4,136 research outputs found

    Fibre composite railway sleeper design by using FE approach and optimization techniques

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    This research work aims to develop an optimal design using Finite Element (FE) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) methods to replace the traditional concrete and timber material by a Synthetic Polyurethane fibre glass composite material in railway sleepers. The conventional timber railway sleeper technology is associated with several technical problems related to its durability and ability to resist cutting and abrading action of the bearing plate. The use of pre-stress concrete sleeper in railway industry has many disadvantages related to the concrete material behaviour to resist dynamic stress that may lead to a significant mechanical damage with feasible fissures and cracks. Scientific researchers have recently developed a new composite material such as Glass Fibre Reinforced Polyurethane (GFRP) foam to replace the conventional one. The mechanical properties of these materials are reliable enough to help solving structural problems such as durability, light weight, long life span (50-60 years), less water absorption, provide electric insulation, excellent resistance of fatigue and ability to recycle. This paper suggests appropriate sleeper design to reduce the volume of the material. The design optimization shows that the sleeper length is more sensitive to the loading type than the other parameters

    Finite element analysis of fibre composite sandwich panel

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    This research work aims to understand the behaviour of fibre composite sandwich panel by using nonlinear Finite Element (FE) method. The original FRP sandwich panel is associated with waste of materials usage related to its ability to resist the external load and stay in the working load serviceability. The experimental analysis was done by CEEFC in the University of Southern Queensland and it showed that the failure load is (5-10) times the working load recommended by EUROCOMP. The analysis of composite FRP panel using 3D solid Finite Element and shell element shows a relatively accurate simulation for the behaviour of the FRP panel compare to the experimental results. The objective of this research is to verify the behaviour of FRP sandwich panel by using finite element methods. The numerical finite element model using traditional available ABAQUS software was developed to simulate the structural behaviour of FRP panel

    Paleogene-Early Neogene palynomorphs from the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic and Southeastern Florida, USA: Biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental implications

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    The transition from greenhouse conditions (Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, PETM) to icehouse conditions (Early Oligocene) is not well documented in tropical-subtropical regions. One hundred and five samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 959 (Hole 959A and Hole 959D) in the Cote d\u27Ivoire-Ghana Transform Margin, Alo-1 Well in the northern Niger Delta (Anambra) Basin, Nigeria, and W-17001 in southeastern Florida were studied for their palynological contents. Dinoflagellate cysts were mainly utilized for age refinement and to detect subtle changes in paleoenvironment and paleoclimate during the Paleocene-Early Eocene (ODP Hole 959D and Alo-1 Well) and Late Eocene-Early Miocene (ODP Hole 959A and W-17001). Palynofacies analysis and lithologic descriptions supplemented palynomorph data for paleoenvironmental reconstructions in ODP Hole 959A and W-17001. In ODP Hole 959D, five biozones were erected, a Late Paleocene hiatus event was identified, four new dinoflagellate cyst species were formally named, and an outer neritic paleoenvironment was inferred. The paleoenvironment was shallower (inner neritic) in the Alo-1 Well which yielded two new species and had four biozones. Five biozones were established for the Late Eocene-Early Miocene interval in ODP Hole 959A, proposed the Late Eocene as a new age assignment for lithologic subunit IIB, noted a hiatus event upsection, and observed new biostratigraphic ranges for two dinoflagellate cyst species. A deep paleoenvironment with relatively cold-water masses during the Early Oligocene and hyperstratified conditions was proposed. Two hiatus events and fluctuations between restricted marine and open marine paleoenvironments were inferred in the W-17001 --Abstract, page v

    Measurements of interactions between acoustic fields and nonuniform mean flow

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    Two problems crucial to the stability of longitudinal acoustic waves in solid rocket motors are examined experimentally. The first is the dissipation of energy associated with an average flow inward at the lateral boundary. Measurements reported here, though subject to considerable experimental error, show that the actual losses are much larger than predicted by the approximate one dimensional analysis. The second problem is the attenuation of waves accompanying reflection by the nonuniform flow in a choked exhaust nozzle. Empahsis in this work has been on technique, to provide data relatively easily and inexpensively. It appears that good results can be obtained in a routine manner using small supersonic wind tunnel operated as an open cycle. At least for Mach numbers up to 0.04 at the nozzle entrance, difficulties with signal/noise are satisfactorily overcome with a tracking filter

    Broadband probing magnetization dynamics of the coupled vortex state permalloy layers in nanopillars

