100 research outputs found

    A comparison between the efficacy of dydrogesterone and calcium plus vitamin D in improving women’s general health

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    Objective: The aim of this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial was to evaluate the effect of dydrogesterone and calcium plus vitamin D on young women's general health. Method: One hundred and eighty students studying at Shiraz University were recruited. Students completed the General Health Questionnaires (GHQ-28) prior to participation. They were then randomly assigned to take a tablet containing either 5 mg of dydrogesterone, 500 mg of calcium plus 200 mg of vitamin D, or a placebo twice daily from the 15th to the 24th day of their menstrual cycle for 2 consecutive cycles, and to complete the same questionnaires during both the intervention cycles. Results: The effects of dydrogesterone and calcium plus vitamin D on general health scores were similar during the first month of intervention (11.41±4.28, 12.23±3.76, respectively) (p>0.05) and both of them were more effective than placebo (16.69±3.28) (

    Prevalence of Human Monkeypox virus

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    ظهر جدري القرود في بلدان وسط وغرب إفريقيا. تم التعرف على نوعين متميزين ، نوع غرب أفريقيا والنوع الكونغو ، والمعروف أيضًا بنوع إفريقيا الوسطى ، تم اكتشافه لأول مرة في عام 1958 ، بينما تم تشخيص أول حالة بشرية للمرض في عام 1970 في الجمهورية من الكونغو في طفل يبلغ من العمر 7 سنوات ، وانتشر جدري القرود بشكل أساسي في دول وسط وغرب إفريقيا ، حيث تم تسجيل المرض خارج قارة إفريقيا 3 مرات فقط بحلول عام 2022 ، تم العثور على أدلة على جدري القرود في الحيوانات بما في ذلك السناجب والجرذان. تتراوح فترة الحضانة من 5-21 يومًا ، وينتقل جدرى القرود للإنسان عن طريق الاتصال بالفيروس المسبب له ؛ الفم والاتصال بالحيوانات المصابة ، بما في ذلك الفئران والجرذان والسناجب ، وهو أمر شائع لانتقال جدري القرود في إفريقيا ، أثناء عضات الحيوانات من الحيوانات المصابة إلى البشر. ملامسة فرو أو جلد الحيوانات أو ما يخرج منها من الدم أو سوائل الجسم. ينتقل الفيروس من الأم إلى الجنين. تتشابه الأعراض الرئيسية لجدري القرود مع أعراض الجدري ، لكنها أكثر اعتدالًا ، والفرق الوحيد هو تورم الغدد الليمفاوية والحمى والصداع وآلام الظهر والسعال والتهاب الحلق وانسداد الأنف والتعب والإرهاق والتعرق. يبدأ الطفح الجلدي لجدري القرود بالظهور بعد 1-3 أيام من المريض المصاب بالحمى التي تظهر على الوجه أولاً ، ثم يبدأ الجسم بالانتشار إلى باقي الأجزاء مثل اليدين والساقين وداخل الفم والأعضاء التناسلية. والملتحمة والقرنية. من مضاعفات جدري القرود عدوى بكتيرية ثانوية ، مثل الالتهاب الرئوي والتهاب الدماغ والتهاب العين.  Monkeypox virus appeared in the countries of Central and West Africa. Two distinct species have been identified, the West African type and the Congo type, also known as the Central African type.In the outbreak of monkeypox was first discovered in 1958, while the first human case of the disease was diagnosed in 1970 in the Republic of the Congo in a 7-year-old child. The incubation period ranges from 5-21 days.Monkeypox is transmitted to humans by contact with the virus that causes it through;Mouth and contact with infected animals, including mice, rats, and squirrels, common for monkeypox transmission in Africa, during animal bites from infected animals to humans. Touching the fur or skin of animals, or what comes out of them from blood or bodily fluids. In the case of monkeypox, the virus is transmitted from the mother to the fetus. The main symptoms of monkeypox are similar to the symptoms of smallpox, but they are milder, with the only difference being swollen lymph nodes, fever, headache, backache, cough, sore throat, stuffy nose, fatigue, exhaustion and sweating. The rash of monkeypox begins to appear after 1 - 3 days from the patient with fever, which appears on the face first, then the body begins to spread to the rest of the parts, such as the hands, legs, inside the mouth, genitals, conjunctiva, and the cornea. A complication of monkeypox is Secondary bacterial infection, such as pneumonia, encephalitis, and eye infection

    Adherence to Medications in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease in Oman

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of adherence to medications in patients with IHD in Oman and assess the factors influencing it. Methods: This was a cross sectional questionnaire-based study among patients with IHD. Results: A total of 105 patients (Mean age 49.9+11.1 years; 78.1% male) were recruited. Most of the patients take the medications by themselves (84 or 80%). 77 patients (73.3%) said that over the preceding two weeks, they missed at least three doses. The reasons for missing included forgetting (100%), too many tablets (57%), not effective (48%) and too many times a day (23%). There were no factors that could be identified that made patients prone to not taking medications. Conclusion: Medication adherence was low among patients with IHD in Oman with high pill burden the most common reason for non-adherence. Physicians must keep this in mind when patients are reviewed. Keywords: Cardiovascular disease, adherence, myocardial infarction

