2,829 research outputs found

    Challenges in imaging and predictive modeling of rhizosphere processes

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    Background Plant-soil interaction is central to human food production and ecosystem function. Thus, it is essential to not only understand, but also to develop predictive mathematical models which can be used to assess how climate and soil management practices will affect these interactions. Scope In this paper we review the current developments in structural and chemical imaging of rhizosphere processes within the context of multiscale mathematical image based modeling. We outline areas that need more research and areas which would benefit from more detailed understanding. Conclusions We conclude that the combination of structural and chemical imaging with modeling is an incredibly powerful tool which is fundamental for understanding how plant roots interact with soil. We emphasize the need for more researchers to be attracted to this area that is so fertile for future discoveries. Finally, model building must go hand in hand with experiments. In particular, there is a real need to integrate rhizosphere structural and chemical imaging with modeling for better understanding of the rhizosphere processes leading to models which explicitly account for pore scale processes

    Hindered Rotation in Methyl Alcohol with Note on Ethyl Alcohol

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    The potential barrier to the internal rotation in methyl alcohol is recalculated from the entropy with the aid of new molecular dimensions generously provided by Burkhard and Dennison. The barrier calculation is examined for temperature dependence and checked for reliability by recalculation with the Clapeyron equation substituted for parts of the data. The result is 1600±700 cal./mole, which includes the new spectroscopic barrier of Burkhard and Dennison at 326 cm−1. Within the range covered by the result, a residual entropy up to 0.50 cal./mole deg. is possible, and the retention of 0.46 e.u. by the crystal is consistent with a reasonable simple assumption about the distribution of hydrogen bonds.It is suggested, by analogy, that the barrier to the hydroxyl group rotation in ethyl alcohol should be about 1000 cal./mole.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/71293/2/JCPSA6-18-3-361-1.pd

    Development and Characterisation of a Gas System and its Associated Slow-Control System for an ATLAS Small-Strip Thin Gap Chamber Testing Facility

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    A quality assurance and performance qualification laboratory was built at McGill University for the Canadian-made small-strip Thin Gap Chamber (sTGC) muon detectors produced for the 2019-2020 ATLAS experiment muon spectrometer upgrade. The facility uses cosmic rays as a muon source to ionise the quenching gas mixture of pentane and carbon dioxide flowing through the sTGC detector. A gas system was developed and characterised for this purpose, with a simple and efficient gas condenser design utilizing a Peltier thermoelectric cooler (TEC). The gas system was tested to provide the desired 45 vol% pentane concentration. For continuous operations, a state-machine system was implemented with alerting and remote monitoring features to run all cosmic-ray data-acquisition associated slow-control systems, such as high/low voltage, gas system and environmental monitoring, in a safe and continuous mode, even in the absence of an operator.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, 14 figures, 4 tables, proof corrections for Journal of Instrumentation (JINST), including corrected Fig. 8b

    The Archaeology of First World War U-boat Losses in the English Channel and its Impact on the Historical Record

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    This paper examines how the archaeological record of 35 known U-boat wrecks sunk in WW1 in the English Channel compares with the assessment of U-boat destructions made by the Admiralty’s Antisubmarine Division (ASD) in 1919. Comparison of the two shows that only 48% of the 37 assessments was correct. This divergence between the extant archaeology and the 1919 assessment was partly caused by over optimism at ASD regarding reported attacks. However, it is also observed that ASD’s own processes were on occasion overridden by a need to overstate Allied successes, and should be seen in the broader context of a wider range of inefficiencies that confronted the Naval Staff during WW1. The same mistakes seem entirely absent from the WW2 records in the same geographical area. The research reveals that the radio silence observed by the Flanders Flotilla proved a challenge to combating its U-boats at sea, making the tracking of the U-boats and the rerouting of Allied ships practically impossible. This was a factor in the early adoption of “controlled sailings” in the Channel. It may have also been the driving factor behind the Navy’s pressure to attack the Flanders bases by land in 1917, a key component often overlooked by historians

    Recent Deformation in the Bottom Sediments of Western and Southeastern Lake Ontario and its Association with Major Structures and Seismicity

