24 research outputs found

    Istraživanje dipolnih uzbuda u 89Y ispod gigantske dipolne rezonancije u pogonu ELBE

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    We have investigated the dipole response of the stable N = 50 nucleus 89Y up to the excitation energy of the giant dipole resonance (GDR) using the bremsstrahlung facility at the ELBE accelerator at the research center Helmholtz-Zentrum DresdenRossendorf. After eliminating background radiation from atomic processes as well as inelastic transitions in the spectra by using statistical methods, the photoabsorption cross section could be deduced from the photon-scattering data. This cross section was combined with that known from (γ, n) experiments. An excess of the cross section relative to a simple Lorentz approximation of the tail of the GDR is found in the energy range from about 6 MeV up to 11 MeV. The comparison with predictions of a quasiparticle-random-phase approximation (QRPA) showed that the corresponding excitations may be caused by an oscillation of the excessive neutrons forming a so-called pygmy dipole resonance (PDR) as it was found for the neighbouring isotones 88Sr and 90Zr.Istraživali smo dipolne rezonancije u stabilnoj jezgri 89Y s N = 50 do energije uzbude giganske dipolne rezonancije (GDR) rabeći sustav za kočno zračenje pri ubrzivaču ELBE u istraživačkom središtu Dresden-Rosendorf. Nakon uklanjanja pozadinskog zračenja od atomskih procesa kao i od neelastičnih prijelaza u spektrima, mogli smo, primjenom statističkih metoda, odrediti fotoapsorpcijske udarne presjeke za podatke o fotonskom raspršenju. Ti su udarni presjeci povezani s onima iz mjerenja (γ, n) reakcija. Našli smo višak u udarnim presjecima u odnosu na jednostavno Lorentzovo približenje u repu GDR, u području energije od oko 6 MeV do 11 MeV. Usporedba s približenjem kvazičestica i slučajnih faza pokazuje na mogućnost da su odgovorne uzbude uzrokovane oscilacijama viška neutrona koji načine tzv. “pigmy” dipolnu rezonanciju, nađenu u susjednim izotonima 88Sr i 90Zr

    Istraživanje dipolnih uzbuda u 89Y ispod gigantske dipolne rezonancije u pogonu ELBE

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    We have investigated the dipole response of the stable N = 50 nucleus 89Y up to the excitation energy of the giant dipole resonance (GDR) using the bremsstrahlung facility at the ELBE accelerator at the research center Helmholtz-Zentrum DresdenRossendorf. After eliminating background radiation from atomic processes as well as inelastic transitions in the spectra by using statistical methods, the photoabsorption cross section could be deduced from the photon-scattering data. This cross section was combined with that known from (γ, n) experiments. An excess of the cross section relative to a simple Lorentz approximation of the tail of the GDR is found in the energy range from about 6 MeV up to 11 MeV. The comparison with predictions of a quasiparticle-random-phase approximation (QRPA) showed that the corresponding excitations may be caused by an oscillation of the excessive neutrons forming a so-called pygmy dipole resonance (PDR) as it was found for the neighbouring isotones 88Sr and 90Zr.Istraživali smo dipolne rezonancije u stabilnoj jezgri 89Y s N = 50 do energije uzbude giganske dipolne rezonancije (GDR) rabeći sustav za kočno zračenje pri ubrzivaču ELBE u istraživačkom središtu Dresden-Rosendorf. Nakon uklanjanja pozadinskog zračenja od atomskih procesa kao i od neelastičnih prijelaza u spektrima, mogli smo, primjenom statističkih metoda, odrediti fotoapsorpcijske udarne presjeke za podatke o fotonskom raspršenju. Ti su udarni presjeci povezani s onima iz mjerenja (γ, n) reakcija. Našli smo višak u udarnim presjecima u odnosu na jednostavno Lorentzovo približenje u repu GDR, u području energije od oko 6 MeV do 11 MeV. Usporedba s približenjem kvazičestica i slučajnih faza pokazuje na mogućnost da su odgovorne uzbude uzrokovane oscilacijama viška neutrona koji načine tzv. “pigmy” dipolnu rezonanciju, nađenu u susjednim izotonima 88Sr i 90Zr

    PAIRSE: A Privacy-Preserving Service-Oriented Data Integration System

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    International audiencePrivacy is among the key challenges to data integration in many sectors, including healthcare, e-government, etc. The PAIRSE project aims at providing a flexible, looselycoupled and privacy-preserving data integration system in P2P environments. The project exploits recent Web standards and technologies such as Web services and ontologies to export data from autonomous data providers as reusable services, and proposes the use of service composition as a viable solution to answer data integration needs on the fly. The project proposed new composition algorithms and service/composition execution models that preserve privacy of data manipulated by services and compositions. The proposed integration system was demonstrated at EDBT 2013 and VLDB 2011

    Majority-Rule-Based Web Service Selection

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    Abstract. Determining the appropriate service for a user request is a two step process. Initially, the available services whose description agrees with that of the request service are discovered. Then, the service selection process assists users in choosing the service that better matches their intention. In many practical situations, the responsibility to decide which is the appropriate service is shared among multiple parties, e.g., among the department heads of a university. The standard approach to such a service selection problem, is to discard services which are unanimously inappropriate, and return the rest. However, as the involved parties may have conflicting interests, it is possible that only few services are eliminated, and thus almost all discovered services need to be considered. This work addresses this shortcoming, by enforcing the majority rule: a service is discarded if the majority of the parties find it inappropriate. We formulate the majority-rule-based service selection problem based on the notions of dominance relationship and skyline. Furthermore, we propose an algorithm that (1) returns a more manageable set of services, eliminating many inappropriate ones, and (2) is more efficient that standard skyline techniques.

    QPM Analysis of 205Tl Nuclear Excitations below the Giant Dipole Resonance

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    We analysed our experimental recent findings of the dipole response of the odd-mass stable nucleus 205Tl within the quasi-particle phonon model. Using the phonon basis constructed for the neighbouring 204Hg and wave function configurations for 205Tl consisting of a mixture of quasiparticle ⊗ N-phonon configurations (N=0,1,2), only one group of fragmented dipole excited states has been reproduced at 5.5 MeV in comparison to the experimental distribution which shows a second group at about 5 MeV. The computed dipole transition strengths are mainly of E1 character which could be associated to the pygmy dipole resonance

    QPM Analysis of

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    We analysed our experimental recent findings of the dipole response of the odd-mass stable nucleus 205Tl within the quasi-particle phonon model. Using the phonon basis constructed for the neighbouring 204Hg and wave function configurations for 205Tl consisting of a mixture of quasiparticle ⊗ N-phonon configurations (N=0,1,2), only one group of fragmented dipole excited states has been reproduced at 5.5 MeV in comparison to the experimental distribution which shows a second group at about 5 MeV. The computed dipole transition strengths are mainly of E1 character which could be associated to the pygmy dipole resonance