
Present status of perch fishery resources in India and its prospects


The perch resources and fisheries In India have been dealt with. As seen from the statewise perch production during 1969-19Q1, on an average 27,184 tonnes of parches were landed in India with fluctuation from 12,865 In 1969 to 49,312 in 1978. The gearwise and statewise perch production from 1982-83 to 1984-85 indicates that the mechanised units contributed 72.4 % and nonmechanised 27.6 %. Among mechanised units, the trawlers have landed the major portion of the catch (68 4 % ) . The State wise species composition of perch landings indicate that the threadtin breams formed more than 50% of the catch- During 1982-83 and 1S83-84. the perch production of Tamil Nadu was higher than all other states whereas during 1984 85, Kerala was the first in perch production followed by Andhrapradesh and Tamil Nadu- The different groups of perches landed by trawl and gill net units at different important landing centres on the east and west coast of Indian show that in all the centres the catch rates of trawlers were higher. The higher catch rate in trawl net operations In Sasoons Dock and New ferry Wharf was due to voyage fishing for more than a da

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