490 research outputs found

    Can Online Sentiment Help Predict Dow Jones Industrial Average Returns?

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    In this paper, we explore the relationship between a Global Mood Time Series, provided by Wall Street Birds, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) from April 2011 to December 2011. My econometric results show that there is no long run equilibrium relationship between the level of global mood and the level of the DJIA. These results apply to the whole period, as well as in the six-month subperiods. Furthermore, daily changes in global mood do not Granger cause DJIA returns. However, changes in global mood do appear to be useful in forecasting the volatility of the DJIA, and my results suggest that GARCH models of volatility of large-cap indexes, and potentially the market as a whole, could be strengthened by including online sentiment measures of Big Data. Measuring global mood, and quantifying its impacts, can potentially lead to superior portfolio construction as forecasting volatility is an important input in portfolio optimization. The results, as a whole, suggest that Big Data can have important implications for investment decision-making

    Effect of acupressure on cervical ripening

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    Background: Cervical ripening is one of the main stages of initiation labor. Acupressure in Chinese medicine is considered as an invasive technique, which through reliving oxytocin ripens the cervix. Acupoint Sanyinjiao (SP6) was selected in this study because it is the acupoint selected in gynecology and it is easy for women to locate and apply pressure without medical assistance. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of acupressure on cervical ripening. Patients and Methods: In this randomized clinical trial, 150 primigravida with term pregnancy who had referred to Deziani hospital in Gorgan were chosen and divided to three groups: in the first group acupressure was done by the researcher while in the second groups this was performed by the mother her self, and the third group served as a control and only received routine care. For both intervention groups the pressure was applied on Sp6 for about 20 minutes during one to five days. Elements were checked from cervical ripening at 48 and 96 hours after intervention and at the time of hospitalization. The tools for gathering information included demographic characteristics and midwifery history questionnaire, daily records and follow up forms. Content validity was used for validity of tools. Reliability of the observation check-list and physical examination was confirmed by inter-rater scores (inter observer), and daily records by test-re-test. Data was analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA), Kruskal-Wallis and Chi-squared tests (P ≤ 0.05). Results: There was a significant difference between mothers’ educations in the three groups. Most of the mothers (59.5%) in the researcher-performed acupressure group had secondary education. Cervical ripening was significantly different between the three groups after 48 hours (P ≤ 0.05), yet there was no significant difference after 96 hours and at the time of admission. Mean Bishop score was enhanced after 48 hours in the researcher-performed acupressure group (P ≤ 0.021) and the self-performed acupressure group (P ≤ 0.007) in comparison to the control group. Conclusions: The results showed that acupressure is a safe technique and leads to cervical ripening. Thus, regarding the desired results that were achieved when mothers applied acupressure themselves, it could be suggested that it is beneficial for mothers to be trained to apply this method at home. © 2015, Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal

    Peranan Bauran Promosi Terhadap Peningkatan Volume Penjualan (Studi Kasus Pada Dealer Sepeda Motor Honda PT Nusantara Surya Sakti Bululawang)

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    Nowadays technology is developing increasingly sophisticated requiring companies must increasingly compete one on motor cycles. The marketing mix is one of the tools used to gain market share. Promotional mix is part of the marketing mix that is most important in gaining market share. According to Kotler and Armstrong (2004: 600), as one of the four processes of the marketing mix, promotion is an important aspect given the promotion was most recently conducted the company having established three other marketing mix. And because it also has four important variables promotion namely sales promotion, advertising, sales individuals, Hubungnan community, and direct sales. This study measures how large a role the promotional Mix of rising sales volume each year for four years starting from 2010 until 2013. The location of the research done at the Honda Motorcycle Dealership PT Nusantara Surya Sakti (NSS) Bululawang


