195 research outputs found

    2D linear friction weld modelling of a Ti-6Al-4V T-joint

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    Most examples of linear friction weld process models have focused on joining two identically shaped workpieces. This article reports on the development of a 2D model, using the DEFORM finite element package, to investigate the joining of a rectangular Ti-6Al-4V workpiece to a plate of the same material. The work focuses on how this geometry affects the material flow, thermal fields and interface contaminant removal. The results showed that the material flow and thermal fields were not even across the two workpieces. This resulted in more material expulsion being required to remove the interface contaminants from the weld line when compared to joining two identically shaped workpieces. The model also showed that the flash curves away from the weld due to the rectangular upstand "burrowing" into the base plate.Understanding these critical relationships between the geometry and process outputs is crucial for further industrial implementation of the LFW process.EPSRC, The Welding Institut

    Persistent contaminants and herpesvirus OtHV1 are positively associated with cancer in wild California Sea Lions (Zalophus californianus)

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    This work was funded by the Geoffrey Hughes Fellowship, the National Institutes of Health (Fogarty International Center) and National Science Foundation joint program for the Ecology of Infectious Disease, the National Marine Fisheries Service Marine Mammal Heath and Stranding Program, and the Natural Environment Research Council grant number NE/R015007/.The prevalence of cancer in wild California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) is one of the highest amongst mammals, with 18–23% of adult animals examined post-mortem over the past 40 years having urogenital carcinoma. To date, organochlorines, genotype and infection with Otarine herpesvirus-1 (OtHV-1) have been identified in separate studies using distinct animals as associated with this carcinoma. Multi-year studies using large sample sizes to investigate the relative importance of multiple factors on marine mammal health are rare due to logistical and ethical challenges. The objective of this study was to use a case control approach with samples from 394 animals collected over 20 years in a multifactorial analysis to explore the relative importance of distinct factors identified to date as associated with sea lion cancer in the likelihood of sea lion carcinoma. Stepwise regression indicated that the best model to explain carcinoma occurrence included herpesvirus status, contaminant exposure, and blubber depth, but not genotype at a single microsatellite locus, PV11. The odds of carcinoma was 43.57 times higher in sea lions infected with OtHV-1 (95% CI 14.61, 129.96, p <0.001), and 1.48 times higher for every unit increase in the loge[contaminant concentrations], ng g–1 (an approximate tripling of concentration), in their blubber (95% CI 1.11, 1.97, p <0.007), after controlling for the effect of blubber depth. These findings demonstrate the importance of contaminant exposure combined with OtHV1 infection, in the potential for cancer occurrence in wild sea lions.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Measurement of the Neutron Spin Structure Function g1ng_1^n with a Polarized ^3He Target

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    Results are reported from the HERMES experiment at HERA on a measurement of the neutron spin structure function g1n(x,Q2)g_1^n(x,Q^2) in deep inelastic scattering using 27.5 GeV longitudinally polarized positrons incident on a polarized 3^3He internal gas target. The data cover the kinematic range 0.023<x<0.60.023<x<0.6 and 1(GeV/c)2<Q2<15(GeV/c)21 (GeV/c)^2 < Q^2 <15 (GeV/c)^2. The integral 0.0230.6g1n(x)dx\int_{0.023}^{0.6} g_1^n(x) dx evaluated at a fixed Q2Q^2 of 2.5(GeV/c)22.5 (GeV/c)^2 is 0.034±0.013(stat.)±0.005(syst.)-0.034\pm 0.013(stat.)\pm 0.005(syst.). Assuming Regge behavior at low xx, the first moment Γ1n=01g1n(x)dx\Gamma_1^n=\int_0^1 g_1^n(x) dx is 0.037±0.013(stat.)±0.005(syst.)±0.006(extrapol.)-0.037\pm 0.013(stat.)\pm 0.005(syst.)\pm 0.006(extrapol.).Comment: 4 pages TEX, text available at http://www.krl.caltech.edu/preprints/OAP.htm

    Modeling population effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on a long-lived species