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    Geophysical surveys, undertaken in the Toronto-Burlington corridor of western Lake Ontario and in the Rochester Basin of southeastern Lake Ontario, revealed the presence of features affecting the young lake-bottom sediments. In the western part of the lake, they include inferred pop-ups in bedrock, and plumose structures, dark linear patterns, and linear belts of circular to elliptical signatures in the modern mud. In southeastern Lake Ontario the glacial and post-glacial sediments display vertical separations of on the order of 10-15 m. Pop-ups are tectonically-induced structures. The features in the modern mud commonly parallel the orientation of P-stresses measured in Paleozoic rocks nearby and, along with the pop-ups, are spatially related to an aeromagnetic lineament. Furthermore, all of these features occur within a seismically active belt. The vertical displacements of the layered glacial and post-glacial sediments, within the Rochester Basin, are located along the southern margin of the postulated WSW extension of the seismically active St. Lawrence rift system and are interpreted to be due to faulting. The geologically young age of the sediments affected by the various deformational features, along with the characteristics of the features themselves, suggest that the lake-bottom sediments surveyed in this study may have recorded the effects of neotectonic processes.Des levĂ©s gĂ©ophysiques effectuĂ©s dans le corridor Toronto-Burlington, dans l'ouest du lac Ontario, a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© la prĂ©sence d'Ă©lĂ©ments qui altĂšrent les jeunes sĂ©diments lacustres du fond. Dans la partie ouest du lac, dans la roche en place, il s'agit de structures de soulĂšvement (pop-ups) et, dans les boues rĂ©centes, de structures plumeuses, de rĂ©seaux de traits sombres et de zones linĂ©aires de tracĂ©s circulaires Ă  elliptiques. Dans la partie sud-est du lac Ontario, il y a dans les sĂ©diments glaciaires et postglaciaires des rejets verticaux de l'ordre de 10 Ă  15 m. Les structures de soulĂšvement sont d'origine tectonique. Les formes dans les boues rĂ©centes, gĂ©nĂ©ralement parallĂšles Ă  l'orientation des contraintes de compression mesurĂ©es dans les roches palĂ©ozoĂŻques voisines, sont spatialement reliĂ©s, comme les structures de soulĂšvement, Ă  un linĂ©ament aĂ©romagnĂ©tique. De plus, toutes ces formes se trouvent dans une zone sismique active. Les rejets verticaux dans les sĂ©diments glaciaires et postglaciaires stratifiĂ©s, Ă  l'intĂ©rieur du basssin de Rochester, sont localisĂ©s le long de la bordure sud du prolongement prĂ©sumĂ© WSW du systĂšme actif du rift du Saint-Laurent et sont probablement attribuables Ă  la formation de failles. La jeunesse des sĂ©diments altĂ©rĂ©s par les dĂ©formations et les caractĂ©ristiques des dĂ©formations mĂȘmes laissent croire que ces sĂ©diments ont probablement enregistrĂ© les effets de processus nĂ©otectoniques.Geophysikalische Vermessungen, die im Toronto Burlington-Korridor des westlichen Ontariosees und im Rochester-Becken des sĂčdĂŽstlichen Ontariosees durchgefĂčhrt wurden, deckten die Anwesenheit von Elementen auf, welche auf die jungen Seegrundsedimente einwirken. Im westlichen Teil des Sees bestehen sie aus Hebungen im anste-henden Gestein und im modernen Schlamm aus federartigen Strukturen, dunklen linearen Mustern und linearen GĂčrteln mit kreisformigen bis ellipsenfĂŽrmigen Umrissen. Im sĂčdĂŽstlichen Ontariosee gibt es in den glazialen und postglazialen Sedimenten verti-kale VerwĂčrfe der GrĂŽRenordnung von 10-15 m. Die Hebungen sind tektonischen Ursprungs. Die Formen im modernen Schlamm liegen im allgemeinen paralell zu der Orientierung der in den benachbarten palĂ ozoischen Felsen gemessenen P-Stresse und sind zusammen mit den Hebungen rĂ umlich mit einem aeromagnetischen Lineament verbunden. AuRerdem treten aile diĂšse Formen innerhalb eines seismisch aktiven GĂčrtels auf. Die vertikalen Verstellungen der geschichteten glazialen und postglazialen Sedimente innerhalb des Rochester-Beckens werden entlang des sĂčdlichen Rands der angenommenen WSW-VerlĂ ngerung des seismisch aktiven Sankt-Lorenz-Spaltensystems lokalisiert. Das geologisch relativ junge Alter der durch die verschiedenen Verformungen IĂ f3t vermu-ten, daB die in dieser Studie gemessenen Seegrundsedimente moglicherweise die Wirkungen neotektonischer Prozesse aufgezeichnet haben

    The nonmesonic weak decay of the hypertriton

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    The nonmesonic decay of the hypertriton is calculated based on a hypertriton wavefunction and 3N scattering states, which are rigorous solutions of 3-body Faddeev equations using realistic NN and hyperon-nucleon interactions. The pion-exchange together with heavier meson exchanges for the ΛN→NN\Lambda N \to N N transition is considered. The total nonmesonic decay rate is found to be 0.5% of the free Λ\Lambda decay rate. Integrated as well as differential decay rates are given. The p- and n- induced decays are discussed thoroughly and it is shown that the corresponding total rates cannot be measured individually.Comment: 27 pages, 20 figures, revtex, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Mean-atom-trajectory model for the velocity autocorrelation function of monatomic liquids

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    We present a model for the motion of an average atom in a liquid or supercooled liquid state and apply it to calculations of the velocity autocorrelation function Z(t)Z(t) and diffusion coefficient DD. The model trajectory consists of oscillations at a distribution of frequencies characteristic of the normal modes of a single potential valley, interspersed with position- and velocity-conserving transits to similar adjacent valleys. The resulting predictions for Z(t)Z(t) and DD agree remarkably well with MD simulations of Na at up to almost three times its melting temperature. Two independent processes in the model relax velocity autocorrelations: (a) dephasing due to the presence of many frequency components, which operates at all temperatures but which produces no diffusion, and (b) the transit process, which increases with increasing temperature and which produces diffusion. Because the model provides a single-atom trajectory in real space and time, including transits, it may be used to calculate all single-atom correlation functions.Comment: LaTeX, 8 figs. This is an updated version of cond-mat/0002057 and cond-mat/0002058 combined Minor changes made to coincide with published versio

    Energy landscape of a Lennard-Jones liquid: Statistics of stationary points

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    Molecular dynamics simulations are used to generate an ensemble of saddles of the potential energy of a Lennard-Jones liquid. Classifying all extrema by their potential energy u and number of unstable directions k, a well defined relation k(u) is revealed. The degree of instability of typical stationary points vanishes at a threshold potential energy, which lies above the energy of the lowest glassy minima of the system. The energies of the inherent states, as obtained by the Stillinger-Weber method, approach the threshold energy at a temperature close to the mode-coupling transition temperature Tc.Comment: 4 RevTeX pages, 6 eps figures. Revised versio
