1,406 research outputs found

    Pathways and Management of Phosphorus in urban areas

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    Due to the finite nature of mineral phosphorus reserves, effective management of anthropogenic phosphorus flows is currently under investigation by the international research community. This article emphasizes the importance of urban phosphorus flows, which are often marginalized due to the greater magnitude of agricultural phosphorus flows. A study on phosphorus flows in Gothenburg, Sweden, points out the potential role of solid waste in nutrient management, as the amounts of phosphorus in solid waste and in wastewater were found to be equal. Importation of food commodities accounts for 50% of the total inflow of phosphorus, and food waste is a major contributor of phosphorus to solid waste. The results suggest that solid waste incineration residues represent a large underestimated sink of phosphorus. Focusing on wastewater as the sole source of recovered phosphorus is not sufficient. The Swedish national goal on phosphorus recycling, which is limited to sewage sludge, targets only a part of the total phosphorus flow that can potentially be recovered. In contrast to previous studies, agricultural flows in Gothenburg were marginal compared to flows related to the urban waste management infrastructure. We emphasize the need for debate on preferable routes for disposal of waste with a high phosphorus content. Both recovery potential and usefulness of the recovered product for agricultural purposes have to be considered. Impacts of five waste management strategies on phosphorus flows were evaluated: incineration of all the waste, comprehensive food waste separation, installation of kitchen grinders, urine diversion, and separation of blackwater and food waste

    Description of call handling in emergency medical dispatch centres in Scandinavia: recognition of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests and dispatcher-assisted CPR

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    Background The European resuscitation council have highlighted emergency medical dispatch centres as an important key player for early recognition of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) and in providing dispatcher assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) before arrival of emergency medical services. Early recognition is associated with increased bystander CPR and improved survival rates. The aim of this study is to describe OHCA call handling in emergency medical dispatch centres in Copenhagen (Denmark), Stockholm (Sweden) and Oslo (Norway) with focus on sensitivity of recognition of OHCA, provision of dispatcher-assisted CPR and time intervals when CPR is initiated during the emergency call (NO-CPRprior), and to describe OHCA call handling when CPR is initiated prior to the emergency call (CPRprior). Methods Baseline data of consecutive OHCA eligible for inclusion starting January 1st 2016 were collected from respective cardiac arrest registries. A template based on the Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival definition catalogue was used to extract data from respective cardiac arrest registries and from corresponding audio files from emergency medical dispatch centres. Cases were divided in two groups: NO-CPRprior and CPRprior and data collection continued until 200 cases were collected in the NO-CPRprior-group. Results NO-CPRprior OHCA was recognised in 71% of the calls in Copenhagen, 83% in Stockholm, and 96% in Oslo. Abnormal breathing was addressed in 34, 7 and 98% of cases and CPR instructions were started in 50, 60, and 80%, respectively. Median time (mm:ss) to first chest compression was 02:35 (Copenhagen), 03:50 (Stockholm) and 02:58 (Oslo). Assessment of CPR quality was performed in 80, 74, and 74% of the cases. CPRprior comprised 71 cases in Copenhagen, 9 in Stockholm, and 38 in Oslo. Dispatchers still started CPR instructions in 41, 22, and 40% of the calls, respectively and provided quality assessment in 71, 100, and 80% in these respective instances. Conclusions We observed variations in OHCA recognition in 71–96% and dispatcher assisted-CPR were provided in 50–80% in NO-CPRprior calls. In cases where CPR was initiated prior to emergency calls, dispatchers were less likely to start CPR instructions but provided quality assessments during instructions.publishedVersio

    Substrate-bound outward-open structure of a Na+-coupled sialic acid symporter reveals a new Na+ site

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    Many pathogenic bacteria utilise sialic acids as an energy source or use them as an external coating to evade immune detection. As such, bacteria that colonise sialylated environments deploy specific transporters to mediate import of scavenged sialic acids. Here, we report a substrate-bound 1.95 Å resolution structure and subsequent characterisation of SiaT, a sialic acid transporter from Proteus mirabilis. SiaT is a secondary active transporter of the sodium solute symporter (SSS) family, which use Na+ gradients to drive the uptake of extracellular substrates. SiaT adopts the LeuT-fold and is in an outward-open conformation in complex with the sialic acid N-acetylneuraminic acid and two Na+ ions. One Na+ binds to the conserved Na2 site, while the second Na+ binds to a new position, termed Na3, which is conserved in many SSS family members. Functional and molecular dynamics studies validate the substrate-binding site and demonstrate that both Na+ sites regulate N-acetylneuraminic acid transport

