20 research outputs found

    The bear in Eurasian plant names: Motivations and models

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    Ethnolinguistic studies are important for understanding an ethnic group's ideas on the world, expressed in its language. Comparing corresponding aspects of such knowledge might help clarify problems of origin for certain concepts and words, e.g. whether they form common heritage, have an independent origin, are borrowings, or calques. The current study was conducted on the material in Slavonic, Baltic, Germanic, Romance, Finno-Ugrian, Turkic and Albanian languages. The bear was chosen as being a large, dangerous animal, important in traditional culture, whose name is widely reflected in folk plant names. The phytonyms for comparison were mostly obtained from dictionaries and other publications, and supplemented with data from databases, the co-authors' field data, and archival sources (dialect and folklore materials). More than 1200 phytonym use records (combinations of a local name and a meaning) for 364 plant and fungal taxa were recorded to help find out the reasoning behind bear-nomination in various languages, as well as differences and similarities between the patterns among them. Among the most common taxa with bear-related phytonyms were Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng., Heracleum sphondylium L., Acanthus mollis L., and Allium ursinum L., with Latin loan translation contributing a high proportion of the phytonyms. Some plants have many and various bear-related phytonyms, while others have only one or two bear names. Features like form and/or surface generated the richest pool of names, while such features as colour seemed to provoke rather few associations with bears. The unevenness of bear phytonyms in the chosen languages was not related to the size of the language nor the present occurence of the Brown Bear in the region. However, this may, at least to certain extent, be related to the amount of the historical ethnolinguistic research done on the selected languages

    Expression, characterization and purification of the alpha1b-adrenergic receptor.

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    Expression of the alpha 1b-adrenergic receptor and G protein subunits in mammalian cell lines using the Semliki Forest virus expression system.

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    Semliki Forest virus (SFV) vectors have been efficiently used for rapid high level expression of several G protein-coupled receptors. Here we describe the use of SFV vectors to express the alpha 1b-adrenergic receptor (AR) alone or in the presence of the G protein alpha q and/or beta 2 and gamma 2 subunits. Infection of baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells with recombinant SFV-alpha 1b-AR particles resulted in high specific binding activity of the alpha 1b-AR (24 pmol receptor/mg protein). Time-course studies indicated that the highest level of receptor expression was obtained 30 hours post-infection. The stimulation of BHK cells, with epinephrine led to a 5-fold increase in inositol phosphate (IP) accumulation, confirming the functional coupling of the receptor to G protein-mediated activation of phospholipase C. The SFV expression system represents a rapid and reproducible system to study the pharmacological properties and interactions of G protein coupled receptors and of G protein subunits

    Co- and posttranslational modification of the alpha(1B)-adrenergic receptor: effects on receptor expression and function.

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    We have characterized the maturation, co- and posttranslational modifications, and functional properties of the alpha(1B)-adrenergic receptor (AR) expressed in different mammalian cells transfected using conventional approaches or the Semliki Forest virus system. We found that the alpha(1B)-AR undergoes N-linked glycosylation as demonstrated by its sensitivity to endoglycosidases and by the effect of tunicamycin on receptor maturation. Pulse-chase labeling experiments in BHK-21 cells demonstrate that the alpha(1B)-AR is synthesized as a 70 kDa core glycosylated precursor that is converted to the 90 kDa mature form of the receptor with a half-time of approximately 2 h. N-Linked glycosylation of the alpha(1B)-AR occurs at four asparagines on the N-terminus of the receptor. Mutations of the N-linked glycosylation sites did not have a significant effect on receptor function or expression. Surprisingly, receptor mutants lacking N-linked glycosylation migrated as heterogeneous bands in SDS-PAGE. Our findings demonstrate that N-linked glycosylation and phosphorylation, but not palmitoylation or O-linked glycosylation, contribute to the structural heterogeneity of the alpha(1B)-AR as it is observed in SDS-PAGE. The modifications found are similar in the different mammalian expression systems explored. Our findings indicate that the Semliki Forest virus system can provide large amounts of functional and fully glycosylated alpha(1B)-AR protein suitable for biochemical and structural studies. The results of this study contribute to elucidate the basic steps involved in the processing of G protein-coupled receptors as well as to optimize strategies for their overexpression

    Structural determinants involved in the activation and regulation of G protein-coupled receptors: lessons from the alpha1-adrenegic receptor subtypes.

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    The aim of a large number of studies on G protein-coupled receptors was centered on understanding the structural basis of their main functional properties. Here, we will briefly review the results obtained on the alpha1-adrenergic receptor subtypes belonging to the rhodopsin-like family of receptors. These findings contribute, on the one hand, to further understand the molecular basis of adrenergic transmission and, on the other, to provide some generalities on the structure-functional relationship of G protein-coupled receptors