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    This research was enabled partly by a grant from The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GOMRI).The 2010 Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill exposed common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Barataria Bay, Louisiana to heavy oiling that caused increased mortality and chronic disease and impaired reproduction in surviving dolphins. We conducted photographic surveys and veterinary assessments in the decade following the spill. We assigned a prognostic score (good, fair, guarded, poor, or grave) for each dolphin to provide a single integrated indicator of overall health, and we examined temporal trends in prognostic scores. We used expert elicitation to quantify the implications of trends for the proportion of the dolphins that would recover within their lifetime. We integrated expert elicitation, along with other new information, in a population dynamics model to predict the effects of observed health trends on demography. We compared the resulting population trajectory with that predicted under baseline (no spill) conditions. Disease conditions persisted and have recently worsened in dolphins that were presumably exposed to DWH oil: 78% of those assessed in 2018 had a guarded, poor, or grave prognosis. Dolphins born after the spill were in better health. We estimated that the population declined by 45% (95% CI 14–74) relative to baseline and will take 35 years (95% CI 18–67) to recover to 95% of baseline numbers. The sum of annual differences between baseline and injured population sizes (i.e., the lost cetacean years) was 30,993 (95% CI 6607–94,148). The population is currently at a minimum point in its recovery trajectory and is vulnerable to emerging threats, including planned ecosystem restoration efforts that are likely to be detrimental to the dolphins’ survival. Our modeling framework demonstrates an approach for integrating different sources and types of data, highlights the utility of expert elicitation for indeterminable input parameters, and emphasizes the importance of considering and monitoring long-term health of long-lived species subject to environmental disasters. Article impact statement: Oil spills can have long-term consequences for the health of long-lived species; thus, effective restoration and monitoring are needed.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A review of the toxicology of oil in vertebrates : what we have learned following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill

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    This research was made possible by a grant from The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative. This publication is UMCES contribution No. 6045 and Ref. No. [UMCES] CBL 2022-008. This is National Marine Mammal Foundation Contribution #314 to peer-reviewed scientific literature.In the wake of the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill, a number of government agencies, academic institutions, consultants, and nonprofit organizations conducted lab- and field-based research to understand the toxic effects of the oil. Lab testing was performed with a variety of fish, birds, turtles, and vertebrate cell lines (as well as invertebrates); field biologists conducted observations on fish, birds, turtles, and marine mammals; and epidemiologists carried out observational studies in humans. Eight years after the spill, scientists and resource managers held a workshop to summarize the similarities and differences in the effects of DWH oil on vertebrate taxa and to identify remaining gaps in our understanding of oil toxicity in wildlife and humans, building upon the cross-taxonomic synthesis initiated during the Natural Resource Damage Assessment. Across the studies, consistency was found in the types of toxic response observed in the different organisms. Impairment of stress responses and adrenal gland function, cardiotoxicity, immune system dysfunction, disruption of blood cells and their function, effects on locomotion, and oxidative damage were observed across taxa. This consistency suggests conservation in the mechanisms of action and disease pathogenesis. From a toxicological perspective, a logical progression of impacts was noted: from molecular and cellular effects that manifest as organ dysfunction, to systemic effects that compromise fitness, growth, reproductive potential, and survival. From a clinical perspective, adverse health effects from DWH oil spill exposure formed a suite of signs/symptomatic responses that at the highest doses/concentrations resulted in multi-organ system failure.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Analogue of the quantum hanle effect and polarization conversion in non-hermitian plasmonic metamaterials