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    Aria K, Rendy. 2018. Penyutradaraan Film Pendek Rindu Aksara bersuara. Tugas Akhir. Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual. Fakultas Industri Kreatif. Universitas Telkom. Etiket seoarang mahasiswa kepada dosen di dalam menggunakan bahasa dalam pesan singkat terkadang dikesampingkan. Sehingga sering kali terjadi kesalahpahaman anatara kedua belah pihak. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan efek berantai yang tentunya berdampak buruk bagi keberlangsungan karir bagi mahasiswa itu sendiri. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan sebuah media untuk mengingatkan dan memebrikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi yaitu film pendek. Film pendek merupakan media yang tepat dalam menyampaikan pesan di kalangan mahasiswa. Pemilihan metode dan juga analisis data menjadi suatu hal yang sangat pentingdalam pembuatan film ini. Dengan menggunakan paradigma kualitatif dibantu dengan metode fenomenologi serta dibatasi oleh pendekatan fenomenologi menjadi acuan perancang dalam mencari dan mengumpulkan data. Hasil analisa yang didapat, ditarik kesimpulannya serta dijadikan konsep film pendek. Sehingga dari konsep tersebut terciptalah gaya penyutradaraan hingga sebuah karya film fiksi yang baik dan diharapkan pesan dalam film ini dapat diterima dengan baik sehingga mahasiswa yang menjadi target utama dapat menyadari betapa pentingnya tata krama dalam berbahasa terutama dalam pesan singkat. Kata kunci : Sutradara, Film, Instant Messagin

    The World Vision International Child Empowerment Program in Yahim Village: Implementation, Impacts and Challenges

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    Indonesia guarantees the right of every child to enjoy protection from the state, including protection from sexual and economic exploitation that threatens their lives. This study attempts to assess the implementation, the impacts, and the challenges of the WVI child empowerment program from the time it was first introduced in Yahim village in 2018 to the year 2021. A qualitative method is used in this study in conjunction with a descriptive approach to explain the topic. Primary sources, such as interviews, field notes, personal documents, and other official documents, as well as secondary sources, such as books, journals, and media articles, are also used in this study. This article shows that WVI implemented the programs successfully, despite facing some external challenges. The program has had some impacts, including a decrease in cases of violence against children, an increase in children's interest in literacy and gender equality, and children's activeness in expressing their voices about their rights. A key conclusion is that providing children with access to empowerment programs should be sustained as it will result in better long-term outcomes. Hence, WVI and other humanitarian organizations need to expand similar programs to other villages/ communities

    Desain Interior Toko Buku Uranus dan Kafe Libreria dengan Konsep Eco Industrial

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    Membaca adalah salah satu kegiatan yang berguna untuk menambah wawasan. Wawasan sangat penting untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan sehingga masyarakat dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dan meningkatkan daya saing mereka. Hasil survey UNESCO pada tahun 2011 dikatakan bahwa minat baca masyarakat Indonesia hanya berkisar 0.001% yang berarti, dari 1000 masyarakat Indonesia hanya 1 orang yang memiliki minat baca. Sementara UNDP merilis angka melek huruf orang dewasa Indonesia hanya 65,5%, sedangkan Malaysia sudah mencapai 86,4 persen. Menurut perhitungan presentase UNESCO, Indonesia merupakan negara dengan tingkat minat membaca yang paling rendah di Asia. Toko buku Uranus Surabaya membuka sebuah kafe bernama Libreria Eatery sebagai salah satu usaha untuk meningkatkan pengunjung toko buku Uranus sendiri. Metode desain meliputi pengumpulan data lewat pengamatan lapangan dan penyebaran kuisioner kepada pengunjung dan remaja di surabaya. Metode pengumpulan data dilanjutkan dengan melakukan analisa sehingga didapatkan permasalahan dalam desain interior toko buku dan kafe tersebut dan dapat diberikan solusi solusi untuk pemecahan masalah interior yang ada serta dapat diterapkan pada elemen elemen pembangun ruang interiornya. Konsep desain yang akan diterapkan adalah konsep Eco Industrial dimana konsep industrial adalah sebuah konsep yang disesuaikan dengan kehidupan perkotaan serta mengikuti tren yang diminati oleh remaja sehingga dapat meningkatkan minat remaja untuk mengunjungi toko buku. Konsep eco sendiri sebagai penyeimbang konsep industrial untuk memberikan kesan dinamis serta pemanfaat 3R yaitu Recycle, Reuse, Reduce dapat memberi nilai positif untuk bisnis tersebut
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