3,041 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Global Entanglement under Decoherence

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    We investigate the dynamics of global entanglement, the Meyer-Wallach measure, under decoherence, analytically. We study two important class of multi-partite entangled states, the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger and the W state. We obtain exact results for various models of system-environment interactions (decoherence). Our results shows distinctly different scaling behavior for these initially entangled states indicating a relative robustness of the W state, consistent with previous studies.Comment: 5 pages and 5 figure

    A deterministic cavity-QED source of polarization entangled photon pairs

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    We present two cavity quantum electrodynamics proposals that, sharing the same basic elements, allow for the deterministic generation of entangled photons pairs by means of a three-level atom successively coupled to two single longitudinal mode high-Q optical resonators presenting polarization degeneracy. In the faster proposal, the three-level atom yields a polarization entangled photon pair via two truncated Rabi oscillations, whereas in the adiabatic proposal a counterintuitive Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage process is considered. Although slower than the former process, this second method is very efficient and robust under fluctuations of the experimental parameters and, particularly interesting, almost completely insensitive to atomic decay.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Using of small-scale quantum computers in cryptography with many-qubit entangled states

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    We propose a new cryptographic protocol. It is suggested to encode information in ordinary binary form into many-qubit entangled states with the help of a quantum computer. A state of qubits (realized, e.g., with photons) is transmitted through a quantum channel to the addressee, who applies a quantum computer tuned to realize the inverse unitary transformation decoding of the message. Different ways of eavesdropping are considered, and an estimate of the time needed for determining the secret unitary transformation is given. It is shown that using even small quantum computers can serve as a basis for very efficient cryptographic protocols. For a suggested cryptographic protocol, the time scale on which communication can be considered secure is exponential in the number of qubits in the entangled states and in the number of gates used to construct the quantum network

    Distribution of sound pressure around a singing cricket: radiation pattern and asymmetry in the sound field

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    Male field crickets generate calls to attract distant females through tegminal stridulation: the rubbing together of the overlying right wing which bears a file of cuticular teeth against the underlying left wing which carries a sclerotised scraper. During stridulation, specialised areas of membrane on both wings are set into oscillating vibrations to produce acoustic radiation. The location of females is unknown to the calling males and thus increasing effective signal range in all directions will maximise transmission effectiveness. However, producing an omnidirectional sound field of high sound pressure levels may be problematic due to the mechanical asymmetry found in this sound generation system. Mechanical asymmetry occurs by the right wing coming to partially cover the left wing during the closing stroke phase of stridulation. As such, it is hypothesised that the sound field on the left-wing side of the animal will contain lower sound pressure components than on the right-wing side as a result of this coverage. This hypothesis was tested using a novel method to accurately record a high resolution, three dimensional mapping of sound pressure levels around restrained Gryllus bimaculatus field crickets singing under pharmacological stimulation. The results indicate that a bilateral asymmetry is present across individuals, with greater amplitude components present in the right wing side of the animal. Individual variation in sound pressure to either the right or left-wing side is also observed. However, statistically significant differences in bilateral sound field asymmetry as presented here may not affect signalling in the field

    2D Confinement of Thermal Gradients in Metallic Non-local Spin Valves

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    Non-local spin valves (NLSVs) are a valuable tool in the growing field of spintronics due to their unique ability to separate charge current from pure spin current. Their potential applications as read heads for hard-disk drives, as well as use as logic gates and other spin sensors, makes detailed understanding of their behavior under a wide range of operating conditions very important. In this dissertation, I present results of extreme thermal engineering of the supporting substrate of NLSVs, which has a dramatic impact on the background signal of the device as well as contributions from thermal spin effects such as the anomalous Nernst effect. With use of two-dimensional finite-element modeling of the thermal profile across the NLSV, this yields a value for the anomalous Nernst coefficient (anomalous Nernst angle) for permalloy (Ni80Fe02) of 0.17, in good agreement with other published work. I then extend this successful model to a wider range of temperatures and device geometries to investigate the temperature dependence of the anomalous Nernst angle. Finally, I propose a new membrane-supported measurement circuit to test the effect of the nanowire shape on the absolute Seebeck coefficient of a material at a wide range of temperatures, in order to determine the effect this may have on our calculated values. I also show two-dimensional finite-element models as proof of concept for these new circuits

    The Importance of the Informal Sector of Ghana to Savings and Loans Companies

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    The informal sector plays a critical and controversial role. It provides jobs and reduces unemployment and underemployment, but in many cases the jobs are low-paid and the job security is poor. It bolsters entrepreneurial activity, but at the detriment of state regulations compliance, particularly regarding tax and labor regulations. In the mist of this controversy, a growing number of savings and loans companies have made the sector their primary target. It was therefore necessary to conduct a research to investigate the importance of the informal sector to savings and loans companies. The objectives of the research were to examine the risks of the informal sector to savings and loans companies, to examine the benefits of the informal sector to savings and loans companies and to assess relationship between the informal sector and savings and loans companies. The research adopted both probability and non-probability sampling methods. A quota of 15 respondents was given to each of the four companies namely Procredit, Ezi, Opportunity and Garden City Savings and Loans companies. Then the purposive and simple random techniques were used to select the 15 respondents of each company. The purposive technique was used to select accountants and marketers of the companies. This was due to the category involvement, knowledge and experience. The simple random technique ensured that each respondent stood an equal chance of being selected. The sample size for the study was 60. The research found out that the informal sector is highly important to savings and loans companies in Ghana as the benefits of doing business with them far out-weighs the associated costs. Key words: Informal sector, Savings and loan