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    Broadband magnetization response of coupled vortex state magnetic dots in layered nanopillars was explored as a function of in-plane magnetic field and interlayer separation. For dipolarly coupled circular Py(25 nm)/Cu(20 nm)/Py(25 nm) nanopillars of 600 nm diameter, a small in-plane field splits the eigenfrequencies of azimuthal spin wave modes inducing an abrupt transition between in-phase and out-of-phase kinds of the low-lying coupled spin wave modes. The critical field for this splitting is determined by antiparallel chiralities of the vortices in the layers. Qualitatively similar (although more gradual) changes occur also in the exchange coupled Py(25 nm)/Cu(1 nm)/Py(25 nm) tri-layer nanopillars. These findings are in qualitative agreement with micromagnetic dynamic simulations

    Biomechanical mechanisms underlying exosuit-induced improvements in walking economy after stroke

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    Stroke-induced hemiparetic gait is characteristically asymmetric and metabolically expensive. Weakness and impaired control of the paretic ankle contribute to reduced forward propulsion and ground clearance—walking subtasks critical for safe and efficient locomotion. Targeted gait interventions that improve paretic ankle function after stroke are therefore warranted. We have developed textile-based, soft wearable robots that transmit mechanical power generated by off-board or body-worn actuators to the paretic ankle using Bowden cables (soft exosuits) and have demonstrated the exosuits can overcome deficits in paretic limb forward propulsion and ground clearance, ultimately reducing the metabolic cost of hemiparetic walking. This study elucidates the biomechanical mechanisms underlying exosuit-induced reductions in metabolic power. We evaluated the relationships between exosuit-induced changes in the body center of mass (COM) power generated by each limb, individual joint powers, and metabolic power. Compared to walking with an exosuit unpowered, exosuit assistance produced more symmetrical COM power generation during the critical period of the step-to-step transition (22.4±6.4% more symmetric). Changes in individual limb COM power were related to changes in paretic (R2= 0.83, P= 0.004) and nonparetic (R2= 0.73, P= 0.014) ankle power. Interestingly, despite the exosuit providing direct assistance to only the paretic limb, changes in metabolic power were related to changes in nonparetic limb COM power (R2= 0.80, P= 0.007), not paretic limb COM power (P> 0.05). These findings provide a fundamental understanding of how individuals poststroke interact with an exosuit to reduce the metabolic cost of hemiparetic walking.Accepted manuscript2019-03-0

    Campylobacter jejuni colonization promotes the translocation of Escherichia coli to extra-intestinal organs and disturbs the short-chain fatty acids profiles in the chicken gut

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    For a long time Campylobacter was only considered as a commensal microorganism in avian hosts restricted to the ceca, without any pathogenic features. The precise reasons for the symptomless chicken carriers are still unknown, but investigations of the gastrointestinal ecology of broiler chickens may improve our understanding of the microbial interactions with the host. Therefore, the current studies were conducted to investigate the effects of Campylobacter jejuni colonization on Escherichia coli translocation and on the metabolic end products (short-chain fatty acids, SCFAs). Following oral infection of 14 day old broiler chickens with 1 Ă— 108 CFU of Campylobacter jejuni NCTC 12744 in two independent animal trials, it was found that C. jejuni heavily colonized the intestine and disseminate to extra-intestinal organs. Moreover, in both animal trials, the findings revealed that C. jejuni promoted the translocation of E. coli with a higher number encountered in the spleen and liver at 14 days post infection (dpi). In addition, Campylobacter affected the microbial fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract of broilers by reducing the amount of propionate, isovalerate, and isobutyrate in the cecal digesta of the infected birds at 2 dpi and, at 7 and 14 dpi, butyrate, isobutyrate, and isovalerate were also decreased. However, in the jejunum, the C. jejuni infection lowered only butyrate concentrations at 14 dpi. These data indicated that C. jejuni may utilize SCFAs as carbon sources to promote its colonization in the chicken gut, suggesting that Campylobacter cannot only alter gut colonization dynamics but might also influence physiological processes due to altered microbial metabolite profiles. Finally, the results demonstrated that C. jejuni can cross the intestinal epithelial barrier and facilitates the translocation of Campylobacter itself as well as of other enteric microorganisms such as E. coli to extra-intestinal organs of infected birds. Altogether, our findings suggest that the Campylobacter carrier state in chicken is characterised by multiple changes in the intestinal barrier function, which supports multiplication and survival within the host

    D-003 (Saccharum officinarum): The forgotten lipid-lowering agent.

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    Reduction of elevated cholesterol levels, particularly low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), is essential in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Therefore there is still a large need for new effective drugs, which would be able to essentially reduce LDL-C and in the consequence CV residual risk. D-003 is a mixture of high aliphatic primary acids purified from sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) wax. It showed promising hypocholesterolemic effects in both animal and human studies; it significantly lowers both serum total cholesterol (TC) and LDL-C, and increases high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). In addition, it showed a favorable safety profile. In this review, we evaluated the profile of D-003 as a lipid-lowering agent based on data from available preclinical and clinical studies
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