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Nano Letters, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see http://pubs.acs.org/page/policy/articlesonrequest/index.htmlThe Hanle effect, one of the first manifestations of quantum theory introducing the concept of coherent superposition between pure states, plays a key role in numerous aspects of science varying from applicative spectroscopy to fundamental astrophysical investigations. Optical analogues of quantum effects help to achieve deeper understanding of quantum phenomena and, in turn, to develop cross-disciplinary approaches to realizations of new applications in photonics. Here we show that metallic nanostructures can be designed to exhibit a plasmonic analogue of the quantum Hanle effect and the associated polarization rotation. In the original Hanle effect, time-reversal symmetry is broken by a static magnetic field. We achieve this by introducing dissipative level crossing of localized surface plasmons due to nonuniform losses, designed using a non-Hermitian formulation of quantum mechanics. Such artificial plasmonic "atoms" have been shown to exhibit strong circular birefringence and circular dichroism which depends on the value of loss or gain in the metal-dielectric nanostructure. © 2012 American Chemical Society.This work has been supported in part by EPSRC (UK). P.G. acknowledges Royal Society for a Newton International Fellowship. F.J.R.-F. acknowledges support from grant FPI of GV and the Spanish MICINN under contracts CONSOLIDER EMET CSD2008-00066 and TEC2011-28664-C02-02.Ginzburg, P.; Rodríguez Fortuño, FJ.; Martínez Abietar, AJ.; Zayats, AV. (2012). Analogue of the quantum hanle effect and polarization conversion in non-hermitian plasmonic metamaterials. Nano Letters. 12(12):6309-6314. https://doi.org/10.1021/nl3034174S63096314121

    Phocine distemper Virus: Current knowledge and future directions

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    Phocine distemper virus (PDV) was first recognized in 1988 following a massive epidemic in harbor and grey seals in north-western Europe. Since then, the epidemiology of infection in North Atlantic and Arctic pinnipeds has been investigated. In the western North Atlantic endemic infection in harp and grey seals predates the European epidemic, with relatively small, localized mortality events occurring primarily in harbor seals. By contrast, PDV seems not to have become established in European harbor seals following the 1988 epidemic and a second event of similar magnitude and extent occurred in 2002. PDV is a distinct species within the Morbillivirus genus with minor sequence variation between outbreaks over time. There is now mounting evidence of PDV-like viruses in the North Pacific/Western Arctic with serological and molecular evidence of infection in pinnipeds and sea otters. However, despite the absence of associated mortality in the region, there is concern that the virus may infect the large Pacific harbor seal and northern elephant seal populations or the endangered Hawaiian monk seals. Here, we review the current state of knowledge on PDV with particular focus on developments in diagnostics, pathogenesis, immune response, vaccine development, phylogenetics and modeling over the past 20 years

    Resonant nonlinear magneto-optical effects in atoms

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    In this article, we review the history, current status, physical mechanisms, experimental methods, and applications of nonlinear magneto-optical effects in atomic vapors. We begin by describing the pioneering work of Macaluso and Corbino over a century ago on linear magneto-optical effects (in which the properties of the medium do not depend on the light power) in the vicinity of atomic resonances, and contrast these effects with various nonlinear magneto-optical phenomena that have been studied both theoretically and experimentally since the late 1960s. In recent years, the field of nonlinear magneto-optics has experienced a revival of interest that has led to a number of developments, including the observation of ultra-narrow (1-Hz) magneto-optical resonances, applications in sensitive magnetometry, nonlinear magneto-optical tomography, and the possibility of a search for parity- and time-reversal-invariance violation in atoms.Comment: 51 pages, 23 figures, to appear in Rev. Mod. Phys. in Oct. 2002, Figure added, typos corrected, text edited for clarit

    ElrA binding to the 3′UTR of cyclin E1 mRNA requires polyadenylation elements

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    The early cell divisions of Xenopus laevis and other metazoan embryos occur in the presence of constitutively high levels of the cell cycle regulator cyclin E1. Upon completion of the 12th cell division, a time at which many maternal proteins are downregulated by deadenylation and destabilization of their encoding mRNAs, maternal cyclin E1 protein is downregulated while its mRNA is polyadenylated and stable. We report here that stable polyadenylation of cyclin E1 mRNA requires three cis-acting elements in the 3′ untranslated region; the nuclear polyadenylation sequence, a contiguous cytoplasmic polyadenylation element and an upstream AU-rich element. ElrA, the Xenopus homolog of HuR and a member of the ELAV gene family binds the cyclin E1 3′UTR with high affinity. Deletion of these elements dramatically reduces the affinity of ElrA for the cyclin E1 3′UTR, abolishes polyadenylation and destabilizes the mRNA. Together, these findings provide compelling evidence that ElrA functions in polyadenylation and stabilization of cyclin E1 mRNA via binding these elements