    PILOW (Power Innovation Let’s Zero Waste) Berbasis Biopower Sebagai Alternatif Mengatasi Krisis Energi

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    The energy crisis that has occurred globally is also experienced by the people of Huntu Selatan Village, Bone Bolang Regency. Some people in the village are experiencing a crisis in electricity and the supply of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for daily life. This service activity aims to help the people of South Huntu Village overcome this problem by processing waste into alternative energy sources through the PILOW (Power Innovation Lets Zero Waste) Program with the concept of zero waste go-green energy and a back-to-back system, using biodigester tank technology . Activities use participatory methods in the form of workshops, through stages: preparation, implementation, practice and testing of tools, evaluation, and mentoring. Through this program, the people of Huntu Selatan Village who are members of the Karang Taruna group are able to process waste into an alternative energy source which has the opportunity to overcome the electricity crisis and LPG supply for daily life. This program is continued through assistance and collaboration with the Go-Green Gorontalo community

    Angular and energy dependence of ion bombardment of Mo/Si multilayers

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    The process of ion bombardment is investigated for the fabrication of Mo/Si multilayer x-ray mirrors using e-beam evaporation. The ion treatment is applied immediately after deposition of each of the Si layers to smoothen the layers by removing an additional thickness of the Si layer. In this study the parameters of Kr+ ion bombardment have been optimized within the energy range 300 eV-2 keV and an angular range between 20 degrees and 50 degrees. The optical performance of the Mo/Si multilayers is determined by absolute measurements of the near-normal-incidence reflectivity at 14.4 nm wavelength. The multilayer structures are analyzed further with small-angle reflectivity measurements using both specular reflectivity and diffuse x-ray scattering. The optimal smoothening parameters are obtained by determining the effect of ion bombardment on the interface roughness of the Si layer. The optimal conditions are found to be 2 keV at 50 degrees angle of incidence with respect to the surface. These settings result in 47% reflectivity at 85 degrees (lambda = 14.4 nm) for a 16-period Mo/Si multilayer mirror, corresponding to an interface roughness of 0.21 nm rms. Analysis shows that the interface roughness is determined by ion induced viscous flow, an effect which increases with ion energy as well as angle of incidence. In order to determine the effect of intermixing of the Si and Mo atoms, the penetration depth of the Kr+ ions is calculated as a function of ion energy and angle of incidence. Furthermore, the angular dependence of the etch yield, obtained from the in situ reflectivity measurements, is investigated in order o determine the optimal ion beam parameters for the production of multilayer mirrors on curved substrates. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics

    Intravaginal lactic acid gel versus oral metronidazole for treating women with recurrent bacterial vaginosis : the VITA randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Bacterial vaginosis is a common and distressing condition for women. Short-term antibiotic treatment is usually clinically effective, but recurrence is common. We assessed the effectiveness of intravaginal lactic acid gel versus oral metronidazole for treating recurrent bacterial vaginosis. Methods: We undertook an open-label, multicentre, parallel group, randomised controlled trial in nineteen UK sexual health clinics and a university health centre. Women aged ≥ 16 years, with current bacterial vaginosis symptoms and a preceding history of bacterial vaginosis, were randomised in a 1:1 ratio using a web-based minimisation algorithm, to 400 mg twice daily oral metronidazole tablets or 5 ml once daily intravaginal lactic acid gel, for 7 days. Masking of participants was not possible. The primary outcome was participant-reported resolution of symptoms within 2 weeks. Secondary outcomes included time to first recurrence of symptoms, number of recurrences and repeat treatments over 6 months and side effects. Results: Five hundred and eighteen participants were randomised before the trial was advised to stop recruiting by the Data Monitoring Committee. Primary outcome data were available for 79% (204/259) allocated to metronidazole and 79% (205/259) allocated to lactic acid gel. Resolution of bacterial vaginosis symptoms within 2 weeks was reported in 70% (143/204) receiving metronidazole versus 47% (97/205) receiving lactic acid gel (adjusted risk difference -23·2%; 95% confidence interval -32.3 to -14·0%). In those participants who had initial resolution and for whom 6 month data were available, 51 of 72 (71%) women in the metronidazole group and 32 of 46 women (70%) in the lactic acid gel group had recurrence of symptoms, with median times to first recurrence of 92 and 126 days, respectively. Reported side effects were more common following metronidazole than lactic acid gel (nausea 32% vs. 8%; taste changes 18% vs. 1%; diarrhoea 20% vs. 6%, respectively). Conclusions: Metronidazole was more effective than lactic acid gel for short-term resolution of bacterial vaginosis symptoms, but recurrence is common following both treatments. Lactic acid gel was associated with fewer reported side effects. Trial registration: ISRCTN14161293, prospectively registered on 18th September 2017