    Lectin-like bacteriocins from pseudomonas spp. utilise D-rhamnose containing lipopolysaccharide as a cellular receptor

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    Lectin-like bacteriocins consist of tandem monocot mannose-binding domains and display a genus-specific killing activity. Here we show that pyocin L1, a novel member of this family from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, targets susceptible strains of this species through recognition of the common polysaccharide antigen (CPA) of P. aeruginosa lipopolysaccharide that is predominantly a homopolymer of d-rhamnose. Structural and biophysical analyses show that recognition of CPA occurs through the C-terminal carbohydrate-binding domain of pyocin L1 and that this interaction is a prerequisite for bactericidal activity. Further to this, we show that the previously described lectin-like bacteriocin putidacin L1 shows a similar carbohydrate-binding specificity, indicating that oligosaccharides containing d-rhamnose and not d-mannose, as was previously thought, are the physiologically relevant ligands for this group of bacteriocins. The widespread inclusion of d-rhamnose in the lipopolysaccharide of members of the genus Pseudomonas explains the unusual genus-specific activity of the lectin-like bacteriocins

    Maternal obesity support services: a qualitative study of the perspectives of women and midwives

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    Background - Twenty percent of pregnant women in the UK are obese (BMI ≄ 30 kg/m2), reflecting the growing public health challenge of obesity in the 21st century. Obesity increases the risk of adverse outcomes during pregnancy and birth and has significant cost implications for maternity services. Gestational weight management strategies are a high priority; however the evidence for effective, feasible and acceptable weight control interventions is limited and inconclusive. This qualitative study explored the experiences and perceptions of pregnant women and midwives regarding existing support for weight management in pregnancy and their ideas for service development. Methods - A purposive sample of 6 women and 7 midwives from Doncaster, UK, participated in two separate focus groups. Transcripts were analysed thematically. Results - Two overarching themes were identified, 'Explanations for obesity and weight management' and 'Best care for pregnant women'. 'Explanations' included a lack of knowledge about weight, diet and exercise during pregnancy; self-talk messages which excused overeating; difficulties maintaining motivation for a healthy lifestyle; the importance of social support; stigmatisation; and sensitivity surrounding communication about obesity between midwives and their clients. 'Best care' suggested that weight management required care which was consistent and continuous, supportive and non-judgemental, and which created opportunities for interaction and mutual support between obese pregnant women. Conclusions - Women need unambiguous advice regarding healthy lifestyles, diet and exercise in pregnancy to address a lack of knowledge and a tendency towards unhelpful self-talk messages. Midwives expressed difficulties in communicating with their clients about their weight, given awareness that obesity is a sensitive and potentially stigmatising issue. This indicates more could be done to educate and support them in their work with obese pregnant women. Motivation and social support were strong explanatory themes for obesity and weight management, suggesting that interventions should focus on motivational strategies and social support facilitation

    "As soon as you’ve had the baby that’s it
” a qualitative study of 24 postnatal women on their experience of maternal obesity care pathways

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    Abstract Background Maternal obesity is associated with risks to mother and infant, and has implications for healthcare costs. United Kingdom (UK) levels of maternal obesity are rising, with higher prevalence in North East (NE) England, where this study was set. Pregnancy is often seen as an opportune time for intervention – a ‘teachable moment’ - which is ripe for promoting behaviour change. In response to rising obesity levels, a National Health Service (NHS) Foundation Trust in NE England implemented three maternal obesity care pathways contingent on Body Mass Index (BMI) at time of booking: pathway 1 for those with BMI ≄30 kg/m2; pathway 2 for BMI ≄35 kg/m2; and pathway 3 for BMI ≄40 kg/m2. These incorporated relevant antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal clinical requirements, and included a focus on weight management intervention. This evaluation explored the accounts of postnatal women who had been through one of these pathways in pregnancy. Methods The study used a generic qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews were carried out to explore the views and experiences of 24 recent mothers (aged 20–42), living in NE England, who had commenced on one of the pathways during pregnancy. Interviews explored experiences of weight management support during and after pregnancy, and perceived gaps in this support. Data were analysed using thematic content analysis. Results Three main themes emerged reflecting women’s views and experiences of the pathways: communication about the pathways; treating obese pregnant women with sensitivity and respect; and appropriate and accessible lifestyle services and information for women during and after pregnancy. An overarching theme: differences in care, support and advice, was evident when comparing the experiences of women on pathways 1 or 2 with those on pathway 3. Conclusions This study indicated that women were not averse to risk management and weight management intervention during and after pregnancy. However, in order to improve reach and effectiveness, such interventions need to be well communicated and offer constructive, individualised advice and support. The postnatal phase may also offer an opportune moment for intervention, suggesting that the simple notion of seeing pregnancy alone as a window of opportunity or a ‘teachable moment’ should be reconsidered

