of Ca. Phosphorus content did not show noticeable changes in haemolymph and muscle during moult cycle; in exoskeleton, higher levels were recorded in last premoult and early postmoult stages. 3. The quantitative distribution of Ca, Mg and P in different parts of the exoskeleton was mapped

    A sufficient condition for the existence of an anti-directed 2-factor in a directed graph

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    Let D be a directed graph with vertex set V and order n. An anti-directed hamiltonian cycle H in D is a hamiltonian cycle in the graph underlying D such that no pair of consecutive arcs in H form a directed path in D. An anti-directed 2-factor in D is a vertex-disjoint collection of anti-directed cycles in D that span V. It was proved in [3] that if the indegree and the outdegree of each vertex of D is greater than (9/16)n then D contains an anti-directed hamilton cycle. In this paper we prove that given a directed graph D, the problem of determining whether D has an anti-directed 2-factor is NP-complete, and we use a proof technique similar to the one used in [3] to prove that if the indegree and the outdegree of each vertex of D is greater than (24/46)n then D contains an anti-directed 2-factor

    Effect of androgenic gland ablation on sexual characters of the male Indian white prawn Penaeus indicus H. Milne Edwards.

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    Bilateral and rectomy was carried out in penaeid prawns.Results indicated that in the absence of androgenic glallds male secondary sexual characters once lost cannot be regenerated. Andrectomy also appeared to block spermatogonial differentiation

    Biochemical changes in different tissues during yolk synthesis in marine prawn Penaeus indicus H. Milne Edwards

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    Biochemical changes taking place in ovary, hepatopancreas, muscle and haemolymph of P. indicus during ovarian maturation have been studied and quantified. The trends in the fluctuation of metabolites indicate that in ovary th~re is considerable accumulation of protein, lipid, cholester9l and carotenoids but loss of moisture and nucleic acids. Translocation of these metabolites takes place from the chief synthetic and storage organ, hepatopancreas, via haemolymph. During the initial stages of yolk synthesis, ovary is autosynthetic as indicated by high RNA values and RNNprotein ratio. Subsequently the mode of yolk formation shifts to heterosynthesis mainly through the uptake of lipid from hepatopancreas. RNNDNA ratio has been found to be useful as an index of ovarian growth

    Vitellogenesis in the Indian white prawn Penaeus indicus (Crustacea: Decapoda: Penaeidae)

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    The process of vitellogenesis in Penaeus indicus has been investigated using histological, histochemical, and electron microscopic methods. Based on the changes evident in the cytoplasm and nucleus, five vitellogenic phases are recognized. Histochemical studies revealed the yolk to be a glycolipoProtein complex, with proteins being the first to be associated with the yolk complex, followed by carbohydrates and finally lipids. Yolk formation apparently takes place by the selective deposition and sequestration of organic material from within (autosynthesis) and without (heterosynthesis)

    Neuroendocrine regulation of ovarian maturation in the Indian white prawn Penaeus indicus H. Milne Edwards

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    Neuroendocrine Regulation of ovarian maturation in the Indian white prawn Penaeus indicus H. Milne Edwards. Aquaculture, 98: 381-393. The control and regulation of ovarian maturation by neurosecretory elements in the eyestalk, brain and thoracic ganglia of Penaeus indicus have been examined. In the X-organ complex of the eyestalk, secretions from type A and B cells are apparently involved in inhibiting ovarian maturation, while in the brain and thoracic ganglia, secretions from type GN, A and B ce!ls had a stimulatory effect on the ovary. The pyriform C cells were not involved with ovarian maturation. Both unilateral and bilateral eyestalk ablation resulted in precocious maturation of the ovary. The histology of the remaining eyestalk in unilaterally ablated animals revealed that all the NSCs in the X-organs were in a suppressed state and the sinus gland was devoid of granular aggregations. Abnormal behaviour was noticed in bilaterally ablated prawns and strangely few animals moulted with developing ovaries. Due to the synchronous occurrence of moulting and reproductive activities the probability of both gonad and moult inhibiting hormones being the same is discussed. In addition the relationship between gonadal maturation and the moult cycle has also been studied

    Studies on moult staging, moulting duration and moulting behaviour in Indian White shrimp Penaeus indicus Milne Edwards (Decapoda: Penaeidae)

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    Characterisation and classification of complete moult cycle of Penaeus indicus have been worked out on the basis of setal development Seotogenic moults taging was found to be a rapid and simple technique. Since excision of appendage is not required, this technique is non-destuctive and permits repetitive moult staging of an individual shrimp

    Eternal Love And Transcending Age Contstraints - That Summer In Paris By Abha Dawesar

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    Life history theory developed in 1950 explains that individuals have to divide energy and resources between activities which is shaped by natural selection. The theory correlates with Abha Dawesar's novel "That Summer in Paris" is woven around an intricate love relationship of an aging author with a budding young writer who share their passion for love as art and creativity. Prem Rustum is an Indian born Nobel laureate fictional author for whom Maya a twenty five year old young writer is quite passionate. She is a budding writer and wishes to earn a name in the field of writing and for her Prem Rustm is an epitome who she worships and adores no less than God. Maya had a disastrous past and had undergone break up in her former relationship. Her soul is restless and looks for completeness in herself and her relationships and in such moments the novels of Prem provide her emotional and mental support as if they truly understood what she underwent in her life. Maya finds recluse in the works of Prem and is deeply obsessed with his writings. The scholarly works of Prem interwoven with a deep understanding of human behaviour and emotions provide a human company to lonely Maya who finds herself in the stories, plots and characters of Prem's novels. The relationship of Maya and Rustum is not of the bodies but beyond that it is a connection of two artistic souls who are dedicated to the art and creativity and thus for them age is just a number

    Effect of Euphorbia Coagulum on Flexural Property of Polyester Banana Fiber Composite

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    Presently composites are being made using either both the binder and the reinforcing fibers are synthetic or either one of the material is natural or synthetic. In the present study coagulum (dried latex) of Euphorbia royleana has been used for replacing polyester resin as a natural binder in polyester banana fiber composite. The influence of addition of different weight fraction of the coagulum n flexural property in the composite is studied. It was observed that with the increase in the coagulum fraction in matrix, the flexural property of the polyester banana fiber composite increases. The flexural strength increased by 25% and flexural modulus by 15% at 40% of coagulum weight fraction. This study presents the possibility of preparation of composites using coagulum of Euphorbia latex. The developed composite may be used in partition walls, roof tiles, interior linings of automobiles, etc as wood substitute

    Decaying neutralino dark matter in anomalous U(1)HU(1)_H models

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    In supersymmetric models extended with an anomalous U(1)HU(1)_H different R-parity violating couplings can yield an unstable neutralino. We show that in this context astrophysical and cosmological constraints on neutralino decaying dark matter forbid bilinear R-parity breaking neutralino decays and lead to a class of purely trilinear R-parity violating scenarios in which the neutralino is stable on cosmological scales. We have found that among the resulting models some of them become suitable to explain the observed anomalies in cosmic-ray electron/positron fluxes.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures. References added, typos corrected, accepted version in Phys Rev