    Arthroscopy or ultrasound in undergraduate anatomy education: a randomized cross-over controlled trial

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    Background: The exponential growth of image-based diagnostic and minimally invasive interventions requires a detailed three-dimensional anatomical knowledge and increases the demand towards the undergraduate anatomical curriculum. This randomized controlled trial investigates whether musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSUS) or arthroscopic methods can increase the anatomical knowledge uptake. Methods: Second-year medical students were randomly allocated to three groups. In addition to the compulsory dissection course, the ultrasound group (MSUS) was taught by eight, didactically and professionally trained, experienced student-teachers and the arthroscopy group (ASK) was taught by eight experienced physicians. The control group (CON) acquired the anatomical knowledge only via the dissection course. Exposure (MSUS and ASK) took place in two separate lessons (75 minutes each, shoulder and knee joint) and introduced standard scan planes using a 10-MHz ultrasound system as well as arthroscopy tutorials at a simulator combined with video tutorials. The theoretical anatomic learning outcomes were tested using a multiple-choice questionnaire (MCQ), and after cross-over an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). Differences in student's perceptions were evaluated using Likert scale-based items. Results: The ASK-group (n = 70, age 23.4 (20--36) yrs.) performed moderately better in the anatomical MC exam in comparison to the MSUS-group (n = 84, age 24.2 (20--53) yrs.) and the CON-group (n = 88, 22.8 (20--33) yrs.; p = 0.019). After an additional arthroscopy teaching 1 % of students failed the MC exam, in contrast to 10 % in the MSUS- or CON-group, respectively. The benefit of the ASK module was limited to the shoulder area (p < 0.001). The final examination (OSCE) showed no significant differences between any of the groups with good overall performances. In the evaluation, the students certified the arthroscopic tutorial a greater advantage concerning anatomical skills with higher spatial imagination in comparison to the ultrasound tutorial (p = 0.002; p < 0.001). Conclusions: The additional implementation of arthroscopy tutorials to the dissection course during the undergraduate anatomy training is profitable and attractive to students with respect to complex joint anatomy. Simultaneous teaching of basic-skills in musculoskeletal ultrasound should be performed by medical experts, but seems to be inferior to the arthroscopic 2D-3D-transformation, and is regarded by students as more difficult to learn. Although arthroscopy and ultrasound teaching do not have a major effect on learning joint anatomy, they have the potency to raise the interest in surgery

    Present status of perch fishery resources in India and its prospects

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    The perch resources and fisheries In India have been dealt with. As seen from the statewise perch production during 1969-19Q1, on an average 27,184 tonnes of parches were landed in India with fluctuation from 12,865 In 1969 to 49,312 in 1978. The gearwise and statewise perch production from 1982-83 to 1984-85 indicates that the mechanised units contributed 72.4 % and nonmechanised 27.6 %. Among mechanised units, the trawlers have landed the major portion of the catch (68 4 % ) . The State wise species composition of perch landings indicate that the threadtin breams formed more than 50% of the catch- During 1982-83 and 1S83-84. the perch production of Tamil Nadu was higher than all other states whereas during 1984 85, Kerala was the first in perch production followed by Andhrapradesh and Tamil Nadu- The different groups of perches landed by trawl and gill net units at different important landing centres on the east and west coast of Indian show that in all the centres the catch rates of trawlers were higher. The higher catch rate in trawl net operations In Sasoons Dock and New ferry Wharf was due to voyage fishing for more than a da

    Quantum complexities of ordered searching, sorting, and element distinctness

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    We consider the quantum complexities of the following three problems: searching an ordered list, sorting an un-ordered list, and deciding whether the numbers in a list are all distinct. Letting N be the number of elements in the input list, we prove a lower bound of \frac{1}{\pi}(\ln(N)-1) accesses to the list elements for ordered searching, a lower bound of \Omega(N\log{N}) binary comparisons for sorting, and a lower bound of \Omega(\sqrt{N}\log{N}) binary comparisons for element distinctness. The previously best known lower bounds are {1/12}\log_2(N) - O(1) due to Ambainis, \Omega(N), and \Omega(\sqrt{N}), respectively. Our proofs are based on a weighted all-pairs inner product argument. In addition to our lower bound results, we give a quantum algorithm for ordered searching using roughly 0.631 \log_2(N) oracle accesses. Our algorithm uses a quantum routine for traversing through a binary search tree faster than classically, and it is of a nature very different from a faster algorithm due to Farhi, Goldstone, Gutmann, and Sipser.Comment: This new version contains new results. To appear at ICALP '01. Some of the results have previously been presented at QIP '01. This paper subsumes the papers quant-ph/0009091 and quant-ph/000903