    The origin of the Palaeoproterozoic AMCG complexes in the Ukrainian shield: New U-Pb ages and Hf isotopes in zircon

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    © 2017 Elsevier B.V.The Ukrainian shield hosts two Palaeoproterozoic anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite (AMCG) complexes (the Korosten and Korsun-Novomyrhorod complexes) that intruded Palaeoproterozoic continental crust in north-western and central parts of the shield, respectively. We report results of U-Pb zircon and baddeleyite dating of 16 samples from the Korosten plutonic complex (KPC), and 6 samples from the Korsun-Novomyrhorod plutonic complex (KNPC). Fifteen zircon samples from both complexes were also analysed for Hf isotopes. These new, together with previously published data indicate that the formation of the KPC started at c. 1815 Ma and continued until 1743 Ma with two main phases of magma emplacement at 1800–1780 and 1770–1758 Ma. Each of the main phases of magmatic activity included both basic and silicic members. The emplacement history of the KNPC is different from that of the KPC. The vast majority of the KNPC basic and silicic rocks were emplaced between c. 1757 and 1750 Ma; the youngest stages of the complex are represented by monzonites and syenites that were formed between 1748 and 1744 Ma. Both Ukrainian AMCG complexes are closely associated in space and time with mantle-derived mafic and ultramafic dykes. The Hf isotope ratios in the zircons indicate a predominantly crustal source for the initial melts with some input of juvenile Hf from mantle-derived tholeiite melts. The preferred model for the formation of the Ukrainian AMCG complexes involves the emplacement of large volumes of hot mantle-derived tholeiitic magma into the lower crust. This resulted in partial melting of mafic lower-crustal material, mixing of lower crustal and tholeiitic melts, and formation of ferromonzodioritic magmas. Further fractional crystallization of the ferromonzodioritic melts produced the spectrum of basic rocks in the AMCG complexes. Emplacement of the ferromonzodioritic and tholeiitic melts into the middle crust and their partial crystallization caused abundant melting of the ambient crust and formation of the large volumes of granitic rocks present in the complexes

    The origin of the Palaeoproterozoic AMCG complexes in the Ukrainian shield: New U-Pb ages and Hf isotopes in zircon

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    © 2017 Elsevier B.V.The Ukrainian shield hosts two Palaeoproterozoic anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite (AMCG) complexes (the Korosten and Korsun-Novomyrhorod complexes) that intruded Palaeoproterozoic continental crust in north-western and central parts of the shield, respectively. We report results of U-Pb zircon and baddeleyite dating of 16 samples from the Korosten plutonic complex (KPC), and 6 samples from the Korsun-Novomyrhorod plutonic complex (KNPC). Fifteen zircon samples from both complexes were also analysed for Hf isotopes. These new, together with previously published data indicate that the formation of the KPC started at c. 1815 Ma and continued until 1743 Ma with two main phases of magma emplacement at 1800–1780 and 1770–1758 Ma. Each of the main phases of magmatic activity included both basic and silicic members. The emplacement history of the KNPC is different from that of the KPC. The vast majority of the KNPC basic and silicic rocks were emplaced between c. 1757 and 1750 Ma; the youngest stages of the complex are represented by monzonites and syenites that were formed between 1748 and 1744 Ma. Both Ukrainian AMCG complexes are closely associated in space and time with mantle-derived mafic and ultramafic dykes. The Hf isotope ratios in the zircons indicate a predominantly crustal source for the initial melts with some input of juvenile Hf from mantle-derived tholeiite melts. The preferred model for the formation of the Ukrainian AMCG complexes involves the emplacement of large volumes of hot mantle-derived tholeiitic magma into the lower crust. This resulted in partial melting of mafic lower-crustal material, mixing of lower crustal and tholeiitic melts, and formation of ferromonzodioritic magmas. Further fractional crystallization of the ferromonzodioritic melts produced the spectrum of basic rocks in the AMCG complexes. Emplacement of the ferromonzodioritic and tholeiitic melts into the middle crust and their partial crystallization caused abundant melting of the ambient crust and formation of the large volumes of granitic rocks present in the complexes
