12 research outputs found

    Evaluation the Pollution of Sediments of the Shatt Al-Hillah with Heavy Metals by Using the Pollution Indices

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    اهتمت  هذه  الدراسة بتقييم مستوى  تراكيز الملوثات  من المعادن الثقيلة التالية  (Hg، Pb V، Cr، Co، Ni، As، Rb، Sr، Zr، Mo، Cu، Zn، Th، U)، لرواسب من ضفاف شط الحلة .أجريت الدراسة في قسم علم الأرض في كلية العلوم ، جامعة بابل ، تم جمع 14 عينة من الرواسب من ضفاف نهر شط الحلة اظهرت نتائج الفحوصات ان  متوسط ​​تركيز المعادن الثقيلة في رواسب ضفاف النهر بالترتيب التنازلي: Sr (360.6) السنترونشيوم  ، Cr (285.9)  الكروم،  النيكلNi (203.2 ، Co (169.9  الكوبلت Zr (166.3  الزركونيوم ،  الفناديوم V. (116.4)، Zn (91.6) الخارصين ،  النحاس Cu (48.8)، Rb (41.9) الروبيديوم ،  الرصاص Pb (18.1)،  As الزرنيخ  (11.1)، Hg الزئبق  (5.7)،  الثوريوم Th (4.2  الموليبدنوم Mo (3.7) ،  U  اليورانيوم (2 (ملغرام/لتر) ، وكان مؤشر التراكم  (Igeo) للزئبق لخمس محطات على طول النهر أكبر من 3.0 ، والذي يشير إلى تلوث الترسبات بدرجة عالية بهذا العنصر .  وكان مؤشر التراكم  (Igeo)  لعنصر النيكل (Ni) في  12 موقعاً  ولعنصر الكوبلت في 12 موقعا أكبر من 1.0 ، يشير إلى مستوى معتدل من التلوث لرسوبيات ضفاف النهر  ، تراوحت قيمة مؤشر حمل التلوث (PLI) لمحطات أخذ العينات الإجمالية من 0.7 إلى 1.4.The level of pollutant of heavy metals (Hg, Co,  Pb V, Cr, Ni, Sr, Zr, Mo, Cu, Rb,  Zn, As,Th, U) , in the sediment samples on the banks of the Shatt al-Hillah River The study was conducted in the Department of Earth Science at the collge  of Science, University of Babylon, 14 samples of sediments  ware collected from the banks of the river of Shatt Al-Hillah. The average concentration of the heavy metal  in the sediment of the river bank  in descending order: Sr (360.6 ppm) ,Cr (285.9 ppm ), Ni (203.2 ppm), Co (169.9 ppm), Zr (166.3 ppm),. V (116.4ppm) , Zn (91.6 ppm), Cu (48.8 ppm ), Rb (41.9 ppm ), Pb (18.1 ppm), As(11.1 ppm), Hg(5.7ppm),Th (4.2 ppm),Mo(3.7 ppm), U(2ppm,. The geoaccumulation index (Igeo) for H

    Computational Analysis of High Speed Flow Over a Conical Surface with Changing the Angle of Attack

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    AbstractThe work to be presented herein is a numerical analysis of flow over a 20-degree half angle cone for compressible fluid, with Mach number of 2.5 with respect to different values of angle of attacks. The problem to be solved involves formation of shock waves so that the general characteristics of supersonic flow are explored through this problem. Shock waves and slip surfaces are discontinuities in fluid mechanics problems. It is essential to evaluate the ability of numerical technique that can solve problems in which shocks and contact surfaces occur. In particular it is necessary to understand the details of developing a mesh that will allow resolution of these discontinuitiesThe results of contour plots of pressure, temperature, density and Mach number with respect of angle of attack will show that CFD is capable of predicting accurate results and is also able to capture the discontinuities in the flow, e.g., the oblique shock waves. The global comparison between the numerical and the analytical values show a good agreement


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    .Расчетные данные по волновому коэффициенту сопротивления, температуре торможения, толщине ударного слоя и другим газодинамическим параметрам были использованы для того, чтобы показать приемлемое согласие между численными и эмпирическими результатами для обтекания сверхзвуковым потоком заостренного кругового конуса, кругового конуса со сферическим носиком и усеченного конуса. Из анализа численных данных, позволяющих получить представление о рассмотренных физических явлениях, можно сделать вывод, что использованные эмпирические соотношения могут быть рекомендованы для верификации разрабатываемого нового программного обеспечения вычислительной гидрогазодинамики, а также для оценки свойств применяемых вычислительных сеток. Это позволяет получать более точные результаты, а также разрешить такие особенности сверхзвукового потока, как ударные волны и контактные границы

    Questioning the Appropriateness of Examining Guanxi in a Wasta Environment: Why Context Should be Front and Center in Informal Network Research. A Commentary on “De-Linking From Western Epistemologies: Using Guanxi-Type Relationships to Attract and Retain Hotel Guests in the Middle East

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    n this commentary we reflect on Shaalan, Eid, and Tourky’s (2022)article in which they investigated the Chinese concept and practice of guanxi in the Middle East1, a region in which wasta represents the common way of informal networking. While we encourage and welcome research into informal networks, we have serious concerns about the conceptual and methodological approaches taken by Shaalan et al.(2022) in investigating informal networks in the Middle East and we explain herein why we do not believe guanxi should have been used in place of wasta. In this commentary, we commence by introducing wasta,the dominant concept in the Middle East, which Shaalan et al.(2022) disregarded. Then we reflect on the conceptual approach of researching an indigenous network construct in a foreign environment of a different culture which already has its own informal networks. In the commentary we also point out areas of concern in relation to research design and methodology. Finally, we provide suggestions for future research on informal networks, and we explicitly encourage further debate which draws on our commentary

    Classification of Diabetes Using Feature Selection and Hybrid Al-Biruni Earth Radius and Dipper Throated Optimization

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    Introduction: In public health, machine learning algorithms have been used to predict or diagnose chronic epidemiological disorders such as diabetes mellitus, which has reached epidemic proportions due to its widespread occurrence around the world. Diabetes is just one of several diseases for which machine learning techniques can be used in the diagnosis, prognosis, and assessment procedures. Methodology: In this paper, we propose a new approach for boosting the classification of diabetes based on a new metaheuristic optimization algorithm. The proposed approach proposes a new feature selection algorithm based on a dynamic Al-Biruni earth radius and dipper-throated optimization algorithm (DBERDTO). The selected features are then classified using a random forest classifier with its parameters optimized using the proposed DBERDTO. Results: The proposed methodology is evaluated and compared with recent optimization methods and machine learning models to prove its efficiency and superiority. The overall accuracy of diabetes classification achieved by the proposed approach is 98.6%. On the other hand, statistical tests have been conducted to assess the significance and the statistical difference of the proposed approach based on the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. Conclusions: The results of these tests confirmed the superiority of the proposed approach compared to the other classification and optimization methods